View Full Version : Archive of Israeli/Palestinian Interviews (Emailed questions)

10-22-2013, 05:38 PM
Corey Gil-Shuster (http://www.youtube.com/user/coreygilshuster/videos) filmed around a 177 (I think that's the number, I maybe wrong) compilations of interviews with Israelis/Palestinians answering different questions sent by email.
Some of the questions included:
Israelis: What do you think of the separation barrier?
Palestinians: What mistakes have Palestinian leaders made with Israel?
Israelis: What do you think of the separation barrier?
Palestinians: What is Zionsim?

You can find the relevant email at the end of each video if you want to send a question. Seems like his control of languages isn't the best, but it's not bad most of the time. "Ashkenazi Israelis: Do you hate Mizrahim (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HESIFBrjzLE)?" was hilarious.

11-03-2013, 10:27 AM
I'm subscribed to him on yt.Personally I find his interviews pretty insightful, given he interviews such a large spectrum .