View Full Version : Which Group Is Lighter-Pigmented, Ashkenazi Jews or Persians?

09-03-2013, 02:12 AM
Following on from the debate in Horatio's excellent thread -clearly proving people think Ashkenazi Jews are "whiter" than Spaniards because they are lighter-pigmented than the Spanish- this next poll is regarding which group is more lightly-pigmented; Ashkenazi Jews or Persians?

09-03-2013, 02:17 AM
Ashkenazi Jews by far.

09-03-2013, 02:18 AM
Ashkenazis. Persians from western Iran are fairly light, but most Persians are quite dark with heavy West Asian and even Indid influence.

09-03-2013, 02:19 AM
Ashkenazi Jews by far.

Yes, most of the lighter Iranians turn out to be Azaris etc anyway. They've been mixing with Indids and Arabs for too long to retain their original characteristics (except in mountainous regions)

09-03-2013, 02:20 AM
Yes, most of the lighter Iranians turn out to be Azaris etc anyway. They've been mixing with Indids and Arabs for too long to retain their original characteristics (except in mountainous regions)


09-03-2013, 02:25 AM
Following on from the debate in Horatio's excellent thread -clearly proving people think Ashkenazi Jews are "whiter" than Spaniards because they are lighter-pigmented than the Spanish- this next poll is regarding which group is more lightly-pigmented; Ashkenazi Jews or Persians?

BTW, the vast majority of, so called, "Moors" in Spain comprised native Spanish conversos. The Muslim occupation force in great part were not settlers and modest in size, even at zenith. Don't follow in the footsteps of that major fraud, WHOOP. The genetics of Iberia are overwhelmingly European and Western. The research is there for all to see.

09-03-2013, 02:37 AM
BTW, the vast majority of, so called, "Moors" in Spain comprised native Spanish conversos. The Muslim occupation force in great part were not settlers and modest in size, even at zenith. Don't follow in the footsteps of that major fraud, WHOOP. The genetics of Iberia are overwhelmingly European and Western. The research is there for all to see.

This is how Moors were depicted by white Europeans;


It doesn't suit the Spanish people's doctrine but this is a real Moor. The Spanish then try to argue about numbers present but DNA doesn't lie. The Spanish have amongst the highest rate of Sub-Saharan admixture of any European nation besides their Iberian brothers in Portugal;

"Application of f4 Ancestry Estimation suggests that the highest proportion of African ancestry in Europe is in Iberia (Portugal 3.2±0.3% and Spain 2.4±0.3"



They next try to pass this information on dishonestly by implying this is 2 or 3% of the people and not 2 or 3% of EVERY Spanish person on average. The other thing is in the north it is admittedly less BECAUSE in the south the percentage is huge eg some people must be 10% Black.

09-03-2013, 02:41 AM
This is how Moors were depicted by white Europeans;


It doesn't suit the Spanish people's doctrine but this is a real Moor. The Spanish then try to argue about numbers present but DNA doesn't lie. The Spanish have amongst the highest rate of Sub-Saharan admixture of any European nation besides their Iberian brothers in Portugal;

"Application of f4 Ancestry Estimation suggests that the highest proportion of African ancestry in Europe is in Iberia (Portugal 3.2±0.3% and Spain 2.4±0.3"



They next try to pass this information on dishonestly by implying this is 2 or 3% of the people and not 2 or 3% of EVERY Spanish person on average. The other thing is in the north it is admittedly less BECAUSE in the south the percentage is huge eg some people must be 10% Black.

False. The Moors looked more like this:


Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 02:44 AM

Why do people keep confusing NA with SSA? Just to try and provoke people?

09-03-2013, 02:44 AM
Yes, most of the lighter Iranians turn out to be Azaris etc anyway. They've been mixing with Indids and Arabs for too long to retain their original characteristics (except in mountainous regions)

And what would be their original characteristics?

09-03-2013, 02:44 AM
The Moors actually looked mostly like Berbers, but they had Sub-Saharan slaves, they granted freedom to to serve in the Moorish Army, and this explains the slight SSA in Spaniards.

09-03-2013, 02:46 AM
This is how Moors were depicted by white Europeans;


It doesn't suit the Spanish people's doctrine but this is a real Moor. The Spanish then try to argue about numbers present but DNA doesn't lie. The Spanish have amongst the highest rate of Sub-Saharan admixture of any European nation besides their Iberian brothers in Portugal;

"Application of f4 Ancestry Estimation suggests that the highest proportion of African ancestry in Europe is in Iberia (Portugal 3.2±0.3% and Spain 2.4±0.3"



They next try to pass this information on dishonestly by implying this is 2 or 3% of the people and not 2 or 3% of EVERY Spanish person on average. The other thing is in the north it is admittedly less BECAUSE in the south the percentage is huge eg some people must be 10% Black.

Nonsense. You obviously don't know how the term "Moor" was used in Europe.

A little note: Nearly all the SSA in Iberia is Mesolithic and Neolithic and was likely brought by Berber migrations. What you imply is, au fond faulty.

Moreover, the criticism of your reference has been substantial.

09-03-2013, 02:46 AM
The Moors were comprised of Arabs and Berbers but the Arabs were the leaders and key players.

09-03-2013, 02:47 AM

If you idiots don't know what you're talking about, then do humanity a favour and DON'T.

09-03-2013, 02:48 AM
Why do people keep confusing NA with SSA? Just to try and provoke people?

I'm not. The Spanish are about 7-20% North African (depending on the study and the region).

In otherwords if an average invading Berber was 20% West African and now the Average Spaniard is 10% Berber then this gives precisely this 2% SSA figure. Sure there were probably some "pure" Berbers but many more West African or mixed invaders too.

09-03-2013, 02:48 AM
Why do people keep confusing NA with SSA? Just to try and provoke people?

Because they are insecure people without a life.

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 02:51 AM
I'm not. The Spanish are about 7-20% North African (depending on the study and the region).

Did you get that from DNA tribes?

09-03-2013, 02:51 AM
I'm not. The Spanish are about 7-20% North African (depending on the study and the region).

In otherwords if an average invading Berber was 20% West African and now the Average Spaniard is 10% Berber then this gives precisely this 2% SSA figure. Sure there were probably some "pure" Berbers but many more West African or mixed invaders too.

Can't be ... The markers are ancient - well before the Muslim invasion. Stop the BS.

09-03-2013, 02:51 AM
I'm not. The Spanish are about 7-20% North African (depending on the study and the region).

In otherwords if an average invading Berber was 20% West African and now the Average Spaniard is 10% Berber then this gives precisely this 2% SSA figure. Sure there were probably some "pure" Berbers but many more West African or mixed invaders too.

The average Berber at that time was less SSA then today. (Today they are about 12% SSA on average) But one of the Moorish dynasties was from either Mali, or Mauretania, I can't remeber which.

09-03-2013, 02:54 AM
And what would be their original characteristics?

The ancient Persians were no different from today's Slavs. A typical "Indo-European" people. They were the same as Scythians and depicted as blue-eyed and fair-haired. In fact the Chinese name for Persian means "Man with coloured-eyes" but interbreeding with , ancient conquered peoples and Indians and Mongols has diluted their genes. Some white Persian groups still exist and ALWAYS exist where we should expect to find them eg in the least accessible more mountainous regions.

09-03-2013, 02:56 AM
The average Berber at that time was less SSA then today. (Today they are about 12% SSA on average) But one of the Moorish dynasties was from either Mali, or Mauretania, I can't remeber which.

You're probably thinking of the Almoravids. They did not settle in Iberia and Berbers / Arabs and Christians alike fought to drive them out. They were opportunistic fanatics who never established a real foothold. Nearly all SSA in Iberia is ancient, regardless of what uninformed, malicious people may state,

09-03-2013, 02:57 AM
The average Berber at that time was less SSA then today. (Today they are about 12% SSA on average) But one of the Moorish dynasties was from either Mali, or Mauretania, I can't remeber which.

Yes. There's even Spanish depictions of them as black men but the Spanish gloss over this. The Arabs and Berbers also used many Black slave troops etc.

The evidence is there in DNA. I posted a link proving they have SSA. Notice no one posts any studies showing they don't because such studies don't exist.

09-03-2013, 03:00 AM
The ancient Persians were no different from today's Slavs. A typical "Indo-European" people. They were the same as Scythians and depicted as blue-eyed and fair-haired. In fact the Chinese name for Persian means "Man with coloured-eyes" but interbreeding with , ancient conquered peoples and Indians and Mongols has diluted their genes. Some white Persian groups still exist and ALWAYS exist where we should expect to find them eg in the least accessible more mountainous regions.
Okay. So we are supposed to believe that a densely populated region settled by sedentary peoples for long in the orbits of Mesopotamia, Elam and Harappa was completely replaced by some blond nomads who rode half a dozen thousand kilometers in the steppes without mixing? :rolleyes: I also don't recall them being depicted as blond and blue-eyed, but I do have a historical source referring to them as a hook-nosed people.

09-03-2013, 03:00 AM
You're probably thinking of the Almoravids. They did not settle in Iberia and Berbers / Arabs and Christians alike fought to drive them out.

Okay, thanks for the info.

09-03-2013, 03:00 AM
These stupid jews can't even keep their own threads in order. Here, comparing highly mongrelized Azkhe-nazi jews against Persians, but still can't get over being darker than Iberians. Pathethic.

For having an accurate vision of who is darker of Jews vs. Persians you should compare original jews vs. Persians:

Compare to:

09-03-2013, 03:01 AM
Okay. So we are supposed to believe that a densely populated region settled by sedentary peoples for long in the orbits of Mesopotamia, Elam and Harappa was completely replaced by some blond nomads who rode half a dozen thousand kilometers in the steppes without mixing? :rolleyes: I also don't recall them being depicted as blond and blue-eyed, but I do have a historical source referring to them as a hook-nosed people.

To be fair, it was probably only the elite who looked as AngloJew described.

09-03-2013, 03:02 AM
These stupid jews can't even keep their own threads in order. Here, comparing highly mongrelized Azkhe-nazi jews against Persians, but still can't get over being darker than Iberians. Pathethic.

For having an accurate vision of who is darker of Jews vs. Persians you should compare original jews vs. Persians:

Yemeni, and Ethiopian Jews.:picard1:

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 03:03 AM

The highest percentage you posted you took from DNA tribes correct?

09-03-2013, 03:03 AM
The ancient Persians were no different from today's Slavs. A typical "Indo-European" people. They were the same as Scythians and depicted as blue-eyed and fair-haired. In fact the Chinese name for Persian means "Man with coloured-eyes" but interbreeding with , ancient conquered peoples and Indians and Mongols has diluted their genes. Some white Persian groups still exist and ALWAYS exist where we should expect to find them eg in the least accessible more mountainous regions.

Persians were never like Slavs. I do not see where people get this stupid idea. Nomadic Iranian groups had more North European and East Asian than Persians but they were not the same people as us. Persians in old depictions look no different than the ones of today. This is attested by Seleucids, Sassanids and other depictions.

09-03-2013, 03:04 AM
The word Moor means dark in Greek;

In Latin, the word Maurus (plural Mauri) is in origin an ethnonym, the name of the Mauri people who were also eponymous of the Mauretania province of the Roman empire on the northwestern fringe of Africa. The Latin form of the name is adapted from Greek ethnography, where the people was known Mauroi (Μαῦροι). The Greek name has been speculatively connected to the adjective ἀμαυρός, meaning "dark; faint, dim".

This is contemporary accounts;

""Although Marsile has fled, his uncle Marganice remains, he who rules Carthage, Alfrere, Garmalie, and Ethiopia, an accursed land. He has the black people under his command, their noses are big and their ears broad, together they number more than fifty thousand. They ride fiercely and furiously, then they shout the pagan battle cry."

Then another African general whom the Franks called Abisme is described as follows: "In the forefront rides a Saracen, Abisme...He is as black as molten pitch."


09-03-2013, 03:05 AM
Azkhenazim by far

09-03-2013, 03:10 AM
To be fair, it was probably only the elite who looked as AngloJew described.

Yes. Also they intermarried pretty early with others. I don't think they felt some racial superiority over Near Eastern peoples or they would have introduced a caste system like they did in India but we must remember Near Eastern people were whiter than today typically then.

09-03-2013, 03:14 AM

Can you get me a pair of those sun glasses?

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 03:15 AM
That highest percentage you posted you took from DNA tribes correct?

Why has this question not been answered?

09-03-2013, 03:15 AM
These stupid jews can't even keep their own threads in order. Here, comparing highly mongrelized Azkhe-nazi jews against Persians, but still can't get over being darker than Iberians. Pathethic.

For having an accurate vision of who is darker of Jews vs. Persians you should compare original jews vs. Persians:

Compare to:

I could post a photo of an African (eg out of Africa theory) as your ancestors but that doesn't change the present phenotype of Ashkenazi Jews or Persians nor the thread question which you're ignoring.

09-03-2013, 03:16 AM
I could post a photo of an African since we're all descended from them (eg out of Africa theory) and that's your ancestors but that doesn't change the present phenotype of Ashkenazi Jews or Persians nor the thread question which you're ignoring.

And they're not even the ancestors of Ashkenazis, they're Yemenis, and Ethiopians.

09-03-2013, 03:17 AM
I could post a photo of an African since we're all descended from them (eg out of Africa theory) and that's your ancestors but that doesn't change the present phenotype of Ashkenazi Jews or Persians nor the thread question which you're ignoring.

If Persian women had spread their legs to European men to the extent Jews exiled in Europe did we would look far lighter than Askhenazis who are the result of that.

Gazan + European would be darker than Persian + Europeans.

09-03-2013, 03:21 AM
The highest percentage you posted you took from DNA tribes correct?


09-03-2013, 03:21 AM
Gazan + European would be darker than Persian + Europeans.

Gazans have recent Egyptian and Arabian admixture, they have nothing to do with Ashkenazis.

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 03:22 AM

I knew it. DNA tribes is a total joke.

09-03-2013, 03:23 AM
Gazans have recent Egyptian and Arabian admixture, they have nothing to do with Ashkenazis.

Arabian mixture has existed, exist and will keep existing in Azkhenazi jews because you are closely related to Arabs since your very own semitic ethnogenesis.

09-03-2013, 03:25 AM
Persians were never like Slavs. I do not see where people get this stupid idea. Nomadic Iranian groups had more North European and East Asian than Persians but they were not the same people as us. Persians in old depictions look no different than the ones of today. This is attested by Seleucids, Sassanids and other depictions.

The further back Persians to the fairer they get. The opposite of Ashkenazi Jews who got fairer with time.

09-03-2013, 03:25 AM
Arabian mixture has existed, exist and will keep existing in Azkhenazi jews because you are closely related to Arabs since your very own semitic ethnogenesis.

It exists in minor amounts of course but Gazans do not represent any ancient Levantine population. The average about of Arabian blood in modern Muslim Levantines, even after the conquest is still only about 20%
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJDEoCgzRKedEY4Y3lTUVBaaFp0bC1zZlBDcTZEY lE#gid=0

09-03-2013, 03:28 AM
The further back Persians to the fairer they get. The opposite of Ashekanzi Jews




I see continuity, no fair people.

09-03-2013, 03:31 AM
The further back Persians to the fairer they get. The opposite of Ashekanzi Jews

The Ashknazi Jews did not get darker

09-03-2013, 03:32 AM
It exists in minor amounts of course but Gazans do not represent any ancient Levantine population. The average about of Arabian blood in modern Muslim Levantines, even after the conquest is still only about 20%
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJDEoCgzRKedEY4Y3lTUVBaaFp0bC1zZlBDcTZEY lE#gid=0

The Arabians are not responsible for the mulatto phenotypes in Gaza. Pure Arabians look different

09-03-2013, 03:33 AM
The Arabians are not responsible for the mulatto phenotypes in Gaza. Pure Arabians look different

They have both Arabian blood, and SSA from the Arab slave trade.

09-03-2013, 03:33 AM
They have both Arabian blood, and SSA from the Arab slave trade.

The Arabians never forced them to mix. They did it on their own.

09-03-2013, 03:37 AM
because you are closely related to Arabs since your very own semitic ethnogenesis.

I personally am not related to Arabs at all, being mostly North European. Anyway, Ashkenazi Jews don't cluster with any Middle Eastern population.

09-03-2013, 03:40 AM
The Arabians never forced them to mix. They did it on their own.

They were still brought in by the slave trade, like it happened in North Africa and else where on the "Arab world".

09-03-2013, 03:41 AM
The Arabians never forced them to mix. They did it on their own.

Well they shouldn't have.

09-03-2013, 03:41 AM
They were still brought in by the slave trade, like it happened in North Africa and else where on the "Arab world".

No one was holding a gun to the head of the Gazans and Berbers that mixed with Blacks. Yes it was a bad thing slavery happened but the Arabians can't be blamed for everything.

09-03-2013, 03:46 AM
Anyways it should be noted that the Arabians were the brains behind Islamic Spain and the Berbers the foot soldiers. Moors were not SSA.

Cristiano viejo
09-03-2013, 04:04 AM
Following on from the debate in Horatio's excellent thread -clearly proving people think Ashkenazi Jews are "whiter" than Spaniards because they are lighter-pigmented than the Spanish-

Already dont you remember your thread about who was more white, if the Ashkenazi or Spaniards, and that although the Spaniards won 22-8 or something so you followed saying that "everyone knows that the Ashkenazi are more white than Spaniards"?? :lol:

And how is that of "clearly people thinking that Askenazi are more white than Spaniards"??? 22-25 is "clearly"?? more still taking account that from these 25 there are at least five Jews (7eleven, SkyBurn, Horatio, Barberis and you), and another Semite as Alberta.
At least, I repeat.

this next poll is regarding which group is more lightly-pigmented; Ashkenazi Jews or Persians?

Another troll thread for the Jew complex-agenda for seems white...

09-03-2013, 04:07 AM
And how is that of "clearly people thinking that Askenazi are more white than Spaniards"??? 22-25 is "clearly"?? more still taking account that from these 25 there are at least five Jews (7eleven, SkyBurn, Horatio, Barberis and you), and another Semite as Alberta.
At least, I repeat.

Lol, doesn't matter who voted, the majority of People voted Ashkenazis were lighter.

09-03-2013, 04:09 AM
lol, doesn't matter who voted, the majority of people voted ashkenazis were lighter.


09-03-2013, 04:11 AM

I'm not even saying that, Iberians are making to big a deal out of that thread..

09-03-2013, 04:15 AM
I'm not even saying that, Iberians are making to big a deal out of that thread..

Ironic you say that when Anglojew keeps talking about Iberians even on this thread.

09-03-2013, 04:16 AM
Ironic you say that when Anglojew keeps talking about Iberians even on this thread.

He wasn't the one who started the discussion though.

09-03-2013, 04:18 AM
Ironic you say that when Anglojew keeps talking about Iberians even on this thread.

Anglokike has a history on that subject, he revisits it every once in a while with dishonest and twisted arguments in order to start flame wars, being then followed by people of his like. It's his typical behaviour.

He wasn't the one who started the discussion though.
He was, he even stated it on his very first post.

09-03-2013, 04:21 AM
He was, he even stated it on his very first post.

The thread wasn't supposed to be about them, he just mentioned them, but Anthropologique started talking about Moors, and Spanish DNA.

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 04:23 AM
He wasn't the one who started the discussion though.

Dude, he even tried to pass off DNA tribes percentages as legit and credible info. in this very thread.

09-03-2013, 04:25 AM
Dude, he even tried to pass off DNA tribes percentages as legit and credible info. in this very thread.

Yeah, when the subject was Spanish DNA, but what he actually said was that according to some sources the North African admixture in Spain is up to 20% he didn't say DNA tribes was accurate, and no one here believes it's accurate.

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 04:28 AM
Yeah, when the subject was Spanish DNA, but what he actually said was that according to some sources the North African admixture in Spain is up to 20% he didn't say DNA tribes was accurate, and no one here believes it's accurate.

He tried to pass it off as something legit and factual - which is all that matters, because lesser brains will believe it.

DNA tribes should not be cited, because it's not reliable (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?92086-Post-examples-of-how-completely-unreliable-DNA-tribes-is).

09-03-2013, 04:53 AM
Ashkenazim are lighter than Jews, heck all Jewish groups on average are lighter than Persians, with the exception of some minor Jewish groups.

09-03-2013, 04:55 AM
Already dont you remember your thread about who was more white, if the Ashkenazi or Spaniards, and that although the Spaniards won 22-8 or something so you followed saying that "everyone knows that the Ashkenazi are more white than Spaniards"?? :lol:

And how is that of "clearly people thinking that Askenazi are more white than Spaniards"??? 22-25 is "clearly"?? more still taking account that from these 25 there are at least five Jews (7eleven, SkyBurn, Horatio, Barberis and you), and another Semite as Alberta.
At least, I repeat.

Another troll thread for the Jew complex-agenda for seems white...

A pretty odd collection for a Jewish conspiracy really; an Arab, 4 mischlings and an atheist.

09-03-2013, 05:01 AM
Ashkenazim are lighter than Jews, heck all Jewish groups on average are lighter than Persians, with the exception of some minor Jewish groups.

Congratulations (I should say Mazel tov) for officially being part of the ZOG conspiracy (see above)

09-03-2013, 05:05 AM
If anyone wishes to prove me wrong all you need to do is post a legitimate scientific genetic study disproving Spaniards have 2%+ SSA and 7%+NAA but bitching and moaning isn't a rebuttal.

09-03-2013, 01:10 PM
Yes. There's even Spanish depictions of them as black men but the Spanish gloss over this. The Arabs and Berbers also used many Black slave troops etc.

The evidence is there in DNA. I posted a link proving they have SSA. Notice no one posts any studies showing they don't because such studies don't exist.

Nearly every European population group has some measure of SSA traces - in fact, it's debatable wether a number of the SSA markers detected are actually SSA.

Don't forget, practically all of these frequencies are ancient and have no bearing on phenotype. Time to cut the BS as you are only fooling the ignorant.

09-03-2013, 01:11 PM
He tried to pass it off as something legit and factual - which is all that matters, because lesser brains will believe it.

DNA tribes should not be cited, because it's not reliable (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?92086-Post-examples-of-how-completely-unreliable-DNA-tribes-is).

Exactly! Thank you.

09-03-2013, 01:13 PM
The thread wasn't supposed to be about them, he just mentioned them, but Anthropologique started talking about Moors, and Spanish DNA.

Because the other thread was closed before I could post a final response to Mr. Pathetically Insecure, Anglojew.

09-03-2013, 01:15 PM
Lol, doesn't matter who voted, the majority of People voted Ashkenazis were lighter.

Who gives a crap? There is nothing scientific about these stupid opinion threads. I swear, this place is filled with disturbed people. Get a life!

09-03-2013, 01:16 PM
Can you get me a pair of those sun glasses?


09-03-2013, 01:20 PM

LMAO!! I mean we have such great geneticists in this forum. What a F%#&ING joke. :lol00002:

09-03-2013, 01:37 PM
Ashkenazis. 90% of Iran citizens are dark.

09-03-2013, 03:09 PM
Ashkenazis. 90% of Iran citizens are dark.

So Are Askhenazis if you substract their European admixture through rape and adultery. No different than a Saudi or a Yemen which is darker than 90% of Iranian.

09-03-2013, 03:14 PM
How is this even a question?

09-03-2013, 03:34 PM
Yeah, when the subject was Spanish DNA, but what he actually said was that according to some sources the North African admixture in Spain is up to 20% he didn't say DNA tribes was accurate, and no one here believes it's accurate.

Why wouldn't I believe dna tribes is accurate.

09-03-2013, 04:12 PM
Why wouldn't I believe dna tribes is accurate.

Read some REAL genetics studies and you will quickly see how inaccurate they are.

09-03-2013, 04:30 PM

09-03-2013, 08:47 PM
So Are Askhenazis if you substract their European admixture through rape and adultery. No different than a Saudi or a Yemen which is darker than 90% of Iranian.

http://www2.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Iranians+Vote+Presidential+Elections+2UGihEgqxzVl. jpg

Damiăo de Góis
09-03-2013, 08:50 PM
Yeah, when the subject was Spanish DNA, but what he actually said was that according to some sources the North African admixture in Spain is up to 20% he didn't say DNA tribes was accurate, and no one here believes it's accurate.

Jews score more african than Spaniards on every Dodecad or Eurogenes run i've seen. How much did they score on DNA Tribes?

09-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Jews score more african than Spaniards on every Dodecad or Eurogenes run i've seen. How much did they score on DNA Tribes?

According to Dodecad:
Ashkenazi Jews: 4.2% Northwest African, 0.4% Horn African, 0% Sub-Saharan African.
spaniards: 3% Northwest African, 0% Horn African, 0.1% Sub-Saharan African.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJDEoCgzRKedEY4Y3lTUVBaaFp0bC1zZlBDcTZEY lE#gid=0

Atlantic Islander
09-03-2013, 09:04 PM
Why wouldn't I believe dna tribes is accurate.

How can you even ask that? (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?92086-Post-examples-of-how-completely-unreliable-DNA-tribes-is)

09-03-2013, 09:12 PM
Why wouldn't I believe dna tribes is accurate.

While I cannot site a peer-viewed study as to why DNA Tribes is considered inferior, it's pretty accepted now that it is. So many people have found the results to be WAY off. Stick to the raw genome data file (via 23andme) and use the more cutting edge calculators like Dodecad, Eurogenes, etc. with the oracles. Paper trail is great too if you have the means.

09-03-2013, 09:16 PM
Back to the thread.

How can even 5 people seriously claim that Iranians are lighter-skinned than Ashkenazim?

I'm sure most Mizrahi Jewish groups are lighter-skinned than Iranians.

09-03-2013, 09:17 PM
Anglojew is turning into Don black, you should better register in Stormfront to share your ideas about Iranian genes being dilluted with all the "intellectuals" that roam that forum:laugh:

09-03-2013, 09:20 PM
Anglojew is turning into Don black, you should better register in Stormfront to share your ideas about Iranian genes being dilluted with all the "intellectuals" that roam that forum:laugh:


09-03-2013, 09:32 PM
I imagine both are very similar in their origins, Iranians are a pure bred people and Ashkenazi are mestizos, but in its original form, not counting the upper classes that natural selection favored (lighter individuals mixed with Europeans) are similar.


Average Ashkenazis

I did not select celebrities or high class European bloodlines to make a real comparison.

09-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Average Ashkenazis

These are Israelis, most Israelis are not Ashkenazis, and even Ashkenazis there are mixed.

09-03-2013, 09:41 PM
These are Israelis, most Israelis are not Ashkenazis, and even Ashkenazis there are mixed.

Yes, yes, I already know that fairy tale, the true Ashkenazi are actually those individuals who fit into northern Europe and have four drops of Jewish blood, come on, your are not the first nor the last people trying to whiten their image.

09-03-2013, 09:46 PM
Yes, yes, I already know that fairy tale,

It's not a fairy tale, it's a fact most Jews in Israel are not Ashkenazi, in fact a few days ago you were even trying to pass off Mizrahi, and Yemeni Jews as Ashkenazi.

the true Ashkenazi are actually those individuals who fit into northern Europe and have four drops of Jewish blood, come on, your are not the first nor the last people trying to whiten their image.

The true Ashkenazi are the ethnic Jews from Central, and Eastern Europe.

09-03-2013, 09:48 PM
It's not a fairy tale, it's a fact most Jews in Israel are not Ashkenazi, in fact a few days ago you were even trying to pass off Mizrahi, and Yemeni Jews as Ashkenazi.
The true Ashkenazi are the ethnic Jews from Central, and Eastern Europe.
It's not fair to compare couple million populations of a group of an ethnic group to 40 million+ Spaniards and 70 million+ Iranians...

09-03-2013, 09:49 PM
It's not fair to compare couple million populations of a group of an ethnic group to 40 million+ Spaniards and 70 million+ Iranians...


09-03-2013, 09:51 PM

If you want to compare populations compare the whole Jewish ethnic group to Spaniards and if not, compare probably Askhenazi Jews to Galicians and see whose lighter...

09-03-2013, 09:52 PM
Ok so Ashkenazi are not Jewish because they have mixed with Germans, Belarussians, Poles and Lithuanians etc but other "mixed" populations of Europe are true people of their ethnicity?

09-03-2013, 09:53 PM
If you want to compare populations compare the whole Jewish ethnic group to Spaniards and if not, compare probably Askhenazi Jews to Galicians and see whose lighter...

Azkhenazis are white.

09-03-2013, 09:54 PM
the whole Jewish ethnic group

No such thing. Ashkenazis are a separate ethnic group from all other Jews.

09-03-2013, 09:54 PM
Azkhenazis are white.

Compare them with lighter Spanish populations then:laugh:

09-03-2013, 09:56 PM
No such thing. Ashkenazis are a separate ethnic group from all other Jews.

So, when did this Askhenazi identity rise in the holy land? They acquired their light features by mixing with Europeans along with adopting a Germanic languages(yiddish)...

09-03-2013, 09:58 PM
My experience is that if a "Ashkenazi" Jew with 20-30% of Jewish blood corrupts a British woman and have descendancy they are happy to continue being "pure" Ashkenazi Jews, but if the woman is Levantine, that is completely identical to the original Jewish people, then they call it "mixed with Arabic", is this a proof of its self hatred?

09-03-2013, 09:58 PM
So, when did this Askhenazi idenity rise in the holy land? They acquired their light features by mixing with Europeans along with adopting a Germanic languages(yiddish)...

The Ashkenazis by definition are a mix of European, and Levantine, and they cluster with no Middle Eastern population. There is no one Jewish ethnic group.

09-03-2013, 10:00 PM
If you want to compare populations compare the whole Jewish ethnic group to Spaniards and if not, compare probably Askhenazi Jews to Galicians and see whose lighter...

There's over 10 million Ashkenazis, it's not "a few".

Also, Iran is half-Azari.

09-03-2013, 10:00 PM
My experience is that if a "Ashkenazi" Jew with 20-30% of Jewish blood corrupts a British woman and have descendancy they are happy to continue being "pure" Ashkenazi Jews,

No, half Ashkenazis are not considered to be Ashkenazi.

but if the woman is Levantine, that is completely identical to the original Jewish people, then they call it "mixed with Arabic", is this a proof of its self hatred?

They are considered the same as any half Ashkenazi.

09-03-2013, 10:00 PM
The Ashkenazis by definition are a mix of European, and Levantine, and they cluster with no Middle Eastern population. There is no one Jewish ethnic group.

So you're telling me Israel is a "Jewish" state as in not an ethnic state but, defined by religion? Jews are one ethnic group...

09-03-2013, 10:02 PM
There's over 10 million Ashkenazis, it's not "a few".

Also, Iran is half-Azari.

Iran is not half Azeri, about a quarter and the Azeris don't have much genetic difference than ethnic Kurds, Persians etc...I thought the whole world's Jewish population was about 10 million:rolleyes:

09-03-2013, 10:07 PM
So you're telling me Israel is a "Jewish" state as in not an ethnic state but, defined by religion?


Jews are one ethnic group...

Really? A Yemeni Jew is the same ethnicity as an Ashkenazi? An Ethiopian Jew is the same ethnicity as a Sephardi? Ashkenazis don't cluster even close to any Jewish group except Sephardics, but even then they're slightly closer to South Italians, and Sicilians.

09-03-2013, 10:09 PM
My experience is that if a "Ashkenazi" Jew with 20-30% of Jewish blood corrupts a British woman and have descendancy they are happy to continue being "pure" Ashkenazi Jews, but if the woman is Levantine, that is completely identical to the original Jewish people, then they call it "mixed with Arabic", is this a proof of its self hatred?

No. This is a false premise. In neither case are the progeny fully Ashkenazi.

This is about full-blooded ethnic Ashkenazis vs full-blooded ethnic Persians of Iran.

The thread question is simple. Try to stick to it.

09-03-2013, 10:09 PM
Why are people so obsessed about liter skin? How is it superior? I have a light olive skin tone and I like it the way it is, I do not burn in sun and do not turn pink half time.

I think people should just worship Albinos :picard1:

09-03-2013, 10:10 PM
Iran is not half Azeri, about a quarter and the Azeris don't have much genetic difference than ethnic Kurds, Persians etc...I thought the whole world's Jewish population was about 10 million:rolleyes:

No. There's about 15-20 million Jews.

09-03-2013, 10:10 PM
Why are people so obsessed about liter skin? How is it superior? I have a light olive skin tone and I like it the way it is, I do not burn in sun and do not turn pink half time.

I think people should just worship Albinos :picard1:

Two words *Inferiority Complex*

09-03-2013, 10:12 PM
These stupid jews can't even keep their own threads in order. Here, comparing highly mongrelized Azkhe-nazi jews against Persians, but still can't get over being darker than Iberians. Pathethic.

I think is the special sense of humour of anglojew, if he thinks he can provoke or stir up iberians, or others in his agenda of 'bad anti-jew people' :p, he tries hard then.

Of course the good arguments and the desire of acquire new knowledge don't matter here :eek:, if you weren't aware of that it's your problem then, and anglojew will play you with the same fake and/or biased arguments until you resign or die of boring.

09-03-2013, 10:51 PM
Azkhenazis are white.

Are mulattos white? Period.

09-05-2013, 10:13 PM
Are mulattos white? Period.

No, obvously not.

09-07-2013, 06:06 PM
Err, the Senegalese are lighter.v:cool: :p :bored: