View Full Version : Mystery Of The Urinal Deuce

Sol Invictus
10-14-2009, 05:40 PM

10-14-2009, 05:43 PM

This happened.

Two months ago.

At my office.


I went in to go take a piss and noticed that there was a golf ball sized turd floating in the urinal. The perpetrator remains unknown, but is probably responsible for the other two poop related incidents that have occurred in the mean time. He has become known as the Phantom Pooper, or...the Phooper.

Sol Invictus
10-14-2009, 05:50 PM
That's pretty funny, actually because I think almost all men on here can attest to experiencing something as horrible and shocking as that. I remember in the college I go to, (where there is a gym and facilities for us to work out, exclusively for Police students) there was a huge turd in the showers and there was nothing as horrifying, as to see three men leaping out into the dressing room, butt naked, screaming "Someone shat in the fucking showers dude" "Omg" "Holy shit!" "What he fuck?" Just aweful.. Who would do such a thing?

Sol Invictus
10-14-2009, 05:58 PM
Haha. But the phantom shitters are not the reason why I posted this, and why it's in the conspiracy section. Well, it might be. Think about it for a sec.