View Full Version : Classify Audu Ibu Tayi the Howeitat Bedouin tribal leader who defeated the Turks at Aqaba

09-13-2013, 07:05 AM
http://s10.postimg.org/dbluza0ih/Audu_ibu_tay.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
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09-13-2013, 07:06 AM
Arabid? lol.

09-13-2013, 07:08 AM

09-13-2013, 07:08 AM
Arabid? lol.

I believe and what is interesting he had green eyes but your typical brown Arabian. He was also military skilled and genius.

09-13-2013, 07:15 AM


Semitic is not a phenotype, but a language family and a metaethnicity.

09-13-2013, 07:17 AM
Semitic is not a phenotype, but a language family and a metaethnicity.

It is both. Semitic=Arabid=Orientalid.

09-13-2013, 07:26 AM
It is both. Semitic=Arabid=Orientalid.

That's because the proto-Semities originated in the Deserts of Arabia and later began migrating out and with them their language. Today the Semitic type is best preserved among the Yemenite Jews/highlanders/ Tribal Saudis/ and among the ethnic Jordanians who are of Bedouin stock.

09-13-2013, 07:31 AM
I believe and what is interesting he had green eyes but your typical brown Arabian. He was also military skilled and genius.

Interesting like a modern khalid ibn al waleed.

09-13-2013, 07:38 AM
Interesting like a modern khalid ibn al waleed.

Well Khalid Ibn Al Waleed was rather legendary for his status. However Audu was very skilled in Desert warfare and this why he was able to defeat the Turks and is a genius in his own right. For modern standards and on the local level he can be compared to him in many ways. Audu Ibu Tayi is a hero in Jordan and Arabia.

09-13-2013, 07:44 AM
It is both. Semitic=Arabid=Orientalid.

That's because the proto-Semities originated in the Deserts of Arabia and later began migrating out and with them their language. Today the Semitic type is best preserved among the Yemenite Jews/highlanders/ Tribal Saudis/ and among the ethnic Jordanians who are of Bedouin stock.
That phenotype is simply Arabid/Proto-Arabid, not Semitic. It's unfair and even Arabocentric to call a phenotype Semitic when not all Semites are even Arabid. And before you guys bring in the 'Arabids are pure Semites' crap, Arabids are pure Southern Semites. Whereas the Druze are pure Northern Semites, which are mainly East Meds.

09-13-2013, 07:46 AM

That phenotype is simply Arabid/Proto-Arabid, not Semitic. It's unfair and even Arabocentric to call a phenotype Semitic when not all Semites are even Arabid. And before you guys bring in the 'Arabids are pure Semites' crap, Arabids are pure Southern Semites. Whereas the Druze are pure Northern Semites, which are mainly East Meds.

The Arabid is the pure Semitic phenotype, because that's the racial type of the original Semitic speakers.

09-13-2013, 07:52 AM
there have not any proof who the arabs are the real semitic speakers.....have not semitic race is only linguistic group

09-13-2013, 08:12 AM
The Arabid is the pure Semitic phenotype, because that's the racial type of the original Semitic speakers.


According to you guys, Semitic is Arabid. Why name a phenotype after a language of people that isn't even the oldest or most original Semitic language?!


09-13-2013, 08:20 AM
the origin od semitic language

A recent Bayesian analysis of alternative Semitic histories supports the latter possibility and identifies an origin of Semitic languages in the Levant around 3,750 BC with a single introduction from southern Arabia into Africa around 800 BC.[11]


We estimate an Early Bronze Age origin for Semitic approximately 5750 years ago in the Levant, and further propose that contemporary Ethiosemitic languages of Africa reflect a single introduction of early Ethiosemitic from southern Arabia approximately 2800 years ago


09-13-2013, 08:24 AM
arabs just adopted the semitic language,,,,,,have not semites.

09-13-2013, 12:42 PM
arabs just adopted the semitic language,,,,,,have not semites.

LOL because you are levant you want to make every semit levantine or say they are not semitic?
On-topic: He is Arabid and also an Asshole.

09-13-2013, 12:47 PM
LOL because you are levant you want to make every semit levantine or say they are not semitic?
On-topic: He is Arabid and also an Asshole.

We estimate an Early Bronze Age origin for Semitic approximately 5750 years ago in the Levant, and further propose that contemporary Ethiosemitic languages of Africa reflect a single introduction of early Ethiosemitic from southern Arabia approximately 2800 years ago

have not thing as semite. grow up, we are just levantines.

09-13-2013, 12:48 PM
We estimate an Early Bronze Age origin for Semitic approximately 5750 years ago in the Levant, and further propose that contemporary Ethiosemitic languages of Africa reflect a single introduction of early Ethiosemitic from southern Arabia approximately 2800 years ago

have not thing as semite. grow up, we are just levantines.

Now im interested what language did Arabs speak in your opinion?

09-13-2013, 12:52 PM
Now im interested what language did Arabs speak in your opinion?


sudanese also speaking today arabic.they are semites too?

they are black afiricans arabic speaking.

and no, semitic race never exist.

09-13-2013, 12:55 PM

sudanese also speaking today arabic.they are semites too?

they are black afiricans arabic speaking.

and no, semitic race never exist.
No real historian will ever say arabs are not semitic.
Also sudanese are not ethnically Arabs.

09-13-2013, 12:56 PM
No real historian will ever say arabs are not semitic.
Also sudanese are not ethnically Arabs.

semitic- people who speaking semitic language.

today also egyptians consider as semitic people.

09-13-2013, 05:35 PM
On-topic: He is Arabid and also an Asshole.

Yes he is Arabid, but why he is an asshole? He fought for independence for his people from the Ottoman oppression, but this became especially heightened with the rise of the Young Turks.

09-13-2013, 05:57 PM
Yes he is Arabid, but why he is an asshole? He fought for independence for his people from the Ottoman oppression, but this became especially heightened with the rise of the Young Turks.

He let his palace build by ottoman slaves so as a Turk i dont like him nothing against his cause or against Arabs in general.

09-14-2013, 05:10 AM
Pure Semite.

02-25-2015, 05:45 PM
He looks indian

02-25-2015, 06:00 PM
Yes, Arabs with the support of the west uprose against Ottomans/khalif and Ottomans left the region. Since then there has never been peace for Arabs.
They are paying for their betrayal to Ottomans.

02-25-2015, 06:17 PM
watch here, Lawrence's golds raining from sky, amazing


03-29-2015, 01:01 AM
He looks indian

He looks more Semitic than anything.

03-29-2015, 01:06 AM
East Nordid + East Baltid influences. Typical Korean.

03-29-2015, 01:16 AM
He had natural green eyes but was dark skinned. He is considered hero in Jordan and Arabia, and there was even an epic series about him called Audu Abu Tayi which has immortalized him. I am proud to be of Howeitat blood despite being minor, my mom is partially Howetiat because her great-grandmother was a Howetiat on her maternal line.

03-29-2015, 01:19 AM
He had natural green eyes but was dark skinned. He is considered hero in Jordan and Arabia, and there was even an epic series about him called Audu Abu Tayi which has immortalized him. I am proud to be of Howeitat blood despite being minor, my mom is partially Howetiat because her great-grandmother was a Howetiat on her maternal line.

Good for you, and i hope the Hashemites would give him a special statue of him in Amman with Benjamin Netanyahu thanking him and the prime minister for his next honor. After all, if it wasn't for him and his Bedouin brethren then there would be no Israel.

03-29-2015, 01:24 AM
Good for you, and i hope the Hashemites would give him a special statue of him in Amman with Benjamin Netanyahu thanking him and the prime minister for his next honor. After all, if it wasn't for him and his Bedouin brethren then there would be no Israel.

I am partially Howetiat through my maternal line. Nonsense. We don't feel related to anyone else apart from our Arab brethren and this how it's supposed to be. There are Palestinians from the Howetiat tribe btw and many are in the Sinai to. The Howetiat homeland stretches from northern Arabia and Jordan to the Sinai.

03-29-2015, 01:27 AM
I am partially Howetiat through my maternal line. Nonsense. We don't feel related to anyone else apart from our Arab brethren and this how it's supposed to be. There are Palestinians from the Howetiat tribe btw and many are in the Sinai to. The Howetiat homeland stretches from northern Arabia and Jordan to the Sinai.

You mean Arab Bedouin brethren, right? SUURE habibi, and next time bring a bag of perfumes and dates for the IDF the next time they come to Jordan for military training. Aren't you just glad that Faisal had defeated the ottomans from Palestine and gave the land to the british.

Khalas, i have talked to you countless times already, and it seems waddad was right all along. You are indeed a flip flopper, and with that our friendship is over.

03-29-2015, 01:36 AM
You mean Arab Bedouin brethren, right? SUURE habibi, and next time bring a bag of perfumes and dates for the IDF the next time they come to Jordan for military training. Aren't you just glad that Faisal had defeated the ottomans from Palestine and gave the land to the british.

You realize we had second class status, by the Ottomans, and Arabs were treated quite badly, this why the revolt occurred. The Arab revolt had nothing to do with Palestine. For your info many Palestinians, Jordanians, Arabians, ect rebelled because they could not stand the treatment of the empire toward them. They just did not know what happened after the revolt. Audu Abu Tayi cared about the freedom and prosperity of his tribe, as the Turks had heavily taxed him and he refused to pay them taxes, when they tried to force him he joined the revolt. I don't care about the Ottomans or what have you, but Palestine is in our hearts, as they are kin to us, and no were not glad the outcome became that. The British just colonized the region after the Ottoman left, which had nothing to do with the revolt or the goals of the revolt which aimed at Arab and larger freedom. Many Levantine Christians also spearheaded the Arab revolt and the Arab nationalist movement and many were of Palestinian origins.

03-29-2015, 01:42 AM
You realize we had second class status, by the Ottomans, and Arabs were treated quite badly, this why the revolt occurred. The Arab revolt had nothing to do with Palestine. For your info many Palestinians, Jordanians, Arabians, ect rebelled because they could not stand the treatment of the empire toward them. They just did not know what happened after the revolt. Audu Abu Tayi cared about the freedom and prosperity of his tribe, as the Turks had heavily taxed him and he refused to pay them taxes, when they tried to force him he joined the revolt. I don't care about the Ottomans or what have you, but Palestine is in our hearts, as they are kin to us, and no were not glad the outcome became that. The British just colonized the region after the Ottoman left, which had nothing to do with the revolt or the goals of the revolt which aimed at Arab and larger freedom. Many Levantine Christians also spearheaded the Arab revolt and the Arab nationalist movement and many were of Palestinian origins.

Bitch please, we Palestinians never revolted against the ottomans, and the Arabians were in line with the British against the Turks even by selling our lands to the British in 1917 from the Balfour declaration. Is it NOT a coincidence that Jordan and other de facto countries in Arabian are very pro-American and pro-Israel while Iran is the only country that are helping my people? Nobody asked for the revolt except the Arabians for promise of gold and riches from Britain and France in exchange for their services for them. I told you, our friendship is over. Go and start praising Benjamin Netanyahu like those congressmen did during his speech in the white house.

lord j1
03-29-2015, 02:06 AM
he defeated the turks and now what happen we lost palestine. fuck him and anyone who supported him

08-26-2015, 05:53 AM
he defeated the turks and now what happen we lost palestine. fuck him and anyone who supported him

Nonsense. Say that to any proud Arabian and you will see the disgust you would get. He fought for our freedom, he gained it.

Seth MacFarlane
08-26-2015, 06:16 AM

That phenotype is simply Arabid/Proto-Arabid, not Semitic. It's unfair and even Arabocentric to call a phenotype Semitic when not all Semites are even Arabid. And before you guys bring in the 'Arabids are pure Semites' crap, Arabids are pure Southern Semites. Whereas the Druze are pure Northern Semites, which are mainly East Meds.

Some Northeen Semites like Jews etc have a lil Arabid influence . Like Ashkenazi grant heslov for example

08-26-2015, 06:26 AM
He was not a genius. English spread rumours abouth Turkish soldiers swallow their golds for secure. So This mindles brutals cut them anywhere they see. Definately arab looking btw.