View Full Version : Leviathan: Keith Thompson artwork

10-18-2009, 07:49 PM

Artist's Comments

A political caricature map depicting different nations in the alternate world history of the book Leviathan (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog/?page_id=1125) by Scott Westerfeld (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://scottwesterfeld.com).

The Clanker Powers:

Germany is a massive military machine with weapons aimed outwards to all surrounding countries. It points threateningly at Britain, not so much as a sign of direct aggression, but more as an indicator that it was now Germany’s turn to start a grand global Empire to challenge the world’s current one.

Austria Hungary is an aggressive armoured giant, teetering on shoddy foundations. It is also the primary aggressor in a land grab against Serbia, with two bayonets piercing the border.

The Ottoman empire is a teetering automaton, collapsing under the weight of a paranoid and ungainly spying network that gazes at Europe through many lenses and spy glasses.

The Swiss watch ticks away the time, comfortable to wait it all out.

The Darwinist Powers:

Britain is an militaristic lion with a Roman Imperial italic-type helmet. It sits upon a mound of riches gathered from its Empire.

France’s elephant beast (wearing the French kepi they started the war with before adapting their firefighter helmets) is influenced by the Elephantine Collossus built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889 in Paris (later it ended up going to the Moulin Rouge.)

Russia is a huge imperialist bear, rotting and filled with maggots.

Serbia’s imagery is an indicator of the huge amounts of civilian deaths and suffering they’ll find themselves subject to.

Norway and Sweden are both Scandinavian trolls in the style of John Bauer, an inspirational illustrator from the era who produced a lot of phenomenal work during the war.

Portugal is a parrot for the Entente trying to goad a slumbering Spain into the war.

Ireland looks askance to Britain and brandishes a shillelagh. An indicator of their very rough relationship at the time, and of their upcoming involvement with the Central powers.

Italy is a clutch of snakes with intents on the Central powers despite existing agreements. A foreshadowing of their arrangements at the secret 1915 Treaty of London where they were promised land in exchange for involvement. It was heavily influenced by Italian Prime Minister, Antonio Salandra’s open policy of serving Italy’s "divine self-interest."

Art prints available here: Caricature Map of Europe 1914 prints (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://keiththompsonart.com/pages/grandmap.html)

Source (http://keithwormwood.deviantart.com/art/Caricature-Map-of-Europe-1914-140181883)


More artwork can be found here (http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog/?page_id=1125)at the authors homepage.

10-18-2009, 08:01 PM
Why are we not included? We were Clankers during WW1...

10-30-2009, 02:51 AM
We were tricked into it by a Socialist dupe who allowed an avowed Communist to select his cabinet for him. There were no issues in that European squabble which had any bearing on the national security of the United States.

Oh, the German Unterseeboots were denying us the freedom of the seas. HAH ! Taurine excrement ! The casus belli, ostensibly was the sinking of the
S.S. Lusitania. It was known at the time, and has been verified recently by undersea salvage operations, that the Lusitania was carrying munitions.

The Imperial German government published advertisements in American newspapers warning US citizens NOT to travel on the Lusitania because it was a legitimate military target. What more could one ask of them ?

No aspect of that quarrel between the descendents of Queen Victoria bore in any way upon the national interests of the United States. "He kept us out of war !", as long as it suited his purposes, or, more likely, those of Col. House and the other movers and shakers who really ran the Wilson government.

I don't think that it can legitimately be claimed that the US entered "The Great War" , a.k.a. "The War to End All Wars" or [most absurd of all] "The War to Make the World Safe for Democracy", for profit. We got no territory, we lost men, and the French swindled us out of millions of dollars. Uncle Sap
was the money tree for that preposterous pointless war.

Of the major powers involved in World War I. [I count 9], NOT ONE was a true democracy. Not even the US which was and still is a constitutional republic.
Who, then, was trying to make the world safe for democracy ?

We "clanked" because we let ourselves be tricked into it by a muddle-headed Socialist dupe