View Full Version : Classify Mexican bullfighter "El Payo"

09-29-2013, 06:21 PM
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/1347/lbjx.jpg (http://img694.imageshack.us/i/lbjx.jpg/)
http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/2430/g77p.jpg (http://img812.imageshack.us/i/g77p.jpg/)
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7025/e94v.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/e94v.jpg/)
http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/203/2eu2.jpg (http://img560.imageshack.us/i/2eu2.jpg/)
http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/8348/zqpn.jpg (http://img855.imageshack.us/i/zqpn.jpg/)
http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8382/zi5e.jpg (http://img820.imageshack.us/i/zi5e.jpg/)
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/7610/eyhs.jpg (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/eyhs.jpg/)

09-29-2013, 06:27 PM
Nordomediterranid, something inbetween a subnordic and north atlantid.

09-29-2013, 06:28 PM
Nordomediterranid, something inbetween a subnordic and north atlantid.

Agree, he looks central Euro too.

09-29-2013, 06:32 PM
He always gave me a British vibe. His ancestry is all from Spain.

09-29-2013, 06:49 PM
He always gave me a British vibe. His ancestry is all from Spain.

Mexican amerind craftmen use to represent the faces of those white men, the spaniards in mask they use for their dances, look at the masks.


Cristiano viejo
09-29-2013, 06:54 PM
In Spain "Payo" means non-Gypsy Spaniard.

Lux Aeterna
09-29-2013, 06:55 PM
I classify him as douche :sad:

09-29-2013, 06:56 PM
Mexican amerind craftmen use to represent the faces of those white men, the spaniards in mask they use for their dances, look at the masks.


Interesting. If I remember correctly, the Aztecs described their main god ''Quetzalcoatl' as a white man with a red beard.

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/696/aich.jpg (http://img404.imageshack.us/i/aich.jpg/)

09-29-2013, 07:00 PM
Interesting. If I remember correctly, the Aztecs described their main god ''Quetzalcoatl' as a white man with a red beard.

The fact of the matter is that these mask do represent remarkably well the range of phenotypes in spain, some are dark haired and dark eyed, some light brown, others ligh brown-yellow blonde and even a ginger!!!.

09-29-2013, 07:02 PM
The Spanish blood is strong in this one.

09-29-2013, 07:04 PM
The Spanish blood is strong in this one.

Nope, the spanish blood is strong in me, this dude is fully spanish.

09-29-2013, 07:07 PM
Interesting. If I remember correctly, the Aztecs described their main god ''Quetzalcoatl' as a white man with a red beard.

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/696/aich.jpg (http://img404.imageshack.us/i/aich.jpg/)

Tonatiuh is another example --->http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonatiuh

Pedro de Alvarado el conquistador was called with this nickname.

Carlito's Way
09-29-2013, 07:09 PM
well we cant know if all his ancestry comes from Spain unless his parents are from there cause upper class mexicans tend to be mixed with other European ethnicities down the line especially with French or German

09-29-2013, 07:14 PM
Tonatiuh is another example --->http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonatiuh

Pedro de Alvarado el conquistador was called with this nickname.

There is a debate whether Alvarado was a ginger or a blonde man though, but the fact of the matter is that he was nick named Tonatiuh, the Sun God, the Son of The Sun or something along those lines, he was called that way because of his lightness and the volatile of his temper...

09-29-2013, 07:26 PM
well we cant know if all his ancestry comes from Spain unless his parents are from there cause upper class mexicans tend to be mixed with other European ethnicities down the line especially with French or German

His full name is Héctor Octavio García González "El Payo", born in Querétaro, México. The chances of him being fully descendant of Spaniards are quite high. 90% of the high class in Mexico is of Iberian origin, specially those who practice bullfighting. However, you do have exceptions in places like Mexico City, where most of the immigrants from various European countries have arrived.

Carlito's Way
09-29-2013, 07:31 PM
His full name is Héctor Octavio García González "El Payo", born in Querétaro, México. The chances of him being fully descendant of Spaniards are quite high. 90% of the high class in Mexico is of Iberian origin, specially those who practice bullfighting. However, you do have exceptions in places like Mexico City, where most of the immigrants from various European countries have arrived.

but those are only two last names among many other surnames in his family tree
for example i have two italian last names but i also have a French last name in my family tree

im sure he has Iberian ancestry but i can bet money that he also has other European ethnicities because many of the Europeans that settled in Mexico were wealthy people and not poor little peasants plus the upper class of every state in Mexico is only made up of a few thousand people and not millions which gives it an even higher chance of him having other European ethnicities

09-29-2013, 07:36 PM
There is a debate whether Alvarado was a ginger or a blonde man though, but the fact of the matter is that he was nick named Tonatiuh, the Sun God, the Son of The Sun or something along those lines, he was called that way because of his lightness and the volatile of his temper...

He was a redhead that was why he was special among the Indians, there were other blondes among the soldiers but red hair was infrequent and strange enough for the indians.

09-29-2013, 07:40 PM
He was a redhead that was why he was special among the Indians, there were other blondes among the soldiers but red hair was infrequent and strange enough for the indians.

And he was from Extremadura, Southern Spain, where according to a few people in this forum everyone looks like a North African. :picard1:

http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/3789/41u7.jpg (http://img842.imageshack.us/i/41u7.jpg/)

09-29-2013, 08:13 PM
if he was spaniard I'd guess him as andalucian, don't know exactly why, maybe the rolling hair.

09-30-2013, 01:42 AM
His full name is Héctor Octavio García González "El Payo", born in Querétaro, México. The chances of him being fully descendant of Spaniards are quite high. 90% of the high class in Mexico is of Iberian origin, specially those who practice bullfighting. However, you do have exceptions in places like Mexico City, where most of the immigrants from various European countries have arrived.

And besides he is a matador, what is more spanish than a matador?. Somehow I dont see someone with germanic ancestry becoming a matador but who knows.

Cristiano viejo
09-30-2013, 01:59 AM
In some pics he resembles this Spaniard "matador"

09-30-2013, 02:22 AM
North Atlantid + Sub-Nordic.

09-30-2013, 01:12 PM
And besides he is a matador, what is more spanish than a matador?. Somehow I dont see someone with germanic ancestry becoming a matador but who knows.

El Ingles – The 67-Year-Old Matador
By Spooky on September 1st, 2009 Category: Events, News

67-year-old Frank Evans, Britain’s oldest and only bullfighter, returns to the bullfighting arena and slays 2 unlucky horned beasts.

After a knee replacement and a quadruple bypass, ageless matador Frank Evans performed once again in the Plaza de Toros, in Benalmadena, on the Costa del Sol. A grandfather of five, Evans looked cool as ice, though he had to best two big bulls that could have ended his career in just one second.


english man, 67 years old and matador de toros in spain... con dos cojones!!! :thumb001:


09-30-2013, 02:18 PM
El Ingles – The 67-Year-Old Matador
By Spooky on September 1st, 2009 Category: Events, News

67-year-old Frank Evans, Britain’s oldest and only bullfighter, returns to the bullfighting arena and slays 2 unlucky horned beasts.

After a knee replacement and a quadruple bypass, ageless matador Frank Evans performed once again in the Plaza de Toros, in Benalmadena, on the Costa del Sol. A grandfather of five, Evans looked cool as ice, though he had to best two big bulls that could have ended his career in just one second.


english man, 67 years old and matador de toros in spain... con dos cojones!!! :thumb001:


Joer, una cojida y lo mandan al otro mundo.....

09-30-2013, 02:21 PM
Seguro k es 100% de sangre iberica? Lo mismo es por las fotos que me engañan, pero le veo un ligero nopal. Algo muy diluido pero se lo veo en la parte de los ojos en la primera foto. Y sus orejas tb me dicen algo raro. Como digo, puede ser que las fotos me engañen y es un toque muy ligero

09-30-2013, 02:24 PM
Atlantid + Iberian reduced CM.

09-30-2013, 02:32 PM
Seguro k es 100% de sangre iberica? Lo mismo es por las fotos que me engañan, pero le veo un ligero nopal. Algo muy diluido pero se lo veo en la parte de los ojos en la primera foto. Y sus orejas tb me dicen algo raro. Como digo, puede ser que las fotos me engañen y es un toque muy ligero

No lo creo... se lo distinguiría luego, luego, de hecho su fenotipo es poco común.

09-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Yo he visto a un número significante de gente de rasgos parecidos en algunos pueblos de Jaén, son una minoría pero haberlos haylos.

09-30-2013, 02:53 PM
Yo he visto a un número significante de gente de rasgos parecidos en algunos pueblos de Jaén, son una minoría pero haberlos haylos.

La carolina? Esa es la zona centroeropea. Pero los orejones que tiene son otra cosa. En la parte de mi familia q procede de alli, nadie tiene algo similar. Lo que comento de los ojos es solo en la primera foto y como digo puede ser k esta me engañe pq puede ser debido a un gesto

10-01-2013, 06:07 PM
A couple more pics.

http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/1835/98lv.jpg (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/98lv.jpg/)
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7532/hkby.jpg (http://img809.imageshack.us/i/hkby.jpg/)
http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6263/3zp4.jpg (http://img33.imageshack.us/i/3zp4.jpg/)
http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/2319/0rfx.jpg (http://img27.imageshack.us/i/0rfx.jpg/)

Cristiano viejo
03-06-2018, 06:35 PM
Lighter than Bobby Martnen :D

03-06-2018, 10:31 PM
Atlantid + Berid.

Bobby Martnen
03-06-2018, 11:15 PM
Depigmented octoroon.

03-06-2018, 11:17 PM
Iberian followed by nordic.

Cristiano viejo
03-06-2018, 11:19 PM
Depigmented octoroon.

But if you said few days ago that he looked completely European and not, and I quote you textually, "ethnically Mexican"... :lol:

you are

because he is whiter than you

Bobby Martnen
03-06-2018, 11:27 PM
But if you said few days ago that he looked completely European and not, and I quote you textually, "ethnically Mexican"... :lol:

you are

because he is whiter than you

Ur mom still triple gay.

Cristiano viejo
03-06-2018, 11:28 PM
Ur mom still triple gay.

Make a poll asking who is lighter, this Mexican or you :laugh:

Make polls as you said or I will do.

Bobby Martnen
03-06-2018, 11:40 PM
Make a poll asking who is lighter, this Mexican or you :laugh:

Make polls as you said or I will do.

Okay, and if you lose, you have to admit that your mom triple gay.

Cristiano viejo
03-06-2018, 11:42 PM
Okay, and if you lose, you have to admit that your mom triple gay.

Get a bit of class for once and leave mothers aside, baby.

I will not lose :icon_lol:

Bobby Martnen
03-06-2018, 11:42 PM
Get a bit of class for once and leave mothers aside, baby.

I will not lose :icon_lol:


03-07-2018, 12:00 AM
North Atlantid + Anglo Saxon

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 12:09 AM
North Atlantid + Anglo Saxon

He is 0% Anglo Saxon.

03-07-2018, 12:41 AM
North Atlantid mostly, as is typical for many for many of the people you post on here.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 12:51 AM
North Atlantid mostly, as is typical for many for many of the people you post on here.

This thread is not mine.

03-07-2018, 12:55 AM
This thread is not mine.

OK, yes I see it is not. I was being lazy, but you have posted people who look similar before, I think.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 12:57 AM
OK, yes I see it is not. I was being lazy, but you have posted people who look similar before, I think.

From now on, I will focus on posting Mexicans who are lighter than Bobby Mariachi :D

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:00 AM
From now on, I will focus on posting Mexicans who are lighter than Bobby Mariachi :D

I'm socially Whiter in America than they are, regardless of phenotype.

"Robert Martnen", in America, will be perceived as White. "Roberto Martinez" will be perceived as Latino, and therefore non-White.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:02 AM
I'm socially Whiter in America than they are, regardless of phenotype.

"Robert Martnen", in America, will be perceived as White. "Roberto Martinez" will be perceived as Latino, and therefore non-White.

They are socially whiter in the world than you are. World does not end in America, baby.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:04 AM
They are socially whiter in the world than you are. World does not end in America, baby.

No, they are not. Everywhere I go, I'm seen as White.

03-07-2018, 01:04 AM
I'm socially Whiter in America than they are, regardless of phenotype.

"Robert Martnen", in America, will be perceived as White. "Roberto Martinez" will be perceived as Latino, and therefore non-White.

I don't think is correct really. I know some Argentineans who live in the U.S.; they are certainly perceived as "white." However, they changed their professional name, so maybe this speaks to your point. Several of them Americanzed their names, going from "Alejandro" to "Alexandro" or just "Alex."

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:08 AM
No, they are not. Everywhere I go, I'm seen as White.

So these Mexicans do, idiot.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:09 AM
I don't think is correct really. I know some Argentineans who live in the U.S.; they are certainly perceived as "white." However, they changed their professional name, so maybe this speaks to your point. Several of them Americanzed their names, going from "Alejandro" to "Alexandro" or just "Alex."

Why change it to "Alexandro" and not just go all the way to "Alexander"?

03-07-2018, 01:09 AM
Why change it to "Alexandro" and not just go all the way to "Alexander"?

They want to preserve their identity somewhat, I presume. I don't go around asking people I know this. It seems rude to ask them, and it's really not my business.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:09 AM
So these Mexicans do, idiot.

Not when people hear their Taco Bell accents.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:12 AM
Not when people hear their Taco Bell accents.

Yes, even with their taco bell accent. Language means nothing. Shaquille O´Neal speaking English is not perceived as white, believe me :D

YOU are American and say Gypsies are white. What the fuck are you doing trying to give lessons about who is white or not??

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:14 AM
Yes, even with their taco bell accent. Language means nothing. Shaquille O´Neal speaking English is not perceived as white, believe me :D

YOU are American and say Gypsies are white. What the fuck are you doing trying to give lessons about who is white or not??

That's cause Shaq looks black. If you look off-white, but have a Spanish name, you're seen as non-white.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:16 AM
That's cause Shaq looks black. If you look off-white, but have a Spanish name, you're seen as non-white.

Not true. I could say the same nonsense. If you look off-white and you have an English name, you are seen as non-white.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:21 AM
Not true. I could say the same nonsense. If you look off-white and you have an English name, you are seen as non-white.

Except that English names are seen as normal here, so people with them have more phenotypical Caucasoidal leeway.

Carlito's Way
03-07-2018, 01:24 AM
No, they are not. Everywhere I go, I'm seen as White.

bobby, mexican family living in america, immigration officers will stop you way before stopping them, they look like your regular white americans but the better looking kind though and those are sadly the minority of the white population of america


Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:26 AM
bobby, mexican family living in america, immigration officers will stop you way before stopping them, they look like your regular white americans but the better looking kind though and those are sadly the minority of the white population of america

I've never been stopped by immigration officers, you probably have been, you wannabe Black man.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:29 AM
Except that English names are seen as normal here, so people with them have more phenotypical Caucasoidal leeway.
Stop talking as if USA was the only place about what we are discussing.
More even when USA is the most multicultural country in the world.

I've never been stopped by immigration officers, you probably have been, you wannabe Black man.

He is whiter than you too, jojojo

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:30 AM
Stop talking as if USA was the only place about what we are discussing.
More even when USA is the most multicultural country in the world.

Singapore is much more multicultural than America.

He is whiter than you too, jojojo

What region of Spain are you from?

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:34 AM
Singapore is much more multicultural than America.

Big deal and nice comparison.

What region of Spain are you from?

When you tell me your village, I will do the same.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:38 AM
When you tell me your village, I will do the same.

I want to compare my GEDmatch results with your region's, so I can prove once and for all who is Whiter.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:40 AM
I want to compare my GEDmatch results with your region's, so I can prove once and for all who is Whiter.

A better choice would be comparing it with those Andalusian results I posted to you.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:41 AM
A better choice would be comparing it with those Andalusian results I posted to you.

Are you Andalusian? Because you're definitely delusional...

03-07-2018, 01:44 AM
Sudanid + North Sinid with some australoid admix

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:46 AM
Are you Andalusian? Because you're definitely delusional...

Very far of being Andalusian. But you should compare with them since they have more or less (rather less) the same amount of MENA than you.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:52 AM
Very far of being Andalusian. But you should compare with them since they have more or less (rather less) the same amount of MENA than you.

Your mom has had a lot of MENA in her, if you know what I mean... :butt:

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:54 AM
Your mom has had a lot of MENA in her, if you know what I mean... :butt:

I dont know what is pathetic.. if you using such low class insults... or you not noticing that people feel pity of you when write such insults xD

03-07-2018, 01:54 AM
Your mom has had a lot of MENA in her, if you know what I mean... :butt:

The wogs cucked his familia

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 01:56 AM
The wogs cucked his familia

Real life is that Statians bombed your family.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 01:56 AM
The wogs cucked his familia

I mean, Spaniards are what happened when Moors fucked some Berbers.

03-07-2018, 01:58 AM

Nope, but the wogs cucked your family. CHURKA KAVKAZ WOG PRIDE!

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 02:00 AM
Nope, but the wogs cucked your family. WOG PRIDE!

Real life is that Turks cucked your family, country and then Albananians stole part of your country, idiots hahahaha

To finish, Americunts bombed your family and now you lick their asses.

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 02:01 AM
Real life is that Turks cucked your family, country and then Albananians stole part of your country, idiots hahahaha

To finish, Americunts bombed your family and now you lick their asses.

Fuck NATO. They had no right to bomb Serbia.

Make me a burrito, but try not to jizz in it this time.

03-07-2018, 02:02 AM
Real life is that Turks cucked your family, country and then Albananians stole part of your country, idiots hahahaha

To finish, Americunts bombed your family and now you lick their asses.

Wogs were my ancestors they have cucked nordcucks and medcucks. CHURKA WOG PRIDE!

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 02:02 AM
Fuck NATO. They had no right to bomb Serbia.
The point is that this cuck now sucks your American brown ass, when he should hate any fuckin American on earth.

03-07-2018, 02:06 AM
The point is that this cuck now sucks your American brown ass, when he should hate any fuckin American on earth.

America is the land of the wogs so of course I love it im a proud churka kekistani wog afterall

Bobby Martnen
03-07-2018, 02:07 AM
The point is that this cuck now sucks your American brown ass, when he should hate any fuckin American on earth.

I'm not brown, and I had nothing to do with bombing Serbia. I want America out of NATO, tacoface.

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 02:07 AM
America is the land of the wogs so of course I love it im a proud churka kekistani wog afterall

That Mohamed Atta said.

03-07-2018, 03:32 AM
He is 0% Anglo Saxon.
I know. But he looks it.

You can look like a certain phenotype that has nothing to do with, or is thousands of miles away from, your homeland. For instance, there is a family that is 100% Assyrian that I know of that would easily be Neo-Danubian and north Atlantid (I even posted a female member here for classification). Last time I checked, Assyrians are not from western Europe or Russia. But these irregularities can always occur.

FYCW Parasite
03-07-2018, 03:37 AM
Full spaniard

03-07-2018, 06:01 AM
Self-satisfied-oid, because "You will worship me, my Moorish subjects".

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2018, 04:17 PM
Full spaniard

I dont know if he is 100% Spanish by blood but a Mexican user (Armand Duval) said he is.

03-07-2018, 05:05 PM
In a photo it seems subnordid and in another keltic it is a little strange to find that look in the descendants of Spaniards it is more common to find them in descendants of people from the British Isles, northern France or the benelux in Argentina I met a boy who descended from the Irish That boy looks a little like him.