View Full Version : Balkan countries genetic distances from MDLP

09-29-2013, 11:22 AM
From north to south.

MOracle2("Croatian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Croatian" "0"
[2,] "Hungarian" "5.6613"
[3,] "Slovenian" "5.6873"
[4,] "Bosnian" "6.3591"
[5,] "Serbian" "6.7645"
[6,] "Slovak" "9.0773"
[7,] "Czech" "9.3866"
[8,] "Austrian" "10.8109"
[9,] "Montenegrian" "11.8555"
[10,] "German" "12.3631"
[11,] "West-Ukrainian" "13.7488"
[12,] "Macedonian" "14.6354"
[13,] "South_German" "15.2046"
[14,] "Bulgarian" "15.6922"
[15,] "Ukrainian" "17.2107"
[16,] "North_German" "17.4942"
[17,] "Gagauz" "17.8084"
[18,] "Romanian" "18.5963"
[19,] "Romaniann" "19.6361"
[20,] "Russian_cossack" "19.9486"

MOracle2("Bosnian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Bosnian" "0"
[2,] "Serbian" "5.6313"
[3,] "Croatian" "6.3591"
[4,] "Montenegrian" "10.5303"
[5,] "Slovenian" "10.9257"
[6,] "Hungarian" "11.0494"
[7,] "Slovak" "12.4103"
[8,] "Macedonian" "13.2735"
[9,] "Czech" "13.8967"
[10,] "Bulgarian" "13.9088"
[11,] "West-Ukrainian" "15.3138"
[12,] "Gagauz" "15.4681"
[13,] "Romanian" "15.9808"
[14,] "Austrian" "16.1258"
[15,] "Romaniann" "16.3196"
[16,] "German" "17.0108"
[17,] "Ukrainian" "17.3478"
[18,] "East-Ukrainian" "20.4732"
[19,] "South_German" "20.4874"
[20,] "Russian_cossack" "20.9356"

MOracle2("Serbian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Serbian" "0"
[2,] "Montenegrian" "5.5856"
[3,] "Bosnian" "5.6313"
[4,] "Croatian" "6.7645"
[5,] "Macedonian" "8.6011"
[6,] "Bulgarian" "9.568"
[7,] "Hungarian" "10.3308"
[8,] "Gagauz" "11.6529"
[9,] "Slovenian" "12.2376"
[10,] "Romanian" "12.6222"
[11,] "Romaniann" "14.031"
[12,] "Austrian" "14.4723"
[13,] "Slovak" "15.4136"
[14,] "Czech" "15.8688"
[15,] "North-Greek" "17.3985"
[16,] "Kosovar" "18.196"
[17,] "South_German" "18.3515"
[18,] "German" "18.6661"
[19,] "West-Ukrainian" "19.1869"
[20,] "Ukrainian" "21.7568"

> MOracle2("Montenegrian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Montenegrian" "0"
[2,] "Macedonian" "3.6549"
[3,] "Bulgarian" "4.9492"
[4,] "Serbian" "5.5856"
[5,] "Gagauz" "7.3291"
[6,] "Romanian" "8.472"
[7,] "Bosnian" "10.5303"
[8,] "Romaniann" "10.7773"
[9,] "Croatian" "11.8555"
[10,] "North-Greek" "12.2134"
[11,] "Kosovar" "12.883"
[12,] "Hungarian" "14.0553"
[13,] "Austrian" "16.8797"
[14,] "Slovenian" "17.0663"
[15,] "South-Greek" "17.7208"
[16,] "Center-Greek" "19.0265"
[17,] "Greek" "19.5137"
[18,] "South_German" "19.9398"
[19,] "Slovak" "20.7294"
[20,] "Czech" "20.8581"

> MOracle2("Macedonian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Macedonian" "0"
[2,] "Bulgarian" "2.3818"
[3,] "Montenegrian" "3.6549"
[4,] "Gagauz" "4.5391"
[5,] "Romanian" "5.9767"
[6,] "Serbian" "8.6011"
[7,] "Romaniann" "9.0946"
[8,] "North-Greek" "9.1908"
[9,] "Kosovar" "10.1675"
[10,] "Bosnian" "13.2735"
[11,] "Croatian" "14.6354"
[12,] "South-Greek" "14.7637"
[13,] "Center-Greek" "15.9019"
[14,] "Greek" "16.3916"
[15,] "Hungarian" "16.4041"
[16,] "Austrian" "18.7003"
[17,] "Romanian_Jew" "19.3783"
[18,] "Slovenian" "19.695"
[19,] "Tatar_Crim" "20.9774"
[20,] "South_German" "21.252"

> MOracle2("Bulgarian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Bulgarian" "0"
[2,] "Macedonian" "2.3818"
[3,] "Gagauz" "3.2798"
[4,] "Romanian" "4.809"
[5,] "Montenegrian" "4.9492"
[6,] "Romaniann" "7.987"
[7,] "North-Greek" "8.0558"
[8,] "Kosovar" "9.3925"
[9,] "Serbian" "9.568"
[10,] "South-Greek" "13.5279"
[11,] "Bosnian" "13.9088"
[12,] "Center-Greek" "14.8104"
[13,] "Greek" "15.2644"
[14,] "Croatian" "15.6922"
[15,] "Hungarian" "17.5571"
[16,] "Romanian_Jew" "17.9371"
[17,] "Tatar_Crim" "19.5442"
[18,] "Austrian" "19.8752"
[19,] "Slovenian" "20.8693"
[20,] "Swiss" "22.0625"

MOracle2("Romanian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Romanian" "0"
[2,] "Romaniann" "4.0285"
[3,] "Gagauz" "4.5332"
[4,] "Bulgarian" "4.809"
[5,] "Macedonian" "5.9767"
[6,] "North-Greek" "7.0756"
[7,] "Montenegrian" "8.472"
[8,] "Kosovar" "9.1049"
[9,] "South-Greek" "11.8117"
[10,] "Serbian" "12.6222"
[11,] "Center-Greek" "13.277"
[12,] "Greek" "13.7928"
[13,] "Romanian_Jew" "15.9688"
[14,] "Bosnian" "15.9808"
[15,] "Tatar_Crim" "17.5044"
[16,] "Croatian" "18.5963"
[17,] "Hungarian" "20.2213"
[18,] "Center-Italian" "21.04"
[19,] "South_Italian" "21.6796"
[20,] "Ashkenazi" "21.8079"

> MOracle2("Gagauz", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Gagauz" "0"
[2,] "Bulgarian" "3.2798"
[3,] "Romanian" "4.5332"
[4,] "Macedonian" "4.5391"
[5,] "North-Greek" "6.9284"
[6,] "Montenegrian" "7.3291"
[7,] "Romaniann" "7.7049"
[8,] "Kosovar" "9.1328"
[9,] "Serbian" "11.6529"
[10,] "South-Greek" "12.1923"
[11,] "Center-Greek" "13.3387"
[12,] "Greek" "13.9578"
[13,] "Bosnian" "15.4681"
[14,] "Romanian_Jew" "16.1912"
[15,] "Tatar_Crim" "17.7074"
[16,] "Croatian" "17.8084"
[17,] "Hungarian" "19.9031"
[18,] "Center-Italian" "21.5619"
[19,] "South_Italian" "22.1751"
[20,] "Greek_Azov" "22.256"

> MOracle2("North-Greek", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "North-Greek" "0"
[2,] "Kosovar" "3.8969"
[3,] "South-Greek" "5.8519"
[4,] "Gagauz" "6.9284"
[5,] "Romanian" "7.0756"
[6,] "Center-Greek" "7.1182"
[7,] "Greek" "7.699"
[8,] "Bulgarian" "8.0558"
[9,] "Macedonian" "9.1908"
[10,] "Romaniann" "9.6912"
[11,] "Romanian_Jew" "11.156"
[12,] "Montenegrian" "12.2134"
[13,] "Center-Italian" "15.7121"
[14,] "South_Italian" "15.8376"
[15,] "Ashkenazi" "16.2605"
[16,] "Tatar_Crim" "16.6746"
[17,] "Serbian" "17.3985"
[18,] "Romanian_Jew_" "17.4669"
[19,] "North-Italian" "18.1717"
[20,] "Tuscan" "18.7333"

> MOracle2("Kosovar", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Kosovar" "0"
[2,] "North-Greek" "3.8969"
[3,] "South-Greek" "6.218"
[4,] "Center-Greek" "7.316"
[5,] "Greek" "7.5702"
[6,] "Romanian" "9.1049"
[7,] "Gagauz" "9.1328"
[8,] "Bulgarian" "9.3925"
[9,] "Macedonian" "10.1675"
[10,] "Romaniann" "11.5751"
[11,] "Romanian_Jew" "12.0237"
[12,] "Montenegrian" "12.883"
[13,] "Center-Italian" "13.9438"
[14,] "South_Italian" "14.2972"
[15,] "North-Italian" "15.307"
[16,] "Tuscan" "15.9346"
[17,] "Ashkenazi" "16.3369"
[18,] "Toscani" "16.5538"
[19,] "Romanian_Jew_" "17.0991"
[20,] "West-Sicilian" "17.6738"

> MOracle2("South-Greek", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "South-Greek" "0"
[2,] "Center-Greek" "2.4485"
[3,] "Greek" "2.8482"
[4,] "North-Greek" "5.8519"
[5,] "Kosovar" "6.218"
[6,] "Romanian_Jew" "6.7456"
[7,] "Ashkenazi" "10.8132"
[8,] "South_Italian" "11.143"
[9,] "Center-Italian" "11.6312"
[10,] "Romanian" "11.8117"
[11,] "Gagauz" "12.1923"
[12,] "Romanian_Jew_" "12.4274"
[13,] "Romaniann" "13.3096"
[14,] "Bulgarian" "13.5279"
[15,] "Cretan" "14.093"
[16,] "West-Sicilian" "14.5391"
[17,] "Macedonian" "14.7637"
[18,] "SephardicBul" "15.2784"
[19,] "South-Sicilian" "15.6505"
[20,] "Tatar_Crim" "15.7739"

MOracle2("Center-Greek", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Center-Greek" "0"
[2,] "Greek" "1.3827"
[3,] "South-Greek" "2.4485"
[4,] "Romanian_Jew" "6.5022"
[5,] "North-Greek" "7.1182"
[6,] "Kosovar" "7.316"
[7,] "South_Italian" "9.8002"
[8,] "Ashkenazi" "10.17"
[9,] "Center-Italian" "10.5074"
[10,] "Romanian_Jew_" "11.1702"
[11,] "Cretan" "12.7557"
[12,] "Romanian" "13.277"
[13,] "Gagauz" "13.3387"
[14,] "West-Sicilian" "13.4612"
[15,] "South-Sicilian" "14.5249"
[16,] "SephardicBul" "14.5787"
[17,] "Island-Greek" "14.604"
[18,] "Bulgarian" "14.8104"
[19,] "Center-Sicilian" "14.897"
[20,] "Romaniann" "15.0148"

> MOracle2("Greek", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Greek" "0"
[2,] "Center-Greek" "1.3827"
[3,] "South-Greek" "2.8482"
[4,] "Romanian_Jew" "6.3154"
[5,] "Kosovar" "7.5702"
[6,] "North-Greek" "7.699"
[7,] "South_Italian" "8.9821"
[8,] "Ashkenazi" "9.5829"
[9,] "Center-Italian" "9.5929"
[10,] "Romanian_Jew_" "10.3621"
[11,] "West-Sicilian" "12.511"
[12,] "Cretan" "12.5117"
[13,] "South-Sicilian" "13.5579"
[14,] "Romanian" "13.7928"
[15,] "SephardicBul" "13.8294"
[16,] "Gagauz" "13.9578"
[17,] "Center-Sicilian" "13.9799"
[18,] "Island-Greek" "14.207"
[19,] "Tuscan" "14.7117"
[20,] "Sephardic_Bulgaria" "15.2165"

09-29-2013, 11:26 AM

Use real words to explain what those numbers are saying, are we Mohawks?

09-29-2013, 11:27 AM
MOracle2("Bosnian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Bosnian" "0"
[2,] "Serbian" "5.6313"
[3,] "Croatian" "6.3591"

Black Swan and Hrulj aren't going to like this.

09-29-2013, 11:39 AM
Anyway, if those numbers are saying that "Bosnians" are close to Serbs on some why, it is logical, every resident of Bosnia is Bosnian by territorial determinants, and 1 million of Serbs live in Bosnia.
Don't confuse Bosnians = territorial name for all residents of Bosnia with Bosniaks = ethnic group.

09-29-2013, 11:45 AM
Anyway, if those numbers are saying that "Bosnians" are close to Serbs on some why, it is logical, every resident of Bosnia is Bosnian by territorial determinants, and 1 million of Serbs live in Bosnia.
Don't confuse Bosnians = territorial name for all residents of Bosnia with Bosniaks = ethnic group.

But there are 1.8 million Bosniaks (Bosniaks are closer to Croats according to you) plus 500 000 Croats compared to 1.5 million Serbs. If Bosniaks are closer to Croats and there are more Bosniaks than Serbs in BiH, and you also have Croats, then shouldn't Bosnians cluster closer to Croatians? :rolleyes:

09-29-2013, 11:47 AM
I hope Despot didn't wrote something to me

Despot (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?5120-Despot)
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09-29-2013, 12:01 PM
I hope Despot didn't wrote something to me

But there are 1.8 million Bosniaks (Bosniaks are closer to Croats according to you) plus 500 000 Croats compared to 1.5 million Serbs. If Bosniaks are closer to Croats and there are more Bosniaks than Serbs in BiH, and you also have Croats, then shouldn't Bosnians cluster closer to Croatians?

Dobrodosli http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/yes/t2715.gif


09-29-2013, 12:04 PM
I hope Despot didn't wrote something to me

My knowledge of Italian is minimal.

09-29-2013, 12:04 PM
Hehe, hoćeš ti dođi da je braniš kada dođe pravi trenutak za akciju?

09-29-2013, 12:10 PM
Hehe, hoćeš ti dođi da je braniš kada dođe pravi trenutak za akciju?

Akciju? lol! Ti si, cini se, prespavao istorijske cinjenice i posledicno stanje na terenu :wink

Herr Abubu
09-29-2013, 12:12 PM
Some of the results look weird. Montenegrins closer to Macedonians and Bulgarians than Serbians and closer to Gaugaz than Bosnians and Croatians? North-Greeks closer to Kosovars than to South-Greeks? And so on. I guess you get those sort of results when the samples are so small.


Use real words to explain what those numbers are saying, are we Mohawks?

It's pretty simple: the smaller the number the less distant group x is from group y.

09-29-2013, 12:13 PM
> MOracle2("Montenegrian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Montenegrian" "0"
[2,] "Macedonian" "3.6549"
[3,] "Bulgarian" "4.9492"
[4,] "Serbian" "5.5856"

MOracle2("Serbian", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Serbian" "0"
[2,] "Montenegrian" "5.5856"
[3,] "Bosnian" "5.6313"
[4,] "Croatian" "6.7645"
fuck me if I understand this, how come that Montenegrins cluster closer to Bulgars and Macos than to Serbians and at the same time Serbians cluster closest to Montenegrins? Twich show me the source.

09-29-2013, 12:13 PM
Akciju? lol! Ti si, cini se, prespavao istorijske cinjenice i posledicno stanje na terenu :wink

Situacija na terenu se staljno mijenja, nekad je i Kosovo bilo Srbija recimo, no s obzirom da kada se ponovno situacija bude mijenjala ti ćeš biti "negde" u kuhinji ispred TV-a ne znam što se javljaš uopće.

09-29-2013, 12:15 PM
...ne znam što se javljaš uopće.

Ako me prozoves, nemam prob da se 'javim', a gde cu biti u neko X vreme to ne mozes znati ni ti, a ni ja i obratno.

09-29-2013, 12:16 PM
Ako me prozoves, nemam prob da se 'javim', a gde cu biti u neko X vreme to ne mozes znati ni ti, a ni ja i obratno.

Ja tebe "nigde" nisam ni spomenuo ni prozvao.

09-29-2013, 12:17 PM
Ja tebe "nigde" nisam ni spomenuo ni prozvao.

Percepcija ili imaginacija? Svako cita ono sto zeli lol!

09-29-2013, 12:20 PM
Percepcija ili imaginacija? Svako cita ono sto zeli lol!

Ma ti si slepa bre.
Evo ja baš planiram pogledati "Alvin i Vjeverice" na Pink Kids od 15:45, trebala bi i ti da se malo opustiš.

09-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Ma ti si slepa bre.
Evo ja baš planiram pogledati "Alvin i Vjeverice" na Pink Kids od 15:45, trebala bi i ti da se malo opustiš.

Neka si mi rekao :icon_smile: Ae, uzivaj u vevericama.

09-29-2013, 12:30 PM
fuck me if I understand this, how come that Montenegrins cluster closer to Bulgars and Macos than to Serbians and at the same time Serbians cluster closest to Montenegrins? Twich show me the source.

The distances are the same:
"Serbian" "5.5856"
"Montenegrian" "5.5856"

Just that Montenegrins have neighboring populations that are genetically closer to them than Serbs, while for Serbs Montenegrins are the closest population.

09-29-2013, 12:32 PM
The distances are the same:
"Serbian" "5.5856"
"Montenegrian" "5.5856"

Just that Montenegrins have neighboring populations that are genetically closer to them than Serbs, while for Serbs Montenegrins are the closest population.

Albo dad + Serb mom = Montenegrin

09-29-2013, 12:36 PM
Some of the results look weird. Montenegrins closer to Macedonians and Bulgarians than Serbians and closer to Gaugaz than Bosnians and Croatians? North-Greeks closer to Kosovars than to South-Greeks? And so on. I guess you get those sort of results when the samples are so small.

Nothing weird about it.

fuck me if I understand this, how come that Montenegrins cluster closer to Bulgars and Macos than to Serbians and at the same time Serbians cluster closest to Montenegrins? Twich show me the source.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqr2nbGXpVFndHo5TnJZR2VFYW1lcExMNGUyWTVhe VE#gid=0

Herr Abubu
09-29-2013, 01:29 PM
Nothing weird about it.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqr2nbGXpVFndHo5TnJZR2VFYW1lcExMNGUyWTVhe VE#gid=0

Of course, if you say so, there could not possibly be anything weird about it. Ljolj. :rolleyes:

09-29-2013, 01:42 PM
Of course, if you say so, there could not possibly be anything weird about it. Ljolj. :rolleyes:

yeah, if we put aside the fact that Montenegrins and serbians are the same people there is still way too much Montenegrins living in Serbia (more than in Montenegro actually) and I am pretty sure that many of them were included in serbian sample. then if it is logical for some people that Macedonians and Bulgarians are closer to Montenegrins than Serbians (or Bosnians and Croats) I don't really have a comment.

The Illyrian Warrior
09-29-2013, 01:51 PM
So we Kosovars are bro's with northern greeks than. :rolleyes:

09-29-2013, 02:22 PM
yeah, if we put aside the fact that Montenegrins and serbians are the same people there is still way too much Montenegrins living in Serbia (more than in Montenegro actually) and I am pretty sure that many of them were included in serbian sample. then if it is logical for some people that Macedonians and Bulgarians are closer to Montenegrins than Serbians (or Bosnians and Croats) I don't really have a comment.

Montenegrins have more native ancestry than Serbs.

09-29-2013, 02:43 PM
Montenegrins have more native ancestry than Serbs.

you meant to say Serbians, but ok, I forgive you.
either way, that "native" ancestry cant really be a reason for this illogical mess with clustering. small sample for Montenegrins is better explanation.

09-29-2013, 02:45 PM
you meant to say Serbians, but ok, I forgive you.
either way, that "native" ancestry cant really be a reason for this illogical mess with clustering. small sample for Montenegrins is better explanation.

Why it should be a mess? Serbs (or Serbians, what's the difference?) and Montes cluster very close anyway.

Damiăo de Góis
09-29-2013, 02:46 PM
I think Dodecad and Eurogenes are a bit more accurate than MDLP. So these distances could have different results on the other two projects.

09-29-2013, 02:50 PM
fuck me if I understand this, how come that Montenegrins cluster closer to Bulgars and Macos than to Serbians and at the same time Serbians cluster closest to Montenegrins? Twich show me the source.

I am not reall sure, but AFAIK, this is about individuals, not about populations as whole. They probabl have one sample from each group, for this test.

09-29-2013, 02:55 PM
I think Dodecad and Eurogenes are a bit more accurate than MDLP. So these distances could have different results on the other two projects.

Romanians score suspiciously high South Asian on MDLP, something absent on Dodecad. I'm almost sure a gypsy or even two were included in the Romanian sample, thus putting them a bit souther than Bulgarians, while in Dodecad Bulgarians are souther than Romanians.

Dodecad K12b:

> DodecadOracle("Bulgarian_D", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Bulgarian_D" "0"
[2,] "Bulgarians_Y" "2.504"
[3,] "Romanians" "2.5962"
[4,] "O_Italian_D" "16.7186"
[5,] "Greek_D" "17.2905"
[6,] "Hungarians" "20.043"
[7,] "C_Italian_D" "21.253"
[8,] "Tuscan" "21.5465"
[9,] "TSI30" "21.7187"
[10,] "N_Italian_D" "22.128"
[11,] "Ashkenazy_Jews" "24.5668"
[12,] "Ashkenazi_D" "24.958"
[13,] "North_Italian" "25.102"
[14,] "Sicilian_D" "25.5078"
[15,] "S_Italian_Sicilian_D" "25.5957"
[16,] "German_D" "26.7765"
[17,] "French" "30.6469"
[18,] "French_D" "30.6992"
[19,] "Mixed_Germanic_D" "30.9732"
[20,] "Nogais_Y" "31.3295"

09-29-2013, 02:56 PM
I am not reall sure, but AFAIK, this is about individuals, not about populations as whole. They probabl have one sample from each group, for this test.

that could be possible explanation. I really cant see how can someone from Nikšić, Pljevlja or Berane can cluster closer to Macos than to Bosnians or Serbians. random sample of an individual from Podgorica or Bar can somehow be more reasonable in this case but hardly.

09-29-2013, 02:58 PM
Both Dodecad and MDLP are amateur studies so should be taken with a grain of salt.

Damiăo de Góis
09-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Romanians score suspiciously high South Asian on MDLP, something absent on Dodecad. I'm almost sure a gypsy or even two were included in the Romanian sample, thus putting them a bit souther than Bulgarians, while in Dodecad Bulgarians are souther than Romanians.

Dodecad K12b:

> DodecadOracle("Bulgarian_D", k=20)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "Bulgarian_D" "0"
[2,] "Bulgarians_Y" "2.504"
[3,] "Romanians" "2.5962"
[4,] "O_Italian_D" "16.7186"
[5,] "Greek_D" "17.2905"
[6,] "Hungarians" "20.043"
[7,] "C_Italian_D" "21.253"
[8,] "Tuscan" "21.5465"
[9,] "TSI30" "21.7187"
[10,] "N_Italian_D" "22.128"
[11,] "Ashkenazy_Jews" "24.5668"
[12,] "Ashkenazi_D" "24.958"
[13,] "North_Italian" "25.102"
[14,] "Sicilian_D" "25.5078"
[15,] "S_Italian_Sicilian_D" "25.5957"
[16,] "German_D" "26.7765"
[17,] "French" "30.6469"
[18,] "French_D" "30.6992"
[19,] "Mixed_Germanic_D" "30.9732"
[20,] "Nogais_Y" "31.3295"

The problem is that K12b has fewer popultions and there's a huge gap between romanians and italians (there's no balkans there).Still, the Ukranians are there and i'm surprised they aren't on the list.

09-29-2013, 06:18 PM
The problem is that K12b has fewer popultions and there's a huge gap between romanians and italians (there's no balkans there).Still, the Ukranians are there and i'm surprised they aren't on the list.

It's indeed strange that French and Germans are closer than Ukrainians but I explain it with the strange components - they score as high Med and almost as low North Euro as Bulgarians. Difference comes from Caucasus and SW Asian.

Bulgarians and Romanians are labeled as "Balkan" plot - SW Slavs are pulled towards Central Europe while Albos and Greeks towards Med populations.

02-21-2014, 06:32 PM
MDLP is giving me the most accurate results

02-23-2014, 12:16 PM
79.9% KSV (Albanian) + 20.1% BSN (Bosnian) @ 0.42

I liked that.My favourite balkan nations:rotfl: