View Full Version : Geno 2.0 says I am 5% Native American, 3% sub sahra, 2% Oceania

Fire Haired
09-10-2013, 02:39 AM
I added 1-3% Native American and i might add 1% Black and 1% Australian Abroignal to my ethnicity because of my uncles and other family members Geno 2.0 results. The reason in the who am i test in Geno 2.0 Their version of Aust DNa test (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.isogg.org%2Fwiki%2FAutosomal_ DNA&ei=7H8uUpLcEMWtqQHb04GgDA&usg=AFQjCNG8NuxkUWi-3fPmcn4czYal0U-tAA&sig2=6rnwyv4FSjnbro1MA2DNIg&bvm=bv.51773540,d.aWM). The results were 40% Mediterranean, 35% North European, 15% Southwest Asian, 5% Native American, 3% Sub Sharen African, and 2% Oceania. A little backround North European represent pre Farming people of Europe so descends of Paleolithic Cro magnon. We dont know how unified Cro magnon were but North Euro is the only group that originated in them. the Mediterranean and Southwest Asian came in the Neolithic age so with the spread of farming in Europe. I have looked at other tests like globe13. Their group they say is from Paleolithic Cro magnon Europe they also call it North European the group that dominted in Neolithic European farmer samples was Mediterranean with significant minorities North European(inter marriage with hunter gathers), southwest Asian, and west Asian. My uncles ancestry is 100% German, British isles, and Norwegian.

Germans got 46% NOrth European, 36% Mediterranean, and 17% southwest Asian

British 50% North European, 33% Mediterranean, and 17% Southwest Asian

Danish(they did not show Norwegian) 53% North European, 30% Mediterranean, 16% Southwest asian

So about 5-10% to much Mediterranean and 10% to little North European then the Native American, Sub Saharan African, and Oceania. The Mediterranean could explain the dark skin that pops up. I saw they did not make specific mid eastern groups only southwest Asian so alot of the Mediterranean could be mid eastern since Mid eastern uselly got over 60%. It is a mystery were the extra med and all the non Caucasian groups come from. Our family direct male line is typical western European Germanic Italo Celtic R1b1a2a1a L11. So it comes from a woman who married in at some point. For the Native American which i think is liget it would have probably been way back in the 1760's-1780's. for the sub sharen African and Oceania if that is liget it also would have been from around that time or further back. All of those people Native Americans, Sub Sharan Africans, and Australian Aboriginals were apart of British colonies so i guess the inter marriage is possible.

We know from history in Puerto Rico Spanish, Africans, and Native Americans mixed. So we know Puerto Ricans are at least part Native American in their results they got 11% so why couldn't 5% be legit. But then what that is saying is one of my great grandparents as 20% native american and we have pictures of all of them they all look 100% white. And with Hispanics even though aust dna uselly shows about half of Iberian Spanish origin and half Native American their skin is almost always very dark. Even many puerto Ricans who have majority 62% of Iberian origin, 27% Sub Saharan African, and 11% Native American. so if one of them were 20% native american u would except to be able to tell and i am sure our family would know there was Indian blood. My great great grandfather when he went out west to look for money in the 1880's and 1890's he got into a fight with Indians that is the only Native American connection i know.

I have made threads about Native American genetics never thought i could have native american ancestors. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?93028-10-300ybp-Y-DNA!!-and-other-DNA-from-America-proves-they-are-Native-Americans-ancestors&p=1893279#post1893279. It is very very very surprising i might be part native american. And possibly even part Black really African American and part Australian Aboriginal.

Prisoner Of Ice
09-14-2013, 10:33 PM
That means probably the opposite unless the mixture rating is a lot higher. Meaning that NA Indians are 5% european, that's why almost everyone gets that.

Fire Haired
09-14-2013, 11:14 PM
That means probably the opposite unless the mixture rating is a lot higher. Meaning that NA Indians are 5% european, that's why almost everyone gets that.

I really doubt that u should look at their refrence populations, They test supposbly 100% native american people in south america like Mayans. and they get about 2% North Euro and 2% med meaing they had inter married a tiny bit with Spanish. I think 5% is pretty liget. And with Europeans in who am i test in Geno 2,0 it breaks down into three groups North European(Paleoithic Europeans arrived 30,000ybp), Med(spread in Neloithic age mainly 9,000-6,000ybp), and Southwest asian(spread mainly in Neloithic age 9,000-6,000ybp). I saw a bunch of European countries refence ot one had any native american i have even seen other white americans results not one had any native american or sub sharan African or Oceania.

09-14-2013, 11:18 PM
That means probably the opposite unless the mixture rating is a lot higher. Meaning that NA Indians are 5% european, that's why almost everyone gets that.

No :confused:

09-14-2013, 11:22 PM
Such an ethnic, multi racial mess ;)