View Full Version : Leon Uris's Trinity

12-30-2008, 02:39 AM
I remember having read Uris's Trinity as an adolescent. I loved absolutely all things Irish back then, for whatever reason! (Not that this is bad mind you ;) and not that I've lost that interest in Ireland, I've just found other loves of other European lands too as I grew up). But I remember being struck by this novel. It seemed to have captured the turmoil, the tensions, the high-running passions of a people divided. And these thoughts came from a Canadian kid....

All of this is to ask you Oísin: I have no idea here if you have ever read this novel or not, but if you have read it, what were/are your thoughts about it? Was it a fictional work that portrayed Ireland well for its time?

Any other comments from other folk would be appreciated too of course! :)

Cheers for now!...Aemma

12-30-2008, 04:53 PM
I remember having read Uris's Trinity as an adolescent. I loved absolutely all things Irish back then, for whatever reason! (Not that this is bad mind you ;) and not that I've lost that interest in Ireland, I've just found other loves of other European lands too as I grew up). But I remember being struck by this novel. It seemed to have captured the turmoil, the tensions, the high-running passions of a people divided. And these thoughts came from a Canadian kid....

All of this is to ask you Oísin: I have no idea here if you have ever read this novel or not, but if you have read it, what were/are your thoughts about it? Was it a fictional work that portrayed Ireland well for its time?

Any other comments from other folk would be appreciated too of course! :)

Cheers for now!...Aemma

I read Trinity about 3 years ago - what a book. I thought it was a bit slow getting started but once I got into it I couldn't put it down.
Hats off to Leon Uris, I think he done a fine job of portraying what Ireland was like for the Irish people during the 19th Century under British (mis)rule.
A history lesson, romance, revolution, plenty of twists and a heroic ending - everything you could want in a book. I read that there was a follow up book as well but I never got round to buying it.
At the minute I'm reading The Fenian Anthology (http://www.tcd.ie/Library/Shop/product.php?productID=1736), I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Irish nationalism.