View Full Version : Classify Dominic Purcell

Zmey Gorynych
09-25-2013, 12:54 PM
Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell by his full name - australian of norwegian and irish descent. He's 188 cm tall (6ft2).


09-25-2013, 12:55 PM
i always thought that he looks balkan

Zmey Gorynych
09-25-2013, 01:03 PM
i always thought that he looks balkan
Must be his hawkish nose which I suppose comes from his irish side ... or from an unhappy encounter with someone's fist :)

09-25-2013, 01:04 PM
Must be his hawkish nose which I suppose comes from his irish side.

he looks atlantid + dinaric to me

Zmey Gorynych
09-25-2013, 01:07 PM
he looks atlantid + dinaric to me
Way too robust to be Atlantid (he has a brick skull) and too long-headed to be considerably dinarid influenced, but I can see the little keltic that he has.

Not a Cop
09-25-2013, 02:29 PM
Brunn\Faelid + Atlanto\Nordid infl, big headed dude

09-25-2013, 02:44 PM

09-25-2013, 03:02 PM
i always thought that he looks balkan

Completely agree
More than norwegian or even australian, he looks south slavic
Bulgarian or Serbian.

Zmey Gorynych
09-27-2013, 06:11 AM

Atlantic Islander
09-27-2013, 06:17 AM
The guy from Prison Break! Wentworth Miller played his brother.

09-27-2013, 08:57 AM

09-27-2013, 09:08 AM
Way too robust to be Atlantid (he has a brick skull) and too long-headed to be considerably dinarid influenced, but I can see the little keltic that he has.

Agreed. I think he is pred. CM + Keltic Nordid.

09-27-2013, 02:08 PM
i always thought that he looks balkan

Resembles a friend of mine from Blagoevgrad.:D

11-03-2013, 11:23 PM
Completely agree
More than norwegian or even australian, he looks south slavic
Bulgarian or Serbian.

He looks like Alain Figlarz... ^^

11-04-2013, 12:21 AM
looks south slavic
Bulgarian or Serbian

05-19-2014, 03:36 AM
could fit in Iceland.

Zmey Gorynych
08-12-2014, 06:42 AM

I can't see them posts ...

08-12-2014, 06:52 AM
Atlanto Med + Borreby. Does look Balkan-ish. I think you could find similar types in the Balkans.

Zmey Gorynych
08-12-2014, 07:36 AM
Atlanto Med + Borreby. Does look Balkan-ish. I think you could find similar types in the Balkans.
Here's him next to other people, maybe you'll start classifying corectly.

Next to 3 cromagnoids and a negro

next to a pred. atlanto-nordid

next to a pred Dalo-Faelid and a Kelto-Saxon


You've been at it for quite some time (the classifying I mean), is that hard to distinguish gracile types from robust types !?

08-12-2014, 07:51 AM
CM-Keltic Nordic-Borreby

Once a Prison Break star, now he is in Uwe Boll movies :laugh:

Zmey Gorynych
08-12-2014, 07:55 AM
Once a Prison Break star, now he is in Uwe Boll movies :laugh:
Although I liked his work in John Doe it seems to me he was never much of an actor. Big guy with fierce appearance who looks good smashing other people's skulls.

08-12-2014, 03:50 PM
Here's him next to other people, maybe you'll start classifying corectly.

Next to 3 cromagnoids and a negro

next to a pred. atlanto-nordid

next to a pred Dalo-Faelid and a Kelto-Saxon


You've been at it for quite some time (the classifying I mean), is that hard to distinguish gracile types from robust types !?

Yeah, it's that hard.

Based on his frontal view, he seems to be mesoproscopic. I just did a quick calculation, and it turns out his facial index is ~85. That's a bit high for a Borreby, which is supposed to be euryproscopic. Now, based on his profile view I can see that he has a protruding occiput, meaning brachycephaly is unlikely. So, we're dealing with a mesoproscopic, mesocephalic individual. He must be a mixed type, intermediate between a brachycephalic and dolichocephalic form. Because his overall dimensions are so large, the dolichocephalic element must be large as well.

Let's see what Hooton has to say on the Atlanto-Mediterranean race:

1. Upper Palaeolithic (“Galley Hill,” “Combe Capelle,” “Atlanto-Mediterranean”)

a. Head form: very long, usually over 200 mm., very dolichocephalic, length-breadth index usually under 75; occiput protuberant
b. Brow-ridges: usually large
c. Forehead: usually receding
d. Nasion depression: deep
e. Hair form: usually very wavy or curly
f. Nose form: usually straight, medium breadth and height, rather coarse
g. Face form: often very long face, deep jaws, rather prominent malars
h. Stature: usually tall (over 170 cm.) but may be medium, rarely short
i. Skin color: generally dark

Distribution: sporadic in refuge areas of Europe and the Middle East; probably commonest in Ireland, Scotland, Wales

And there we go, that's our match.

Zmey Gorynych
08-13-2014, 05:40 AM
Yeah, it's that hard.

Based on his frontal view, he seems to be mesoproscopic. I just did a quick calculation, and it turns out his facial index is ~85. That's a bit high for a Borreby, which is supposed to be euryproscopic. Now, based on his profile view I can see that he has a protruding occiput, meaning brachycephaly is unlikely. So, we're dealing with a mesoproscopic, mesocephalic individual. He must be a mixed type, intermediate between a brachycephalic and dolichocephalic form. Because his overall dimensions are so large, the dolichocephalic element must be large as well.

Let's see what Hooton has to say on the Atlanto-Mediterranean race:

And there we go, that's our match.
we have no way of knowing his CI or FI but you do realise that a mesoprosopic, mesocephalic individual can not be atlanto-med !? You did say he's mixed but still consider him predominantly atlanto-mediterranid, right !? Is atlanto med + borreby the only combination that can generate a mesoprosopic/mesocephalic individual (if that's the case) !?

How did you calculate his FI if it's not a secret !?

08-13-2014, 02:16 PM
I think Atlantid+Faelid

The Blade
03-04-2018, 12:06 PM
Paleo Atlantid with dinarization (nose). Skull is, however, clearly not Dinaric.

03-04-2018, 09:17 PM
Atlantid + Faelid.

09-16-2018, 11:50 PM

Dinarid/Norid + CM, IMO

06-09-2020, 01:52 AM
Dinaridized Atlantid

Was really surprised to learn that he was an Anglo-Celtic Australian. Doesn't quite look his mix (especially Norwegian). I'd pass him in southeastern Europe.

12-18-2023, 03:44 PM

12-18-2023, 03:48 PM
Very manly and good looking. Less boyish Channing Tatum.

12-18-2023, 04:15 PM
CM with Med, or insert random name for a wog phenotype
