View Full Version : Where do these Portuguese fit best? Check all that fit.

09-06-2013, 05:07 PM
I tried to choose ones I have not used before.


09-06-2013, 05:10 PM
spain france and maybe northern italy

09-06-2013, 05:12 PM
Lol, Spain is not option while Scandinavia, Netherlands, half of Balkans and Cyprus are? :picard2:

09-06-2013, 05:12 PM
Lol, Spain is not option while Netherlands, half of Balkans and Cyprus are?

Spain is too obvious. Of course they fit there.

09-06-2013, 05:14 PM
Spain is too obvious. Of course they fit there.

And that would be only place they fit, with Southern France and Italy.

09-06-2013, 05:14 PM
Spain obviously. Some fit better in France others in Italy, but outside Iberia they would have a harder time to fit anywhere. Meaning they look somewhat distinctively Iberian.

09-06-2013, 05:15 PM
Northern Italy, maybe UK (some of them) and France for some.
They look very Iberian (not surprising), and some strongly Portuguese.

09-06-2013, 05:15 PM
They'd fit in northern Italy, but not much in the south to me.

09-06-2013, 05:18 PM
They'd fit in northern Italy, but not much in the south to me.

As a whole they don't look N. Italian. Most would fit in France and some in the British Isles.

09-06-2013, 05:19 PM
Actually you're right. Too much Atlantid and not enough Norid or Dinarid to be northern Italian. And of course not enough Alpine or East Med to be southerners.

I'd rule out Italy altogether except for some in the north. I also wouldn't place them in Scotland.

09-06-2013, 05:22 PM
Actually you're right. Too much Atlantid and not enough Norid or Dinarid to be northern Italian. And of course not enough Alpine or East Med to be southerners.

I'd rule out Italy altogether except for some in the north. I also wouldn't place them in Scotland.

I've seen some Northern Italian carbon-copies of some Iberians though.

09-06-2013, 05:23 PM
I've seen some Northern Italian carbon-copies of some Iberians though.

Oh yes. On an individual basis this is true. In groups you'd be able to tell them apart because northern Italians have more Nordid (Subnordid, Norid) and Dinarid. All of the people here pictured could be northern Italians individually, but not as a group.

09-06-2013, 05:26 PM
They are, as whole, very Atlantid / N. Atlantid. Not surprising.

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 05:28 PM
Jorge Corrula is super cute.

09-06-2013, 05:31 PM
Atlantic Islander do you think these photos are representative of Portugal?

Funny thing is most Portuguese in my town do not look like these photos. And I don't know why. It's not just due to Cape Verdean admixture that they don't since some of the white ones here look very different than this, too.

09-06-2013, 05:34 PM

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 05:34 PM
Atlantic Islander do you think these photos are representative of Portugal?

Funny thing is most Portuguese in my town do not look like these photos. And I don't know why. It's not just due to Cape Verdean admixture that they don't since some of the white ones here look very different than this, too.

Portuguese have been in the US for over 6 generations, there aren't many Portuguese-Americans that are actually Portuguese - they can be mixed with anything after all those generations. They of course can still call themselves Portuguese-American, otherwise they wouldn't be able to participate in the festas. :p

Only Portuguese-Americans that are actually Portuguese are the recent immigrants (20 -50 years or so), and some of the first and second generation Portuguese.

09-06-2013, 05:37 PM
Atlantic Islander do you think these photos are representative of Portugal?

Funny thing is most Portuguese in my town do not look like these photos. And I don't know why. It's not just due to Cape Verdean admixture that they don't since some of the white ones here look very different than this, too.
Maybe because the ones you see are average everyday people.

09-06-2013, 05:40 PM
Find out what part of Portugal the non-fake non-Cape Verdean Portuguese in your town are from.

Madeira mostly. The Azoreans here are a bit lighter.

09-06-2013, 05:43 PM
Atlantic Facade and Northern Italy. Some would fit well in Britain and Ireland.

09-06-2013, 05:44 PM
What they look very similar to, to me, is French-Canadians that I have met too.

09-06-2013, 05:46 PM
Maybe because the ones you see are average everyday people.

OK, Einstein, here are some "everyday" Portuguese:

Can't keep from mudding up the waters, can you? Are you another misinformed person who insists that Portuguese are "tar black." LMAO.


09-06-2013, 05:49 PM
What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you get upset? How can you even misstake me for thinking the Portuguese are black by just reading that comment?


09-06-2013, 05:51 PM
Madeira mostly. The Azoreans here are a bit lighter.

Yeah, but the Madeirans in the U.S., generally, have been here a long time, many have mixed and don't look like what you find on the island of Msdeira

09-06-2013, 05:55 PM
What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you get upset? How can you even misstake me for thinking the Portuguese are black by just reading that comment?


Listen, clown, it's what you're implying. Remember, genius, you have a track record. :D "Everyday people" in Portugal look no different, at foundation, than the initial individual photos posted.

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 05:55 PM
Madeira mostly. The Azoreans here are a bit lighter.

The people you posted wouldn't be unusual in the Azores.

09-06-2013, 05:57 PM
Listen, clown, it's what you're implying. Remember, genius, you have a track record. :D "Everyday people" in Portugal look no different, at foundation, than the initial individual photos posted.

Actors and singers are average everyday looking people?

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 05:57 PM


09-06-2013, 06:04 PM

09-06-2013, 06:06 PM
There should be a limit on what is Portuguese American. I'm not sure where the definition comes from but at some point someone isn't Portuguese anymore. If they're mixed with other ethnicities why does the Portuguese override those? Why don't they just be Other-American? They're just American mutts.

I feel the same way about the Jersey Shore people and any Italian American who has mixed with anything non-Southern Euro i.e. Puerto Rican, Dominican, Irish, etc.

09-06-2013, 06:07 PM

09-06-2013, 06:18 PM
Actors and singers are average everyday looking people?

Do they look really different than the people in the group photos? If you need more proof, go to the Portuguese people thread. Or I'll just post some more random shots.

You and other people around here have some bizarre notions of what Iberians look like. Why?

I just ran into another complexed buffoon on a thread I created claiming a non-Portuguese was really Portuguese because he had a slightly africanized look (something he made up in his strange mind). I mean, is this forum filled with delusional lunatics or what?

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 06:23 PM
Do they look really different than the people in the group photos? If you need more proof, go to the Portuguese people thread. Or I'll just post some more random shots.

You and other people around here have some bizarre notions of what Iberians look like. Why?

It's strange for people who have never met a single Portuguese person ever to claim they know what Portuguese look like.

09-06-2013, 06:25 PM
Do they look really different than the people in the group photos? If you need more proof, go to the Portuguese people thread. Or I'll just post some more random shots.
You and other people around here have some bizarre notions of what Iberians look like. Why?

I just ran into another complexed buffoon on a thread I created claiming a non-Portuguese was really Portuguese because he had a slightly africanized look (something he made up in his strange mind). I mean, is this forum filled with delusional lunatics or what?

Actors, singers and other media personalities do not look like average everyday people. Maybe that's not the case for Portugal but pretty much in all other countries this is close to the truth.

09-06-2013, 07:05 PM
Actors, singers and other media personalities do not look like average everyday people. Maybe that's not the case for Portugal but pretty much in all other countries this is close to the truth.

These are photos of Portuguese military personnel. Last I checked the military does not discriminate on looks. LOL!

The actors / personalities may be better looking but the phenotypes are generally the same.

09-06-2013, 07:25 PM
These are photos of Portuguese military personnel. Last I checked the military does not discriminate on looks. LOL!

Last time I checked, I didn't really comment anything about the group pictures you posted.

Get over yourself.

09-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Last time I checked, I didn't really comment anything about the group pictures you posted.

Get over yourself.

I'm sorry Doctor Detroit, you have some weird complex. You fit right in the Capelli club.

09-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Actually you're right. Too much Atlantid and not enough Norid or Dinarid to be northern Italian. And of course not enough Alpine or East Med to be southerners.

I'd rule out Italy altogether except for some in the north. I also wouldn't place them in Scotland.

My wife has family in Scotland. Been there a bit. Some would fit there.

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 07:34 PM
The people the OP posted pigmentation/phenotype-wise, look quite average to me. There's nothing wrong with them being posted.

09-06-2013, 07:34 PM
I think that they fit in Croatia quite well.

09-06-2013, 07:48 PM
Funny thing is most Portuguese in my town do not look like these photos. And I don't know why. It's not just due to Cape Verdean admixture that they don't since some of the white ones here look very different than this, too.

Madeira mostly. The Azoreans here are a bit lighter.


There is no such thing as Madeirans in USA.
Madeira only has a population of nearly ~250.000 inhabitants. Of those inhabitants, a possible quarter portion of the population is composed of ex-colonials (Brazilians, Angolans, Mozambicans, Goans, etc.) and new arrivals (British, Venezuelans, Ukrainians and Chinese).

It's is hard for me to believe those ~250.00 Madeirans, are everywhere in the world tainting the look of the continentals, since they are already a minority to be found in the globe.
Of course, we can't say the same thing about the Cape-Verdeans, Brazilians and other brown ex-colonials in a lump.

The majority of Madeiran immigrants, have immigrated to countries like South Africa, Brazil and France.
To USA, the concentration is virtually nil, here to be found only in Hawaii.

Now, in Hawaii those Madeiran immigrants have practically disappeared, after the greater assimilation to the Chinese immigrants and indigenous Hawaiians.

Below is an article "Da Madeira para o Hawaii" written by Castro Caldeira, Susana (http://www.madeira-edu.pt/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=b_F1BIUOfF4%3D&tabid=1277&language=pt-PT).

In the early nineteenth century, Madeira Island was in serious economic
and social difficulties. The grape harvest fall proved to be unbearable for the
economy. Joining the army was an undesirable option; low wages, unemployment,
widespread poverty and hunger were to shake this island space. These factors,
as well as overcrowding, at the time, led to a tighter standard of living, affecting
mainly the rural population that saw in emigration a chance to start a new and
thus avoid the economic catastrophe. During the second half of the nineteenth
and early twentieth century, about 400,000 migrant workers from different parts
of the world were engaged to work in Hawaii. First were the Chinese in 1852.
Portuguese immigration began with the first group of 120 Madeirans who arrived
on September 29, 1878, aboard the ship Priscilla, responding to a growing
demand of labour for the sugar plantations. After this first shipment, thousands of
islanders followed their dream of a better life in a land they called “Terra Nova”.
By far the largest group of Portuguese came from Madeira and thus constituted
the main body of the ancestors of the Portuguese community in Hawaii.
This saga seems to have been a blank page in Madeiran historiography so
far. Reconstituting the course of these Madeirans, discovering, within a grounded
context, why this route was made, as well as trace the trail of the presence of
Portuguese culture, in general, and Madeiran, in particular, in the Hawaiian
Islands, became the focus of this research project.
In Hawaii, Madeirans have integrated a system that consisted of work on a
plantation for several years, after which they could choose to stay, as free laborers,
or acquire a small piece of land. Familiar with manual work and knowledgeable
about farming methods, they rapidly achieved the position of lunas or overseers
in the plantations. Through difficult years of poverty, labour and bewilderment,
the Madeirans were bolstered by their adherence to church, the strength of their
family ties, the Portuguese-language newspapers and their fraternal orders. For
many years, they have maintained their language, their customs and dances,
and although at first they lived in poor conditions they have gradually improved
their status. They aspired to have their own homes and their own plots of land,
overcame the obstacles of prejudice and misunderstanding and have played
important roles in almost all stages of Hawaiian life.
To some extent, the isolation among the various ethnic groups throughout
the nineteenth century, allowed the Portuguese to develop their own shared ethnic
and cultural standards. As they passed from immigrants to settlers, they greatly
contributed to their new society, building churches and organizing festivals.
The Madeiran dance, music and songs enriched the already complex Hawaiian
cultural forms. As did Madeiran arts and crafts even the Hawaiian dinner table
has felt the impact of their presence in the Islands.
By the turn of the twentieth century, the entire Portuguese community was
about 20,000 strong and Madeirans kept emigrating to Hawaii until 1913. The
Portuguese language, which was taught at the University of Hawaii until 1956
and even by a few private tutors, is still spoken by some descendants and the
accent and terms used can denote a Madeiran origin. Names like Abreu, Correia,
Teixeira, Freitas, Pereira, Silva and Camacho are also a part of what is left of their
legacy, as well as Madeiran cuisine which is still part of Hawaiian menus.
Besides the Portuguese imprints left on architecture in the form of Madeiran
dry stone walls, there are also a few buildings with Portuguese names like Faria,
Araújo and Mendonça. Some churches have Portuguese names and there
are also about thirty streets in Hawaii immortalizing the Portuguese presence
and importance in the islands. The Portuguese associations and clubs are still
there in a good number preserving the heritage left by their ancestors. At many
gatherings of the Portuguese in Hawaii the Portuguese national anthem is still
played and one feels at home and feels proud of belonging to such a people that
still bear Madeira in their hearts.

Below are pictures of the country, from North to South and Madeira

Northern Portuguese (Entre Douro e Minho)

Central Portuguese (Extremadura e Ribatejo)

Southern Portuguese (Algarve)

Insular Portuguese (Madeira)
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-egb1Tx6v144/UfqSWWp-axI/AAAAAAAADtY/was8hjYS4Ig/s100/Youngling+Madeirans%252C+People+of+Madeira+-+Portuguese_people.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DVpGn86IsrE/UhDGu2QLbXI/AAAAAAAAEQQ/tBUJA517kwU/s100/Youth+Madeirans,+Madeirenses,+people+of+Madeira.jp ghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0tq2VeCDrSw/UfqSldJYROI/AAAAAAAADtc/bgDGm2oYbwE/s100/Adult+Madeirans,+People+of+Madeira+-+Portuguese_people.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GzyGJuOpnd8/UfqSpNTPzjI/AAAAAAAADtk/tk9rbE_NpL0/s100/Old+Adult+Madeirans,+People+of+Madeira+-+Portuguese_people.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YzmidCv0OIA/UfqSs7sq_TI/AAAAAAAADts/arkmQ274-tc/s100/Elderly+Madeirans,+People+of+Madeira+-+Portuguese_people.jpg

I think it's time you show us pictures of those so called Portuguese, that often you "see" every day, on your town.
I honestly lost the count of how many ethnicities there are in that neighborhood of yours.

Actors, singers and other media personalities do not look like average everyday people. Maybe that's not the case for Portugal but pretty much in all other countries this is close to the truth.

Yes, those people are what I commonly see. If you have any doubts, you can visit the country, of course.
Or you can trust the Football team. It's the most representative, I heard.

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 07:54 PM
To USA, the concentration is virtually nil, here to be found only in Hawaii.

You forgot California.:p

Atlantic Islander
09-06-2013, 08:03 PM
Now, in Hawaii those Madeiran immigrants have practically disappeared, after the greater assimilation to the Chinese immigrants and indigenous Hawaiians.

This tickles my fancy, from Wiki:

In Hawaii, McDonald's restaurants serve breakfasts featuring linguiça. Hawaiian linguiça, also known as Portuguese sausage, is usually smoked using banana leaves.


Damião de Góis
09-06-2013, 10:32 PM
These are what you see here. I don't know if emmigrants elsewhere look different or not, i can't speak for them. Also, the portuguese posters i've seen pictures of would fit in this group, but maybe not in Sikeliot's portuguese neighbourhood.

The 2nd guy from bottom is a lighter than average type, but he looks dark in that picture. Here are other pictures:


http://db2.stb.s-msn.com/i/98/2F954FD30C27FE67B22E8AAB384E0_h467_w598_m2_q90_cqg ccEfMA.jpg

09-06-2013, 10:55 PM
They all fit in France.