View Full Version : Classify actors from the movie Kon-Tiki

09-13-2013, 05:24 PM
One of them is from Germany, and one from Sweden:

1. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx68/febgb/ParinglSverre_zpsa1b574a1.jpg (http://s742.photobucket.com/user/febgb/media/ParinglSverre_zpsa1b574a1.jpg.html)

2. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx68/febgb/AndersBaasmoChristiansen_zpse8d651a8.jpg (http://s742.photobucket.com/user/febgb/media/AndersBaasmoChristiansen_zpse8d651a8.jpg.html)

3. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx68/febgb/Thor-Heyerdahl1_zps909cdfa9.jpg (http://s742.photobucket.com/user/febgb/media/Thor-Heyerdahl1_zps909cdfa9.jpg.html)

4. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx68/febgb/bildeseherno_zps5b322b2c.jpg (http://s742.photobucket.com/user/febgb/media/bildeseherno_zps5b322b2c.jpg.html)

5. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx68/febgb/gustaf_skarsgard_54583121_zps8f47dcec.jpg (http://s742.photobucket.com/user/febgb/media/gustaf_skarsgard_54583121_zps8f47dcec.jpg.html)

09-13-2013, 08:02 PM

09-24-2013, 04:41 PM
Gonna raise this up from it's week-long death.. lol

1. Again, another individual posted on this board who fits perfectly as Nordic or British Isles to me. What is it with us Norwegians? We seem to be more "Aurignacoid" than the others. Basically Nordid/North Atlantid, with potential Borreby/Brunn and Keltic elements. Resembles Edward Norton.

2. Parallel to the first dude, Anders is basically Northern Cromagnoid with potential Nordoid influences.. His side profile looks like my maternal uncle's. Looks rather brachycephalic, but high headed and a very steep forehead that barely slopes. Basically Borreby.

The next one.. Is this guy Thor Heyerdahl, or Christopher? Google is confusing the shit out of me. I'm seeing a guy who resembles the dude in the pic shown here when I search Christopher Heyer, but the file name for the pic in this thread says Thor.. Who was a relative, I think. Maybe whoever named it originally got their names mixed up?

3. Anyways, this dude is certainly Nordoid. Clearly falls somewhere within the Keltic/East/Corded spectrum, especially when I look at Google's images. He has the pseudo "irano/dinaromorphic" nose, and is rather robust in the eye region.. Very high headed, has a long lower face. In fact, his lower, mid, and upper head region all seem to be rather similar in length, making his front profile look like an elongated upright rectangle, which some would argue is a clear Corded head shape/dimension. Some on here would also argue that the "Corded" types had dark hair, and so this doesn't really factor in either. And what do you know? Another Norwegian with Scottish heritage.

4. Can't find this dude on Google when I search "bildeseherno".. But I'm guessing he may be German? Looks Atlantid/Atlanto-Meddish to me, looks rather soft and childish compared to the others.

5. Google images shows a totally different dude to the one shown here, so I'll try to go by this single photo.. North Ponto-Balto-Cromagnoid? General impression I'm getting.

As always, I'd appreciate it if someone would correct me if I'm horribly wrong in regards to any of these.

09-24-2013, 05:00 PM
1. North Atlantid
2. Borreby. This one should be Swedish.
3. Nordid + CM
4. Reduced Paleo-Atlantid. German?
5. Pontid + Baltid.

09-24-2013, 05:14 PM
3. Nordid + CM

Why do you believe he looks Cromagnoid? Is this the same guy, or no? http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/images/6/69/Christopher-heyerdahl.jpg

Doesn't look particularly Cromagnoid to me. Keltic/Dinaric/Corded. If he was merely Scottish, I'd lean towards Keltic but he's also Norwegian, so his features could be considered "Corded" from that side. Keltic/Corded can look rather similar in many ways, even if they're a bit different genetically and there are minor differences in features...

Both are long headed Dinaromorphic-Nordoid types, one simply has a more "Cromagnoid" look, as in harsher/stronger features.

Anyway, both of those countries have genetically influenced the other to begin with, so it's hard to say where his look comes from specifically.

09-24-2013, 07:49 PM
Why do you believe he looks Cromagnoid? Is this the same guy, or no? http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/images/6/69/Christopher-heyerdahl.jpg

Doesn't look particularly Cromagnoid to me. Keltic/Dinaric/Corded. If he was merely Scottish, I'd lean towards Keltic but he's also Norwegian, so his features could be considered "Corded" from that side. Keltic/Corded can look rather similar in many ways, even if they're a bit different genetically and there are minor differences in features...

Both are long headed Dinaromorphic-Nordoid types, one simply has a more "Cromagnoid" look, as in harsher/stronger features.

Anyway, both of those countries have genetically influenced the other to begin with, so it's hard to say where his look comes from specifically.

Yes from another angle he looks more like Keltic Nordid / Corded.

09-24-2013, 09:15 PM
Thank you for your thoughts, but I have to fill in that number 3 is the German indivudual, while number 4 is stated as Norwegian. :)

09-24-2013, 09:37 PM
Thank you for your thoughts, but I have to fill in that number 3 is the German indivudual, while number 4 is stated as Norwegian. :)

Are you sure? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Heyerdahl

Is number 3 a different person? I guess then it may be possible. But nothing comes up on "Thor Heyerdahl" in Google, besides Christopher Heyerdahl's fully Norwegian ancestor who was apparently a really big deal in Norway for whatever reason that may be.

Either way, I think that if it is the same dude, he basically looks like what Wikipedia says he does, Norwegian/Scottish.


I would've assumed number 4 was German sooner than number 3, but I think that a lot of individuals amongst these Germanic groups are interchangeable, even if they as a whole have different overall appearances.

09-25-2013, 12:05 AM
Are you sure? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Heyerdahl

Is number 3 a different person? I guess then it may be possible. But nothing comes up on "Thor Heyerdahl" in Google, besides Christopher Heyerdahl's fully Norwegian ancestor who was apparently a really big deal in Norway for whatever reason that may be.

Either way, I think that if it is the same dude, he basically looks like what Wikipedia says he does, Norwegian/Scottish.


I would've assumed number 4 was German sooner than number 3, but I think that a lot of individuals amongst these Germanic groups are interchangeable, even if they as a whole have different overall appearances.

If you refer to number 3, this is the actor:


09-25-2013, 12:39 AM
Nevermind, someone must've given the img file the wrong actor's name.. Because saving his photo gave me the name Heyerdahl. I guess Nordid/CM is generally the impression, maybe a very slight/negligible Dinaric vibe in the nose? He could IMO like most of the dudes here pass for a native in either country.