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10-16-2009, 02:25 PM
What the hell is that?! :confused:

I am gonna write really simple so everyone can understand me - Svarog style, and I am not trying to insult anyone here - so - starting with this board, some guy telling me - 'you're not a true white nationalist!', I mean, is that supposed to be an insult, or an accusation - or a compliment? I love Apricity as it is not all that ideologically oriented and you can be whatever you want unlike on some other boards around but still - this made me curious.

What the hell is white nationalism, I never heard for a country named White, so you can be it's nationalist - especially makes no sense for Europeans, at least it did not 30 years ago. If you say for Americans it does make some sense as he/she can be an American nationalist white white skin or whatever and since they have all possible and impossible coloured people there calling themselves a WN would indicate that they support a white side of their country, whatever that means, still sounds stupid to me.

Why would I be a 'white nationalist' when Serbia is a white nation, I am a Serbian nationalist - is that not enough but I have to expand my ideology beyond stupid?

And some things some people constantly fail to understand:

Political and sexual orientation

All completely different things - it is in the 8th grade sociology book so please read it!

So, will someone explain me what White Nationalism is, and if you are one of those, what is your ideology based on. No epic 'I will fight with the sword of my father for the ancestors and my soil fed with their blood blah blah blah' answers please as I am sure none of our ancestors called themselves white nationalists.

10-16-2009, 02:28 PM
White nationalism?!

What the hell is that?! :confused:

It's a load of nonsense - that's what it is. ;)

10-16-2009, 02:32 PM
I love Apricity as it is not all that ideologically oriented and you can be whatever you want unlike on some other boards around ...

This is the crux of the matter to me. Apricity is certainly not a "white nationalist" site like Stormfront, or even a Germanic supremacist site like Skadi. We are simply oriented to discuss European cultural matters.

Some members here may identify as White Nationalists -- that is their prerogative and choice, as we believe in freedom of expression and freedom of political choice. But they should not expect everyone else to be of this point of view.

10-16-2009, 02:37 PM
It's a misnomer really but one borne out of the sense of racialist (not racist) pride (for lack of a better term) more than anything else. The ideology just happens to have a really poorly-worded label.

10-16-2009, 02:37 PM
For me, a White Nationalist (WN) is someone who holds no passion or sanctity towards the ethnic, cultural and historical preservation of the individual countries of Europe. A WN will happily allow the movement of one grouping of Europeans into another country in Europe and talk only that they can co-exist and assimilate. WN's are anti-European preservation.

10-16-2009, 02:42 PM
Apricity is certainly not a "white nationalist" site like Stormfront, or even a Germanic supremacist site like Skadi.

It does sound like some Don Black ideology at spot. What other 'ideology' could attract bigger group of people than a white nationalist one as everyone and anyone can pass as white, whatever that is. I hear he is now letting Asians and Jews around too, no doubt Don Black is a very poor man and that Stormfront is a passion and not a moneymaker. Of course boards do need money to work, as I was a staff already I do know that very well, we pretty much bankrupted ourselves but c'mon - a huge rip off for kids with issues. That's where all that WN crap came from to start with and no doubt Don's favorite song is a Scorpion's 'Wind of Change' - as I stated before - first when I joined SF I was not a Nazi enough for the board, now, I'd probably be too much of a nazi.

It was not even kind of my intention to turn this into a Stormfront discussion, but I kind of knew as soon as you touch white nationalism it is gonna involve Stormfront in one way or the another - I do wonder which fronts they're storming :rolleyes:

Electronic God-Man
10-16-2009, 02:45 PM
"White Nationalism" is a colonial concept that can only be understood in that context. It has no place in Europe as it was never meant to be applied there.

10-16-2009, 02:58 PM
"White Nationalism" is a colonial concept that can only be understood in that context. It has no place in Europe as it was never meant to be applied there.

This is correct. So, all of you Europeans here don't even need to concern yourselves with such a concept. Move along, there's nothing left to see here. ;)

It might work in places like Australia, Canada, America, etc., but even so, it's a bit slippery if you ask me.

The only benefit that I see to it here in America is that even just the awareness of such a movement might wake "white America" from her indoctrinated slumber and actually take an interest in her linguisto-ethno-racial past and more importantly, her future therein.

10-16-2009, 02:59 PM
"White Nationalism" is a colonial concept that can only be understood in that context. It has no place in Europe as it was never meant to be applied there.

What's (most) funny about that is speaking with a European 'White Nationalist' who then rails against America:D. Ownt ker who yuh are, 'at's funneh raht 'ere.

Electronic God-Man
10-16-2009, 03:06 PM
"White Nationalism" is a colonial concept that can only be understood in that context. It has no place in Europe as it was never meant to be applied there.

To expand a little...

"White Nationalism" does not seem nearly as ridiculous an ideology once one understands how it is tied to the colonial experience and the use of the term "White". Don Black did not create White Nationalism.

The term "White" was initially applied only to a select group of European settlers in contrast to "Indian" natives and "Black" slaves. The term expanded with time to include more people as was necessary in the colonies and former colonies so as to support the social system in place.

I do not support "White Nationalism" nor even the term "White" (even though the latter is still heavily in use and therefore hard to avoid). Both are outdated and do little to solve our current issues. They have grown well beyond their original intended usage.

10-16-2009, 03:08 PM
Would not then a term 'white racialism' be more appropriate than a 'White nationalism', after all, it is an ideology based on race more than it is based on an actual nationality?

10-16-2009, 03:09 PM
Would not then a term 'white racialism' be more appropriate than a 'White nationalism', after all, it is an ideology based on race more than it is based on an actual nationality?

Exactly why it is not used.

10-16-2009, 03:12 PM
I hear you mate, not politically correct - enough. :D

...people... :D

10-16-2009, 03:14 PM
Would not then a term 'white racialism' be more appropriate than a 'White nationalism', after all, it is an ideology based on race more than it is based on an actual nationality?

I would think that it would be difficult to use a term such as "white racialism" if one were trying to mobilise a group that is specifically tageted within one particular country as has been the case with such movements.

10-16-2009, 03:24 PM
racialism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racialism) = racism. That is, according to all accepted interpretations. The differentiation between the two terms is generally not acknowledged, or at the very least seen as an attempt by racialists to distance themselves from the hated label "racism".

I am not necessarily of this view, just saying that every man and his dog on the street would not recognise a difference if you asked them.

10-16-2009, 03:25 PM
I would think that it would be difficult to use a term such as "white racialism" if one were trying to mobilise a group that is specifically tageted within one particular country as has been the case with such movements.

I understand that perfectly, see, in Europe even a term 'nationalist' is equaled with something sinful and wrong - as - for the nationalism people will reject the description 'a love and respect for your nation with unquestionable loyalty' but turn it into 'hatred towards everyone that is not a of the same nationality as you are' - I simply call the other thing small minded chauvinism. Even the old bugger Hitler himself said 'Nationalism is a healthy feeling of love of your nation while others should be respected' too bad he was more of a hypocrite as he did not even have any respect for his own nation but in theoretical field he was right.

Now, I don't think calling yourself a white nationalist will attract any better public opinion than calling yourself a white nationalist, people will still judge your believes and reject anything coming from it. Personally, I was always anti-movement as I don't see many good ones around that are not after either your money or your ass doing them favors - I do not believe in democracy or a voting system, nor I believe in organized movements such are various racialist one I can see around. All you have to do to help your race and your people is to be a good man/woman, follow your tradition and respect it, do good and don't make an idiot out of yourself - which we constantly are failing to do - am starting to doubt if we're even capable not to make an idiots out of ourselves; If you can help it - don't do harm.

We don't need to burn down Reichstag or white house, destroy our society and build another one on the ashes of the old one, in which everything will be pretty and nice, and rainbow will always shine over our heads - just don't harm what we do have and keep the tradition and heritage alive, we're on a good way to fuck up everything and this little that we have imo.

Don't let me start on an another modern ideology people like to worship on the boards around - National-Anarchism :D

I am not necessarily of this view, just saying that every man and his dog on the street would not recognise a difference if you asked them.

Racialism and Racism are one the same, the word racialism is just nicer and easier accepted than the word racism is.

10-16-2009, 03:27 PM
White nationalism is something used mostly among USA skinhead societies, since they make a difference only by skin color. Nationalism is indeed the not right term as nationalism goes for a nation, not a whole race.

10-16-2009, 03:48 PM
I understand that perfectly, see, in Europe even a term 'nationalist' is equaled with something sinful and wrong - as - for the nationalism people will reject the description 'a love and respect for your nation with unquestionable loyalty' but turn it into 'hatred towards everyone that is not a of the same nationality as you are' - I simply call the other thing small minded chauvinism. Even the old bugger Hitler himself said 'Nationalism is a healthy feeling of love of your nation while others should be respected' too bad he was more of a hypocrite as he did not even have any respect for his own nation but in theoretical field he was right.

Now, I don't think calling yourself a white nationalist will attract any better public opinion than calling yourself a white nationalist, people will still judge your believes and reject anything coming from it. Personally, I was always anti-movement as I don't see many good ones around that are not after either your money or your ass doing them favors - I do not believe in democracy or a voting system, nor I believe in organized movements such are various racialist one I can see around. All you have to do to help your race and your people is to be a good man/woman, follow your tradition and respect it, do good and don't make an idiot out of yourself - which we constantly are failing to do - am starting to doubt if we're even capable not to make an idiots out of ourselves; If you can help it - don't do harm.

We don't need to burn down Reichstag or white house, destroy our society and build another one on the ashes of the old one, in which everything will be pretty and nice, and rainbow will always shine over our heads - just don't harm what we do have and keep the tradition and heritage alive, we're on a good way to fuck up everything and this little that we have imo.

I couldn't have said any of this better myself! :thumbs up

Don't let me start on an another modern ideology people like to worship on the boards around - National-Anarchism :D

Why not start another thread? :P :D

Racialism and Racism are one the same, the word racialism is just nicer and easier accepted than the word racism is.

This is where I will beg to differ however. For some, these most certainly ARE two different words. And no, one is not the sugar-coated version of the other.

10-16-2009, 04:44 PM
Why I am not a White Nationalist or neo-Nazi

While we support Nationalism and the Indo-European tribes, the members of this site have nothing to do with neo-Nazi, White Nationalist, or White Power groups. And this isn't because of social taboo: we agree with said groups on many things, most fundamentally that Indo-Europeans ("Caucasians","whites") have the right to establish nations where no other races are welcome as residents. This is nationalism, by its very definition (nation = a people), and in my belief it should be extended to every ethnic group, from Basque to Eskimo.

However, speaking both for myself and other members of this site, that's where the resemblance ends; "White Nationalists" and others who are basically hate groups in disguise piss me off because they're incorrect in their philosophical assumptions and method. It's well and good to stand up for your tribe, but don't expect me to embrace everything that looks white and lump it all together into one ethnic group. That's insane talk, and when it's coupled with hatred for other races, you can count me out.

First, I don't buy into the idea that I should accept someone as a comrade because he or she is "white." The majority of the "white" race needs nothing better than a bullet in the head; they're people of substandard intelligence, character and strength, and eliminating them would make each tribe stronger. When you go to a mall and see the fat, slow-moving, greedy, sloppy people who buy products for entertainment and work like slaves at moronic jobs, enforcing that same moronic standard on the rest of us, think of this statement.

That isn't to say that I "hate" those people; I simply want them removed, for the greater health of all of us. There is no ethnic group that doesn't benefit from eugenics, as for each weaker person that you eliminate a stronger one takes their place. It isn't a moral judgment on these people of "bad" or "good" but a simple recognition of their genetic value relative to other potential people.

Source (http://www.anus.com/zine/articles/nazi/)

straight, honest and highly offensive .. should be mandatory reading for all nationalists :p

10-16-2009, 04:56 PM
First paragraph - Indo-European does not mean 'white' nor it mean a 'caucasian'. Also nationalism is not condemning people of other races and have nothing to do with anti-immigration politics, that is just stupid, I already explained what nationalism is, and what a nation is.

Second paragraph - he negates himself and everything he said in the first one..

Third paragraph - he is telling us how he really feels, I'd just describe it as stupid.

Fourth paragraph - he, again, negated all the stuff he said in the first and the third paragraph.

What exactly is mandatory to read here as I am still unsure were you serious or sarcastic?

10-16-2009, 05:00 PM
White Nationalism is for mixed European folk like Americans. White Nationalism doesn't belong into Europe.

10-16-2009, 05:00 PM
Indo-Europeans are just a linguistic, not racial group. However, he is speaking about the preserving "certain groups", not only his own group. That looks again like White Nationalism;) Let's call it "Indo European Nationalism" of the elite :D

10-16-2009, 05:04 PM
Indo-Europeans are just a linguistic, not racial group. However, he is speaking about the preserving "certain groups", not only his own group. That looks again like White Nationalism;) Let's call it "Indo European Nationalism" of the elite :D

Again - exactly

These people are also Indo-Europeans (also referred as Indo-Aryans)

Indians (not native Americans!)
People from Shri Lanka and Maldives.

Also Indo-Iranians(Persians) and people from Anatolia and Tocharians and many more.

To be an Indo-European have Nothing to do with race, someone who have his own webpage should know that to start with.

10-16-2009, 05:18 PM
straight, honest and highly offensive .. should be mandatory reading for all nationalists :p

That was indeed awesome Dr. Who. :thumb001: Thank you. I note that this piece is dated 2004 but do you know its author by any chance?

Indo-Europeans are just a linguistic, not racial group. However, he is speaking about the preserving "certain groups", not only his own group. That looks again like White Nationalism;) Let's call it "Indo European Nationalism" of the elite :D

I don't know Tabiti, I read the entire article and saw it more like a case for preserving actual different ethnicities and cultures (what he means by "certain groups"), their distinctiveness at any rate. It's not a bad take if you believe in biodiversity. Isn't that what we are kind of about here, celebrating our cultural and ethnic diversity? :confused:

10-16-2009, 05:23 PM
That was indeed awesome Dr. Who. :thumb001: Thank you. I note that this piece is dated 2004 but do you know its author by any chance?

Not at all, I followed a link from some Icelandic "pragmatist-nationalist" blog to this website a long time ago. I found many articles there interesting and noticed that some were even translated into Icelandic as well. This article just poped into my head when I saw this thread.. that's all.

10-16-2009, 05:24 PM
That was indeed awesome Dr. Who. :thumb001: Thank you. I note that this piece is dated 2004 but do you know its author by any chance?

It is most likely the guy named Spinoza Ray Prozak (http://www.anus.com/etc/people/srp/).

From their site, I recognise some of the staff. I believe this guy (http://www.anus.com/etc/people/conservationist/) is Conservationist (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?u=178) on this forum as well -- although I might be wrong.

10-16-2009, 05:28 PM
Isn't that what we are kind of about here, celebrating our cultural and ethnic diversity?
Of course, but we are nationalists of our own nations as well. I'll always remember the words of some Ukrainian nationalist: "Being nationalist means to respect the other nations as well";)

10-16-2009, 05:34 PM
More of this guy - these are just cuts:

It's in everyone's interest to simply put a bullet in them and move forward with healthier breeding

On, what I believe, fat, mentally retarded and lazy people?

Races are the major divisions: black, white, asian and various hybrids. The smaller divisions within each race are tribe, such as French, German, Russian, Welsh. Within each race there are castes, but that's a complex matter for a different essay

I'm against Semitic religions in Indo-European countries, and Jews by their nature as hybrids originating in the middle east would not be welcome in our tribes. I support the idea of Israel, however, as in my view each ethnic population should have a state. This isn't to say that I don't find Jewish values, and Jewish culture, repugnant. They are passive aggressive parasites with a sick god complex as manifested in Tikkun Olam, their doctrine of "repairing the world," and to my mind that makes them fit for a mental institution, but outside of Indo-European society standards are different and it's not my business to police them.

and despite its origins in Judaism and Buddhism

While condemning non indo-european religions.

On Adolf Hitler:

His wars were fought with honor, and all of his killings had purpose, unlike those
of the Soviets. However, his modern day disciples understand neither his principles nor sense.

Again messing IE with Gods knows what...

Cite statistics to me all day about how black people commit more crime; this is "crime" as defined by Indo-European society, and the same rules don't apply in other cultures. Let them have their culture, and you can have yours.

I recognize that injustice, murder, war, ethnic hatred and genocide are not just permanent fixtures of our world, but are necessary methods for evolving better human beings.

It's worth adding here that I'm proud to have friends with other races and, while I will never breed with them or assimilate or be assimilated by their culture, I don't "hate" them or their races. The mixing of races I might "hate," were I prone to emotional outbursts, but I don't hate them. That they are here, and that our society is collapsing, are symptoms of the same cause: modernity, and its bureaucratic attitudes. They have as much to lose as we do. Thus I refuse to indulge in mindless bigotry against them when I care about them, and view them as allies for the eventual quest of Nationalism to overtake the world.

With each sentence he contradict most things he said and there is plenty more I just cannot read it anymore, there's no point.

10-16-2009, 05:41 PM
It is most likely the guy named Spinoza Ray Prozak (http://www.anus.com/etc/people/srp/).

From their site, I recognise some of the staff. I believe this guy (http://www.anus.com/etc/people/conservationist/) is Conservationist (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?u=178) on this forum as well -- although I might be wrong.

His nihilistic philosophy does reminds me on the philosophy of Baruch de Spinoza (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza), a Dutch jew with very very similar view on life, society and other things as this Ray dude, I would not bold the jew in my sentence but Ray condemn Jews and everything Jewish, his view on the jews are also available to read on the very same webpage.

Now, I hope all this is a coincidence.

10-16-2009, 05:42 PM
Of course, but we are nationalists of our own nations as well. I'll always remember the words of some Ukrainian nationalist: "Being nationalist means to respect the other nations as well";)

Oh most definitely and in my books that goes without saying. It is a great quote though. Thank you. :thumb001:

10-16-2009, 05:43 PM
White Nationalism is the final filter through which only the most hopelessly ignorant fall, leaving a festering bolus in its net: an odious amassment of the ungifted who at last find commonality in their commonness.

10-16-2009, 07:31 PM


10-16-2009, 08:12 PM
What matters most on the long run is race, religion (paganism, atheism, christianity or agnosticism) & ancestry. :thumb001: Ancestry is just where your forefathers resided enough & formed certain population genetics, unique phenotypes to those regions & adapted endemically to such regions to form permanent unique genetic material. A nation & culture can always be formed & embraced elsewhere like diaspora stock ;), getting rid of the negative racial types & elements part of that forming nation is probably more important. :) An example would be the Negro Irish:rolleyes:, they are part of a nation & culture so therefore we must except them as brothers? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

A Nordic Scandinavian coming from poor peasant stock & no achievements in his lineage is more valuable to me than a successful Medish German coming from royal stock & brilliant achievements. ;)

This is one of the reasons why a Colonial Germanic of Nordish phenotype is more valuable to me than any extra-European Nationalist in Europe. :)

10-16-2009, 09:23 PM
What matters most on the long run is race

Only for racial fetishists like you.

An example would be the Negro Irish:rolleyes:, they are part of a nation & culture so therefore we must except them as brothers? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Err, I think this only concerns the Irish. Please don't talk in their name.

This is one of the reasons why a Colonial Germanic of Nordish phenotype is more valuable to me than any extra-European Nationalist in Europe. :)

Is there such an animal on this board? Is someone is extra-European here, it's you.

10-16-2009, 09:47 PM
I have always though of it as a loose term defining whites/europeans that are preservationists, although having different views. Any white/european preservationist is a white nationalist, although not believing in the white nationalist (described here) ideals(the american way) as focusing on race than ethnicity, which i think is more the case in the USA.

White nationalism is more an american thing i would guess, since over there its more than race than ethnicity like in Europe. Speaking generally though.

10-16-2009, 09:56 PM
What I don't understand about white nationalists is that they get so many tattoos that they no longer qualify as, technically, white.

10-16-2009, 10:02 PM
A Nordic Scandinavian coming from poor peasant stock & no achievements in his lineage is more valuable to me than a successful Medish German coming from royal stock & brilliant achievements. ;)

Peasants are also more valuable to me, they provide me food while I don't have any benefits of someone's personal success.

Black Turlogh
10-16-2009, 10:05 PM
A Nordic Scandinavian coming from poor peasant stock & no achievements in his lineage is more valuable to me than a successful Medish German coming from royal stock & brilliant achievements. ;)

And what would you say about those "Medish" Irishmen who by their blood was Ireland forged? Still prefer that Nordic peasant, do ye?

10-16-2009, 10:07 PM
White nationalists deserve more respect. They do more hard drugs, and do much harder prison time than blacks, at least in America.

10-17-2009, 02:31 AM
And what would you say about those "Medish" Irishmen who by their blood was Ireland forged? Still prefer that Nordic peasant, do ye?

Maybe a Medish Irishman I'd prefer in that case, but most Medish Irish are in fact Nordish leaning. :tongue

10-17-2009, 02:43 AM
Only for racial fetishists like you.

I didn't mean to rattle things up but in my opinion, racial fetishism is the only way for an ethnic group to survive on the long run. ;):tongue

Err, I think this only concerns the Irish. Please don't talk in their name.[/QUOTE]

Please, I've been to Ireland many times & have citizenship plus my father is from there but left as an infant with his parents :tongue, if that matters or concerns anyone. ;) My mother is an American of Potato Famine Gaelic Irish & Ulster-Scots/Colonial English ancestry, and yes I'm American but love Ireland as well. At least I'm more ancestrally Irish than any Negro born in Ireland will ever be. :p:D

Is there such an animal on this board? Is someone is extra-European here, it's you.[/QUOTE]

I don't really know, but personally I consider this French girl from Normandy to be ethnically French rather than recent North African & other Negro oncomers to your nation. :confused: It seems like people don't care about race enough, that's why we have alien phenotypes in Europe in my opinion. :rolleyes::p


10-17-2009, 02:52 AM
I didn't mean to rattle things up but in my opinion, racial fetishism is the only way for an ethnic group to survive on the long run. ;):tongue

I respect your opinion but you must be in the minority. Tir gan teanga tir gan anam, be they so-called "Meds" or "Nords".

10-17-2009, 03:00 AM
I respect your opinion but you must be in the minority. Tir gan teanga tir gan anam, be they so-called "Meds" or "Nords".

Thank you for your response & for the the Gaelic I appreciate it Vojvoda! ;):D

10-17-2009, 03:04 AM
Fixed. Now it makes sense.

I didn't mean to rattle things up but in my opinion, racial fetishism is the only way for a racial group to survive on the long run. ;):tongue

Please, I've been to Ireland many times & have citizenship

If you're citizen, it's OK, nevermind. But it's strange to see you caring about citizenship.

I don't really know, but personally I consider this French girl from Normandy to be ethnically French rather than recent North African & other Negro oncomers to your nation. :confused:

You're not French, so your opinion on that matter is totally irrelevant.

It seems like people don't care about race enough, that's why we have alien phenotypes in Europe in my opinion. :rolleyes::p

Nonsense, and total ignorance of socio-economical realities. Mass immigration wasn't meant to "mongrelize" Europe, but rather to have a new army of cheap unsyndicated workforce, to screw (there's no other word) the powerfully syndicated (often communist) indigenous workers.

10-17-2009, 03:23 AM
the thing is mostly men are into this "racial fetishism", in other words sexual fetishism.

10-17-2009, 03:26 AM
If I want to read this much White-bashing I can go to the Southern Poverty Law Center's site or the ADL. How about taking a step back people, and not getting hung up on the two words themselves?

Everyone's seen the embarassing media footage of some misguided youth lashing out in an unproductive manner, labelled as "White Nationalism". I'm turned off by the term myself, but I understand the real concept behind many who employ it: White unity for survival.

American Whites do not have the luxury of living in a country with thousands of years of their history entrenched in it. We live in a multiracial land hell-bent on minimizing our power and influence to the point of our being a non-entity - arguably moreso than any country in Europe. Many Whites believe that only through sticking together will our people survive - not such an outlandish idea. Dividing ourselves still further seems anti-productive.

There's a tendency here to look down on Americans, and I guess it's easy to poo-poo anyone with a sense of racial activism when one lives in a thatched hut in some remote part of Europe not yet overrun by nonwhites - but I guarrantee you'll be looking for some "racially concious" (or whatever) friends once the EU plops 100,000 Somalian "refugees" on your doorstep.

There are some extremely bright minds here. How about a new term/description that is more accurate, inspiring, and less likely to attact the fringe weirdos commonly drawn to swazis, etc?

10-17-2009, 03:29 AM
- but I guarrantee you'll be looking for some "racially concious" (or whatever) friends once the EU plops 100,000 Somalian "refugees" on your doorstep.

They already have, and I still can't stand Polish or Eastern European immigrants. "White" is a mere illusory term with which to cluster around and fight an altogether outsider population. Internally, White Nationalism is a joke.

10-17-2009, 03:38 AM
They already have, and I still can't stand Polish or Eastern European immigrants. "White" is a mere illusory term with which to cluster around and fight an altogether outsider population. Internally, White Nationalism is a joke.

Say I agree that internally, or at least as most often represented, it's a joke. What is a viable alternative? One with the ultimate goal of seeing a few honkies left on this planet a hundred years from now?

This is a serious question. I'm not being prickish.

10-17-2009, 03:50 AM
What is a viable alternative?

One where the population of a nation recognise the inherent problem of immigration and vote to do something about changing the course of immigrants entering the country.

10-17-2009, 04:03 AM
One where the population of a nation recognise the inherent problem of immigration and vote to do something about changing the course of immigrants entering the country.

That will most likely never happen as in order for a vote to pass a majority needs to vote to pass it, and the majority need to be educated and proud (if they are to recognize the "inherent problem of immigration"). The majority clearly is a counter-productive foe to our respective causes.

10-17-2009, 04:10 AM
One where the population of a nation recognise the inherent problem of immigration and vote to do something about changing the course of immigrants entering the country.

Well that's a piece of the puzzle, but surely not the whole answer.

Voting? Okay, but how effective is democracy in an integrated country? I've been on capitol steps, at mass rallies, and in the ballot box with regard to the immigration issue. Say a 100% ban on immigration was passed tomorrow (in the realm of fantasy here), we'd still have a lot of work left to do.

This ties in with another important question, perhaps the most important one: what type of activism is the most needed right now? Creating awareness? Entering politics? Skull-thumping? Keyboard diddling?

We have limited resources, where are they best invested with respect to our mutual preservation?

10-17-2009, 04:14 AM
I'm drunk at the moment so would answer that violence, and only violence is the answer.

I'll reply to your question when I'm sober. ;)

10-17-2009, 04:18 AM
I'm drunk at the moment so would answer that violence, and only violence is the answer.

I'll reply to your question when I'm sober. ;)

Wait! Let me throw a couple down to catch up with you, and we'll have one hell of a plan together by morning! :thumbs up

Just kidding - I think I'm off to bed. Rock on brother.

10-17-2009, 04:18 AM
That will most likely never happen as in order for a vote to pass a majority needs to vote to pass it, and the majority need to be educated and proud

Slowly but surely the people are gathering amongst themselves. It is only a matter of time. I'm still trying to discover how to convert a few programmes and news reports I've currently recorded, along with the articles, but this will give you some clue as to the underlying animosity amongst the people of England and Britain as a whole.


"Eighty per cent of the public want to see a substantial reduction in immigration" -- (Hazel Blears of all people)

10-17-2009, 08:12 AM
They already have, and I still can't stand Polish or Eastern European immigrants. "White" is a mere illusory term with which to cluster around and fight an altogether outsider population. Internally, White Nationalism is a joke.

I'm with you here for sure. I don't care how white your skin is, I don't want your people migrating en masse to my country. Thank you, but we're full. :)

10-17-2009, 08:50 AM
So basically what you're saying white nationalism is an ideology someone would adopt so he could have an excuse to migrate to an another country? Not so sure about that.

White people migration is for a different discussion, I don't want anyone coming to my country no matter how white or black he/she is nor what is his/hers political background, still that is a reason and a consequence that I'd unlikely connect with being a White Nationalist really.

10-17-2009, 09:34 AM
I never heard for a country named White, so you can be it's nationalist

There's no country called 'black' either, yet there are 'black nationalists'. There was no country called 'jew' or 'zionism' in the 1800s when Zionism (jewish nationalism) was developed.

One where the population of a nation recognise the inherent problem of immigration and vote to do something about changing the course of immigrants entering the country.

The problem with this, especially for smaller countries and countries in the European Union, is that these countries will face EU/international pressure to not do anything about the immigration problem. We saw this when an anti-immigration party became part of the government in Austria, the rest of the EU put sanctions on them. If nationalist/anti-immigration movements in any European country arise outside of and hostile to the general rubric of white nationalism, not only will there be the usual suspects demanding and supporting actions against the offending country, but also support from the 'nationalists' who absent a general theme of white nationalism have no reason to support nationalists in another European country and probably have a long list of historical grudges to encourage them to support action against that country.

This makes it all the more baffling considering the OP's country had exactly this happen to it: we saw this happen with Serbia/Yugoslavia, the Serbs got into an altercation with a nonwhite group (neither white nationalists nor the apolitical 'man on the street' considers muslims to be 'white' regardless of specific genetics), and other white countries decided that this was bad and to give Yugoslavia/Serbia a severe asskicking. This action was strongly supported by civic nationalists since Serbia/Yugoslavia was 'weird, foreign, probably wears funny hats, acting contrary to European/western values, and didn't they start WWI too?' The only assistance Serbia received was from slavic nationalists, mainly Russian volunteer fighters in Kosovo, and some who burned down 3 synagogues in California leaving fliers from a white nationalist group (World Church of the Creator) and a statement "We are Slavs, we will never allow the International Jew World Order to take our Land . The fake Albanian refugee crisis was manufactured by the International Jewsmedia to justify the terrorizing, the bestial bombing of our Yugoslavia back into the dark ages." Within the US, the opposition to the war on Yugoslavia came mainly from 'conservative talk radio' like Michael Savage and Howie Carr. These people do not call themselves 'white nationalists', though others do, one day I was watching TV and saw Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (a jewish socialist) ranting about '...white nationalists like Bill O'Reilly and Howie Carr, these people are white nationalists' (Bill O'Reilly hosts a popular cable news show and also a radio show). Absent white nationalism (or at least Slavic nationalism, and there's no country called 'Slav' either), there is no reason for a Russian living hundreds of miles away to voluntarily travel to a backwater like Bosnia or Kosovo and run around with an AK-47 hunting muslims while risking getting bombed by the most powerful country on the planet. There's no reason for an ultra-conservative to agitate on behalf of a country with a Socialist Party government.

Basically, all white/European people face similar problems, so there's no need to be feuding with eachother over who stole whose land in the world wars or points even further back in history, and non-racial based nationalism is pointless because the country will just change/evolve into something else anyways as the people who are racially different people move in.

10-17-2009, 09:39 AM
There's no country called 'black' either, yet there are 'black nationalists'. There was no country called 'jew' or 'zionism' in the 1800s when Zionism (jewish nationalism) was developed.

Does the fact that it exists makes it right and justified?

What does nationality or nationalism have to do with race?

And if you did not notice I was not serious with that comment yet it did not stop you to bring up such a stupid argument as you did.

Black nationalist is just as stupid as a White nationalist is but as we don't have any Black nationalists on the board I did not see it important to even discuss that phenomena.

10-17-2009, 09:44 AM
Regarding Slavic nationalism, there were more Greek volunteer fighters in Serbian para-military groups than there were Russians, and Greeks are everything but Slavs, that had nothing to do with some Slavic Nationalism for which I never even heard before today.

10-17-2009, 09:55 AM
Does the fact that it exists makes it right and justified?

What does nationality or nationalism have to do with race?

And if you did not notice I was not serious with that comment yet it did not stop you to bring up such a stupid argument as you did.

Black nationalist is just as stupid as a White nationalist is but as we don't have any Black nationalists on the board I did not see it important to even discuss that phenomena.

Black nationalism was formed because black people perceived that they had group interests which are similar and different from, and often contradictory, to the interests of non-black people. Likewise with white nationalism. In the past, when one only had contact with immediate neighbors, it made sense that your biggest enemy should be the next village over, the assholes whose cows graze on your land, and steal the cows back after you steal them fair and square. In the 'age of gunpowder', it made sense for European 'nation-states' to be opposed to eachother as the primary enemies. Before the mid 20th century, white nationalism did make no sense because nobody aside from white people really mattered, so the world was about different groups of white people fighting eachother. In the current globalized era, it makes sense to ally along broad racial or at least subracial or meta-ethnic groups lest one become squished by attempting to take on the world alone.

Regarding Slavic nationalism, there were more Greek volunteer fighters in Serbian para-military groups than there were Russians, and Greeks are everything but Slavs, that had nothing to do with some Slavic Nationalism for which I never even heard before today.

The Greeks there shared race and religion with the Serbs, and probably racial/religious 'hatreds' as well, which probably explains why they were there.

10-17-2009, 09:57 AM
There's no country called 'black' either, yet there are 'black nationalists'.

Right. That's as nonsensical designation as "white nationalism".

There was no country called 'jew' or 'zionism' in the 1800s when Zionism (jewish nationalism) was developed.

Country and nation are not always the same thing.

10-17-2009, 10:19 AM
made a thread for it not to go offtopic. delete this

10-17-2009, 11:00 AM
Right. That's as nonsensical designation as "white nationalism".

It worked out pretty well for them. Blacks rank below whites in nearly every category such as income, education, IQ, employment, wealth, etc as well as being outnumbered 7-1 (9-1 at the time Black nationalism came into being). Yet by being organized into a cohesive social and political force, they were able to achieve far greater political power and 'spoils' than whites.

10-17-2009, 11:22 AM
Some American categories are applicable to America only.

Historically in Europe, in many countries, nationalism was usually something entirely different from what is understood nowadays by this term on many so-called preservationist boards and in some kind of media parlance. It was devoid of obsession with body-types (aka "race"), which ends up being considered as main hallmark of "nationalism" in certain sub-culture these days. It is not nationalism, it is voelkisch ideology.

My impression is that most of those who call themselves "nationalists" ceased to be concerned with history, traditions, culture and - the most important - with concrete ideas about how to restore national sovereignity, but strayed towards insane and neurotic worship of body-types and concern with the prevalence of one or the other type on certain territory.

SOTV says white nationalism would be useful to combate non-European immigration. But what about inner-European immigration? I have witnessed plenty of times immigrants from one into another "white" country staunchly defending, on preservationist boards, the concept of "white unity and brotherhood", aimed at justifying their own presence as immigrants in another country.

10-17-2009, 01:00 PM
Historically in Europe, in many countries, nationalism was usually something entirely different from what is understood nowadays by this term on many so-called preservationist boards and in some kind of media parlance. It was devoid of obsession with body-types (aka "race"), which ends up being considered as main hallmark of "nationalism" in certain sub-culture these days. It is not nationalism, it is voelkisch ideology.

My impression is that most of those who call themselves "nationalists" ceased to be concerned with history, traditions, culture and - the most important - with concrete ideas about how to restore national sovereignity, but strayed towards insane and neurotic worship of body-types and concern with the prevalence of one or the other type on certain territory.

A large part of that is due to changing times, due to increased mobility and communications people can move all over the world, so geography and political boundaries cease to matter much. Thus, differences which are not subject to changing times, genetic/racial differences, become more important.

SOTV says white nationalism would be useful to combate non-European immigration. But what about inner-European immigration? I have witnessed plenty of times immigrants from one into another "white" country staunchly defending, on preservationist boards, the concept of "white unity and brotherhood", aimed at justifying their own presence as immigrants in another country.

That is a rather large fight amongst the 'white nationalist' world. One one side there is the 'nordicist' faction which opposes inner-European immigration, which I side with, on the other is the faction which says a Portuguese guy has the right to move to Norway, get a Norwegian girl, collect benefits and carjack Norwegians; because they are 'all white' which I regard as another arm of the foul multicult.

The 'working together' should come in the form of a general ban on nonwhite immigrants to Europe, so that they can't take advantage of the EU citizenship from one country in order to infest others.

10-17-2009, 01:03 PM
What matters most on the long run is race, religion (paganism, atheism, christianity or agnosticism) & ancestry. :thumb001: Ancestry is just where your forefathers resided enough & formed certain population genetics, unique phenotypes to those regions & adapted endemically to such regions to form permanent unique genetic material. A nation & culture can always be formed & embraced elsewhere like diaspora stock ;), getting rid of the negative racial types & elements part of that forming nation is probably more important. :) An example would be the Negro Irish:rolleyes:, they are part of a nation & culture so therefore we must except them as brothers? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

95% of Europeans are in favor of liberal society and secularism and this is a fact that cannot be wished away. Basic “Islamofobia” have resonance among Europeans and are the only way to combat mass immigration and multiculturalism today.

10-17-2009, 01:27 PM
95% of Europeans are in favor of liberal society and secularism and this is a fact that cannot be wished away. Basic “Islamofobia” have resonance among Europeans and are the only way to combat mass immigration and multiculturalism today.

Step #1 for any European Preservationist would be to doggedly exploit the commonality of Islamophobia, and move on to more particular concerns later on (which is what many are trying to do). Although the myriad of 'what-ifs?' are fun as thought experiments on the internet.:D

10-17-2009, 01:48 PM
It might work in places like Australia, Canada, America, etc.,:eek:

Not here, thanks. ;) Most Australians tend to be rather fond of their British Isles roots and cultures and don't really fancy being turned into a multicultural melting pot... despite the fact that that's already happening...

Well, to be more precise, we have always been somewhat of a multicultural melting pot... but of British Isles ethnic groups. Here, the Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh are all just thrown into the same pot. :D

10-17-2009, 01:52 PM

Not here, thanks. ;) Most Australians tend to be rather fond of their British Isles roots and cultures and don't really fancy being turned into a multicultural melting pot... despite the fact that that's already happening...

Well, to be more precise, we have always been somewhat of a multicultural melting pot... but of British Isles ethnic groups. Here, the Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh are all just thrown into the same pot. :D

Whether 'wogs' are white/European is highly debatable, and it is only with the most grudging acceptance in desperate times that they are considered 'white/European' here.

10-17-2009, 02:02 PM
Basic “Islamofobia” have resonance among Europeans and are the only way to combat mass immigration and multiculturalism today.

I disagree completely. I think it is the most effective means of promoting globalism and multiculturalism, since it goes hand in hand with values such as democracy, human rights and secularism that lead to increased and more widespread multiculturalism.

10-17-2009, 02:03 PM
White nationalism is the logical continuation of ethnic nationalism traditionally wide-spread in Central and Eastern Europe: from ethnic nationalism to meta-ethnic nationalism along the lines of Pan-Slavism or Pan-Germanism to a broadly European one. Countries have always been of secondary concern to ethnic nationalism, which deals with inter-ethnic relations. And rightly so, can't think of anything more arbitrary and fleeting than countries and their short-term interests.

White nationalism has fairly solid foundations in genetics and physical anthropology as opposed to the narrower ethnic nationalism or state nationalism, which are strongly influenced by highly transient things like religion, language, location, recent cultural trends, short-term interests of the state, and simple hysteria. Such idea-based nationalisms are prone to excluding people from the nation if they disagree with the ideas presented by their ideologues as national. They impose ideas on nations or, indeed, form their own imaginary nations which do not correlate at all with existing ethnicities (e.g., claiming that some Armenians are Russian, while some ethnic Russians are non-Russian because of Eastern Orthodoxy and views on the USSR.)

Not so with race-based nationalisms, which in their pure form merely seek to coordinate the actions and improve the position of physically existing groups. In order to change the perception of a nation by a white nationalist, one simply has to resort to more or less objective scientific facts. For instance, my own perception of a variety of ethnicities has changed considerably after getting more acquainted with their genetics and phenotypes.

Some people seem to place a lot of emphasis on cultural preservation in nationalism. However, culture is merely a consequence of the existence of a folk rather than its source, and is therefore secondary in importance. Whether its sphere of influence increases or contracts will not make a people disappear so long as it can be clearly defined in the physical sense. If a physical difference like that does not really exist, then I see nothing particularly tragic in the re-absorption of the group by its relatives. Cultures aren't people, they're just ideas, they only disappear metaphorically, and can be brought back to life if anyone so desires. It doesn't make that much sense to cling to traditional culture at any cost. The potential to produce culture is more important than securing past achievements; the connection between the old and the new culture implied by the fact that it is produced by the same ethnic group will be there at any rate. However, if a people is absorbed genetically by a foreign group, it is forever dead, even if its conqueror adopts its traditional culture.

Politically, the Balkan states are a good illustration of what's wrong with narrow ethnic nationalism, and how even meta-ethnic nationalism could have saved and improved the lives of millions of Europeans. The same nation hates parts of itself because of their views on a couple of foreign faiths and because they can't decide with whom to align themselves. I can hardly even call that an inter-ethnic conflict, it's just a civil war of a sort. As for state nationalism, I suppose one doesn't have to explain its numerous shortcomings.

White nationalism, on the other hand, doesn't offer a single example as negative as those in the previous paragraph, even though it existed in a variety of European colonies for a long time, usually coinciding with their most prosperous periods. Like meta-ethnic nationalism, it can be an excellent conciliatory ideology. If only it was more wide-spread in Europe before WWI than the simple state nationalism of the masses stirred by the government. It could have been a good reason for anti-war positions on behalf of the right-wing public.

It is, indeed, a good way to justify white migration. Is there anything harmful in that? I personally hold nothing against white migrants - frankly, I find it laughable how some nations would scoff at immigrants from poorer European countries while keeping silent about the much more harmful third-worlders. I wish this country had more Eastern European immigrants rather than all those Central Asians and native Caucasians.

The main shortcoming of white nationalism is that it has to be popularised. Race isn't nearly as popular in Europe as language or religion, but it should be if European countries are to escape the current re-population, and if they want to be at least equal to China in political and economic significance.

10-17-2009, 02:07 PM
Whether 'wogs' are white/European is highly debatable, and it is only with the most grudging acceptance in desperate times that they are considered 'white/European' here."Wogs" are Europeans (maybe Australians use this term differently to you guys?)... so are all the other continentals... but they're still foreigners to the British Isles and so are set apart here.

I don't think that in the real world anyone cares about "white" or "black"... it's all about cultures, races and religions. For example, you could say that Australids are "black", yet they are certainly not foreign to Australia, nor unwelcome... but African "blacks" are.

The terms "black" and "white" used to describe race are nonsensical.

10-17-2009, 02:16 PM
I disagree completely. I think it is the most effective means of promoting globalism and multiculturalism, since it goes hand in hand with values such as democracy, human rights and secularism that lead to increased and more widespread multiculturalism.

So the successes of Geert Wilders, Dansk Folkeparti, and maby Sverigedemokraterna and the BNP are nothing but a promotion of multiculturalism? :p

10-17-2009, 02:18 PM
So the successes of Geert Wilders, Dansk Folkeparti, and maby Sverigedemokraterna and the BNP are nothing but a promotion of multiculturalism? :p

You forgot about Sarkozy, the only one with such leanings who has some power, and thus the only example to really go by so far.

10-17-2009, 02:36 PM
You forgot about Sarkozy, the only one with such leanings who has some power, and thus the only example to really go by so far.

No way. DF is responsible for laws that have drastically reduced non European immigration to Denmark. The new Danish rules for bringing foreign spouses and relatives are excellent. More important they have managed to change the public discourse so that the left opposition parties find it necessary to firmly state that they will not liberalize immigration to Denmark if they gain power.

The same developments will show more and more in Sweden, Holland and England, thanks to the practical tool of “Islamofobia”.
I think.

10-17-2009, 02:42 PM
"Wogs" are Europeans (maybe Australians use this term differently to you guys?)... so are all the other continentals... but they're still foreigners to the British Isles and so are set apart here.

"WOG" is often used as an acronym for "Western Oriental Gentleman".

On many race forums the word is used to describe people that are swarthy in appearance.

10-17-2009, 02:58 PM
No way. DF is responsible for laws that have drastically reduced non European immigration to Denmark. The new Danish rules for bringing foreign spouses and relatives are excellent. More important they have managed to change the public discourse so that the left opposition parties find it necessary to firmly state that they will not liberalize immigration to Denmark if they gain power.

The same developments will show more and more in Sweden, Holland and England, thanks to the practical tool of “Islamofobia”.
I think.

That's nonsense, because those few things you mentioned have nothing to do with the so much praised islamophobia of yours. You can argue forever or take my opinion at face value. To say that fear of islam is the only sentiment and sense that could help Sweden and other European countries to combat multiculturalism is utterly flawed. I admit readily that the state of European culture and civilisation is far gone on the slope, but it isn't quite that far gone. I find that such an insistence implies that Europe has nothing of value in its own right, and thus Europeans can only gain something by projecting their inferiority on islam. It's ridiculous, and as far as the relative truth of the statement is concerned, it must be counted on the negative side of the balance.

10-17-2009, 03:47 PM
That's nonsense, because those few things you mentioned have nothing to do with the so much praised islamophobia of yours. You can argue forever or take my opinion at face value. To say that fear of islam is the only sentiment and sense that could help Sweden and other European countries to combat multiculturalism is utterly flawed. I admit readily that the state of European culture and civilisation is far gone on the slope, but it isn't quite that far gone. I find that such an insistence implies that Europe has nothing of value in its own right, and thus Europeans can only gain something by projecting their inferiority on islam. It's ridiculous, and as far as the relative truth of the statement is concerned, it must be counted on the negative side of the balance.

Europeans mistrust for Islam because they value liberal society like freedom of expression, tolerance, equality, rule of law, consumer society and so on. You may think liberalism is bad, but that does not change the fact that 95% of Europeans likes it. And that is why “islamofobi” works and is a great thing.

That you’re even thinking it’s about “projecting their inferiority on islam” makes me wonder.

10-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Jamt, don't be an asshole. I will report your post, but you had better edit it yourself, because you have no right to edit my statement like that. Use a normal tone of conversation, please.

10-17-2009, 04:28 PM
Jamt, don't be an asshole. I will report your post, but you had better edit it yourself, because you have no right to edit my statement like that. Use a normal tone of conversation, please.

Al I did was change the typo size on segment of interest.

The hell I will edit it. :D

10-17-2009, 04:57 PM
To say that fear of islam is the only sentiment and sense that could help Sweden and other European countries to combat multiculturalism is utterly flawed.

Absolutely true. So before someone categorically accuse foreigners, islam or whatever it mean of "destroying" European or Swedish culture, we should ask ourselves why so many European or Swedish youths themselves are so disinterested with their own heritage.

Why to blame immigrants or islam, and not the legislation or ruling elites, the true source of the issue? They who actually do the immigration laws and, worst, in a non-democratic way.

10-17-2009, 05:03 PM
I will report your post, but you had better edit it yourself, because you have no right to edit my statement like that. -- Anthropos

It is normal and courteous to edit a quote down to the minimum that is relevant for one's response, and to emphasize in bold the key passages. Those who want the full original context can scroll back. I don't know what forum has a rule against this but it must be a cluttered haven for the tedious, pedantic, and longwinded.

10-17-2009, 05:07 PM
Absolutely true. So before someone categorically accuse foreigners, islam or whatever it mean of "destroying" European or Swedish culture, we should ask ourselves why so many European or Swedish youths themselves are so disinterested with their own heritage.

Why to blame immigrants or islam, and not the legislation or ruling elites, the true source of the issue? They who actually do the immigration laws and, worst, in a non-democratic way.

Lo! I have figured Swedes out today! - Most of you are too sweet and honest for your own good:D.

Seizing upon the commonality of Islamophobia is a unitive means (i.e a way to unite into a common interest). It's a retrograde action or fix of the problem: remove specific immigrants that nearly everyone is concerned about --> remove undesirable immigrants more generally --> --> ----> remove unhealthy modern mores and folkways -------------> remove the government.

Problem solved.

10-17-2009, 05:17 PM
Lo! I have figured Swedes out today! - Most of you are too sweet and honest for your own good:D.

Oh well, what I totally cannot comprehend, is people venting their anger at immigrants privately, or on the internet forums, while in real life most of them put on a mask of a happy citizen and go about praising multiculturalism, this case, not me ;)

This way noone will ever achieve anything. If some people really want to do something about immigrants, then they have to organise themselves and exert pressure on the government. They need facts and figures, what are the legal anti-immigartion organisations in their country, how you can apply and join them, what kind of support and how many members they have, where is the nearest conservative club, when and where they can attend meetings with anti-immigration politicians and lectureres, experts who can give them facts, not just propaganda. They need to know the immigration legislation in their own country.

Who makes the decisions in their name and how? What are the quotas? How ordinary citizens can change that, etc. The very last thing they need is dramatic-sounding rants and fruitless rows on the internet. :coffee:

10-17-2009, 05:28 PM
Oh well, what I totally cannot comprehend, is people venting their anger at immigrants privately, or on the internet forums, while in real life most of them put on a mask of a happy citizen and go about praising multiculturalism, this case, not me ;)

:confused2: You have a unique way of hurling poop at everyone and no one:D.

... If some people really want to do something about immigrants, then they have to organise themselves and exert pressure on the government. They need facts and figures, what are the legal anti-immigartion organisations in their country, how you can apply and join them, what kind of support and how many members they have, where is the nearest conservative club, when and where they can attend meetings with anti-immigration politicians and lectureres, experts who can give them facts, not just propaganda. They need to know the immigration legislation in their own country.

Who makes the decisions in their name and how? What are the quotas? How ordinary citizens can change that, etc. The very last thing they need is dramatic-sounding rants and fruitless rows on the internet. :coffee:

Yes:thumb001:. And in so doing, get their nation back.

But there must needs a common unifying principle; and the best available to everyone in the European fold - without exception - is the suspicion that Islam engenders amongst liberty-loving peoples. So, in that way, the exploitation of the popular perception that Islam is the cause of lots of bad bad bad things is valuable as a tool to fix multi-culturalism over the long run.

10-17-2009, 06:30 PM
It is normal and courteous to edit a quote down to the minimum that is relevant for one's response, and to emphasize in bold the key passages. Those who want the full original context can scroll back. I don't know what forum has a rule against this but it must be a cluttered haven for the tedious, pedantic, and longwinded.

Got your point.

10-17-2009, 11:01 PM
:confused2: You have a unique way of hurling poop at everyone and no one:D.

Ok, ;)

But there must needs a common unifying principle; and the best available to everyone in the European fold - without exception - is the suspicion that Islam engenders amongst liberty-loving peoples. So, in that way, the exploitation of the popular perception that Islam is the cause of lots of bad bad bad things is valuable as a tool to fix multi-culturalism over the long run.

And what to do with many muslims immigrants who become secular and culturally assimilated (not to mention that many immigrants are not even muslims)? :lightbul:

The cause of immigration is reported to own existing system that favors it, anthropos already pointed out the facts here.

Only attacking Islam will have a side effect as we will secularize them and everything will be solved, this speech is already a standard.

10-17-2009, 11:22 PM
Ok, ;)

And what to do with many muslims immigrants who become secular and culturally assimilated (not to mention that many immigrants are not even muslims)? :lightbul:

The cause of immigration is reported to own existing system that favors it, anthropos already pointed out the facts here.

Only attacking Islam will have a side effect as we will secularize them and everything will be solved, this speech is already a standard.

Confronting Islam in Europa is the way to go, not only tactically is it right in that Islam is seen as a treat now, but in reality this is the fundamental threat to Europe.

The Jews, the liberals, the environmental and overpopulation stuff that will come are peanuts compared to a nation with 20-30% Muslims, so sorry for hurting a few temporary secular Muslims feelings but this is life and death for my future generations.

10-17-2009, 11:44 PM
If it wasn't for the presence of Jamt I would be right in thinking Swedish men have no fucking bollocks for a fight or to admit the problem looking at them right in the face.

Whether some believe Islam and Muslims to be harmless, you must quickly recollect your thoughts back to how only a marginal majority have acted without public condemnation throughout Europe.

Each time the Muslims found we had no fucking bollocks for the fight, so they grew stronger and more daring.

They even publicly castrated one of Europe's finest pair of bollocks, and still the sheep graze quietly and serenely.


"Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house."

10-17-2009, 11:50 PM
I fixed this neo-tribal statement.

An extremist even publicly castrated one of Europe's finest pair of bollocks, and still the sheep graze quietly and serenely.


10-17-2009, 11:56 PM
Confronting Islam in Europa is the way to go, not only tactically is it right in that Islam is seen as a treat now, but in reality this is the fundamental threat to Europe.

Is it easily attack without pointing out the facts why there is third worlders immigration to Europe?

Ok, so let's stop all Muslims. And so others, why they are coming? Do you know the reason? Why there's laws that facilitate their entry?

The Jews, the liberals, the environmental and overpopulation stuff that will come are peanuts compared to a nation with 20-30% Muslims, so sorry for hurting a few temporary secular Muslims feelings but this is life and death for my future generations.

I'm not interested in secular or religious muslims I'm not a hypocrite if I am against immigration, then I'll try to point out the fact why it currently exists and try to find solutions.

Indeed, it is the government, our current law that allows it. Bashing muslim immigrants is cheap and catchy, but completely pointless, any way, they are not the only immigrants causing problems.

10-17-2009, 11:59 PM
I fixed this neo-tribal statement.

Change it all you want, it still doesn't hide the truth nor the fact you lack a pair, Al. An extremist is one step ahead of a disgruntled personality. I see many, many disgruntled personalities around us. I see many congratulating and publicly celebrating the deaths of European males who dared to speak out against a religious and cultural alien.

10-18-2009, 12:00 AM
Is it easily attack without pointing out the facts why there is third worlders immigration to Europe?

Ok, so let's stop all Muslims. And so others, why they are coming? Do you know the reason? Why there's laws that facilitate their entry?

They're coming to your country for the same reason that Mexicans are massing in California. The combination of a welfare state and lax immigration policies has no other outcome than massive rates of Third World immigration.

10-18-2009, 12:02 AM
Those who see islamophobia (or anti-islamism) as a useful political approach then implicitely do admit that they don't mind any other (non-Muslim, that is) immigration?

10-18-2009, 12:06 AM
They're coming to your country for the same reason that Mexicans are massing in California. The combination of a welfare state and lax immigration policies has no other outcome than massive rates of Third World immigration.

100,000 Iraqis since 2003, thanks to the criminal american war in Iraq, :lightbul:

Don't worry, of course I blame my government for submission :coffee:

10-18-2009, 12:07 AM
Change it all you want, it still doesn't hide the truth nor the fact you lack a pair, Al.

Coming from you, it's rich. You can try to project your own insecurity on me, it will never change the fact that the guy who's terrorized at the sight of Muslims (or any kind of "foreigners") is YOU, not me.

Whiny little white guy who's afraid of being eaten alive by brown and black men in the real world, LOL.

An extremist is one step ahead of a disgruntled personality. I see many, many disgruntled personalities around us.

Too much mirrors in your house.

10-18-2009, 12:09 AM
Those who see islamophobia (or anti-islamism) as a useful political approach then implicitely do admit that they don't mind any other (non-Muslim, that is) immigration?

Of course not. Viewing Muslims as among the least desirable of immigrants in no way mandates that other groups are necessarily desirable. Saudis are less desirable immigrants than are Canadians, but the ideal picture, for me, is one of practically no immigration for a few decades.

100,000 Iraqis since 2003, thanks to the criminal american war in Iraq

No one forced your nation to let them in. I disagree with our presence in Iraq as well, but your nation's decision to allow in refugees lies on your shoulders and your shoulders alone.

10-18-2009, 12:13 AM
If it wasn't for the presence of Jamt I would be right in thinking Swedish men have no fucking bollocks for a fight or to admit the problem looking at them right in the face.

;) Ok, an emasculated internet warrior, that's all that you and him can get actually? What do you have done in real life against it?

Any true patriot will accept no demographic experiments on his own country and excessive immigration. Particularly if its artificial, government-made. This is obvious. Or is it?

For some persons there indeed seems to be a fine line between rational patriotism in the service of the home country and plain imbecility. A line they cross too often.

10-18-2009, 12:23 AM
You can try to project your own insecurity on me, it will never change the fact that the guy who's terrorized at the sight of Muslims (or any kind of "foreigners") is YOU, not me.

There is no insecurity on my behalf. You don't know me well enough to even suggest such an absurd thing, but I can only presume you have engaged in throwing a sweltering buzzword curve ball at me is because you have no argument.

Too much mirrors in your house.And that is pertinent to the argument, how?

;) Ok, an emasculated internet warrior, that's all that you and him can get actually? What do you have done in real life against it?

LOL! "internet warrior". Conveying an opinion now places me into the catchment of an internet warrior? Jog on. I have a family and kids I have to provide for, I am limited to what I can and cannot do. You'll understand that when you grow up.

For some persons there indeed seems to be a fine line between rational patriotism in the service of the home country and plain imbecility. A line they cross too often.Where have I stated my imbecility? Are you blind to the demographic shift that Europe is witnessing?

10-18-2009, 12:28 AM
That is a rather large fight amongst the 'white nationalist' world. One one side there is the 'nordicist' faction which opposes inner-European immigration, which I side with, on the other is the faction which says a Portuguese guy has the right to move to Norway, get a Norwegian girl, collect benefits and carjack Norwegians; because they are 'all white' which I regard as another arm of the foul multicult.

I find very funny when people who don't live in Europe feel free to "oppose inner European migration",something that is the genesis of many modern nations such as Great Britain.
Also,nobody seems to mind when northerners move to the south permanently(in Spain alone we have 255.000 permanent residents from other EU countries,the most numerous group being the British) That's also inner European migration,or maybe I'm missing some small but vital detail here.In Spain we don't give a damn for it,but maybe some North Americans are adamantly against it too!

10-18-2009, 12:33 AM
I find very funny when people who don't live in Europe feel free to "oppose inner European migration",something that is the genesis of many modern nations such as Great Britain.

Sorry, are you suggesting that the migration of European peoples into another European country is a good thing and desirable?

10-18-2009, 12:40 AM
There is no insecurity on my behalf.

Wishful thinking.


You don't know me well enough

You don't know me either.

to even suggest such an absurd thing

How is that absurd? Since when internet warriors are virile?

I can only presume you have engaged in throwing a sweltering buzzword curve ball at me is because you have no argument.

As I said, coming from you, it's rich. You started, you got backfired.

And that is pertinent to the argument, how?

It's not an argument, it's a constatation.

10-18-2009, 12:40 AM
Sorry, are you suggesting that the migration of European peoples into another European country is a good thing and desirable?

No,it's just inevitable.By the way,my claim that the Germans are the most numerous group was wrong.It's the Brits:http://www.madrid.org/iestadis/fijas/efemerides/censoel.htm

10-18-2009, 12:48 AM
Wishful thinking.

Nah. But nice try.

You don't know me either.

Very true. But I know you welcome the chance to demographically change France and the rest of Europe. That's all the information I need to know about someone.

How is that absurd?

It's absurd because you don't know me.

As I said, coming from you, it's rich. You started, you got backfired.

I had an argument. You threw yours without one. Big difference.

10-18-2009, 12:49 AM
No,it's just inevitable.By the way,my claim that the Germans are the most numerous group was wrong.It's the Brits:http://www.madrid.org/iestadis/fijas/efemerides/censoel.htm

Stupid question to ask a Spanish person living in Finland, but do you not get saddened by that?

10-18-2009, 12:52 AM
Why should I?

10-18-2009, 12:55 AM
Oh I don't know, something to do about being on a European preservation forum I suppose.
You mean to say to me that you welcome the thousands of Brits which have inalienably changed parts of your country? It doesn't bother you one bit?

10-18-2009, 12:56 AM
Stupid question to ask a Spanish person living in Finland, but do you not get saddened by that?

He didn't criticise, he only stated numbers and said that a phenomenon with larger proportions was taking place in Spain.

10-18-2009, 12:58 AM
newer mind

10-18-2009, 01:03 AM
Conveying an opinion now places me into the catchment of an internet warrior? Jog on. I have a family and kids I have to provide for, I am limited to what I can and cannot do. You'll understand that when you grow up.

Ok, ok.. I'm not here for fighting ;)

Then if we are discussing about immigration, why not to try to find rational arguments and possible solutions?

Where have I stated my imbecility? Are you blind to the demographic shift that Europe is witnessing?

Since when I denied it here?

I'm just trying to find rational facts to criticize the current situation. In my humble opinion the real issue lies within the government and the host country natives' poor organization against it. It is our wrong system that favors it.

Muslim immigrants bashing or any immigrant bashing is irrational, this is just fun for internet forums, and it will not solve our reality, unfortunately. What will change it are our actions as citizens in real life.

No one forced your nation to let them in. I disagree with our presence in Iraq as well, but your nation's decision to allow in refugees lies on your shoulders and your shoulders alone.

Read my second statement here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=117302&postcount=95):coffee:

10-18-2009, 01:05 AM
Oh I don't know, something to do about being on a European preservation forum I suppose.
You mean to say to me that you welcome the thousands of Brits which have inalienably changed parts of your country? It doesn't bother you one bit?

You know,Spaniards will be always Spaniards and Brits will be always Brits.If they want to live in Spain I have nothing against it,and most of them are great people.They cannot change inalienably any part of Spain,I think,and some of them integrate very well,while some others don't and follow a British way of life abroad.It's their choice.As long as they are civic and comply with the rules,fine with me.

10-18-2009, 01:27 AM
You know,Spaniards will be always Spaniards and Brits will be always Brits.If they want to live in Spain I have nothing against it,and most of them are great people.They cannot change inalienably any part of Spain,I think,and some of them integrate very well,while some others don't and follow a British way of life abroad.It's their choice.As long as they are civic and comply with the rules,fine with me.

How are Swedes behaving in Southern Spain in your opinion? I know that a lot or a few don’t learn Spanish which is a shame.

10-18-2009, 01:44 AM
He didn't criticise, he only stated numbers and said that a phenomenon with larger proportions was taking place in Spain.

His original post was contradictory. I merely asked him to explain it.

Then if we are discussing about immigration, why not to try to find rational arguments and possible solutions?

I'm all for them. Just I also happen to believe that a significant presence should be on our streets physically demonstrating to both the infestation and the public that immigration is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

It is our wrong system that favors it.

I agree with you. It is also indecisiveness and a lack of preserverance from the likes of your good self that perpetuates it.

Muslim immigrants bashing or any immigrant bashing is irrational, this is just fun for internet forums, and it will not solve our reality, unfortunately. What will change it are our actions as citizens in real life.

"Immigrant bashing" is not irrational, it is the sane reaction by the reactionaries to increasing crime and cultural incursions by foreign peoples.

There is nothing irrational about protecting your communities or publicly remonstrating your governments actions (or lack of).

You know,Spaniards will be always Spaniards and Brits will be always Brits.

That's the problem. They will always be Brits.

If they want to live in Spain I have nothing against it,and most of them are great people.

I agree. In small numbers with increasing assimilation, it cannot gather any disrespect or complaints.

They cannot change inalienably any part of Spain

A million Brits has not changed one aspect of but one location in Spain?

It's their choice.

Incorrect. There is no choice about it. It's the way of the land or nothing, agreed?

10-18-2009, 02:02 AM
It's absurd because you don't know me

I only answered you original absurdity. Read your posts, for a change.

I had an argument.

LOL. What was that, your ridiculous neo-tribalism ("US", "THEM", etc)? You wish it's an argument, but I'm afraid it isn't outside of your retarded BNP buddy circle.

You threw yours without one. Big difference.

You first said I had no argument, and now you say I have one. Try to stick with the same version next time.

10-18-2009, 02:09 AM
I only answered you original absurdity.

You changed my post from 'Muslim' to 'extremist'. Tell me, Al, with which religion does this "extremist" associate?

Can you spot your absurdity yet? ;)

What was that, your ridiculous neo-tribalism ("US", "THEM", etc)? You wish it's an argument, but I'm afraid it isn't outside of your retarded BNP buddy circle.

You're going on from believing you know me to knowing the general consensus of a country?!? Amazing powers you have there. You may call what you perceive my opinions to be everything you got, but it still doesn't detract away from a fact that people when pushed still think along those lines. And they are being pushed, Al.

You first said I had no argument, and now you say I have one. Try to stick with the same version next time.

I said: "I had an argument. You threw yours without one. Big difference."

I have not stated you had an argument. I suggest you reread the sentence....sunk in?

10-18-2009, 02:20 AM
You changed my post from 'Muslim' to 'extremist'. Tell me, Al, with which religion does this "extremist" associate?

Can you spot your absurdity yet? ;)

You pointed out a whole group of millions of people because, blaming them for the barbarian crime that was committed by a religious extremist nutjob, yeah. Talk about absurdity.

You may call what you perceive my opinions to be everything you got, but it still doesn't detract away from a fact that people when pushed still think along those lines. And they are being pushed, Al.

I'm aware there are problems, Beorn. I just want people to think rationally, instead of blaming whole communities for the acts of individuals.

I said: "I had an argument. You threw yours without one. Big difference."

I have not stated you had an argument. I suggest you reread the sentence....sunk in?

What "yours" stand for, then? BTW it still doesn't change the fact your lame ass argument has been swept away. Theo van Gogh has been brutally murdered by a religious extremist, not by "THE" Muslims.

10-18-2009, 02:29 AM
I'm aware there are problems, Beorn. I just want people to think rationally, instead of blaming whole communities for the acts of individuals.

Why do you think I am not thinking rationally? All I have suggested and supported is the intervention of physical violence towards those who deem physical violence acceptable towards us. I think that is the most rational thing anyone could ever do.

What "yours" stand for, then?

Summary: I threw an insult with an argument. You threw an insult back without one. Thus, "I had an argument. You threw yours without one. Big difference." :)

BTW it still doesn't change the fact your lame ass argument has been swept away. Theo van Gogh has been brutally murdered by a religious extremist, not by "THE" Muslims.

Did I write 'Muslims'? No, I distinctly wrote 'Muslim'. The general jist of my point was that that extremist action is the tip of the iceberg. I saw no action taken to confront and deal with religious extremism, or growing resentment and assimilation problems. It is the same with the Muslim community in Britain. You may wish to ridicule my stance, but my stance is not the be all blanket death wish you mockingly make it out to be.

10-18-2009, 02:47 AM
Why do you think I am not thinking rationally? All I have suggested and supported is the intervention of physical violence towards those who deem physical violence acceptable towards us. I think that is the most rational thing anyone could ever do.

You're still thinking "tribally", but fair enough.

Summary: I threw an insult with an argument. You threw an insult back without one. Thus, "I had an argument. You threw yours without one. Big difference." :)

You didn't have any real argument in the first place. Hence, no necessity to answer with one. Fixing your post was enough, really (go back to the beginning of the argument).

Did I write 'Muslims'? No, I distinctly wrote 'Muslim'.

Let's read this again. See?

Each time the Muslims found we had no fucking bollocks for the fight, so they grew stronger and more daring.

They even publicly castrated one of Europe's finest pair of bollocks, and still the sheep graze quietly and serenely.

The general jist of my point was that that extremist action is the tip of the iceberg. I saw no action taken to confront and deal with religious extremism, or growing resentment and assimilation problems. It is the same with the Muslim community in Britain.

OK, this is making sense. Well, I think the actions of religious extremists are so counter-productive (for their "interests") that they actually work for you.

You may wish to ridicule my stance, but my stance is not the be all blanket death wish you mockingly make it out to be.

Forget about that, and let's discuss the real issue.

10-18-2009, 03:19 AM
I agree with you. It is also indecisiveness and a lack of preserverance from the likes of your good self that perpetuates it.
Well, I have already mentioned my opinion on the issue here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=117030&postcount=84)

"Immigrant bashing" is not irrational, it is the sane reaction by the reactionaries to increasing crime and cultural incursions by foreign peoples.

You are misinterpreting me. What I have picked up is just why I do not want to be part of a muslim immigrant bashing in this forum so I was accused as a pussy.

I just want to discuss reasonable questions in relation to the current phenomenon called immigration, how to deal with this phenomenon, discuss rational and real solutions to it.

Sorry, but tackling all time about how muslims are “bad” on a forum is a laughable bullshit, those anti-immigration individuals who spent hours on the net instead of taking some real action are paper citizens, anti-activists. Why do not they get to act in real life as an activist if they do not want muslim immigrants or any kind of immigrants in their respective countries?

There is nothing irrational about protecting your communities or publicly remonstrating your governments actions (or lack of).

True, I don’t deny it. However, if you have a problem with the immigration policy, attack the parts of the policy you find too lenient or not lenient enough.

10-18-2009, 12:14 PM
What is "irrational" is to consider the great mass of any group, anywhere, at any time as the motivational thrust behind any 'movement' whatsoever; be it Islam/Muslims or anything else.

The majority/concensus has never changed the essence of anything. Ever. They have only ever been provided the illusion of power whilst the ambitous and powerful adapt to reach their own goals.

Once one understands this reality, it is then almost as easy as tripping over something to understand the true gravity of Islam, its true affect and transformative potential within the borders of Europe and her colonies.

If you don't understand this, don't worry - enough of the right people do:).

10-18-2009, 12:35 PM
How are Swedes behaving in Southern Spain in your opinion? I know that a lot or a few don’t learn Spanish which is a shame.

Well,I'm not very familiar with the Swedes living in Spain.In general Swedes(or Scandinavians for that matter) have a quite good reputation there.They're seen as civic,discreet and trouble free,only a bit bland,but that has never killed anybody;)

10-18-2009, 12:40 PM
The guy on the right is the only true white man and true White Nationalist. No impure admixtures, guaranteed.


10-18-2009, 12:46 PM
Ok, ;)

And what to do with many muslims immigrants who become secular and culturally assimilated

They will still be seen as 'muslims', at least on this side of the planet. A 'muslim' is a racial grouping which kinda looks like spanish people, not as dark as black people, and not asian either. Yeah, like that:


Those who see islamophobia (or anti-islamism) as a useful political approach then implicitely do admit that they don't mind any other (non-Muslim, that is) immigration?

Not at all. Just that such is a quite good route to go in countries in which the most foreign immigrants are muslims.

100,000 Iraqis since 2003, thanks to the criminal american war in Iraq

A lame excuse, no doubt many came claiming asylum before 'fleeing that evil Saddam'

Coming from you, it's rich. You can try to project your own insecurity on me, it will never change the fact that the guy who's terrorized at the sight of Muslims (or any kind of "foreigners") is YOU, not me.

Whiny little white guy who's afraid of being eaten alive by brown and black men in the real world, LOL

Not at all, it's not the assorted muds we are afraid of, it's our criminal justice system and the police state. As for the assorted muds, I have lived in areas dominated by them for most of the past several years and wear as a normal course of habit confederate and nazi regalia, with never so much as a verbal complaint from the 'brown and black men'. The best way to 'eaten alive by brown and black men in the real world' is to wear shoes that are not trainers or boots, pants that are not jeans or camouflage, shirts that are not t-shirts with some sort of black metal/nordic/white power logo, and a watch that is not digital.

;) Ok, an emasculated internet warrior, that's all that you and him can get actually? What do you have done in real life against it?

Any true patriot will accept no demographic experiments on his own country and excessive immigration

And then you get to spend a nice long time in jail, like many of my friends have, on BS charges like 'hate crimes', 'assault', 'terroristic threats', 'homicide', etc. I'd like to stay out of prison and find employment commensurate with my education, so no such 'direct action' from me, and I am hardly the only person in this position.


For nostalgia sake, what was once a common sign in North America :thumb001:


10-18-2009, 12:52 PM
Well,I'm not very familiar with the Swedes living in Spain.In general Swedes(or Scandinavians for that matter) have a quite good reputation there.They're seen as civic,discreet and trouble free,only a bit bland,but that has never killed anybody;)

According to Swedish media they do not want assimilation :P, though I think there is more Swedes living in France currently.

10-18-2009, 12:54 PM
Two things:

- Muslims are not a "racial group".There are 100% European Muslims in the Balkans,for example.

-Those girls in the picture don't look like any Spaniard I've met.

10-18-2009, 12:56 PM
They will still be seen as 'muslims', at least on this side of the planet. A 'muslim' is a racial grouping which kinda looks like spanish people, not as dark as black people, and not asian either.

Islam is a religion, not a race, with such crap here you invalidated the rest of your entire argument, what there is an overall immigrant problem, and the factors are not as simple as your little mind of an internet warrior is able to think :coffee:

10-18-2009, 01:02 PM
- Muslims are not a "racial group".There are 100% European Muslims in the Balkans,for example.

It is a term of convenience for racially/culturally foreign people. That a person who is muslim and 100% slavic/European genes could be found is not known or cared about by 99% of the population, so people don't like muslims. Slavs are usually considered borderline 'white' in most western countries anyways, so the fact that some of them might be muslim comes as no great surprise, as they all wear funny hats anyways.

Islam is a religion, not a race, with such crap here you invalidated the rest of your entire argument, what there is an overall immigrant problem

It's a racial problem at it's core, but 'racial' issues have severe regulation from PC authorities. Thus, we have to say it is a 'muslim', or 'illegal immigration' problem. Actual 'immigration' status of course is even more irrelevant than the religion of said immigrants.

10-18-2009, 01:07 PM
Slavs are usually considered borderline 'white' in most western countries anyways

You don't have a clue.I refuse to argue with such an ignorant person.Hasta la vista,baby.

10-18-2009, 01:24 PM
You don't have a clue.I refuse to argue with such an ignorant person.Hasta la vista,baby.

That is the simple truth. You are considered 'foreign' in these countries. 'Spics' 'Darkies' 'Swarthies' 'Wogs' 'Muds' we call you. In past decades you would be excluded from all proper establishments of society. Even today, it is only the PC authorities who prevent you from being the subject of abuse, and the presence of myriad other even worse racial groups which permit you to be invited into white nationalist groups. In regards to the initial subject, it is only 'white nationalism' and it's pan-European aspect which prevents you from being labeled 'immigrant darkie scum, lets beat the hell out of him for fun next time we are drunk'

10-18-2009, 01:34 PM
And then you get to spend a nice long time in jail, like many of my friends have, on BS charges like 'hate crimes', 'assault', 'terroristic threats', 'homicide', etc..

I've not such kind of friendship sorry for it :coffee:

Damn right, Matritensis is right you are such an ignorant person (a redneck) with no clue of reality I also refuse to argue with you. Hasta la vista, baby.

10-18-2009, 01:48 PM
I've not such kind of friendship sorry for it :coffee:

Damn right, Matritensis is right you are such an ignorant person (a redneck) with no clue of reality I also refuse to argue with you. Hasta la vista, baby.

Hmm what-you attack our esteemed british member for not taking any direct action because he has a wife and children to worry about, then attack the people who in fact who do take direct action? There is no win either way with this BS you spout, if one acts only in verbal or written rhetoric one is a 'pussy' etc etc, if one acts with more verbal or written rhetoric you all of a sudden get scared of even knowing someone who knows such people and run away in fear. Which is it, is direct action preferable to rhetoric, or is it not? If direct action is preferable, why this sudden pee-your-pants reaction to those who have taken direct action? If rhetoric is preferable to direct action, why do you criticize and attack those who relegate their activity to rhetoric?

10-18-2009, 01:48 PM
Yeah, my opinion of you is considerably less now SoV. You are an idiot.

10-18-2009, 02:11 PM
Yeah, my opinion of you is considerably less now SoV. You are an idiot.

Hush, Woman.


10-18-2009, 02:17 PM
Some of what I post is in jest or exaggerated, but I have yet to see rational arguments presented to the questions I have posed:

What, other than 'white nationalism', should inspire those of us in industrialized western countries to sympathize with the more or less 'foreign' (especially from a strict civic nationalist standpoint) 'nationalists' of southern and eastern Europe? A strict political-boundary-nation-specific 'nationalism', as espoused by the 'neoconservative' movement here, would dictate that we view those from Eastern/Southern Europe as 'enemies', and even the western 'Europeans' who are frequently castigated in mainstream conservative circles here. If you try to 'got it alone' with some country that has 10 or 20 million people, you will simply be washed aside and run over by global forces such as Islam, international socialism/communism, and whatever form of 'conservatism' holds sway in North America.

As regards the 'direct action' vs 'rhetoric' argument, one must take one path or the other. Obviously, I have taken the 'rhetoric' path, which I believe is wiser, thus I have no criminal record etc. I suspect many of you subscribe to the position that one must stand on the street corner with a sign advertising an irrelevant political party which gets about 2% of vote, thus achieving the worst of both worlds, political and social isolation whilst not so much as scaring the invading forces even on Halloween. There is simply no effective course between 'mainstream' and 'direct action', if you try you get the worst of both worlds.

So, what effective course of action is advisable? "Ya umm me and my party which currently gets like 2% of the vote are gonna get elected and then throw out all the people born outside this country but not anyone else and we are gonna kick the rest of the world's ass if they say no" simply will not work.

Damião de Góis
10-18-2009, 02:42 PM
That is the simple truth. You are considered 'foreign' in these countries. 'Spics' 'Darkies' 'Swarthies' 'Wogs' 'Muds' we call you. In past decades you would be excluded from all proper establishments of society. Even today, it is only the PC authorities who prevent you from being the subject of abuse, and the presence of myriad other even worse racial groups which permit you to be invited into white nationalist groups. In regards to the initial subject, it is only 'white nationalism' and it's pan-European aspect which prevents you from being labeled 'immigrant darkie scum, lets beat the hell out of him for fun next time we are drunk'

at least it's nice to know what people think so that we can have the right idea about them.

10-18-2009, 03:22 PM
That is the simple truth. You are considered 'foreign' in these countries. 'Spics' 'Darkies' 'Swarthies' 'Wogs' 'Muds' we call you.

this is one of the most unintelligent adjectives in the post, as if swarthiness was specific to the "immigrants". There are plenty of original colonial German stock who were swarthy, as were many of the British stock. This whole swarthiness spiel is getting quite inane.

10-18-2009, 03:26 PM
This whole swarthiness spiel is getting quite inane.

Ya think? If you ain't Scadinavian then you're swarthy. Truth hurts. :cool:

10-18-2009, 03:30 PM
Ya think? If you ain't Scadinavian then you're swarthy. Truth hurts. :cool:

I guess Tydal Scandinavians, despite being actually swarthy, are not swarthy just by living in Scandinavia. lol :D :cool: I figures this out yetz! :D

10-18-2009, 03:35 PM
I guess Tydal Scandinavians, despite being actually swarthy, are not swarthy just by living in Scandinavia. lol :D :cool: I figures this out yetz! :D

You probably have a better chance of spotting Bigfoot than a Tydal sub-racial type. :cool:

10-18-2009, 03:37 PM
You probably have a better chance of spotting Bigfoot than a Tydal sub-racial type. :cool:

So bigfoot does exist! I knew it! He's just hiding out somewhere deep in the outskirts of Scandinavia!

Or Sweden more specifically:


Some more Tydal examples from Dalarnas folk:


10-18-2009, 05:20 PM
They will still be seen as 'muslims', at least on this side of the planet. A 'muslim' is a racial grouping which kinda looks like spanish people, not as dark as black people, and not asian either. Yeah, like that:


I suppose yeah.. Spanish people look like you want (including the Asian and Black thing too), straw man :rolleyes:


10-18-2009, 05:24 PM
The guy does not clue of reality, don't waste the your time with it, Alana ;)

10-18-2009, 05:24 PM
That is the simple truth. You are considered 'foreign' in these countries. 'Spics' 'Darkies' 'Swarthies' 'Wogs' 'Muds' we call you. In past decades you would be excluded from all proper establishments of society. Even today, it is only the PC authorities who prevent you from being the subject of abuse, and the presence of myriad other even worse racial groups which permit you to be invited into white nationalist groups. In regards to the initial subject, it is only 'white nationalism' and it's pan-European aspect which prevents you from being labeled 'immigrant darkie scum, lets beat the hell out of him for fun next time we are drunk'

Certainly not, because spaniards hardly emigrated to the USA.

Black Turlogh
10-18-2009, 05:46 PM

Not so different from this, then, is it?


I wonder if your Irish ancestor(s) ever had to face a thing like that, Sword?

10-18-2009, 08:23 PM
Certainly not, because spaniards hardly emigrated to the USA.

Actually Spaniards owned the state(Florida) where Sword of Vistula lives(or lived) in. And the oldest families are have Spanish surnames.

10-18-2009, 08:33 PM
From what I've observed many white nationalists, esp the extreme ones, are those trying to compensate... many of them are very young so
1) Teenage agnst
2) often lower class
3) no accomplishments
What is left? The most basic thing they were born with, the colour of their skin and their DNA. It's something easy and they don't have to do anything so they take pride in that. Also may of them piggyback ride on other people's accomplishments.

Racial pride or shame shouldn't have to exist. It's something you don't chose, it's something you can't change. It's like sexual orientation or gender. One need not be ashamed, but one has no reasons to be "proud".

However on the other hand you can be proud that your great grandfather survived a cold harsh, long New England winter to build a future for his young. Proud of HIM and Grateful to him.

Also, one need not to be proud to belong to a certain race to love, care and be concerned about that same race or ethnicity. For example, I am not particularly proud of my race, but I am very concerned about the "racial guilt" it has esp here in Canada and as such is being trampled and walked all over by others. That's something that needs to change.

10-18-2009, 09:10 PM
The second largest American city was founded by Spaniards, Los Angeles, was not it or I'm wrong?

10-18-2009, 09:16 PM
Racial pride or shame shouldn't have to exist.

When history is full of countless examples of the superiority of one's race, it absolutely should. On the same note, the existence of inferior peoples is a reality; they should be treated as such, and should conduct themselves accordingly.

10-18-2009, 09:50 PM
When history is full of countless examples of the superiority of one's race, it absolutely should. On the same note, the existence of inferior peoples is a reality; they should be treated as such, and should conduct themselves accordingly.

If you read my post, you'd see that I consider this piggyback riding on someone else's accomplishments. It's no better than the many AfroAmricans piggyback riding on certain individuals' accomplishments or getting their panties in a bunch over "black pride", taking it as an excuse to keep avoiding having to do any effort in bettering themselves.

Do something great, and then if you want, put it on racial pride, its already more acceptable than white trailer trash popping out babies and using welfare money to buy beer and cigs saying they are better than that Chinese immigrant who just graduated as a doctor and is ready to give back to society, because of something like eye shape.

Now before you go on the "but history has shown that as a general rule in X race people are better and that people in Y race that are better are an exception" tangent, I'll let you know I'm not interested. I'm not arguing that there is or isn't a superior race, my point was that people who use racial pride because they have nothing and don't feel like making an effort to have anything else, make me feel ashamed to be related to them.

10-18-2009, 10:34 PM
Racial pride or shame shouldn't have to exist. It's something you don't chose, it's something you can't change. It's like sexual orientation or gender. One need not be ashamed, but one has no reasons to be "proud".

Absolutely true.. ;)

However on the other hand you can be proud that your great grandfather survived a cold harsh, long New England winter to build a future for his young. Proud of HIM and Grateful to him.

Agreed, nothing wrong with wanting to pursue your culture, ethnic-identity or customs, perpetuate some of the values you grew up with. Loving one's country its history does not automatically make someone a racist or a bigot.

Well, everyone is just so hot headed about immigration here, yes, a touchy complicated subject, however, leave it to the nationals to deal with it, since many on this board live in different countries with different laws, and if you want to fight against it the only real option is to be an activist in real life.

I have already mentioned my points here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=117030&postcount=84)

10-19-2009, 12:12 AM
If you read my post, you'd see that I consider this piggyback riding on someone else's accomplishments.

I consider that utter nonsense, similar to what one would expect to read in Searchlight.

It's no better than the many AfroAmricans piggyback riding on certain individuals' accomplishments or getting their panties in a bunch over "black pride", taking it as an excuse to keep avoiding having to do any effort in bettering themselves.

There is no comparison, and on the contrary; encouraging whites to wake up and take pride in their disproportionate historical accomplishments is one way to combat increasing apathy and social decay among Europeans, at home and in the Colonial dispoara.

Do something great, and then if you want, put it on racial pride, its already more acceptable than white trailer trash popping out babies and using welfare money to buy beer and cigs saying they are better than that Chinese immigrant who just graduated as a doctor and is ready to give back to society, because of something like eye shape.

"White trailer trash" is in no way reflective of the general condition of the white race, and looping all whites into such a category to demonstrate their alleged inferiority to Asians is injurious to the goals of anyone truly dedicated to European preservationism. Any negative traits in the white communty that you have specified can be addressed and eliminated with the appropriate measures taken. On the other hand, an Asiatic will always be the same: some ability to crunch numbers, but completely lacking in any cultural intelligence or the sense of individuality that allowed Europeans to become the masters of the world.

Now before you go on the "but history has shown that as a general rule in X race people are better and that people in Y race that are better are an exception" tangent, I'll let you know I'm not interested.

Now that you have clearly demonstrated your rejection of any unique or noble attributes characteristic of Europeans in a dull anti-racist diatribe, I can assure you that I am similarly disinterested in continuing this.

I'm not arguing that there is or isn't a superior race, my point was that people who use racial pride because they have nothing and don't feel like making an effort to have anything else, make me feel ashamed to be related to them.

I, as well as a good measure of others on here, take pride in the unparalleled accomplishments of Europeans throughout the ages, and none of us do so to fill some non-existent void in our lives. I will thank you to respect that concept.

10-19-2009, 12:39 AM
"White trailer trash" is in no way reflective of the general condition of the white race, and looping all whites into such a category to demonstrate their alleged inferiority to Asians is injurious to the goals of anyone truly dedicated to European preservationism. Any negative traits in the white communty that you have specified can be addressed and eliminated with the appropriate measures taken. On the other hand, an Asiatic will always be the same: some ability to crunch numbers, but completely lacking in any cultural intelligence or the sense of individuality that allowed Europeans to become the masters of the world.

My point completely flew over your head didn't it? I didn't say the majority of european people or descendants are white trash. I said the majority of WN are white trash and an an embrassment. I don't even think WN can work because people have different standards of what is white. Here we'd all agree anything european is "white" since our focus is Europe. But in the US I know for a fact, most don't consider southern euros to be white.
I digress.
Back to me original "drivel" ; I agree with you that it is a problem that can be delt with, but if we want to ally and not alienate people to our cause for preserving our identity and culture, heritage etc. the WN trash has to go. I'm trying to apply our cause to the real world here, and well you know... its a question of how things are presented to people. And things are done one step at a time.

10-19-2009, 01:01 AM
This thread really made me thinking even more that this Forum is mainly consisted of really great people whom i consider friends.

10-19-2009, 02:26 AM
Actually Spaniards owned the state(Florida) where Sword of Vistula lives(or lived) in. And the oldest families are have Spanish surnames.

Like several other spots in the South, Florida was originally colonized by the Spanish, but currently contains a Spanish population hardly worth mentioning. The Spanish, by and large, didn't bring women with them. So, they generally were absorbed into the local populations. In Central/South America it was the Natives who provided the Spanish with wives. In Louisiana it was the French and Germans. In Florida it was the English. And so on...

There are pockets of real Spanish (not South/Central American) influence in the US, but they are small an few in number.

10-19-2009, 02:48 AM
Western Cubans looks like Spanish or northern Portuguese, fair and even light eyes is quite common, and relatively short in stature. Havana is a different story.

la bombe
10-19-2009, 09:55 AM

I know you think you're clever 'insulting' Matritensis with this image, but I assume you also don't know the social or cultural context in which a sign like this would be posted. First of all, signs like these were found in the Southwest and directed at Spanish-speaking migrant workers, be they of predominately Amerindian descent or otherwise. Terms like "Spanish" and "Spaniard" were, and to some extent, still are, used as blanket terms to refer to those who speak Spanish as their native language (which in this part of the country traditionally means Mexicans, Chicanos and Hispanos, regardless of their racial composition).

Actually Spaniards owned the state(Florida) where Sword of Vistula lives(or lived) in. And the oldest families are have Spanish surnames.

Not to mention, um, the ENTIRE Southwestern United States.


The Southwest has long had a Spanish input, be they colonial settlers from New Spain or other immigration waves, in particular the Basques. BTW, I know people of Basque descent and I've never seen them referred to as "spics", "wogs" or "muds" (not that I've actually heard the terms mud or wogs outside of race boards). Same goes for people of full Spanish descent, who can easily be distinguished from obviously Amerindian-influenced Mexicans extremely easily.

10-19-2009, 10:13 AM
Western Cubans looks like Spanish or northern Portuguese, fair and even light eyes is quite common, and relatively short in stature. Havana is a different story.

Desi Arnaz I believe to be a decent example. The color photos I've seen of him have border line olive, not quite as dark, skin tone, brown eyes, brown hair, and his facial traits are Alpinoid.

10-19-2009, 10:28 AM
I don't give a fig about the white race. As far as I am concerned it is simply a figment of the Anglo-Colonial imagination to build up some form of continuity with the accomplishments of the European peoples.

It also tends to ignore the ethnicities of Europe and tries to paint us all with the same brush.


10-19-2009, 02:01 PM
I don't give a fig about the white race. As far as I am concerned it is simply a figment of the Anglo-Colonial imagination to build up some form of continuity with the accomplishments of the European peoples.

Me too, however, inside the American context it seems that this is sacred.

It also tends to ignore the ethnicities of Europe and tries to paint us all with the same brush.

The problem is not to ignore or not, but the simple fact of painting all with the same brush, is itself pure ignorance.

10-19-2009, 03:17 PM
the white race... As far as I am concerned it is simply a figment of the Anglo-Colonial imagination

No less a figment than any other unifying principle of recognition and in-group/out-group bias.

to build up some form of continuity with the accomplishments of the European peoples.

:D Yes. As is widely known, colonials have never achieved anything and seek only to commandeer the achievements from whence they came.:D

It also tends to ignore the ethnicities of Europe

:thumbs up - Which makes perfect sense given that White Nationalism and White race are, by and large, Anglo-concepts.

and tries to paint us all with the same brush.

Only when it is used by European proxy, that is.

10-19-2009, 03:39 PM
From what I've observed many white nationalists, esp the extreme ones, are those trying to compensate... many of them are very young so
1) Teenage agnst
2) often lower class
3) no accomplishments
What is left? The most basic thing they were born with, the colour of their skin and their DNA. It's something easy and they don't have to do anything so they take pride in that. Also may of them piggyback ride on other people's accomplishments.
Unfortunately today many white nationalists are loosers , people who live at the fringe of their societies and with borderline personalities but I don't consider them real WNs , they are just the most outspoken ones or sometimes even simply loosers who try to find an excuse to their miserable life , do you know what I mean?
It's the same patters for those blacks who blame the whites for not being able to get somewhere.

But there's another fact , that today WNism is a taboo issue and if you wanna make a carrier you can't speak your mind , I can assure you there are many many more WNs than you may notice in the streets but they are in the closet , they stay away from political involvement and try to pass as say mere conservatives...
they fear that the time they will dare to speak their mind they'll immediately get marginalized in the workplace , circle of friends etc

take into account this side as well.

Racial pride or shame shouldn't have to exist. It's something you don't chose, it's something you can't change. It's like sexual orientation or gender. One need not be ashamed, but one has no reasons to be "proud".

However on the other hand you can be proud that your great grandfather survived a cold harsh, long New England winter to build a future for his young. Proud of HIM and Grateful to him.

What's that great difference between a father and forefathers?
I'm proud of Charles Martel who defeat the Muslims in Poitiers a.d.732 and then?
why can't we be proud of our forefathers' accomplishments?
have you noticed how much money public/private foundations put into monuments restauration?or in saving old papers/documents/books?
so why?are they just mad?
or they try to preserve their national identity?
have you Canadians a national identity?
or you are just single atoms with no real bonds with each other?

Aristotile used to say that the human being is a zoon politikon that is to say a "social animal" and I think he was right , a society without a collective national identity is doomed.

10-19-2009, 04:20 PM
No less a figment than any other unifying principle of recognition and in-group/out-group bias.

Hm. I should have chosen my words better. What I mean to say is that.. most White Nationalists expand their colonial-social construct outside of the Anglo-colonial world to inculde Europe and heck even Iran and India!

As you rightly pointed out it does not cater to the ethnicities of Europe due to it belonging strictly to the Anglo-colonial world. When I referred to it as a figment of the imagination I meant in so far as that it is delusional to think that the white race has played a historical deciding factor in European history.

I do not however deny that the white race is a reality in so much as it concerns you colonials and I must admit that due to recent events in society it is also creeping into Europe.

:D Yes. As is widely known, colonials have never achieved anything and seek only to commandeer the achievements from whence they came.:D

You must keep in mind SuuT I wear Papist-tint glasses when I look at history ;)!

But what I was addressing is I think it is foolish for example to see White Nationalists at Stormfront glorifying the Battle of Vienna as a great victory for the white race or claiming the ancient Greek philosophers to be the crown accomplishment of the white race.

:thumbs up - Which makes perfect sense given that White Nationalism and White race are, by and large, Anglo-concepts.

The problem is when they try to push it on us Europeans. They hold us in contempt because we wont unite with our white brothers...

Only when it is used by European proxy, that is.

You have a point to an extent.


10-19-2009, 04:27 PM
Well, talking about race itself I have no issues with blacks, quite frankly because they are not any here so I cannot have issues with someone who is not around me - I can understand some frustrations Americans do have with them, or other people living close next to these people; I do not have an issue with Arabs, Eskimos, most Asians, Cubans etc but of course I don't - I do not have them around - why'd they bother me cause they are miles away from me.

However who I do have a problem with are gypsies and Chinese which do cause several issues in my region and town - but, it is not racial hatred, it is a hatred based on social issues I and people around have with them.

Most people I do have a problem with are of the same race as me anyway.

10-19-2009, 04:43 PM
Hm. I should have chosen my words better. What I mean to say is that.. most White Nationalists expand their colonial-social construct outside of the Anglo-colonial world to inculde Europe and heck even Iran and India!

Welcome to the internet.:D Please enjoy your stay.

As you rightly pointed out it does not cater to the ethnicities of Europe due to it belonging strictly to the Anglo-colonial world. When I referred to it as a figment of the imagination I meant in so far as that it is delusional to think that the white race has played a historical deciding factor in European history.

Oh...?:chin: I'm not so sure about that... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_race):)

I do not however deny that the white race is a reality in so much as it concerns you colonials and I must admit that due to recent events in society it is also creeping into Europe.

I hope in my heart of hearts that you never need it.

But what I was addressing is I think it is foolish for example to see White Nationalists at Stormfront glorifying the Battle of Vienna as a great victory for the white race or claiming the ancient Greek philosophers to be the crown accomplishment of the white race.

Those claims are certainly not without some merit.

The problem is when they try to push it on us Europeans. They hold us in contempt because we wont unite with our white brothers...

Most colonials do not understand European ethnic bonds, as it was a matter of course to evolve those things in an effort to create and co-operate in a poly-ethnic New World. This, itself, assisted in the formation of the North American identity: They don't understand you. But you don't understand them, either: it's a wash. :D

10-19-2009, 04:46 PM
They don't understand you. But you don't understand them, either: it's a wash. :D

Very well, I will bow out of this conversation before I make a joke of my self anymore :D!


10-19-2009, 04:53 PM
Hm. I should have chosen my words better. What I mean to say is that.. most White Nationalists expand their colonial-social construct outside of the Anglo-colonial world to inculde Europe and heck even Iran and India!
For the record those who claim Iran Afghanistan India and stuff to be our motherland are Pan Aryanist (take a look at their forum PANF (http://www.panf.info/upload/index.php)) they confuse the terms white and Caucasoid , including Europe is not a problem for a White Nationalist , otherwise one should rename himself Anglo/Celtic Nationalist and not White Nationalist.

04-29-2012, 04:33 AM
I think we just need to cease immigration and maybe some deportation/separation of blacks.

White nationals have other plans....

04-29-2012, 04:44 AM
They're a bit too extreme for me, and some of them annoy me with their over-sensitivity. I'm not trying to be offensive btw :thumbs up

04-29-2012, 04:48 AM
I think we just need to cease immigration and maybe some deportation/separation of blacks.

White nationals have other plans....


1. How will "cease immigration and maybe some deportation/separation of blacks" solve the cultural problems of our modern world. You are addressing the effects, not the causes.

2. You misspelled 'white nationalists'

3. What is your definition of the group proclaimed to be called "white nationalists" ?

4. Enlighten us with their plans

Fucking try harder.

04-29-2012, 04:51 AM
America, the greatest nation ever conceived, is now on the precipice and needs her patriots to come to the rescue. She has been betrayed by career politicians and a two party system that no longer serves the interests of the American people, but instead serves global special interests. America has also been betrayed by a mainstream media that no longer respects truth or righteousness, but instead promotes our social and moral decline. The global forces behind these betrayals are intent on destroying America, and sacrificing all that our forefathers built and that we hold dear – to establish, instead, a socialist new world order in which they will surreptitiously rule an unsuspecting, yet increasingly enslaved mass – “1984” revisited. The evidence is clear to those who seek out truths, historic and current.

These global elites have debauched our currency, involved us in unjust and undeclared wars, opened our borders to massive third world immigration, destroyed our production capabilities through government overregulation and imbalanced trade agreements, and subverted our rights and constitutional protections. Government and the military-industrial-banking-pharmaceutical complex are the only growth industries, and as the American middle class is being systematically wiped out, a police state is evolving. In less than fifty years, America’s national character has been dramatically altered. The overwhelming white, Christian majority (90% in the early 1960’s) is now 65% and predicted to be a minority within the next thirty years. To question this radical demographic assault against traditional America, or divisive and unfair “affirmative action” programs – is to be classified a “racist”. To question Israel’s excessive influence over America’s foreign policy or the Jewish dominance in media – is to be classified “anti-Semitic”. Our Republic has been turned upside down, and “cultural Marxism” and “political correctness” has silenced too many patriots for far too long. What can we do about it?

A new political party, the American Third Position (A3P), is stepping forward with honest and rational answers. During Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign events, and patriot meetings since, I was privileged to get to know several of the A3P’s future party leaders and came to respect their courage and vision. I share their most noble ideals and have been asked to head the party’s ticket for the 2012 Presidential campaign. I am honored and will do everything in my power to reach the American people and help restore America’s former greatness as a Republic. America has traditionally been the beacon for the rest of the world, not a ruthless interventionist in the affairs of other nations – and it is time we restored our traditions and America’s reputation. The world should emulate us, not fear and despise us.

As an Iowa native, West Point graduate, Army veteran, engineering manager, and award winning filmmaker, I was never interested in politics, but now am compelled to answer the call and serve my nation in its time of greatest need. I’ve been married to my wife for 37 years and we have four wonderful daughters, three of whom also graduated from West Point. We owe our progeny a future and can no longer rely on a system that has been corrupted to its core. Enter the fight with us – to take back our country!

More information about me and my company, Americana Pictures, can be found at www.Americana-Pictures.com and information about A3P and our platform/positions can be found at www.American3rdposition.com.

Thank you and May God bless America,

Merlin Miller


Problems in Reaching our People: White Nationalism's Image

When seeking to grow its ranks and earn broader acceptance for its ideas, the White Nationalist (WN) movement's primary problem lies and has lied in its image and its ideals and methods as perceived by the White target population. Many Whites see WNs as resentful losers who blame their inadequacies and failures on blacks and hispanics. Despite the fact that there are scores of winners in our ranks, this perception within White America will and has attracted many losers. Losers seek handouts, make excuses, and drag down morale with their complaining and foot dragging. Winners are self-functioning, contribute (intellectually, physically, financially) to the cause, raise morale, and attract quality people. Now, the enemy may control the media and have a significant stranglehold on information, but we, as a whole, have fallen into their trap and played into their stereotype. When Jerry Springer hired a bunch of actors to dress up in Klan outfits and scream profanity and racial epithets at the camera, the vast majority of Americans had no access to a White Common Sense organization, philosophy, or individual to act as a counterpoint and show that NORMAL people, successful people, can and do hold pro-White views. In essence, for too long we have isolated and allowed ourselves to be isolated from the mainstream. Some of us have sought isolation in the name of purity, some out of disgust at a degenerating American culture. Regardless, most of us became negative and bitter as we saw our traditional culture and race in rapid decline. Others, a minority for sure, have remained positive, but have kept quiet out of fear of social ostracism or losing their job.

Times are changing. Times have changed.

The internet, the Tea Parties, 911 truth, big bank bailouts, Ron Paul 2008, and Rand Paul 2010 have all opened up a flood gate of new ideas, energy and information access to White Americans. The past ten years of war, overzealous government, and deficit spending have angered people and made them open to change. We must present our people with the truth about race and its importance in building and maintaining a functioning society and government, and do so in a way that THEY want to hear, that THEY can relate to. Our people are ripe for it, now is the time. As the weight of more than 100 million non-Whites continues to crush traditional White America and more of our people become discomforted by their dispossession, White America will look for solutions in new, yet at the same time, traditional places, because it will be forced to.

Now, if you speak out, a growing number of people will support you. If you use the internet and WNN, you can remain anonymous. If you speak out openly and you are ostracized and smeared in the media, you can tell your story to millions via the internet. If you lose your job, you can work from home and still make a decent living. Barriers to White America dissenting from its dispossession are falling precipitously, setting the stage for a rapid growth in White Racial Consciousness, IF we work hard at making ourselves and our message positive and professional.

The Importance of Positivity

I hate to start a subsection on positivity with a question on negativity, but honestly answer these questions: What else has worked? Has negativity, cultism, or isolation attracted quality people to our cause in the past? Have you ever seen a successful outsider movement, of any kind, built on collective and personal negativity?

There are many sayings in our culture that stress the importance of attitude. Here's one from one of our great White psychology pioneers: “The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.”
William James

Positivity, more than any other factor, is the key to our movement growing and attracting quality people. In the world of quantum mechanics, like attracts like. We create our own world by choosing to perceive it and act on it with a particular attitude.

Furthermore, positive people are more dynamic and fun to be around. In a rapidly changing world optimism helps one to roll with the punches. Whatever your views on heaven and hell, choose to make life a manifestation of heaven right here on earth. Take the time to appreciate the beauty in this world – a White child's smile, a warm spring breeze after 5 months of wintry weather, the euphoria as you reach the heights of a mountaintop after a long and arduous hike. This conscious recognition and embrace of the positive will spill over into other areas of your life and make you a happier and more effective person. You will find yourself with more meaningful and deeper personal relationships. When all of us apply this collective positivity to one effort, the synergistic effect will be enormous and will push our movement into the mainstream.

Building Bridges to White Americans

For generations, our enemies have used the media, academia, the legal system and every other lever of power to create division within our people. There are blue collar vs. white collar, men vs. women, Southerner vs. Yankee, Bronco's fan vs. Cowboy's fan, Democrat vs. Republican, and Baby Boomers vs. Generation X. These are issues that would be fine to argue about if we had an all-White society, if we kept it “all in the family.” But arguing these issues are detrimental to our cause as they have taken our focus off of RACE – the genetic inheritance given to us by our ancestors that allowed them to build American and Western Civilization and allows us to maintain them today.

As cathartic as it can be to focus on WWII history, naming names, or calling names, these tactics do not help us in reaching our people with our White Common Sense message. All they do is trigger Pavlovian reflexes (programmed by our enemies in the media) that immediately turn White Americans away from our cause and burn bridges that once connected us to our neighbors, coworkers, policemen and acquaintances. To paraphrase Wilmot Robertson, “We will not reach White Americans with a racialist message using any tactic that grates against the Anglo-American values and traditions our country was founded on.” Instead, we must build bridges to ideas White Americans currently hold and find areas where we agree with them and focus on the agreement. ATTRACT our people by showing them that we agree that the government is too large and wasteful, that illegal immigration is out of control, that the Federal Reserve in not really “federal,” and that we should focus on America first instead of dumping our money into foreign countries and sending our sons to die in foreign lands. Interestingly, focusing on agreement, a POSITIVE realization, is more effective than focusing on disagreement, a negative realization (ie, we both don't want to live near blacks). We must highlight what we are FOR. Once people have made contact with us and are accepted into our circles, we will exude more open racialist values and policies. Our positive attitudes and White Common Sense will rub off on them, causing them to build bridges to even more White Americans.

In terms of action, building bridges encompasses attending implicitly pro-White events. Tea Parties are predominantly White, and promote, more or less, White values and society. Ron Paul rallies have attracted large crowds of our people who are ready to get active and change America for the better. Many of these people would rather be at a pro-White rally, but have no rally to attend and have no outlet for their outpouring of pro-White energy. Libertarianism only looks good as a counter to the current system of crooked capitalism and warmongering. Given a choice, our thinking people will choose Nationalism over Libertarianism, assuming they have fair enough exposure to both ideas. The bridge from Nationalism to Libertarianism is not a hard one to build considering that quality White people respect private property and the rights of the individual, support freedom of speech and limitations on government, and promote and exercise personal responsibility. In fact, these are almost exclusively White traits. White genes (and education) are the key to libertarian-leaning societies. We just have to convince our Libertarian Whites not to put the cart before the horse – that quality White people are the prerequisite to personal freedom. The key is to go where the politically active White people are and, again, highlight our commonalities while inserting the White Common Sense that the Libertarians lack.


The word instantly brings to mind images of doctors, professors, military officers and law enforcement personnel – all successful members of the community who are respected by their family, friends, and neighbors. What do these people all have in common? Shared values and a dignified approach to dealing with internal conflicts. Professionals avoid internecine public conflicts, police their ranks, hold each other to high standards, and seek to be subject matter experts in their respective fields. They also take care of each other, network, and promote the broader cause for which they work. These are all things that we are emulating here on WhiteNewsNow.com and in other organizations that have adopted the Kelso Method, such as the American Third Position. Jamie has entrusted many dozens of us, more than on any other forum I know, to act as Senior Moderators, allowing us to police our own ranks, and empowering us to project a positive image that is appealing to our people.

A welcome side effect to our positive and professional approach is that our club is exclusive – a place where winners congregate. This exclusivity is another recruiting tool that says to our young and unawakened White Americans, “We have values, we have standards, meet our high standards, share our noble values, and you, too, can be a part of us.” Pride instead of White guilt.

Hard Work

This final principle of the Kelso Method is incredibly easy and requires little explanation. Accept the White struggle for survival as a gift and get to work! All meaningful growth and maturation comes through experience and challenging ourselves. Expand your knowledge, your effectiveness, and your mastery of your environment. Get in touch with your Faustian spirit. Keep in mind that we are working for the highest principle – the conscious evolution of man, no, of ALL life through man, in the direction of the stars.

Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Douglas MacArthur

Damião de Góis
04-29-2012, 04:55 AM
I respect nationalists from all countries. But "white" is not a nation...

04-29-2012, 05:01 AM

1. How will "cease immigration and maybe some deportation/separation of blacks" solve the cultural problems of our modern world. You are addressing the effects, not the causes. yeah modern life sux. I wish I was working 7 day weeks 14 hour days in a coal mine for rent money.:rolleyes: Life was great before Marxism.:rolleyes:

2. You misspelled 'white nationalists' Every thing's got to be just so with you white nationalist doesn't it? So gays, blacks, Jews and disabled people aren't enough, you need to throw bad spellers into the concentration camp too now?

3. What is your definition of the group proclaimed to be called "white nationalists" ? The people who declare themselves to be white nationalists. There's plenty.

4. Enlighten us with their plansI was thinking you might be more qualified for that.

Fucking try harder.Always trier harder with you right wingnuts. Got to pay the worker less, go to compete with the other countries. Got to prod blind people and single mothers into the workforce.

04-29-2012, 05:07 AM
Every thing's got to be just so with you white nationalist doesn't it? So gays, blacks, Jews and disabled people aren't enough, you need to throw bad spellers into the concentration camp too now?



04-29-2012, 05:09 AM
I voted detrimental because it turns people off. WNs seem to be extremely suggestible when it comes to conspiracy theories. This leads to fanaticism and the inability to be diplomatic, which makes it almost impossible to be taken seriously.

Marmie Dearest
04-29-2012, 05:13 AM
In the U.S. I think it possibly does more harm than good, because it causes responses such as, "oh you're into European preservation? Does this mean you support the shooting of Treyvon Martin?" kind of thing. Like it makes people presume that anyone who has any interest in racialist topics, cultural preservation, and European pride wants to murder black people.

I don't think that's very productive.

04-29-2012, 05:18 AM
In the U.S. I think it possibly does more harm than good, because it causes responses such as, "oh you're into European preservation? Does this mean you support the shooting of Treyvon Martin?" kind of thing. Like it makes people presume that anyone who has any interest in racialist topics, cultural preservation, and European pride wants to murder black people.

I don't think that's very productive.

No, they don't want them dead. They just don't want White people to get blamed for it like they have been. George Zimmerman was not racist or White like the media made him out to be.

04-29-2012, 05:19 AM
In the U.S. I think it possibly does more harm than good, because it causes responses such as, "oh you're into European preservation? Does this mean you support the shooting of Treyvon Martin?" kind of thing. Like it makes people presume that anyone who has any interest in racialist topics, cultural preservation, and European pride wants to murder black people.

I don't think that's very productive.

Yes. They welcome skinheads into their ranks. I doubt they could do more harm by bringing pedophiles into their movement. Such is the tarnish on skinhead image.

04-29-2012, 05:24 AM
A New Paradigm — For Human Diversity and Freedom!

By David Duke

Dr. David Duke offers a New Paradigm for Humanity. Read and listen to this amazing statement that will create a revolution in the concept of Human Rights. A recognition of the absolute right of every people to preserve its Human diversity, independence and freedom. The right of every people to preserve its culture, traditions, art forms and characteristics of society. A path to peace and harmonious nations and societies. Why we must resist Globalist destruction of freedom, Globalist forms of economic and financial slavery, and Globalist, Zionist wars. In the power of its reason, love and understanding, this declaration of Human Diversity and Freedom can be the moral engine to saving our European people and the rights of all people on Earth! ( Text Below ) Listen to some of the most powerful words you will every hear!

The Foundation of Human Freedom

I believe that each of us must be committed to the preservation of Human diversity. I cherish not only the value of every form of life in what we call biodiversity, but also in the diversity of Mankind. I believe that every people has the right to preserve their expression of Humanity, its heritage and culture. That every people on earth has the right rule themselves and the right to be free and independent.

Human freedom is the principle that all peoples must be free to be different. Humanity is not one, it is many. Destroying the variety, diversity and freedom of a diverse Humanity is a destruction of Humanity itself. And not recognizing the inborn urge of every people to express their essence in their own forms of art, music, culture, religion, societal structure and government, leads to Human conflict and often to violence and Human suffering on a horrific scale. Much of the world’s conflict is not because peoples and cultures are different, it is that they are not allowed to be different, because Globalists and imperialists seek to expand their empires. They want to control the resources and economy of other nations and real Human diversity, freedom and independence stand in the way of that.

Human Diversity is natural

Human life is expressed in a multitude of diverse peoples created by geographic and social adaption over the course of thousands of years. Whether we celebrate Human diversity as the handiwork of Nature or in a religious sense as the creation of God, we celebrate the rich tapestry of different peoples and cultures across the Earth. We believe that every people and culture has the right to preserve its unique expression of Humanity, that every people has the right to maintain and enrich its unique culture, to nurture its particular expressions of art, music, literature, philosophies, architecture, religion, diet, traditions and values that make every people unique and add beauty and possibility for Mankind. We believe that every people has the right to be politically free and independent, and not be ruled over or exploited by any other people or nation. And we reject the Globalist power that seeks to destroy the independence and freedom of every people and destroy Human diversity.

Every people must have the right to self preservation and freedom

We believe that every free people has the right to live in a harmonious society created in its own image, its own nature and spirit. For example, the people of Tibet have the Human right to live in a society oriented to the heritage, culture and tradition of that nation, as should all peoples. Today the Tibetan people are threatened by massive non-Tibetan immigration forced by an imperial power meant to marginalize the heritage and culture of Tibetan people in their own homeland. The loss of the unique people and culture of Tibet is a horrific loss for them and truly a loss for all of Humanity. What is true for Tibet and the Tibetan people is true for every people on Earth. We believe that the people of Tibet and every nation have the right to defend their borders, and an inherent Human right to preserve its unique ethnic and cultural character, and its freedom and independence.

Nations more similar in their cultural, ethnic, religious and social traditions are obviously far more harmonious that those wracked with internal cultural, ethnic or religious divisions. We also affirm that states with significant ethnic and cultural minorities tend to be more happy, peaceful and cooperative when each group has the freedom to an autonomy that makes each group feel more at home in society. If one looks honestly at the world, he quickly recognizes that the greatest source of civil conflict, hatreds, wars, genocide and other horrific Human rights violations comes from ethnic conflict, often accompanied by religious conflict. And when that happens it is like putting a fuse into dynamite. It is a truism that if you want to reduce ethnic conflict, you must endeavor to give every people the Human right to live and to create society and community in its own values and, that every group respect the right of every other group to do this.

We believe that these endemic conflicts are rooted in supra-national states and globalist denial of the reality of Human diversity and denial of the natural Human desire of people to live in a society reflecting their own heritage, traditions, culture and values. One size does not fit all.

Instead of recognizing this reality, the globalists and empire builders seek to destroy the distinctions of Humanity so they will become more compliant to their control and exploitation. Instead of accepting the reality of Human nature and truly the diversity of all life, including Human life, the globalists continue to promote destructive policies that destroy the harmony of traditional societies and historical character of nations.

Massive immigration of diverse peoples into another people’s living space produces conflict not harmony

We believe that massive forced immigration of non-indigenous people into other people’s lands is almost always against the will of the indigenous people. And this leads to civil repression, conflict, hatreds, violence. One does not have to look much further than the Palestinian Nakba, or the massive immigration into Tibet as examples of this universal truth, but this reality is just as true in Europe and other areas of the world that have undergone massive immigration into it regions and nation states. Look at the riots and mayhem that have befallen traditional harmonious societies that have experienced massive, unwanted immigration. A world of independent cultures is true diversity and freedom. A multicultural state does not contribute to Human diversity. It does not contribute to Human happiness, peace and harmony. It more often than not lessens Human love and Human rights.

Just as in the natural world every life form needs its own living space, and needs the preservation of its own ecosystem to survive and flourish, so it is true for every people of Humanity. Every people needs a living space and eco-cultural system in which it can thrive. Ignoring this reality leads to conflict. Diverse Human peoples and cultures and religions in a limited living space is the greatest single cause of civil war and crimes against Humanity.

United Nations studies show ethnic, cultural and religious conflicts within nations are the primary engines of civil conflict and war which takes an enormous toll in Human suffering, numbering hundreds of millions of dead, injured, and dispossessed Human beings. This urge to diversity has always been in Mankind, and always will be. In fact with the rise of the idea that people have the right to be free, ethnic conflict is increasing as the imperial states created by conquest can no longer repress the desire of diverse people locked within them to be free. And nations whose rulers have established immigration policies ignoring Human differences are increasingly divided and conflicted.

Trying to change the natural urge toward freedom is like screaming against the tide

The global elite in government and media which has a huge stake in trying to regiment the world’s populations, tell us we are all the same and they endeavor to destroy every unique culture and Human expression . They attempt to change Human nature, but history and an increasingly conflicted world show that this is like screaming against the tide. Better to recognize Human nature, and within that context support national and regional freedom that lessons conflict and supports mutual respect.

It is time to teach the new ethic that recognizes the Human right of every people to exist and thrive. However, those who seek their own people’s freedom must understand that these rights must be afforded to every people. And any effort toward this worthy goal must be in the spirit of not destroying the rights of others and to peaceful resolution of the conflicts.

It is far better to recognize these realities and inherent desires of Humanity and avoid future Human conflict, than to try to destroy Human distinctions in pursuit of imperialist empire or globalist regimentation and conformity.

Attempts to control, exploit or harm any people is a crime

We must condemn violence and the harming or destruction of any people. We must adopt a clear Human ethic that attempts to control or exploit any other nation or people is a crime against Humanity. We support Human freedom and we support Human diversity and we support the right of every people to have their own nation or society, but we do not support supremacism, control or repression of any other people. Efforts to control or exploit is a crime against Humanity. As a person of European descent I see that much of the repressive globalism damaging the world originates in mostly European peopled nations that are today called the West. I see that this globalism not only damages and harms the world’s diversity of peoples but that it harms my own people. And I have learned that we must not allow this exploitation of our own heritage and that of the rest of the world.

This is a life-changing lesson that I have learned in my own life. As a very young man I joined a non-violent Klan organization in my community. Like so many young people across the world, I longed to identify with my own people, to defend the heritage that I love and that I believed was threatened. But still as a young man I left the organization because I came to realize I have no moral right to speak about Human rights for my own people unless I embrace the idea of the same Human rights for every people, and further, that we must be committed to securing Human rights, not with war, not with violence, not with Human suppression but the power that we are. Because the vast majority of the earth’s people believe in the way I am speaking right now. I further realized that other peoples have the same the desires for their own people’s heritage and rights that I had for mine. I realized that only in a context of genuine commitment to respect the rights and freedoms of all Humanity, can one morally campaign for your own people’s fundamental rights.

Defending the Diversity of Humanity is a defense of Humanity itself

There is nothing wrong with a people defending their own rights and heritage. In fact defending and preserving the diversity of Humanity is defense of Humanity itself. But, it must come with a genuine concern for the rights and heritage of all. In that context we can move toward peaceful resolutions of social, religious and ethnic conflicts and at the same time preserve our own heritage and the diversity and freedom of Humanity.

Nations that have an overwhelmingly unifying heritage, culture, religious and social tradition have the right to preserve their expression of Humanity and their societal harmony. It is a crime to destroy those values in pursuit of so-called multiculturalism. And if one wants to see where massive immigration of alien peoples, cultures and religions lead, just look to what happened in the war-ravaged now dismembered nation once called Yugoslavia, look to the cultural and ethnic genocide in Tibet, look to the tribal and religious conflicts in many nations of the Mideast. Group differences run deep. Even though the Muslim Qur’an repeatedly teaches Muslim unity, still some extremist elements of Shiites and Sunnis blow up the children of each other in the other’s holy places of worship. Nor did the admonitions of Jesus Christ against violence and for love and reconciliation stop Irish Catholics and Scottish-derived Protestants from a cascade of violence that has lead to the death of countless innocents. Although we understand the historical motives of mass immigration of one people into another people’s lands, we must not continue to repeat those mistakes in the modern world and create more divided and strife-torn communities, regions and nations.

Models of self rule and societal harmony

And just as a majority has the Human right to live in a social fabric in harmony with its history and values, so minorities must be accorded their Human right to have their own communities or regions that reflect their own essence, or helped to migrate to a sovereign region of compatriots. This is Human freedom and this is Human rights on the most fundamental level. Those nations with significant minorities of diverse people should strive toward recognizing their desire for freedom and self expression. Autonomy within nations, such as the German language speaking South Tyrol region of North Italy and the Cantons of Switzerland offer models of how recognition of differences in language, heritage, ethnicity and a liberal degree of autonomy can lead to a more peaceful national fabric. Nation states that seek imperial power through the conquering and subjection of other peoples are now coming apart at the seams because of the inherent will to freedom and identity that grow in suppressed people.

Even European nations divided by slight differences in history, identity, genetics and culture, seek this freedom. The artificially created nation of Czechoslovakia was composed of Czechs and Slovaks held together by 50 years of intense totalitarian physical suppression, propaganda and conditioning. When the communist tyranny collapsed they used their new freedom to create the independent states of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. They did this with mutual respect and not war, and without horrific crimes against Humanity. Contrast that to the artificially created state of Yugoslavia created in name of empire, and then held together under a ruthless authoritarian regime. When Communism fell, people wedded to old ideas of empire tried desperately to hold on to control over vast areas of diverse peoples. As a result, a long war and brutality and massive crimes against Humanity occurred on both sides of the conflict. How much better if all parties in the conflict had embraced the ethic that all people have a right to self rule and self expression in their own regions. Take for example two of the many peoples trapped in the old Yugoslavia, the Serbians and the Croatians. Even though Serbians may have dominated the government of Yugoslavia, to effectively control other peoples such a totalitarian state must suppress the natural differences in people and force a regimentation and conformity. So even the Serbian people lost some of their unique identity as well as the other peoples over whom they ruled. People now warmly embrace the right of Serbians and Croatians to be themselves and rule themselves.

Globalism is a continuation of Yugoslavian totalitarianism on a global scale

Ironically, the Serbians and the Croatians and indeed all of us, face globalist tyrants demanding to control the economy of Serbia and Croatia, their currencies, controlled by New York and London rather than by their own people, and increasingly they are subject to a media controlled by Hollywood and New York rather than the spirit of their own traditional heritage and values. And in the height of insanity, the Globalists are eyeing mass immigration into both Serbia and Croatia of massive numbers of non-European immigrants who are far more fundamentally different than Serbs and Croats. A prescription for future Human conflict.

The rights of both majorities and minorities

There are many harmonious nations on earth that are overwhelmingly of one primary heritage, with only minor differences among their inhabitants. But, nations corrupted by the globalist power and media elite, and propagandized that Humanity is one and not many go against the people’s will and usher in massive immigration of an alien population. This process is almost always against the democratic will of the nation’s inhabitants as history repeatedly shows. And then as the numbers increase and societal differences and conflicts and discord increase, the globalists resort to the old totalitarian tactics of suppressing free speech, free association, and all kinds of Human liberty, even to the point of forbidding the public displays of the traditional culture of the vast majority. A powerful example is how the American government has now made it illegal to display a Christian Christmas motif on public ground, even in an overwhelmingly Christian cultural nation. America supposedly created by e pluribus unum (out of the many, one) is now dominated by identity and ethnic politics. The most powerful lobby in American politics by far is, for instance, the Jewish Lobby, comprised of an ethnic group of two percent of the American people but driven by ethnic and religious supremacism. Jewish organizations lead the fight in the destruction of Christian Christmas traditions. The political landscape of America is dominated by special interest groups to which every politician must now bow, except of course the European American majority which must silently watch as its cultural traditions, such as Christmas are exterminated. And of course it goes far beyond Christmas. Americans are experiencing increasing identity politics and division such as generated by massive illegal immigration.

The rights of small nations cannot be sacrificed

On the international level it must be recognized as a crime against Humanity for any imperial state to occupy another people’s lands for exploitation of its labor or resources. Where autonomy or independent regions are not possible, a degree of autonomy is certainly possible where significant groups in an area can have community institutions, schools and other structures oriented toward both their needs and their spirit.

It is time to stand for freedom for all peoples. It is time to stand up to Globalist destruction of biodiversity, destruction of Human diversity, destruction of the earth’s indigenous cultures, artistic expressions, lifestyles, traditions and independence.

Zionist Globalism is actually supremacism

The globalists seek the destruction of every unique expression of Humanity. They want to destroy the unique character of your people and every people on the earth. They seek to destroy the Human diversity of the earth so they can more easily rule over all of us, and market the same brands of junk movies, media and music. They want you and all of us to consume the same junk food from a world agribusiness and media that advertises it, that not only destroys the planet’s ecosystems, but destroys your health and the health of hundreds of millions of people spawning epidemics of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other ills. They want to control the value of the currency in your pocket, and force you and your nation under a corrupt Zionist-controlled global banking system that exploits you and all of us and put whole nations and peoples as slaves in a perpetual debt. They want to put you and all of us under a soulless, Globalist government that takes away your freedom and that of every people and every nation. And these globalists want war, perpetual wars and conflicts in their attempts to expand their power over the earth and over all people. They grow stronger by divide and conquer tactics, and they seek to stamp out Human diversity and seek to regiment all of Humanity to their New World Order all while the New York centered Globalist media supports Israel as a quote “Jewish State”, and supports Zionist control of the International Banks and the Globalist media. So in reality, Zionist-Driven Globalism is actually form of supremacism.

Yes to Freedom, yes to Diversity and Independence

But, my dear friends all over the world, in my homeland of America and that of my brethren in Europe, but among all freedom loving people across the globe, millions of us say no to globalism. We say yes to freedom, yes to Human diversity and independence. We say no to globalist wars such as the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, the planned war on Iran, horrific wars that are part of the Zionist, Globalist agenda. We say no to the Zionist dominated Globalist media that spout the lies that fuel these wars. We say yes to a free Internet and the freedom of people create their own media, literature, music and art forms. No longer will we drink the toxic poisons of the Globalist elite.

We say no to Globalism, yes to Human freedom, yes to Human diversity, yes to world of peace and prosperity. We say yes to every people’s striving to preserve their way of life, their particular heritage, their particular expression of Humanity. Whether we are Kurds, or Pakistanis, or Iranians or Palestinians. Whether we are Chinese, or Japanese, or Africans or Indians or of European heritage, we say no to globalism. We say yes to Human Freedom and Global Diversity. We say yes to the peoples of our own nations and societies determining our destiny. We say no to the Global corporations and huge imperial powers wiping out Human diversity in pursuit of their ungodly power. We say yes to preserving our heritage and our way of life, yes to our independence and freedom no matter who we are or where we live upon the earth.

We are Humanity. We are many. Because we honor our own heritage and traditions, we honor every heritage and tradition. Because we value our own freedom and independence we value the freedom and independence of every people on Earth. Because we refuse to be economically exploited we pledge not to exploit others. Just as most Europeans now want to preserve their own heritage and cultures, we refuse to support the Globalists who seek to use us to control and exploit other nations around the world. Because we love peace, we refuse to support their Zionist-driven globalist wars.

A New Paradigm of Human Rights

This is a new affirmation of Human rights, a new paradigm. It is the Human freedom movement and it is found wherever there are free people who desire to preserve their heritage and freedom. It is found where people yearn for Human societies allowed to be as naturally diverse as the biodiversity in Nature. The Globalists have global economic, media political and military power. But we represent the true desires of Humanity for freedom. We represent the natural desires of every majority population to want to preserve the character of their nation and people, and every minority population who seeks more freedom and autonomy in their own communities or regions.

Human Diversity, Freedom and Independence

We must resist rule of the Globalists over us with a Global coalition of mutually free peoples. We are rising in every nation. Our Paradigm for Human Freedom and Diversity is growing among people all over the world. The Globalists cannot rule over us without our consent. They cannot defeat us if we rise in defense of Human freedom and diversity, not just for ourselves but as a new principle for all Mankind. Good for all people on this planet. The principles we stand for we hold, for our own people and for every people on the face the Earth. This is the world I am committed to, the Humanity I am committed to, the nation in my own land that I am committed to. I hope you join me in this quest for a new paradigm for Humanity, a new commitment to Human freedom and diversity


04-29-2012, 05:28 AM
I voted for "Ok, but they all think exactly(exactly) the same things". While White nationalism sounds nice, they do have very strong political correctness. I like apricity much better than stormfront it's not nearly as much PC.

04-29-2012, 05:29 AM
yeah modern life sux. I wish I was working 7 day weeks 14 hour days in a coal mine for rent money.:rolleyes: Life was great before Marxism.:rolleyes:
Every thing's got to be just so with you white nationalist doesn't it? So gays, blacks, Jews and disabled people aren't enough, you need to throw bad spellers into the concentration camp too now?
The people who declare themselves to be white nationalists. There's plenty.
I was thinking you might be more qualified for that.

Always trier harder with you right wingnuts. Got to pay the worker less, go to compete with the other countries. Got to prod blind people and single mothers into the workforce.


I seriously want to weep right now...

Are you insane?





04-29-2012, 05:34 AM
Yes. They welcome skinheads into their ranks. I doubt they could do more harm by bringing pedophiles into their movement. Such is the tarnish on skinhead image.

Every group can get good and bad people.


04-29-2012, 05:36 AM

I seriously want to weep right now...

Are you insane?

Why are you so sensitive about it?:confused:

04-29-2012, 05:41 AM
eqvivalent of the gay scene

04-29-2012, 05:46 AM
The main leaders of the forums don't want America to go to war.

Every Party wants to go to war and even the "peaceful" Green party wanted war.

Anti-war" Green calls for war on Libya
Federal Greens MP Adam Bandt likes to parade himself as a peacenik, with his fanatical opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but today the "Anti-War" Bandt has called for immediate military action against the Islamic country of Libya.

Read more here

04-29-2012, 05:51 AM
The main leaders of the forums don't want America to go to war.

Every Party wants to go to war and even the "peaceful" Green party wanted war.

There is some great things about WNs. Unfortunately with them, you either join their hive mind or they don't want you. It's just very militant and I'm too much of a free thinker to get into that.

04-29-2012, 05:59 AM
There is some great things about WNs. Unfortunately with them, you either join their hive mind or they don't want you. It's just very militant and I'm too much of a free thinker to get into that.

exactly they all repeat a mantra, even if i were white by their standards i could never join because of my free mind, i like to change opinions at times and be free in thought

04-29-2012, 06:09 AM
There is some great things about WNs. Unfortunately with them, you either join their hive mind or they don't want you. It's just very militant and I'm too much of a free thinker to get into that.

Many of them have their own heroes and favourite leaders.
Not all of them like Hitler and not all of them like Ron Paul etc.
The leaders of the forums don't want war like Ron Paul.
The Skinheads that you talk about are just a small number.
Not all White Nationalist are Skinheads.
Australia and New Zealand doesn't have many of the White Nationalist like America. The media is forever trying to create an image of a WN but it isn't what they always act or look like. They want White people to fight amongst themselves and they change everything around.

The fight, featuring 67-year-old Thomas A. Bruso, who became known as "Epic Beard Man" and a 50 year old[1] black man named Michael was video taped and later uploaded to the video hosting website YouTube, where it became a viral video


04-29-2012, 06:13 AM

Wtf? He's wearing the same clothes throughout the whole film :D

04-29-2012, 06:14 AM
Many of them have their own heroes and favourite leaders.
Not all of them like Hitler and not all of them like Ron Paul etc.
The leaders of the forums don't want war like Ron Paul.
The Skinheads that you talk about are just a small number.
Not all White Nationalist are Skinheads.
Australia and New Zealand doesn't have many of the White Nationalist like America. The media is forever trying to create an image of a WN but it isn't what they always act or look like. They want White people to fight amongst themselves and they change everything around.



I noticed they did that with "hobo with a shot gun" as well. The bad people were all punks! weird

04-29-2012, 07:32 AM
While I do agree with the general idea of What Nationalism, I think that so many Neo-Nazi Skinhead idiots have used White Nationalism as a label to cover up their Neo-Nazi and Fascist ideologies and make them seem more mainstream and respectable than they actually are. Unfortunately I think WN is a bit too tainted to be taken seriously amongst many average White European people. We need another outlet.

04-29-2012, 07:19 PM
I think we just need to cease immigration and maybe some deportation/separation of blacks.

White nationals have other plans....

I have mixed opinions. If you're talking about the StromFront-type White Nationalists then I think it creates a backlash.
I don't think White Nationalism is really suitable for Europe either since we have ethnicities. White Nationalism can be pretty pan-European and some of them wouldn't care if all European ethnicities mixed into one large English-speaking melting pot.

However it does raise awareness and people seeking to escape multiculturalism are first likely to encounter white nationalists than preservationists.
It does do some good be addressing multiculturalism head on and seeking to preserve our race.

But in Europe I think preservationism (quite a new term really) is better - let's preserve the race and our ethnicities and cultures through opposing immigration and multiculturalism.
White Nationalism can be a bit extreme sometimes. I don't really give a damn about other races so long as they stay the hell out of Europe and the white settler colonies (America, Canada, Australia, NZ, Southern Cone).

04-29-2012, 07:20 PM
While I do agree with the general idea of What Nationalism, I think that so many Neo-Nazi Skinhead idiots have used White Nationalism as a label to cover up their Neo-Nazi and Fascist ideologies and make them seem more mainstream and respectable than they actually are. Unfortunately I think WN is a bit too tainted to be taken seriously amongst many average White European people. We need another outlet.

Yes, it's unnecessarily extreme.

04-29-2012, 07:44 PM
Nationalism can be broken down into three different parts IMO

The first is Nordicism which is only accepting Northern Europeans as Whites.

The second is Pan European nationalism which is accepting all Europeans as Whites

And then Pan Aryanism accepting the out of Asia theory and the fact that White people evolved from Asia ( and the other fact some might still be there )

04-29-2012, 07:48 PM
I agree with the third one anyway.

04-29-2012, 07:55 PM
I am a proud White Nationalist. The beauty and strength of our people should never disappear.I want my genes to be past through the next generations.

04-29-2012, 07:57 PM
Nationalism can be broken down into three different parts IMO

The first is Nordicism which is only accepting Northern Europeans as Whites.

The second is Pan European nationalism which is accepting all Europeans as Whites

And then Pan Aryanism accepting the out of Asia theory and the fact that White people evolved from Asia ( and the other fact some might still be there )

Most Europeans probably came off the Eurasian Steppes with smaller amounts from the Caucasus and Near East.
The Eurasian Steppes are a large area though stretching from Moldova to Mongolia. The Pontic Steppe was probably the home of R1a, R1b probably evolved from a group who left the Pontic Steppe and crossed the Caucasus and went that way into Europe. In my opinion some G2a people would have been with them.

04-29-2012, 08:06 PM
White nationalism does not exist.

For there to be white nationalism on any kind of serious scale they would have to actually come up with a working definition of what a white person is.

This should tell you something. The most hardcore 'racists' and 'white nationalists' can't even agree on who to let into the 'white club'.

04-29-2012, 08:09 PM
Yeah as I say there's three main types. You go through this thread for example on Stormfront that was only done about 6 or 7 months ago.


04-29-2012, 08:14 PM
White nationalism does not exist.

For there to be white nationalism on any kind of serious scale they would have to actually come up with a working definition of what a white person is.

This should tell you something. The most hardcore 'racists' and 'white nationalists' can't even agree on who to let into the 'white club'.

I think you're just playing on technicalities here. There's obviously a movement known as "White Nationalism" even though there's no solid definition of white.

There's a rough idea of what white is - for example most people would call the French white, but then peoples like the Armenians are sometimes included, sometimes not.
I don't think everyone in any movement ever agrees entirely, it is not human nature.

04-29-2012, 08:17 PM
White nationalism does not exist.

For there to be white nationalism on any kind of serious scale they would have to actually come up with a working definition of what a white person is.

This should tell you something. The most hardcore 'racists' and 'white nationalists' can't even agree on who to let into the 'white club'.

I would like to expand on this and just say that white nationalism is basically just a reactionary movement in response to the 'civil rights' and the 60s along with modern negrified culture.

It is unfortunate that WN came from some of the most ignorant extremists(stormfronters and neo-nazis) in the world. They have realized that WN has a bad name because at its core it is extreme. That is why they are trying to 'modernize' it to appeal to the average white useful idiot.

They are not fooling anybody though. David Duke can pretend to 'love all races' and 'tolerate certain admixtures',but in reality WN are full of neo-nazi extremists. They are just in middle class whiteface trying to trick the moderate whites that are interested in white culture and preservation.

Stormfront is a wonderful example of the owners duping white rednecks into paying them money. Every month they say they are 'going broke' and ask for 'donations or we will have to shut down'.

Its all about money.

04-29-2012, 08:24 PM
Some of these sites are cia tied I have befriended a few people from the site and asked them to keep in touch with me via e-mail because I have been banned by the so called mods because I defended Southern Europeans and Southern Slavics.

I've lost count at how many of articles i've seen on whether Southern Europeans are White if Italians are White Greeks are White etc.

04-29-2012, 08:24 PM
They have to get money to feed the sisters that they're married to.

04-29-2012, 09:40 PM
I would like to expand on this and just say that white nationalism is basically just a reactionary movement in response to the 'civil rights' and the 60s along with modern negrified culture. Yes. They let their enemy define who they are and what they believe in. If their enemy loves communism, they love capitalism. etc etc. Utterly reactionary. However, they have some great little counter tactics like these mantras they are using. That stuff will really get them somewhere. It's still just a reaction though.

It is unfortunate that WN came from some of the most ignorant extremists(stormfronters and neo-nazis) in the world. They have realized that WN has a bad name because at its core it is extreme. That is why they are trying to 'modernize' it to appeal to the average white useful idiot. Wat they don't seem to get is that the Nazis were not conservative or reactionary.

They are not fooling anybody though. David Duke can pretend to 'love all races' and 'tolerate certain admixtures',but in reality WN are full of neo-nazi extremists. They are just in middle class whiteface trying to trick the moderate whites that are interested in white culture and preservation. David Duke's a good man. He's playing his part.

Stormfront is a wonderful example of the owners duping white rednecks into paying them money. Every month they say they are 'going broke' and ask for 'donations or we will have to shut down'.

Its all about money.lol probably. I suppose there comes a point where you don't care anymore and you're just going through the motions.

05-01-2012, 08:41 PM
White nationalists are good people and just want to preserve their race just as much as they want preserve other races in their own countries.

Southern Europeans are White, all native Europeans are White whom have no Jewish ancestry.

Many Southern Europeans have an olive skin tone but that is only because of the climate.

05-01-2012, 10:26 PM
"White nationalism" is an Americanized version of neo-nazism.

05-01-2012, 10:37 PM
"White nationalism" is an Americanized version of neo-nazism.

Lol, says who?

First I've heard of that... :blink:

05-01-2012, 10:52 PM
Lol, says who?

First I've heard of that... :blink:

05-01-2012, 11:00 PM
"White" is a colonial term that here in Europe isn't used by 90% of the population, because is a colonial concept.

We're proud of our ethnicities (and many people also of her/his region and/or city), not of our skin color or cranial shape/face features, etc etc.

Supreme American
05-01-2012, 11:10 PM
yeah modern life sux. I wish I was working 7 day weeks 14 hour days in a coal mine for rent money.:rolleyes: Life was great before Marxism.:rolleyes:

Actually, Marxists view with reverence the days before capitalism in which life was far worse than long days in a coal mine.

05-01-2012, 11:10 PM

Nowhere states it was in USA used as Neo-Nazism... :rolleyes2:

Secondly, Wikipedia is not a credible cited source.

Sebastianus Rex
05-01-2012, 11:11 PM

05-02-2012, 12:45 AM
Nationalism, whilst imperfect, is certainly better than the cultural and racial levelling carried out and promoted by liberals, leftists, and neoconservatives, but White Nationalists are ill-equipped to deal with the crises of modernism and the crises facing European Christendom because they blame and attack the symptoms instead of the disease.

05-02-2012, 12:49 AM
i think they have a good premise and good intentions but in my opinion they need to tone down the nazi stuff and take a more moderate approach so it could be took more seriously by mainstream caucasions.

05-02-2012, 01:24 AM
Actually, Marxists view with reverence the days before capitalism in which life was far worse than long days in a coal mine.

You used to be brain washed by the PC force and now you are brainwashed by white nationalists. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. :D

05-02-2012, 01:33 AM
I think I've only seen a couple of "white nationalists" in my life. They didn't leave a good impression on me.

05-02-2012, 01:36 AM
I choose #5

I think some white-nationalists are too aggressive, and scare people off as they go out the main purpose of what really nationalism stands for. That it is about preserving their culture/ people without hating another group/ race and accepting them in peaceful terms.

05-02-2012, 01:42 AM
Europeans are diverse, so "white-nationalism" is not the way for me.

Heck, some even claim Turks, middle-easterners, north-Africans etc. to be "white".

05-02-2012, 01:45 AM
White nationalists should rename themselves to "Racial Marxists". If your nationalism is only about a common race, and nothing more, it's bound to be pretty meaningless.

Europeans are diverse, so "white-nationalism" is not the way for me.
I agree.

Heck, some even claim Turks, middle-easterners, north-Africans etc. to be "white".
That was Diabloblanco. :D He even named Kurds, Iranians and gypsies as "Aryans". I also remember him praising the Palestinians as "Aryan warriors".

05-02-2012, 02:16 AM
I respect nationalists from all countries. But "white" is not a nation...

I totally agree with that statement.

05-04-2012, 03:10 AM
I am terribly disappointed with the results of this poll. It's disconcerting to see that so many of you have bought into the leftist lies regarding White Nationalism.

Look, the best way to describe White Nationalism is that it's essentially Pan-European preservationism. Get it now?

05-04-2012, 03:31 AM
I am terribly disappointed with the results of this poll. It's disconcerting to see that so many of you have bought into the leftist lies regarding White Nationalism.

Look, the best way to describe White Nationalism is that it's essentially Pan-European preservationism. Get it now?

I'm an Australian and even I can see why Pan-European preservationism is not to the taste of native Europeans. The eastern and southern Europeans here are generally great mates with the Arabs and Levantines. And they act like them too. Having said that, I realise an alliance is advantageous in the extra European countries.

The reason I don't like White nationalism is because of the Hatred. It's always this race is bad because of this and that. So you let your enemy dictate how the politics are to be fought. You are Haters. The loony left has observed it and have whipped you with it for years. At least get with the program and make up a new tactic. You refuse to cut those scumbags from your ranks, you let them set the tone within your culture and submit to them.

I just don't hate non-whites. I just don't. I dislike plenty of whites. This this doesn't mean I think we should give away our country.

My attitude toward Negroes is matter of security and safety and I allow that you might have a similar problem with Mexicans.

But in the end, White nationalists are just too hate filled for any reasonable person to condone.

05-04-2012, 05:55 AM
White nationalism is stupid because instead of having the mentality: "Well I think it's best for races to mate with each other to preserve human diversity" or something similar, they have this one: "White people are the superior race and black people are sub-human" etc. It also doesn't help that it's linked with Neo-Nazis and skin heads. But hey, a lot of you guys who associate with this ideology don't listen and keep on crying when you find out that miscegenation is at an all time high. You guys will never win with this mentality.

05-04-2012, 07:15 AM
White nationalism is stupid because instead of having the mentality: "Well I think it's best for races to mate with each other to preserve human diversity" or something similar, they have this one: "White people are the superior race and black people are sub-human" etc. It also doesn't help that it's linked with Neo-Nazis and skin heads. But hey, a lot of you guys who associate with this ideology don't listen and keep on crying when you find out that miscegenation is at an all time high. You guys will never win with this mentality.

That's not the WN mentality. Do some research or stop bullshiting.:)

Aces High
05-04-2012, 07:23 AM
they have this one: "White people are the superior race and black people are sub-human" etc.

As people like you have this.

"Hey its only skin deep dude.......we are all humans" etc etc chickenshit phraseology that you bleet parrot fashion.

Anyway esxcuse us white folks if we dont contribute enough to your threads.....we have other things to do...bridges to be built....spaceships to be designed.....advanced technology to be invented etc....

05-04-2012, 07:23 AM
That's not the WN mentality. Do some research or stop bullshiting.:)

Its not the official WN mentality,but anybody that has stayed on such a WN board long enough will realize that it is the de facto "We are better than everyone else" mentality that most WN have.

David duke may be able to fool a few people into thinking he loves niggers,but anyone with more than a few brain cells knows whats up.

05-04-2012, 07:27 AM
Its not the official WN mentality,but anybody that has stayed on such a WN board long enough will realize that it is the de facto "We are better than everyone else" mentality that most WN have.

David duke may be able to fool a few people into thinking he loves niggers,but anyone with more than a few brain cells knows whats up.


05-04-2012, 07:28 AM
No such thing as White Nationalism. Most 'White Nationalists' on sites like Stormfront slip up on a frequent basis and expose their true ideology.

White Nationalism is just Anglo / Anglophone nationalism in guise -- more oriented towards "Anglo" (emphasis on English / Scottish / Dutch). Stormfront Ireland was banned on that site and there's still quite a lot of latent prejudice among Anglo's towards Irish.

Never mind this is true on both Stormfront and in the real world but many Anglos see Mediterraneans and Slavs in a disparagingly fashion. Ironically - especially with the mixed population in Eastern Seaboard America, you'll get cases like Anglo Castizos (with miniscule Amerindian / Negro blood) who see themselves as superior to pure blooded Europeans with more Nordish phenotypes.

It's not the way to go. I have seen my Grand Father's military identification from the war. He was listed as being 'Dark Complexion', despite being blue eyed and blonde haired. Ironically, he was probably labelled as 'Dark Complexion' by a typical Scotsmen Metis hybrid (olive complexion and black eyes) you'll find in Manitoba. :rolleyes:

It's a zero sum road for those of us who are not Anglo. I rather live in a multicultural babylon than a prosecutive Anglo Nationalist state.

05-04-2012, 07:44 AM
No such thing as White Nationalism. Most 'White Nationalists' on sites like Stormfront slip up on a frequent basis and expose their true ideology.

White Nationalism is just Anglo / Anglophone nationalism in guise -- more oriented towards "Anglo" (emphasis on English / Scottish / Dutch). Stormfront Ireland was banned on that site and there's still quite a lot of latent prejudice among Anglo's towards Irish.

Never mind this is true on both Stormfront and in the real world but many Anglos see Mediterraneans and Slavs in a disparagingly fashion. Ironically - especially with the mixed population in Eastern Seaboard America, you'll get cases like Anglo Castizos (with miniscule Amerindian / Negro blood) who see themselves as superior to pure blooded Europeans with more Nordish phenotypes.

It's not the way to go. I have seen my Grand Father's military identification from the war. He was listed as being 'Dark Complexion', despite being blue eyed and blonde haired. Ironically, he was probably labelled as 'Dark Complexion' by a typical Scotsmen Metis hybrid (olive complexion and black eyes) you'll find in Manitoba. :rolleyes:

It's a zero sum road for those of us who are not Anglo. I rather live in a multicultural babylon than a prosecutive Anglo Nationalist state.

You are an Aussie. Am I right?

05-04-2012, 07:52 AM
You are an Aussie. Am I right?

No. My ancestors were farmers not convicts! :D

05-04-2012, 07:54 AM
Each to his own. I am personally not a fan of White Nationals because the few I have met seem to think the sun shines out their behinds. They are just so full of hate. If you believe in something, rather let it be the positive that guides you and not the negative.

I'm not a White National but if I was I would prefer to look at the sanctity of my own race and culture, focus on schooling which will influence my children positively. Instead they are thrust forward by this 'hatred'. Hate the black man, hate the homosexual. Hate, hate, hate. There is so much which you can work with in Nationalism without the hate. Make life better for you and your family, focus on what is important. The time you spend fussing over what your black neighbour is up to is time wasted from your family which you can spend loving them.

I don't like White Nationals (or anyone for that matter) when they start becoming a danger to other people. If you don't like XYZ, then avoid XYZ. Don't go out looking for shit with XYZ. If you go to prison, your family suffers. This way they do themselves and their children far more damage, than if they were at home and instilling values.

My two cents worth.

05-04-2012, 08:16 AM
No. My ancestors were farmers not convicts! :D

Why did you use the word "bogan" in the Chatbox? And just now you've railed against Anglos. Very much what southern slavs do here as they side with the wogs.

05-04-2012, 08:18 AM
Why did you use the word "bogan" in the Chatbox? And just now you've railed against Anglos. Very much what southern slavs do here as they side with the wogs.

I don't live in Australia and no Aussie has ever considered me to be a Wog. I have no trouble befriending Anglo Aussie on Contiki or in Hostels, though I usually keep quiet about being an Ukrainian. :cool:

Arrow Cross
05-04-2012, 09:42 AM
Say what you want about them, but at the end of the day, they'll still be islands of sanity in a sea of madness.

05-04-2012, 01:24 PM
I am terribly disappointed with the results of this poll. It's disconcerting to see that so many of you have bought into the leftist lies regarding White Nationalism.

Look, the best way to describe White Nationalism is that it's essentially Pan-European preservationism. Get it now?

In a nutshell - it gives the rest of us a bad name.

White nationalism is stupid because instead of having the mentality: "Well I think it's best for races to mate with each other to preserve human diversity" or something similar, they have this one: "White people are the superior race and black people are sub-human" etc. It also doesn't help that it's linked with Neo-Nazis and skin heads. But hey, a lot of you guys who associate with this ideology don't listen and keep on crying when you find out that miscegenation is at an all time high. You guys will never win with this mentality.

Don't worry, there's enough diversity within the billion or so white people to stop us all become inbred degenerates.
Thanks for taking the time to consider our health though, but we don't need to mix with 1 billion Negroes thanks.

White Nationalism is just Anglo / Anglophone nationalism in guise -- more oriented towards "Anglo" (emphasis on English / Scottish / Dutch). Stormfront Ireland was banned on that site and there's still quite a lot of latent prejudice among Anglo's towards Irish.

It's more colonial than Anglo (and since Anglos were the only whites to really make much of an effort to colonise the world it is thus associated with the Anglosphere).

The British themselves are under-represented on there, it's mostly Americans. Americans are white nationalist because many see no such thing as an American ethnicity and so can't identify as a single ethnicity because they're so mixed. So instead they take on a Pan-European identity and call it "White Nationalism" because it cares little about individual European ethnicities but more about preserving White Americans.

Never mind this is true on both Stormfront and in the real world but many Anglos see Mediterraneans and Slavs in a disparagingly fashion. Ironically - especially with the mixed population in Eastern Seaboard America, you'll get cases like Anglo Castizos (with miniscule Amerindian / Negro blood) who see themselves as superior to pure blooded Europeans with more Nordish phenotypes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep bringing Anglos into this when you should be saying Colonials or North Americans. :rolleyes:

Why did you use the word "bogan" in the Chatbox? And just now you've railed against Anglos. Very much what southern slavs do here as they side with the wogs.

Inferiority Complex. We're awesome and he's not so he's butthurt. :D (just kidding)

05-04-2012, 01:38 PM
White nationalism is stupid because instead of having the mentality: "Well I think it's best for races to mate with each other to preserve human diversity" or something similar, they have this one: "White people are the superior race and black people are sub-human" etc. It also doesn't help that it's linked with Neo-Nazis and skin heads. But hey, a lot of you guys who associate with this ideology don't listen and keep on crying when you find out that miscegenation is at an all time high. You guys will never win with this mentality.

That is very funny now why don't you write that to the black panthers and black Israelites.Double standard right..Whites can't preserve their race but blacks can I get it..

05-04-2012, 03:27 PM
The idea of promoting nationalism based off the pigmentation of an organ is incredibly ludicrous.

05-04-2012, 03:33 PM
The idea of promoting nationalism based off the pigmentation of an organ is incredibly ludicrous.

Is not just only pigmentation.We are talking about whites who developed cities and made big projects.We talking about how white civilization differs from black and indian.Why do you think third world countries are full of blacks and indians?Most of them wish they can settle in white peaceful crime free areas..Most of them put their lives on the line to step foot in a white advanced civilization.

05-04-2012, 03:38 PM
The idea of promoting nationalism based off the pigmentation of an organ is incredibly ludicrous.

I think somebody needs to research racial anthropology.

05-04-2012, 03:48 PM
Is not just only pigmentation.We are talking about whites who developed cities and made big projects.We talking about how white civilization differs from back and indian.Why do you think third world countries are full of blacks and indians?Most of them wish they can settle in white peaceful crime free areas..Most of them put their lives on the line to step foot in a white advanced civilization.

I'm not doubting that western civilization has created many great things. That being said, there really is no white or black civilizations; those categories just encompass far too many groups. There is an Indian civilization, but that deals with a specific country instead of a pan-national identity, and even it is incredibly diverse. What would be better would be for people to have pride in their own specific national and ethnic cultures while not translating that pride into hatred of other groups. Pride for one's own country is healthy, it just shouldn't blossom into something ugly. But pride that places a great deal of emphasis on the commonalities of skin color makes little sense.

It's also important to remember just how many whites have migrated to other white countries looking for opportunity, going all the way back to the Germanic tribes that wanted in on the Roman Empire's wealth. There is of course the United States where millions of white have emigrated. The newer non-white emigrants are just following in their path looking for a better life. Humans have always been on the move looking for better opportunities. Also, many of these poor regions were actually quite wealthy and powerful in centuries past. Portions of Africa, South America, and Asia have access to considerable natural resources and could be economic powerhouses if they got their acts together. If this happened, then we would see a precipitous decline in non-white immigration to white-majority countries.

05-04-2012, 03:53 PM
I think somebody needs to research racial anthropology.

There is no point in basing one's main identity of their genetics. People are often proud of their heritages because of the accomplishments of their ancestors. It is achievements and accomplishments that one should be proud of, not what's in their DNA. One can have all the great genetics, but if they or their forebears do nothing with it, then there is nothing to be proud of.

05-04-2012, 04:15 PM
That is very funny now why don't you write that to the black panthers and black Israelites.Double standard right..Whites can't preserve their race but blacks can I get it..

The thread is about white nationalists not about black panthers.

05-04-2012, 04:17 PM
As people like you have this.

"Hey its only skin deep dude.......we are all humans" etc etc chickenshit phraseology that you bleet parrot fashion.

Anyway esxcuse us white folks if we dont contribute enough to your threads.....we have other things to do...bridges to be built....spaceships to be designed.....advanced technology to be invented etc....

Excuse me but are you doing those things? If not then stfu. Don't take someone else's achievements as your own.

05-04-2012, 04:18 PM
There is no point in basing one's main identity of their genetics. People are often proud of their heritages because of the accomplishments of their ancestors. It is achievements and accomplishments that one should be proud of, not what's in their DNA. One can have all the great genetics, but if they or their forebears do nothing with it, then there is nothing to be proud of.

I understand, mate. This is what makes the likes of Aryan Brotherhood so contemptible, those who believe the triumphs of their forefathers are inherited, and therefore excuses their troglodyte-like behaviour. Hitler would have thought twice had he known his image would be lauded by barbarians.

Even still, I do tend to think of race as a recurring theme in all of this, and notable on those grounds (but of course, not on its own merit).

05-04-2012, 04:21 PM
There is no point in basing one's main identity of their genetics. People are often proud of their heritages because of the accomplishments of their ancestors. It is achievements and accomplishments that one should be proud of, not what's in their DNA. One can have all the great genetics, but if they or their forebears do nothing with it, then there is nothing to be proud of.

Even that's stupid. Why should you be proud for the achievements that your someone else did? I'm proud of what I do. Not that Vasco Da Gama went to India. That's ridiculous.

05-04-2012, 04:27 PM
Even that's stupid. Why should you be proud for the achievements that your someone else did? I'm proud of what I do. Not that Vasco Da Gama went to India. That's ridiculous.

Alright 2cool tell me something your black ancestors have created that contributed positively to this society..

05-04-2012, 04:28 PM
I understand, mate. This is what makes the likes of Aryan Brotherhood so contemptible, those who believe the triumphs of their forefathers are inherited, and therefore excuses their troglodyte-like behaviour. Hitler would have thought twice had he known his image would be lauded by barbarians.

Even still, I do tend to think of race as a recurring theme in all of this, and notable on those grounds (but of course, not on its own merit).

Completely agree. White nationalists and white supremacists really get my blood boiling since they often have little knowledge of real historical facts and wallow in the most base forms of "pride." As someone who loves European culture and history, it angers me to no end when it is used to justify people's petty bigotries, and thus tarnishes the image of all European cultural expression.

Even that's stupid. Why should you be proud for the achievements that your someone else did? I'm proud of what I do. Not that Vasco Da Gama went to India. That's ridiculous.

That's a fair point. I think a certain degree of pride in one's ancestors is good in that it can contribute to a person's sense of self-worth and can inspire someone to do great things of their own. This pride becomes problematic when people start making it central to their identity, obsessing on what their forebears did and putting a great deal of emphasis on pedigree and whatnot. At the end of the day, you can only represent yourself.

05-04-2012, 04:30 PM
Excuse me but are you doing those things? If not then stfu. Don't take someone else's achievements as your own.

And how do you know he isn't doing those things?My grandparents and my family did a lot of achievements when it comes to medicine.I am currently achieving by studying and working to become something great in the future..Then I see a lot of blacks that act ridiculous and loud and fail on everything.They act like if the world owes them something..

05-04-2012, 04:32 PM
Completely agree. White nationalists and white supremacists really get my blood boiling since they often have little knowledge of real historical facts and wallow in the most base forms of "pride." As someone who loves European culture and history, it angers me to no end when it is used to justify people's petty bigotries, and thus tarnishes the image of all European cultural expression.

That's a fair point. I think a certain degree of pride in one's ancestors is good in that it can contribute to a person's sense of self-worth and can inspire someone to do great things of their own. This pride becomes problematic when people start making it central to their identity, obsessing on what their forebears did and putting a great deal of emphasis on pedigree and whatnot. At the end of the day, you can only represent yourself.

You are writing as though white nationalist and white supremacist are the same thing.White pride and white power are two different terms.Please do some research before commenting.

05-04-2012, 04:35 PM
They are different, but very closely related, and often white nationalists are personally white supremacists. Regardless, neither are health or productive ideologies. And just to show that I am fair, I believe that groups like the Black Panthers are pointless and harmful as well.

05-04-2012, 04:38 PM
Even that's stupid. Why should you be proud for the achievements that your someone else did? I'm proud of what I do. Not that Vasco Da Gama went to India. That's ridiculous.

Vasco Da Gama employed an Arab navigator in order to reach India successfully. Ahmed bin Majid's efforts in the mid-15th century helped the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama in completing the first all water trade route between Europe and India by using an Arab map then unknown to European sailors.Two of his famous hand-written books are now prominent exhibits in the National Library in Paris.