View Full Version : Christo-Heathenism?

10-18-2009, 03:11 PM
What do folks think to this?


and this?


10-18-2009, 03:25 PM
I was subscribed the the English Folk Church list for awhile and received a friendly reception as an Asatruar. They seem secure enough in themselves so as not to be threatened when a guest of differing belief is amongst them

I've also read posts by Mr Diehl...quite a bit of food for thought there.

Interesting thoughts and beliefs expressed within these, but neither fish nor fowl for me.

10-19-2009, 02:41 AM
My distaste for Christianity is Nietzschean in nature and runs far too deep to even consider something like this. I suppose it's a better option than straight Christianity though. :shrug:

10-19-2009, 03:27 AM
A fundamental difference between indigenous religions and Abrahamic religions is one of tolerance. When the "pagan" Romans conquered another province, they would not wipe out the conquered nations' gods. The Romans would merely require the conquered to place some incense on the altar to the Emperor and respect the Roman gods. Jews and Christians refused to sprinkle incense on the altar of the Emperor and so they were uniquely singled out for persecution. If anything, if a place was conquered by the Romans, the gods of the conquered would be adopted as ancillary deities being brought back to Rome. This was an attitude of peaceful coexistence and mutual influence.

It is the nature of Abrahamic faiths to claim that their God and their way is the only way on pain of death no less.

In India it is not uncommon to see children wearing crucifixes. They are not necessarily Christians. The vast majority of them are Hindus with no concept of Abrahamic intolerance. Jesus has been adopted by many as an avatar of Vishnu. The same happened earlier with the Buddha. Jesus and Buddha have been incorporated i.e. absorbed into the Greater Tradition. This is in keeping with the fundamental attitude of indigenous religions. Jesus could very well have been incorporated into the ancient pantheons if "the Great Church" with its political motivations did not ruthlessly stamp out differing views and ways of life.

The Gnostics blended Christianity with other mystical philosophies, practices, and beliefs. Gnosticism was very broad and tolerant.

Synchretism between Christianity and indigenous religion(s) and beliefs is in keeping with the spirit of indigenous traditions. It is the nature of Abrahamic religion only to reject other ways of life.

Still there is a certain caution that must be exercised when blending beliefs as we would be fooled if we were to believe that normative Christians, Muslims and Jews could ever be friends. History has told us otherwise.

I strongly recommend the book God against the Gods by Jonathan Kirsch.

11-21-2009, 04:47 PM
A fundamental difference between indigenous religions and Abrahamic religions is one of tolerance. When the "pagan" Romans conquered another province, they would not wipe out the conquered nations' gods. The Romans would merely require the conquered to place some incense on the altar to the Emperor and respect the Roman gods. Jews and Christians refused to sprinkle incense on the altar of the Emperor and so they were uniquely singled out for persecution. If anything, if a place was conquered by the Romans, the gods of the conquered would be adopted as ancillary deities being brought back to Rome. This was an attitude of peaceful coexistence and mutual influence.

It is the nature of Abrahamic faiths to claim that their God and their way is the only way on pain of death no less.

In India it is not uncommon to see children wearing crucifixes. They are not necessarily Christians. The vast majority of them are Hindus with no concept of Abrahamic intolerance. Jesus has been adopted by many as an avatar of Vishnu. The same happened earlier with the Buddha. Jesus and Buddha have been incorporated i.e. absorbed into the Greater Tradition. This is in keeping with the fundamental attitude of indigenous religions. Jesus could very well have been incorporated into the ancient pantheons if "the Great Church" with its political motivations did not ruthlessly stamp out differing views and ways of life.

The Gnostics blended Christianity with other mystical philosophies, practices, and beliefs. Gnosticism was very broad and tolerant.

Synchretism between Christianity and indigenous religion(s) and beliefs is in keeping with the spirit of indigenous traditions. It is the nature of Abrahamic religion only to reject other ways of life.

Still there is a certain caution that must be exercised when blending beliefs as we would be fooled if we were to believe that normative Christians, Muslims and Jews could ever be friends. History has told us otherwise.

I strongly recommend the book God against the Gods by Jonathan Kirsch.The God of Abraham is not subject to subjective relativism in the old Roman tradition, but is Objective Truth. That is the stance you fail to understand, in your Christophobia. Rome was founded as a blend of Greek and Semitic Phoenician traditions, in the Etruscan homeland. It is only natural that a religion which professes tolerance for both Semitic Judaism and Hellenism, such as Christianity, becomes more than simply acceptable. What you spout is ahistorical nonsense.

11-21-2009, 05:06 PM
It wants the best of two largely imcompatible worlds.
What has the saving, incarnate logos to do with heathen folk? That's a Greco-Roman (Heraclitean, Platonian and Aristotelian) ideal given a Jewish coat of whitewash.

They'd be better off replacing [the white] Christ with a truly northern frithbringer- Baldr.

11-21-2009, 05:16 PM
It wants the best of two largely imcompatible worlds.
What has the saving, incarnate logos to do with heathen folk? That's a Greco-Roman (Heraclitean, Platonian and Aristotelian) ideal given a Jewish coat of whitewash.

They'd be better off replacing [the white] Christ with a truly northern frithbringer- Baldr.The simple fact that they have common traits does not wipe out the other in mutually assured destruction, but ensures that they are both true to some extent. This makes for a higher consciousness, but throwing God under the bus to raise up the socialist underdog will not lend the targeted entity of affirmative action any greater credence, only lesser.

11-21-2009, 05:20 PM
Agreed, but not everyone has the same conception of the divine. :)

11-21-2009, 05:32 PM
Agreed, but not everyone has the same conception of the divine. :)You're just stating a matter of fact part of life...:tongue

11-22-2009, 03:48 AM
I'm not going to shoehorn the Abrahamic deity into Heathenry. The northerners only ever had one Father- and Jehovah he wasn't.

Someone either hears Odin's call or not- Odin's call of saving ourselves rather than needing to be saved by someone else, namely a person [Jesus] of a folk [Jew] that has nothing to do with any of us.

I'll rise above the grave according to my own merits as a human being and not because I've accepted someone as my personal "lord and savior."

^This sentence is what it means to be Heathen and it's this frame of mind that makes Heathenry incompatible with Christianity. Heathens don't want saviors and messiahs, they don't want buddies in heaven to take the licks of life for them. They do it themselves or not at all.

11-22-2009, 07:59 AM
The intrinsic nature of these religious movements is, as has been said previously incompatible is like trying to mix the olive oil lice the East and the water, because snow and ice at Thule, the cradle of our northern origins European
Result I note that this does not work, I look at (for comparison) a transvestite or a drag queen with a man or a woman.
There, we would add the benefits xtian, which our ancestors went very well, and besides, I keep in mind that Christianity is not n our atavistic religion.
She did not speak naturally in our souls, and do not see any attack on my part for the crucified, is the format through the catechism and other speech, which is' a glimpse of a sacred truth, the faithful packed the speech from their childhood.
Enough mix, do not add any especially with these two antagonistic religions

11-22-2009, 08:02 AM
All I can say to that is - Oil and water don't mix.

11-22-2009, 09:11 AM
No I have no preconceived ideas.
I try to demonstrate that our original nature, between East and West, are the start, different, and our environment, and in our psyche, which is the result of cultural transmission in the broadest sense.
This affecting and d other hand, our way of working, and understand the world.
He pressed equally incongruous to impose the Nordic or Celtic deities, needs to live in the desert.
Christianity since Charlemagne, was seated in Europe at that point he said the traditional religion of Europe, for 20 centuries, when the foundations of the indigenous religions of our ancestors centuries Europeans, have 420 and yes, 42 thousand years we go back far into prehistory in archaeological evidence of religious rituals .....
No Christianity have been ,the genesis of the revelation of a spirituality born died, before the coming of this faith of Palestine on the ground of Europe
THERE was there, and there will always be here pagans in Europe and elsewhere

11-22-2009, 09:18 AM
That plan I have previously used the oil and ice in the symbolic

11-22-2009, 09:39 AM
Still no awareness or acknowledgment on the Hellenic background of Christianity...

11-22-2009, 10:06 AM
The Greeks had their own pantheon before the arrival of Christianity.

When a recognition of Aboriginal famous and recognized, I see them as a means of seeking legitimacy in the sermon: Look, we somment recognized by your great minds and bla bla bla c is the marketing argument before the hour.

Just as the churches were especially high in places of worship, secular and pagan
. Just as the pagan festivals that have been lost No one was treated by the church which was replaced by parties for their own saints.
And what's more comfortable than d absorb large European minds, a gentle way of accreditation, with small gent truth of the faith of east

11-22-2009, 10:08 AM
So you just cast Aristotelianism and Platonism out of the window as they have become the very basis of Christian philosophy? This synthesis is one of love; what you offer is hate, distrust and fear. See below for a refutation of your lies.

Encyclopedia of Judaism: Aristotelianism
Top Home > Library > Religion & Spirituality > Encyclopedia of Judaism
The works of Aristotle (the fourth cent. BCE Greek philosopher) in Arabic translation began to exert a major influence on Jewish thought from the mid-12th century, displacing Neoplatonism. Known to Jews and Moslems alike as "the philosopher," Aristotle was described by Maimonides as having "reached the highest degree of intellectual perfection open to man, barring only the still higher degree of prophetic inspiration." Aristotelianism is found in the 12th century writings of Abraham Ibn Daud and continued to shape Jewish philosophical thinking through the mid-16th century. In the 13th-14th century, an anti-intellectual countermovement arose, composed of traditionalist and kabbalistic critics, including the esteemed Ḥasdai Crescas.
From the ninth century and during the Golden Age of Spanish Jewry, Jews living in North Africa and Moslem Europe had access to Aristotelian literature through abbreviated though accurate Arabic translations, which became available after the 12th century in Hebrew translations by Jews living in Christian Europe. Jews also played an important role in their translation into Latin. Generally, Aristotelian philosophy was wholeheartedly accepted by Jewish medieval thinkers because of its pure, less anthropomorphic God-concept. Its theories of the eternity of the universe and of God as the passive, unmoved Mover, however, were often rejected as they contradicted the traditional Jewish understanding of an active, sustaining Creator.

The Arabic philosopher Al-Farabi's tenth-century work, The Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, served not only as a basic orientation for Jews and Moslems of his generation, but influenced the works of Maimonides 200 years later. Maimonides, the outstanding Jewish Aristotelian, attempted to synthesize biblical revelations and Aristotelianism. Although Aristotle's reasoned arguments were used scientifically, demonstrating such religious doctrines as the existence of God and God's unity, Maimonides concluded that Judaism's traditional position of creation ex nihilo had to be derived from prophetic faith alone (Guide 2:15). Motivated by his belief that miracles were possible only if built into the original Divine order of the world, Maimonides rejected the Aristotelian concept of the eternity of the universe, i.e., creation as an eternal process and not as a genesis of prime matter. In contrast, however, he negated the traditional notion of individual providence in favor of Aristotle's, claiming that Divine intervention operates on behalf of the human species rather than individual. His successors suggested solutions to reconcile religion and philosophy but Maimonides dominated over the next three centuries.

Hebrew translations of the Arabic commentaries of Averroes (1126-1198) served as the Aristotelian source for Jewish thinkers after the 12th century. Some of them, such as Isaac Albalag, objected to the Maimonidean attempts to rely on the conventional account of the creation to refute Aristotle's proofs of the eternity of the world.

Aristotle is one of the few non-Jews to figure in Jewish legend. Josephus records traditions that he was affected by contact with Jews (Josephus, Apion 1:176-182). Several medieval and Renaissance Jewish writers claim that Aristotle actually converted to Judaism and one story even tells of his natural Jewish origin from the tribe of Benjamin. A number of apocryphal notes ascribed to Aristotle brought him esteem in kabbalistic circles.

11-22-2009, 10:47 AM
Nay my good missionary here, simply land of Europe we do not somment on the road to Damascus and no revelation to the horizon in No offense to Paul ST.
And we also have feelings of love vis a vis our neighbors, but you xtian hand, we do not hold the cheek! " and woe to those who would abuse our hospitality or would evidence of rudeness towards us under our roof or elsewhere
As for hatred, I see a little reference to the Viking raids on your monasteries are the consequence and response to the killing of my brother Saxons by Carolus magnus cursed
For information, Woden or Odin was originally a demon of storms, it is also for us, Nordic our father and master of rage and the ecstasy, among other things,
no surprises to see your altars devastated by his son
because who sows the wind reaps the storm.

11-22-2009, 10:49 AM
Haha, there is always a Christian in the Heathen portal telling us we're wrong :laugh: It's so historically typical of Christianity :tongue

11-22-2009, 11:04 AM
Anyway the cogitation of Arab intellectual or Jews on the existence of your god leave me cold ... of Mars is to us, we somment at the base too different, and I never trade it n my gods and goddesses, a god who is dictatorial nature of addition

11-22-2009, 01:59 PM
Christo-Heathenism... This must be a very bad joke!

Lulletje Rozewater
11-22-2009, 02:31 PM
Biblical longevity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longevity_myths#Biblical) Name Age LXX (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septuagint) Methuselah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah) 969 969 Jared (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_%28ancestor_of_Noah%29) 962 962 Noah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah) 950 950 Adam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam) 930 930 Seth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth) 912 912 Kenan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenan) 910 910 Enos (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enos_%28Bible%29) 905 905 Mahalalel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalalel) 895 895 Lamech (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamech) 777 753 Shem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shem) 600 600 Eber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eber) 464 404 Cainan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cainan) — 460 Arpachshad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpachshad) 438 465 Salah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minor_Biblical_figures#Salah) 433 466 Enoch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_%28ancestor_of_Noah%29) 365 365 Peleg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peleg) 239 339 Reu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reu) 239 339 Serug (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serug) 230 330 Job (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_%28Bible%29) 210? 210? Terah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terah) 205 205 Isaac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac) 180 180 Abraham 175 175 Nahor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahor) 148 304 Jacob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob) 147 147 Esau (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esau) 147? 147? Ishmael (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishmael) 137 137 Levi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi) 137 137 Amram (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amram) 137 137 Kohath (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohath) 133 133 Laban (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laban_%28Bible%29) 130+ 130+ Deborah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_%28Hebrew_Bible%29) 130+ 130+ Sarah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah) 127 127 Miriam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miriam) 125+ 125+ Aaron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron) 123 123 Rebecca (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca) 120+ 120+ Moses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses) 120 120 Joseph (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_%28Hebrew_Bible%29) 110 110 Joshua (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua) 110

Surely they are all Gods,with such a long life. :)

11-22-2009, 02:51 PM
I find it a well intentioned effort to reconcile Europe’s two traditions; it’s not my cup of tea personally although I admit some interest in the idea. The Christian faith is highly unlikely to become the focal force in the European psyche in the future, one could argue it has always been hanging onto the European conscience rather than vice versa but the Christian legacy is one modern Heathens have to come to terms with, even if Christianity continues it’s collapse (at least in the UK) it’s memory and influence isn’t likely to disappear, we can’t go backwards we can only move forwards.

Building/re-building the Heathen movement in Europe is a long term struggle it’s essential we understand how the past will impact on that. Christo-Heathenism may well be the way those who cannot or don’t wish to make the attempt at a full re-awakening of Heathen thought in the European psyche come to terms with their spirituality.

I wish the best of luck to them, as I say it’s not my scene, I’m one of those busily smashing my skull through concrete walls, which is the attempt to bring Heathenism (or Odinism as I call it) back from it’s slumber. I wouldn’t have it any other way, a good headache let’s you know the brain is working!

11-22-2009, 02:56 PM
Christianity teaches mankind to accept the Other as the means to immortality whereas Heathenry teaches mankind to accept the Self as the means to immortality.

Christ's passion was of a different nature than Odin's passion.

"Odin's passion for the knowledge of the Runes is what led himself to self-sacrifice and therefore brought the Runes to mankind" (http://paganpages.org/content/2009/08/lets-spell-it-out-9/).

Who can master Odin's runes? Only the one who undergoes self-sacrifice and a passion of a similar nature to the Alfather- pretended runecasters be damned. I've only gleaned the most basic knowledge of the runes and I don't consider myself to be any small slouch in metaphysical areas.

Jesus' self-sacrifice is of an easy nature: "[M]y yoke is gentle and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:30). Who wears the yoke? Beasts of burden who are just directed to go here and there by the one who cracks the whip. This is passive acceptance, just like the "submission" of the Muslims.

Jehovah-Jesus is of an entirely different nature than Odin. The former wants submissive servants to pass under the yoke. All of the work is already done for them and the thralls only need acknowledge the superior power (Jehovah-Jesus). Odin never says anything of the sort; I doubt he really cares of people follow him or not. He took the runes for himself first of all, and when he mastered them, he gave them to mankind- just as he did in the story where he took the mead of inspiration from Suttung. But who can master runes and poetry? No mere passive mortals, but people who actively cultivate their inborn gifts.

11-22-2009, 04:45 PM
Haha, there is always a Christian in the Heathen portal telling us we're wrong :laugh: It's so historically typical of Christianity :tongueIt's so typical of heathens to deny a higher world than the most limited material they themselves can overpower. Try to move the heavens and then get back to me. Or, you can recognise that we are not creators, but that there is a Creator.

I find it a well intentioned effort to reconcile Europe’s two traditions; it’s not my cup of tea personally although I admit some interest in the idea. The Christian faith is highly unlikely to become the focal force in the European psyche in the future, one could argue it has always been hanging onto the European conscience rather than vice versa but the Christian legacy is one modern Heathens have to come to terms with, even if Christianity continues it’s collapse (at least in the UK) it’s memory and influence isn’t likely to disappear, we can’t go backwards we can only move forwards.

Building/re-building the Heathen movement in Europe is a long term struggle it’s essential we understand how the past will impact on that. Christo-Heathenism may well be the way those who cannot or don’t wish to make the attempt at a full re-awakening of Heathen thought in the European psyche come to terms with their spirituality.

I wish the best of luck to them, as I say it’s not my scene, I’m one of those busily smashing my skull through concrete walls, which is the attempt to bring Heathenism (or Odinism as I call it) back from it’s slumber. I wouldn’t have it any other way, a good headache let’s you know the brain is working!I see fit to have both in my heart, not Islam, nor Judaism, nor Buddhism, nor Shintoism, nor Hinduism, etc. They each have their place in European preservation, so I choose to take the best of them, WITHOUT question or revision of those weak stomached Christopubes.

Christianity teaches mankind to accept the Other as the means to immortality whereas Heathenry teaches mankind to accept the Self as the means to immortality.

Christ's passion was of a different nature than Odin's passion.

"Odin's passion for the knowledge of the Runes is what led himself to self-sacrifice and therefore brought the Runes to mankind" (http://paganpages.org/content/2009/08/lets-spell-it-out-9/).

Who can master Odin's runes? Only the one who undergoes self-sacrifice and a passion of a similar nature to the Alfather- pretended runecasters be damned. I've only gleaned the most basic knowledge of the runes and I don't consider myself to be any small slouch in metaphysical areas.

Jesus' self-sacrifice is of an easy nature: "[M]y yoke is gentle and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:30). Who wears the yoke? Beasts of burden who are just directed to go here and there by the one who cracks the whip. This is passive acceptance, just like the "submission" of the Muslims.

Jehovah-Jesus is of an entirely different nature than Odin. The former wants submissive servants to pass under the yoke. All of the work is already done for them and the thralls only need acknowledge the superior power (Jehovah-Jesus). Odin never says anything of the sort; I doubt he really cares of people follow him or not. He took the runes for himself first of all, and when he mastered them, he gave them to mankind- just as he did in the story where he took the mead of inspiration from Suttung. But who can master runes and poetry? No mere passive mortals, but people who actively cultivate their inborn gifts.Keep your Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche away from my ancestors' heathenry.

11-22-2009, 04:50 PM
Don't touch this.

Nay my good missionary here, simply land of Europe we do not somment on the road to Damascus and no revelation to the horizon in No offense to Paul ST.
And we also have feelings of love vis a vis our neighbors, but you xtian hand, we do not hold the cheek! " and woe to those who would abuse our hospitality or would evidence of rudeness towards us under our roof or elsewhere
As for hatred, I see a little reference to the Viking raids on your monasteries are the consequence and response to the killing of my brother Saxons by Carolus magnus cursed
For information, Woden or Odin was originally a demon of storms, it is also for us, Nordic our father and master of rage and the ecstasy, among other things,
no surprises to see your altars devastated by his son
because who sows the wind reaps the storm.

Anyway the cogitation of Arab intellectual or Jews on the existence of your god leave me cold ... of Mars is to us, we somment at the base too different, and I never trade it n my gods and goddesses, a god who is dictatorial nature of additionYour hate could not be higher for other religions which have made converts of Europeans, but which are not in any sense or form indigenous to Europeans or even previously the establishment of Europeans? Only Christianity gets your goat? How sad to be you. I'm sure your ancestors would feel sorry for you to be so led astray. They learnt the folly of their ways and you rebuke them?:rolleyes:

Christo-Heathenism... This must be a very bad joke!Heathenism is part of Christianity. It is the part about rendering unto Caesar the things which art Caesars'. It is the Greek part of Christ.;)

Biblical longevity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longevity_myths#Biblical) Name Age LXX (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septuagint) Methuselah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah) 969 969 Jared (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_%28ancestor_of_Noah%29) 962 962 Noah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah) 950 950 Adam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam) 930 930 Seth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth) 912 912 Kenan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenan) 910 910 Enos (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enos_%28Bible%29) 905 905 Mahalalel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalalel) 895 895 Lamech (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamech) 777 753 Shem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shem) 600 600 Eber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eber) 464 404 Cainan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cainan) — 460 Arpachshad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpachshad) 438 465 Salah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minor_Biblical_figures#Salah) 433 466 Enoch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_%28ancestor_of_Noah%29) 365 365 Peleg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peleg) 239 339 Reu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reu) 239 339 Serug (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serug) 230 330 Job (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_%28Bible%29) 210? 210? Terah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terah) 205 205 Isaac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac) 180 180 Abraham 175 175 Nahor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahor) 148 304 Jacob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob) 147 147 Esau (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esau) 147? 147? Ishmael (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishmael) 137 137 Levi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi) 137 137 Amram (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amram) 137 137 Kohath (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohath) 133 133 Laban (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laban_%28Bible%29) 130+ 130+ Deborah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_%28Hebrew_Bible%29) 130+ 130+ Sarah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah) 127 127 Miriam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miriam) 125+ 125+ Aaron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron) 123 123 Rebecca (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca) 120+ 120+ Moses (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses) 120 120 Joseph (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_%28Hebrew_Bible%29) 110 110 Joshua (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua) 110

Surely they are all Gods,with such a long life. :)That's gods with a lowercase.

11-22-2009, 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ødhvidh Fridhason
I see fit to have both in my heart

I have no problem with that, in fact I have no problem with any religion, as long as I’m left in peace to live and believe as I see fit. What my religion and philosophy is concerns nobody else but me, to paraphrase Neitzsche my judgment is my own and no one else is entitled to it, an excellent evaluation of one’s connection to life.

11-22-2009, 07:25 PM
Try to move the heavens and then get back to me. Or, you can recognise that we are not creators, but that there is a Creator.

"It gives life to itself, it gives life to the unborn. Yggdrasil always was and is and will be."

The views of heathens vary from person to person. I do not believe there is a creator.


11-22-2009, 07:40 PM
Keep your Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche away from my ancestors' heathenry.

Rand? Nietzsche? Try Robert Wilkins ("Pallamedes"), who doesn't need to be corrected by Christians like yourself as to what a Heathen is (something that you are not).

Your ancestors' Heathenry- but not yours, so what business do you have trying to butter Heathens up by saying that it's ancestral to you and also part of Christianity?


11-22-2009, 11:17 PM
Yes, Christo-Heathenism is nothing Christian but Neo-Paganism just like Cadicism, Gaianism, Judeo-paganism, Indo-paganismo and so on...

11-22-2009, 11:43 PM
Do the Heathens do this sort of "I know better than you do" crud at the Christian part of the forum?

11-23-2009, 05:05 AM
Yes, Christo-Heathenism is nothing Christian but Neo-Paganism just like Cadicism, Gaianism, Judeo-paganism, Indo-paganismo and so on...So why should they bash it so much? Cowardice, but they are too afraid even to admit that they do in fact, fear Christ. Christophobe, Christopube. Fearing God may eventually bring wisdom to those with enough patience. Any mention of Christ or His relations bring those small minds to bash away like no tomorrow, rather than be men enough to admit faults of their own, so that they could become better people.

Rand? Nietzsche? Try Robert Wilkins ("Pallamedes"), who doesn't need to be corrected by Christians like yourself as to what a Heathen is (something that you are not).

Your ancestors' Heathenry- but not yours, so what business do you have trying to butter Heathens up by saying that it's ancestral to you and also part of Christianity?

HOHOHOHOHO.So if Odin may be one of my older ancestors, I am disallowed from praising him, just as you spit on your Crusader ancestors? (Oh, that's right! Crusader or Martyr, it is a catch-22--Christians are either oppressive foreigners or feeble and suicidal. Get your hatred straight!) If you believe in odalism, then you know that your own ancestors are dear to you, right or wrong. So you believe that the Franks were wrong when they freely adopted Christianity, without any incentive other than the salvation of their own souls, partly in remorse for the devastation they wrought over innocent peoples of Rome (who had also turned aside their own Caligula-esque, orgiastic sins for the Life of Light)? It was soooo wrong to require the Saxons convert as the price of peace, despite all of their evil barbarisms they forced onto the peaceful Christians? You hate the Nordic countries and Teutonic Knights for putting an end to heathen piracy in the Baltic? Maybe amoralism is fun for you, so go play Grand Theft Auto and please, keep this "lifestyle" in your imagination rather than reality. Do not vouch for abortion, for instance, just because the heathens did it. Christians provided orphanages instead. If you force anything into the public sphere which is so barbaric as the revival of heathenry, then you know what's coming to you.

"It gives life to itself, it gives life to the unborn. Yggdrasil always was and is and will be."

The views of heathens vary from person to person. I do not believe there is a creator.

Chow.Well, this is a highly philosophical issue about metaphysics and if you reduce your conception of the world to a kid's cartoon of dwarves, gnomes and the like, then that is supreme ignorance. True religion is the search for enlightenment and devotion to higher moral purpose than base and bestial desires. Or do you actually believe Sodom and Gomorrah is the right way to live and that there should be no fear of the One who could put such monsters in check, dispensing His arbitration and justice? Liffrea below believes Nietzsche is just fine, but it is those such as Nietzsche who provide the template for Jeffrey Dahmer and other "Will to Power" freaks like Idi Amin; the animalism of those cannibals who eat their enemies, head-hunting to possess their souls. This is abomination of the lowest order and no wonder so many neo-pagans find themselves in prison, to be bitches along with the rest of their kind. If the lowest common denominator of humanity is what you see fit to keep the bar at, then all those who raise the bar will have no sympathy for your barbarisms. Moral relativism is a satanic deception, to answer your assertion of variety and multiculturalism in the heathen set.

I have no problem with that, in fact I have no problem with any religion, as long as I’m left in peace to live and believe as I see fit. What my religion and philosophy is concerns nobody else but me, to paraphrase Neitzsche my judgment is my own and no one else is entitled to it, an excellent evaluation of one’s connection to life.See above.

Do the Heathens do this sort of "I know better than you do" crud at the Christian part of the forum?To learn humility is the start of wisdom. How else would I have been able to learn any of this? Tall poppy syndrome is in those who like to spout false allegations and suffer no rebuttal for said libel. I make no "condescending" comments when there is no goose-stepping against Christianity, so feel free to admire the gods of the ancient pantheon, hopefully without simply holding Christianity down to do so, because I have a healthy appreciation for heathenry which is not fundamentalist the way you are putting things. Heathenry is very suitable for ethnic nationalism, but fails miserably for philosophy and the higher consciousness. I just accept more than the gods. I accept the God. This is ancillary to atheists believing in one less god than God, whom they obviously falsely conflate in their own hubris.

11-23-2009, 05:55 AM
Mod Note: Ødhvidh Fridhason, keep this kind of shit out of the Heathenry Portal. Your posts have been getting deleted for a damn good reason. Insults towards Heathenry will not be tolerated here. Preaching will not be tolerated here. You are an outsider. Your posts here will be respectful or they will be deleted. What follows are examples of material that will get your posts deleted:

So why should they bash it so much? Cowardice, but they are too afraid even to admit that they do in fact, fear Christ. Christophobe, Christopube. Fearing God may eventually bring wisdom to those with enough patience. Any mention of Christ or His relations bring those small minds to bash away like no tomorrow, rather than be men enough to admit faults of their own, so that they could become better people.

Maybe amoralism is fun for you, so go play Grand Theft Auto and please, keep this "lifestyle" in your imagination rather than reality. Do not vouch for abortion, for instance, just because the heathens did it. Christians provided orphanages instead. If you force anything into the public sphere which is so barbaric as the revival of heathenry, then you know what's coming to you.

Liffrea below believes Nietzsche is just fine, but it is those such as Nietzsche who provide the template for Jeffrey Dahmer and other "Will to Power" freaks like Idi Amin; the animalism of those cannibals who eat their enemies, head-hunting to possess their souls.

This is abomination of the lowest order and no wonder so many neo-pagans find themselves in prison, to be bitches along with the rest of their kind.

Moral relativism is a satanic deception, to answer your assertion of variety and multiculturalism in the heathen set.

11-23-2009, 06:23 AM
So why force me to post replies in another subforum?

11-23-2009, 06:29 AM
So why force me to post replies in another subforum?

Because your replies are garbage. You have, by your words, shown that you are not here to engage in honest discussion. You are here to deride—to insult—to preach. I don't have any say over what you do in fora that are outside of my scope as a moderator, but you will not post the kind of garbage that can be seen above in this section any longer.

11-23-2009, 06:34 AM
Because your replies are garbage. You have, by your words, shown that you are not here to engage in honest discussion. You are here to deride—to insult—to preach. I don't have any say over what you do in fora that are outside of my scope as a moderator, but you will not post the kind of garbage that can be seen above in this section any longer.So then, you have revealed your cards. Heathenry, is de facto and de jure, the place to bash Christianity like there's no tomorrow, for that is the absolutist "street cred" to identify as heathen. There is to be no counter-claim to any outrageousness whatsoever, for that is anathema to those with the thin skins of bullies?:coffee:

In any case, I have not merely replied to the thread poster, but to those who have replied to my point of view. To censor me whilst I am under criticism is just more bullying, like holding somebody down while your gang kicks him. How proud you must be!:D

Feel free to keep on disrupting the flow of communication and derailing threads like this. Counter-productivity stifles minds.

11-23-2009, 06:40 AM
So then, you have revealed your cards. Heathenry, is de facto and de jure, the place to bash Christianity like there's no tomorrow, for that is the absolutist "street cred" to identify as heathen. There is to be no counter-claim to any outrageousness whatsoever, for that is anathema to those with the thin skins of bullies?:coffee:

You are mistaken, and you are either a troll or a glutton for punishment. If you do not wish for your faith to be derided, do not try to convert Heathens on this forum. Derision of Christianity by Heathens is not permitted in the Christianity Portal and the converse is not permitted here. If you take a look at the past threads, very few of them center around Christianity. Those that do are generally the results of Christians coming in to our sub-forum and stirring up shit—which is what you are attempting to do. Since you don't seem to be able to behave yourself around us, I'd suggest that you stay out of the Heathenry Portal. This is the last time that I will address the deletion of any of your posts. You know what this Portal is about and you know what you're not allowed to do. Violations of our hospitality will result in the summary deletion of your posts in this Portal.

The End.