View Full Version : University Question

Hrolf Kraki
10-07-2009, 08:29 PM
So I'm in a bit of a predicament and I'm not exactly sure which route to take.

I've just about completed my BA in German Literature and now wish to move forward. However, instead of entering the German graduate program to pursue a PhD in German Literature, I'd much prefer Scandinavian Literature. (It's just much more fascinating! :D) Anyways, the University of Kansas doesn't have a Scandinavian department so I've consulted other schools around the country and I've been told that while it's perfectly acceptable to go from a BA in German to the Scandinavian graduate program, I need to be at an advanced level of at least one Scandinavian language.

I can read Danish fairly well, but that ain't gonna cut it, especially considering I have little speaking abilities. (Turns out no one in Kansas speaks Danish. Go figure!) Anyways, I was considering studying at a Scandinavian school for a semester or two in order to improve my language abilities to an acceptable level. I have no idea how the college system works in Scandinavia and was hoping that someone could give me some advice.


10-07-2009, 09:57 PM
The best place to go is Aarhus University.
PM me for more info on that. :thumb001:

10-07-2009, 10:05 PM
Modern Scandinavian Literature can't possibly be more fascinating than German. I could understand if you were talking about Old Norse or the Eddas, Sagas, Havamal etc.

Anyhow, they must have a good Germanic Studies program out in Minnesota.

Hrolf Kraki
10-07-2009, 10:38 PM
Modern Scandinavian Literature can't possibly be more fascinating than German. I could understand if you were talking about Old Norse or the Eddas, Sagas, Havamal etc.

Oh no I agree. I´m specifically referring to Sagas, Eddas, et. al.

Anyhow, they must have a good Germanic Studies program out in Minnesota.

We (Univ. of KS) have a great Germanic Studies program, but Minnesota and other schools have an entire Scandinavian program that is separate from the Germanic one, which really only deals with German.

10-07-2009, 10:44 PM
The best place to go is Aarhus University.
PM me for more info on that. :thumb001:
Why so? Copenhagen's University is bigger and has more options. I live in Aarhus right now.

10-11-2009, 10:49 PM
You'll need to study my favourite author, Knut Hamsun, if you want to survive in this field. Nobody was able to catch the Scandinavian soul better than him. Its spirit is modest, words are few, but no other people in the world can express that much in a few words like the Scandinavians and their father of litterature.

I can't recommend any Danish universities, but I want you to avoid Aalborg (AAU) and Roskilde (RUC) universities. They concentrate more on creating mindless lemmings than creating magnificent scholars. My years on the univeristy of Aalborg taught me everything about Karl Marx and drinking booze; they were completely useless and even harmfull in either way.

Choose Århus or København. And let me know, when you get here. I'll be happy to meet you!

Hrolf Kraki
10-13-2009, 12:24 AM
I discussed the issue with my German/Danish professor and she recommended me this school: http://www.askov-hojskole.dk/main-menu/lange-kurser/

They offer a 12-week intensive language program in the fall of next year. Basically I need to acquire a much greater proficiency of Danish before I start any graduate program dealing with Scandinavian studies.