View Full Version : Swedish women don headscarves after assault on Muslim

08-20-2013, 12:43 PM
Swedish women don headscarves after assault on Muslim (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23761737)

Swedish women have been posting photos of themselves in traditional Muslim headscarves in solidarity with a woman attacked apparently for wearing a veil.

Among the protesters from various faiths were politicians and TV hosts.

The "hijab outcry" campaigners urged the government to "ensure that Swedish Muslim women are guaranteed the right to... religious freedom".

The victim was taken to hospital after the attacker tore off her hijab and hit her head against a car on Saturday.

The assailant also shouted racist insults at the woman - who was pregnant - during the attack on Saturday in a Stockholm suburb, the victim's friends told Sweden's media.

Police are now investigating the incident.

'March of fascism'

Using the hashtag #hijabuppropet (hijab outcry) a number of women across Sweden published pictures of themselves on Twitter and other social media websites on Monday.

Among the protesters were lawmakers Asa Romson and Veronica Palm, and also TV host Gina Dirawi.

The campaigners said they wanted to draw attention to the "discrimination that affects Muslim women" in Sweden.

"We believe that's reason enough in a country where the number of reported hate crimes against Muslims is on the rise - and where women tie their headscarves extra tight so that it won't get ripped off - for the prime minister and other politicians to take action to stop the march of fascism," they wrote in the Aftonbladet newspaper.

In response, Justice Minister Beatrice Ask said such attacks "must be taken very seriously", according to the TT news agency.

The minister is expected to meet the campaigners on Tuesday.

08-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Thats a nice gesture :)
I dont like the Hijab but if a women wants to wear won i wont oppose it.

08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Congratulations Loki!

You are on the best way to become one of the modern soft liberal "Socialists".

While eating in Burgerking/McDonalds talking about how serious the problem of rising Fascism is. Because suddenly Fascism is the worst enemy. :rolleyes:

08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Thats a nice gesture :)


08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Congratulations Loki!

You are on the best way to become one of the modern soft liberal "Socialists".

While eating in Burgerking/McDonalds talking about how serious the problem of rising Fascism is. Because suddenly Fascism is the worst enemy. :rolleyes:

Jesus Christ ... don't shoot the messenger! :picard1: I didn't even comment on it.

08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Thats a nice gesture :)
I dont like the Hijab but if a women wants to wear won i wont oppose it.

That's so nice! Thank you immigrant for not opposing things here... :picard2:

08-20-2013, 12:49 PM
Jesus Christ ... don't shoot the messenger! :picard1: I didn't even comment on it.

That's what I see and it's not just because of this thread.

08-20-2013, 01:08 PM
That's what I see and it's not just because of this thread.

See if I care what Nazis think of me or my views :)

Aunt Hilda
08-20-2013, 01:16 PM
that poor lady. how horrible.

08-20-2013, 01:21 PM
As much as I dislike the MENA immigrants, you cannot ignore the fact an innocent woman, be it European or not, who is pregnant aswell, was attack in such a ruthless way.

Where's Mary when you need her? :P

08-20-2013, 01:25 PM
As much as I dislike the MENA immigrants, you cannot ignore the fact an innocent woman, be it European or not, who is pregnant aswell, was attack in such a ruthless way.

Where's Mary when you need her? :P

The problem here is, this incident is relatively minor compared to the many rapes and far more violent assaults against women in Sweden. But those never make the news headlines. Huge double standard.

08-20-2013, 01:26 PM
See if I care what Nazis think of me or my views :)

Oh well done! Forget what I said about the "best way to become...", you are already are one of them. Do me a favour and remove Socialism from your politics, it's simply not true.

And even if I sympathise with the early NSDAP politics, I'm not a National Socialist.

So your even your pseudo argument is useless.

Aunt Hilda
08-20-2013, 01:27 PM
Oh well done! Forget what I said about the "best way to become...", you are already are one of them. Do me a favour and remove Socialism from your politics, it's simply not true.

And even if I sympathise with the early NSDAP politics, I'm not a National Socialist.

So your even your pseudo argument is useless.

08-20-2013, 01:28 PM
And yet nobody raises an eyebrow for ethnic Swedish women constantly being attacked by muslim immigrants, it's a gross injustice.

08-20-2013, 01:28 PM

Yes, I'm strongly against the American influence to our youth, especially through MTV.

What's so special about that?

08-20-2013, 01:29 PM
Oh well done! Forget what I said about the "best way to become...", you are already are one of them. Do me a favour and remove Socialism from your politics, it's simply not true.

And even if I sympathise with the early NSDAP politics, I'm not a National Socialist.

So your even your pseudo argument is useless.


08-20-2013, 01:30 PM
I hope muslem women take cues from this and wear western dresses the next time some 14-year old girl gets raped.

08-20-2013, 01:32 PM

There is a difference... :picard2:

Ask Pontios.

Aunt Hilda
08-20-2013, 01:34 PM
Yes, I'm strongly against the American influence to our youth, especially through MTV.

What's so special about that?

Aunt Hilda
08-20-2013, 01:35 PM
There is a difference... :picard2:

Ask Pontios.


08-20-2013, 01:40 PM
You and your damn Internet pictures! :D

08-20-2013, 02:31 PM
I don't approve of the physical attack itself.

But having said that, there is such a thing as trying so hard to be tolerant that you end up going over to the dark side. :mad:

08-20-2013, 02:40 PM
The attack is most likely a hoax.

08-20-2013, 02:52 PM
that poor lady. how horrible.

And yet nobody raises an eyebrow for ethnic Swedish women constantly being attacked by muslim immigrants, it's a gross injustice.
It seems like it was her own husband who did it, if it ever happened, and not a random white person as mainstream PC media tried to portray it as first.. And then people show their support for this oppressive religion and the islamisation of Sweden. :picard2:

08-20-2013, 03:27 PM
It seems like it was her own husband who did it, if it ever happened, and not a random white person as mainstream PC media tried to portray it as first.. And then people show their support for this oppressive religion and the islamisation of Sweden. :picard2:

It is hard to overlook the irony if what you say1 is correct; however, in the spirit of religious freedom (which I support, although I would rather see that religion was not an issue at all), I support the muslims' right to be and act muslim, within the frames of what is legal in their current country of residence, and appropriate of a sane and humane human.

That is to say that I do not by any means support the abuse of people.

As for the stunt, "Hijabupproret", I have not quite formed my opinion on it yet as it seems that there is more to the story which lead to this "outcry".

1. Here is a link to an article claiming it was in fact the woman's husband who assulted her. (https://avpixlat.info/2013/08/20/vittne-ringer-radio1-och-avslojar-hijabuppropsbluff/#more-66669) I am not very sure about its credibility.

08-20-2013, 03:42 PM
Swedish women are free to do . But don't forget Muslim rape wave in Sweden = Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants...



08-20-2013, 03:56 PM
It is hard to overlook the irony if what you say1 is correct; however, in the spirit of religious freedom (which I support, although I would rather see that religion was not an issue at all), I support the muslims' right to be and act muslim, within the frames of what is legal in their current country of residence, and appropriate of a sane and humane human.

That is to say that I do not by any means support the abuse of people.

As for the stunt, "Hijabupproret", I have not quite formed my opinion on it yet as it seems that there is more to the story which lead to this "outcry".

1. Here is a link to an article claiming it was in fact the woman's husband who assulted her. (https://avpixlat.info/2013/08/20/vittne-ringer-radio1-och-avslojar-hijabuppropsbluff/#more-66669) I am not very sure about its credibility.
Freedom of religion can be used as an excuse for anything. Muslim women have to wear headscarves, is that freedom? In Islamic relgioin women don't have freedom, they have to obey their masters.

08-20-2013, 03:58 PM

Manifest Destiny
08-20-2013, 04:01 PM
When Muslim invaders start wearing normal clothes to protest the behavior of other Muslim invaders, then I will be impressed.

08-20-2013, 04:13 PM
Sweden is such a madhouse..

08-20-2013, 04:16 PM
Freedom of religion can be used as an excuse for anything. Muslim women have to wear headscarves, is that freedom? In Islamic relgioin women don't have freedom, they have to obey their masters.
I understand your point, and I agree; but this is also a question of the individual experience, and that makes the issue of eliminating religion, inculding Islam, a little more complex.

Meanwhile and in any case, freedom of religion is a great principle, in my mind.