View Full Version : New Artwork by Leonardo da Vinci Discovered?

10-19-2009, 12:35 PM

Fingerprint may lead to new da Vinci discovery

Art experts believe they have identified a new Leonardo da Vinci— in part by examining a fingerprint on the canvas.

Peter Paul Biro, a Montreal-based forensic art expert, said Tuesday that a fingerprint on what was presumed to be a 19th-century German painting of a young woman has convinced art experts that it's actually a da Vinci.

Canadian-born art collector Peter Silverman bought "Profile of the Bella Principessa" at the Ganz gallery in New York on behalf of an anonymous Swiss collector in 2007 for about $19,000. New York art dealer Kate Ganz had owned it for about 11 years after buying it at auction for a similar price.

One London art dealer now says it could be worth more than $150 million.

If experts are correct, it will be the first major work by da Vinci to be identified in 100 years.

Source. (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2009-10-14-new-da-vinci-fingerprint_N.htm)