View Full Version : Burning Bunnies for Biofuel

10-19-2009, 09:57 AM

The Swedes, those latter-day descendants of bloodthirsty Vikings, have found a new use for rabbits: heating fuel. According to Der Spiegel, stray rabbits in Stockholm are being shot, frozen and then shipped to a heating plant to be incinerated.

In the Swedes' defense, the bunnies are a menace; a plague of wild and stray pet rabbits is devouring the city's parks. Some 3,000 have been killed thus far this year, down from 6,000 last year, Tommy Tuvunger, a professional hunter who works for the city, told the German news magazine.

Converting the rabbits to fuel is the company Konvex, a subsidiary of the Danish company Daka Biodiesel, which makes automotive and heating fuels from vegetable and animal oils and fats. The Swedes have a variety of similar efforts, including turning slaughterhouse trimmings into biogas, a methane fuel that runs taxicabs in Linkoping in southern Sweden. And in the U.S., ConocoPhillips and Tyson have joined forces to make biofuel from pork and chicken fat, which is otherwise consumed as pet food or turned into cosmetics or soaps.

Such efforts have given rise to parody, including a prank in 2007 wherein members of the leftist activist group The Yes Men, masquerading as executives from Exxon Mobil, attempted to convince an audience of oil industry types that "Vivoleum"—a proposed fuel to be made from dead people—was the fuel of the future. "We need something like whales, but infinitely more abundant," said Yes Man Andy Bichlbaum masquerading as Shepard Wolff of Exxon. Of course, making biofuel from human fat is illegal in the U.S.

Bunnies, despite a felicity for breeding, are not quite abundant enough to be a reliable fuel so Stockholm also ships dead cats, cows, deer and horses to the plant for processing, Tuvunger told Der Spiegel. No word on whether the remains of man's best friend are also keeping Swedes warm this winter.

Source: Scientific American (http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=burning-bunnies-for-biofuel-2009-10-14).

10-19-2009, 10:00 AM
Bunny Holocaust?! :eek:

10-19-2009, 10:11 AM

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 10:31 AM
Can we for Gods sake just not kill and eat them ? Biofuel.. who the fuck comes up with this Joseph Mengele-idea ??:rolleyes2:

10-19-2009, 10:34 AM

10-19-2009, 10:40 AM
call me evil, but I lol'd. :P

10-19-2009, 10:46 AM
It's not funny. :(

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 10:47 AM

Let's hope that the Swedish bunnies have some Viking left in them... ;)

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 10:58 AM
Can we for Gods sake just not kill and eat them ? Biofuel.. who the fuck comes up with this Joseph Mengele-idea ??:rolleyes2:


10-19-2009, 11:00 AM
Well I'm guessing that town bunnies are full of chemical crap, and may well have been poisoned to kill them so you wouldn't want to eat them. At least this way they have some use.

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:02 AM
Rather a wuss then inhuman- thank you !:coffee:

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 11:09 AM
Rather a wuss then inhuman- thank you !:coffee:

I can't help it, it wasn't my choice to be born a troll rather than homo sapiens :puppy_dp:

you insensitive monster! :cry

getting serious:
why is klling them and consuming their flesh worse than killing them and using them for heat? both are forms of exploiting bunnies for energy, involving the death of ...billions of.. cute, fwuffy bunnies :puppy_dp:
PETA thinks there is no difference either:

why is this a 'Goebbels Idea' (I thought it'd be a himmler one? :D) isn't kicking immigrants out also a 'nazi idea'? gosh, we're such awful nazis. If we can't kill a few cute, fwuffy bunnies :puppy_dp: without hearts bleeding what chance have we of deporting the millions human 'settlers' here (something which would not be a peacful or happy event)?

also, your ancestors and mothers were inhuman too, given how animals had to be used in older times :D

oh , and: way to go , Swedes :thumbs up

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:10 AM
I can't help it, it wasn't my choice to be born a troll rather than homo sapiens :puppy_dp:

you insensitive monster! :cry

getting serious:
why is klling them and consuming their flesh worse than killing them and using them for heat? both are forms of exploiting bunnies for energy, involving the death of ...billions of.. cute, fwuffy bunnies :puppy_dp:
PETA thinks there is no difference either:

why is this a 'Goebbels Idea' (I thought it'd be a himmler one? :D) isn't kicking immigrants out also a 'nazi idea'? gosh, we're such awful nazis. If we can't kill a few cute, fwuffy bunnies :puppy_dp: without hearts bleeding what chance have we of deporting the millions human 'settlers' here (something which would not be a peacful or happy event)?

also, your ancestors and mothers were inhuman too, given how animals had to be used in older times :D

oh , and: way to go , Swedes :thumbs up
Frankly I agree with PETA's stances here. This is way off.
And by the way- I had written Joseph Mengele.

10-19-2009, 11:10 AM
Nothing inhuman about that. It's actually a very human way of doing things.

10-19-2009, 11:10 AM
Talking of fur I have a lovely mink coat with rabbit lining :) all snuggly.

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:12 AM
Talking of fur I have a lovely mink coat with rabbit lining :) all snuggly.
There is a difference between wearing fur and killing off animals on a grand scale and putting them in ovens, don't you think ?

10-19-2009, 11:13 AM
There is a difference between wearing fur and killing off animals on a grand scale and putting them in ovens, don't you think ?

basically no. both are uses, one as fuel to keep warm one just to insulate to keep warm. As I posted earlier I doubt you could eat these rabbits so would you rather they were buried somewhere?

10-19-2009, 11:13 AM
There is a difference between wearing fur and killing off animals on a grand scale and putting them in ovens, don't you think ?

Not much actually, in both cases, humans are killing animals to heat themselves. In both cases, there are less cruel alternative solutions.

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 11:15 AM
There is a difference between wearing fur and killing off animals on a grand scale and putting them in ovens, don't you think ?

yes, in once case, much of the bunny is wasted, and only the hide remains to conserve the heat energy of a human :(

in the other, all of the bunny's body is converted to useful energy, to keep humans warm :)

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 11:17 AM
Not much actually, in both cases, humans are killing animals to heat themselves. In both cases, there are less cruel alternative solutions.

what's the less cruel alternative solution to shooting the bunnies?

gassing them? :D

10-19-2009, 11:17 AM
yes, in once case, much of the bunny is wasted, and only the hide remains to conserve the heat energy of a human :(

in the other, all of the bunny's body is converted to useful energy, to keep humans warm :)

However, the heating of the furcoat is renewable and perennial. While the heating of the burnt rabbit is non-renewable and very momentary. :cool:

10-19-2009, 11:18 AM
Can we for Gods sake just not kill and eat them ? Biofuel.. who the fuck comes up with this Joseph Mengele-idea ??:rolleyes2:

Lawspeaker, think of it this way - at least we won't have to import so much fuel from Russia. :p

10-19-2009, 11:18 AM
Ah so they should have skinned then and then burnt the meat! Right, rather more effore I expect though.

10-19-2009, 11:19 AM
what's the less cruel alternative solution to shooting the bunnies?


I am sure we could teach it to rabbits! :D

10-19-2009, 11:19 AM
^Slave labour???

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 11:19 AM
However, the heating of the furcoat is renewable and perennial. While the heating of the burnt rabbit is non-renewable and very momentary. :cool:

the burnt rabbit population does in fact renews itself every year. it breeds like rabbits. :cool:

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:21 AM
basically no. both are uses, one as fuel to keep warm one just to insulate to keep warm. As I posted earlier I doubt you could eat these rabbits so would you rather they were buried somewhere?
If they cannot be eaten they could be shoved in a ditch. Well-- I think that the rabbit population should be curtailed (by killing off the surplus and neutering a large percentage of the rest)

Not much actually, in both cases, humans are killing animals to heat themselves. In both cases, there are less cruel alternative solutions.
Well. Human beings have been wearing since the dawn of our existence and I am sure that there are also different ways of obtaining fuel: hydrogen, some sorts of natural gas, or electrical cars and buses.
Biofuel is actually just one step away from the current fuel sources and also seems to be polluting. Not much of an answer then. And the other resources that we grow for obtaining bio fuel (like sugar cane) take up large plots of land as well.

And when it comes to heating houses ? Doesn't Sweden have natural gas resources (like we have here) ? And what turned the good old fashioned fireplace or the electrical heating obsolete ?

10-19-2009, 11:21 AM
the burnt rabbit population does in fact renews itself every year. it breeds like rabbits. :cool:

Well done! :P

But only if you disregard the rabbits' rights to live. :p

10-19-2009, 11:24 AM
Well. Human beings have been wearing since the dawn of our existence and I am sure that there are also different ways of obtaining fuel: hydrogen, some sorts of natural gas, or electrical cars and buses.
Biofuel is actually just one step away from the current fuel sources and also seems to be polluting. Not much of an answer then. And the other resources that we grow for obtaining bio fuel (like sugar cane) take up large plots of land as well.

And when it comes to heating houses ? Doesn't Sweden have natural gas resources (like we have here) ? And what turned the good old fashioned fireplace or the electrical heating obsolete ?

I think the Swedish idea, here, was mainly about getting rid of the rabbit overpopulation, as they destroy parks in the city.

We could also do it to unlawful immigrants now that I think of it...

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:26 AM
I think the Swedish idea, here, was mainly about getting rid of the rabbit overpopulation, as they destroy parks in the city.

We could also do it to unlawful immigrants now that I think of it...

Well.. there are different ways of getting rid of them, don't you think ?

;) We could also deport them..

10-19-2009, 11:27 AM
If they cannot be eaten they could be shoved in a ditch.

So you would rather they were wasted? That's a good traditional "slash and burn" mentality.

Biofuel is actually just one step away from the current fuel sources and also seems to be polluting. Not much of an answer then. And the other resources that we grow for obtaining bio fuel (like sugar cane) take up large plots of land as well.

Doesn't Sweden have natural gas resources (like we have here) ? And what turned the good old fashioned fireplace or the electrical heating obsolete ?

Burning biofuels? that is what wood is after all.

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:31 AM
So you would rather they were wasted? That's a good traditional "slash and burn" mentality.

Burning biofuels? that is what wood is after all.
I was referring to sugar cane and the like, jathropa, woodchips, palm oil and some more stuff that is currently being imported or grown here.
But that is mostly for cars btw.

Troll's Puzzle
10-19-2009, 11:34 AM
If they cannot be eaten they could be shoved in a ditch. Well-- I think that the rabbit population should be curtailed (by killing off the surplus and neutering a large percentage of the rest)

So you would agree to the neccessairy culling of bunnies,
then rather than cleanly utilising the remains for human energy you would squander it inefficiently by throwing their rotting, putrid carcasses in the ditch? just like the nazis did with so many jews :puppy_dp: - what a Goebbels idea!
imagine the damage done to young swedish children as they see the ditches lined with mangled, decaying bunnies piled high!
the horror!
the terror!
you inhuman monster! :D

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:37 AM
So you would agree to the neccessairy culling of bunnies,
then rather than cleanly utilising the remains for human energy you would squander it inefficiently by throwing their rotting, putrid carcasses in the ditch? just like the nazis did with so many jews :puppy_dp: - what a Goebbels idea!
imagine the damage done to young swedish children as they see the ditches lined with mangled, decaying bunnies piled high!
the horror!
the terror!
you inhuman monster! :D
You say it like those ditches line mayor park trails and are not situated on a secluded area somewhere very far away from the general public.
But don't you think that throwing them in an oven is such a great idea? What's next ? RJF-soap made from rabbits?

10-19-2009, 11:39 AM
You say it like those ditches line mayor park trails and are not situated on a secluded area somewhere very far away from the general public.
But don't you think that throwing them in an oven is such a great idea. What's next ? RJP-soap made from rabbits?

So you want a bunny landfill site?

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 11:41 AM
So you want a bunny landfill site?
Seems like the only "decent" way out... It might at least be better then throwing them in ovens and opening the door to new levels of idiocy- and I am referring to what scientists may come up with next..

10-19-2009, 11:48 AM
Seems like the only "decent" way out... It might at least be better then throwing them in ovens and opening the door to new levels of idiocy- and I am referring to what scientists may come up with next..

I wonder how much methane will be released into the atmosphere due their composing bodies? :confused:

10-19-2009, 11:59 AM
Well I'm guessing that town bunnies are full of chemical crap, and may well have been poisoned to kill them so you wouldn't want to eat them.

That's right. Helsinki actually has the same problem, and when someone suggested eating the rabbits, they said that that's out of the question.

The same goes for the mallards in the harbor -- some bums have been known to try to eat them, which due to the fact that they are saturated with pollutants (and the fact that they probably carry all kinds of diseases) is a very bad idea indeed.

Fortis in Arduis
10-19-2009, 12:00 PM
I have always thought that evil people should be turned into biofuels.

Now we know that this is possibility.

Turn our societies' sow's ears into silk purses! Render them down! :evil

Thank you so much for posting this.

10-19-2009, 12:30 PM
I knew it! The Duracell Bunny is real! :D :D


Frankly I agree with PETA's stances here. This is way off.

I take that you're a vegetarian, then?

Because there's no excuse for opposing shooting free animals and turning them into fuel for your car if you at the same time support keeping animals in small cages and turning them into fuel for your body.

Fortis in Arduis
10-19-2009, 12:40 PM
I take that you're a vegetarian, then?

I am a strict vegetarian and I think that it is a fabulous idea.

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 02:40 PM
I knew it! The Duracell Bunny is real! :D :D


I take that you're a vegetarian, then?

Because there's no excuse for opposing shooting free animals and turning them into fuel for your car if you at the same time support keeping animals in small cages and turning them into fuel for your body.
I am not a vegetarian but I am in favor of reduced meat consumption and against the bio industry in it's present shape.
Our ancestors didn't need the bio industry- and why should we ? Anyways- eating meat once a week (and fish) should suffice. Particularly because the majority of us is no longer involved in "hard labor".

10-19-2009, 02:43 PM
Perhaps we can use their tails as earmuffs? ;)

10-19-2009, 02:51 PM
Better for Swedes to have clean energy than excess disease ridden rabbits.

I wonder if anyone would have a problem with it if it were...toads or something.

10-19-2009, 02:52 PM
I don't necessarily disagree with the culling of Rabbits and animals which pose as pests towards Humans, but Swedish authorities could have taken a leaf out of the same book as their neighbours in Finland who have a system of spraying the plants and foliage in order to deter the Rabbits consuming everything. And as if to put the Swedes to shame, the Finnish even attempt to catch the stray Rabbits and house them in various shelters and homes (although I personally think the rehousing scheme simply irresponsible).

With all that said, though, I am a Human and I get cold in the winter. So in go the Rabbits to burn.

10-19-2009, 02:54 PM
Good to burn rabbits. In due time this same technology can be used to get electricity from failed immigrants and asylum seekeres who would "rather die than go back home".
Well, im happy to assist in that wish.

10-19-2009, 03:04 PM
Our ancestors didn't need the bio industry- and why should we ?

Our ancestors didn't need many things that we need now because they lived a primitive lifestyle and they numbered multiple times less than we do now.

We need the bio industry because we need to be independent from oil producing countries in Middle East and Russia, and oil is running out sooner or later anyway.

About the rabbits, would you rather prefer that they overpopulate the place, destroy everything and then die of hunger by masses? Shooting the poor domestic rabbits who ended up in a wrong environment is a mercyful act.

The Lawspeaker
10-19-2009, 03:09 PM
Our ancestors didn't need many things that we need now because they lived a primitive lifestyle and they numbered multiple times less than we do now.
Only 50 years we didn't have this industry and people aged well over 65. Your point ?

We need the bio industry because we need to be independent from oil producing countries in Middle East and Russia, and oil is running out sooner or later anyway.
I am afraid that we need it because of overconsumption. A overconsumption that is being stimulated.

About the rabbits, would you rather prefer that they overpopulate the place, destroy everything and then die of hunger by masses? Shooting the poor domestic rabbits who ended up in a wrong environment is a mercyful act.
Sure. I think that they should be culled. But to use them as fuel is immoral.

10-19-2009, 03:22 PM
Only 50 years we didn't have this industry and people aged well over 65. Your point ?

My point being that "our ancestors didn't need it" is not a valid argument.

I am afraid that we need it because of overconsumption. A overconsumption that is being stimulated.

One could also call it high living standards.

Sure. I think that they should be culled. But to use them as fuel is immoral.

Ok, that's your opinion and I respect that. There's no point arguing about value questions.

10-19-2009, 03:23 PM
...to use them as fuel is immoral.

(Food = fuel; ergo, food is immoral?)

It's not like they're being drawn and quartered alive: they're being dispatched quickly (per the article).

I can't put my finger on what's bothering you about the use of these rabbits.

Fortis in Arduis
10-19-2009, 03:36 PM
(Food = fuel; ergo, food is immoral?)

It's not like they're being drawn and quartered alive: they're being dispatched quickly (per the article).

I can't put my finger on what's bothering you about the use of these rabbits.

I can:


Anthropomorphism and sentimentalism.

Render them down!!! :evil

10-19-2009, 03:39 PM
I can:


Anthropomorphism and sentimentalism.

Render them down!!! :evil

I can't think of what else it would be.

I don't know about your ovens for all the "evil" people though, blew:D - you and I both know no such thing exists, but a rodent will always be a rodent. :coffee:

10-19-2009, 04:55 PM
WINTER IN THE SOLVIVA GREENHOUSE (http://www.solviva.com/visit_solviva.htm)

That night is the coldest it has been in decades, and extremely windy. I sleep fitfully, concerned about the greenhouse: Can it possibly survive this night without backup heat?

Outside: 4 degrees below zero Fahrenheit

At 4 a.m. I wake with a start as ice and snow come crashing off the roof and the gale rattles my windows. Now I am wide awake and really worried. Rather than lie there fretting, I get up and pull layers and layers over my pajamas, push through a 5-foot snowdrift right outside the door, and set out across the fields. It is an 800-foot passage. The surface of the snow sometimes supports my weight; other times I crash down above my knees. One false move and I could break my leg and be trapped in the snow with no one to hear my cries for help except the brilliant moon and the silver-edged clouds chasing matching black shadows across the landscape.

Twenty minutes later I approach the greenhouse, nestled in a snowdrift at the far end of the pasture. Whirlwinds of white wisps whip around in the moonlight. My breath has turned to ice on the muffler pulled over my face. I hastily shovel away several feet of snow blocking the west entrance door, wrench the door open and quickly close it behind me.

To my utter surprise, in here it is like a balmy night in June. The thermometer reads 55 degrees F. The 30 angora rabbits that help warm the greenhouse with their body heat are quietly muffling about in their communal dens. I step into the greenhouse, through the jungle of tomato vines, and here the thermometer reads 45 degrees F.

Inside the rabbit room:
55 degrees Fahrenheit

I proceed toward the east end, inhaling the humid, mild air, fragrant with tomatoes and nasturtium, thyme and sage, and living earth. At the far end I step in among the 100 roosting chickens who acknowledge me with sleepy murmurs, cozy in their warm, spacious quarters. The thermometer reads 70 degrees F and this warmth is generated by the body heat of the chickens.

72 degrees Fahrenheit
in the chicken room.

The sheep, enclosed in the barn along the back of the greenhouse, their bales of hay stacked up against the wall, further help protect the greenhouse on this blizzard night.

The sheep help keep
the north wall warm

Thus, while the outside temperature is 5 degrees below zero F - though actually much colder because of the windchill factor - inside the Solviva Winter Garden greenhouse it is warm enough to maintain a thriving garden, abundant with vegetables and flowers, without any heating fuel. I can go back to bed without worrying about the greenhouse freezing. So I tromp back across the fields, a bit more easily now as I retrace the deep footprints I left on the way down, feeling entirely at peace and as one with Earth, Universe and self. This is true plenty, freedom and security.

Outside: zero degrees Fahrenheit

10-19-2009, 05:07 PM
Sure. I think that they should be culled. But to use them as fuel is immoral.

Waste is much more immoral, if they have been poisoned you have to burn the bodies or other animals may eat them. Might as well get some use from the burning.

10-19-2009, 07:24 PM
In Athens we don't have any bunnies but we have thousands of stray cats and dogs.

How about we turn those into biofuel? Anyone object to that? If so, why?

Oh, and while we're at it, how'bout we turn the homeless people into biofuel as well? I wonder how they haven't thought of that yet in the States. :wink

10-19-2009, 07:25 PM
Bunny Holocaust?! :eek:


10-19-2009, 07:26 PM
Oh, and while we're at it, how'bout we turn the homeless people into biofuel as well? I wonder how they haven't thought of that yet in the States. :wink

If Hawaii did that, we'd have enough energy to last us well into the year 3000. :thumbs up

10-19-2009, 07:27 PM
One day you will pay for this...


10-19-2009, 07:27 PM
Oh, and while we're at it, how'bout we turn the homeless people into biofuel as well? I wonder how they haven't thought of that yet in the States. :wink

We've thought about it, just having trouble with the logistics end of the idea.

10-19-2009, 07:27 PM
If Hawaii did that, we'd have enough energy to last us well into the year 3000. :thumbs up
Of course, what would you say? Hell, let's throw in the unmarried mothers as well! :D

10-19-2009, 07:30 PM
Of course, what would you say? Hell, let's throw in the unmarried mothers as well! :D

How did you guess my secret!


10-19-2009, 07:30 PM
Of course, what would you say? Hell, let's throw in the unmarried mothers as well! :D

You need to be appointed as our Energy Czar. Brilliant! :thumbs up

10-19-2009, 07:30 PM
call me evil, but I lol'd. :P

Co-sign. :lol00001:


10-19-2009, 07:59 PM
Of course, what would you say? Hell, let's throw in the unmarried mothers as well! :D

along with the lowest 10 percentiles in iq tests :p

10-19-2009, 08:25 PM
Hmm i think it is not nice but when the bunnies are dead they feel nothing!! And when they rot or get burned it has nothing positive. But when the dead bunnies are used as bio fuel it has a little positive effect from my view. But not everything what is positive is always a good idea , you know?? I dont want live near a bunny bio fuel factory , it is a little weired :coffee: But i can understand the logic behind.

Oil is a product dead animals from prehistoric ages too!! :rolleyes: What do vegetarians say here?? We are using remains of dead dinos and other animals as fuel!! :nod: Iiiiihhhhhhhh ^_^

10-19-2009, 08:31 PM
and funnily enough, it is possible to boil animals into oil!
The fatter the better ;)

Sol Invictus
10-19-2009, 08:54 PM
Can we for Gods sake just not kill and eat them ? Biofuel.. who the fuck comes up with this Joseph Mengele-idea ??:rolleyes2:



10-19-2009, 09:01 PM

10-19-2009, 09:20 PM
You say it like those ditches line mayor park trails and are not situated on a secluded area somewhere very far away from the general public.
So now we're adding the pollution of transport now, eh? Big belching juggernauts... New road building, tearing up of the countryside...

You know, I could have sworn that said 'Sobibor'... :p

One day you will pay for this...
But I recognise that banner...

Lawspeaker, weren't we the other day chatting about self-sufficiency in post-apocalyptic conditions? Are you going to be taking the greenfly one by one from your tomato plants, and taking out to a nice safe tree where they can live happily ever after? :p I don't think I want you on my mammoth-hunting-crew any more... :D Ya big Mard-arse!

10-20-2009, 07:57 AM
I wonder if anyone would have a problem with it if it were...toads or something.

Already in progress :thumb001:


SYDNEY—For decades, the poisonous cane toad has plagued Australians, breeding rapidly, eating voraciously and bestowing death upon most animals that dare consume it.

So officials came up with a novel -- and, some say, poetic -- solution: hold a festive mass killing of the creatures and turn the corpses into fertilizer for the very farmers who've battled the pests for years.

10-20-2009, 08:19 AM
Funnily enough, it was just on the news that Helsinki will deal with city rabbits by feeding them to the animals in the zoo. "Almost all" predators will eventually live on a rabbit diet. The first to eat them will be wolverines, snow leopards, lions, vultures and lynxes.

10-20-2009, 11:01 AM
Already in progress :thumb001:


SYDNEY—For decades, the poisonous cane toad has plagued Australians, breeding rapidly, eating voraciously and bestowing death upon most animals that dare consume it.

So officials came up with a novel -- and, some say, poetic -- solution: hold a festive mass killing of the creatures and turn the corpses into fertilizer for the very farmers who've battled the pests for years.

Send in the Dutch. There is injustice afoot.

(J/K, Lawspeaker.....sort of:P)

Thulsa Doom
10-20-2009, 05:32 PM
Co-sign. :lol00001:


I saw this fluffy fellow happily jump around in my backyard this morning.:mad:

I´m gonna report him to the proper authorities here in Stockholm.

10-20-2009, 06:11 PM
Bread predators (wolves, foxes, hawks, owls) - rabbits natural enemies, instead. :D

Hrolf Kraki
10-21-2009, 09:19 PM
Oh, and while we're at it, how'bout we turn the homeless people into biofuel as well? I wonder how they haven't thought of that yet in the States. :wink

Vlad Tepes did something like this upon his ascent to power.

10-23-2009, 04:02 AM
Bread predators (wolves...

Natural predators of the homeless as well :thumb001:
