View Full Version : A e kan marr magjypt ne dor krejt rrepin ne Kosov?

10-23-2013, 02:49 PM
Te ne ne Shqipni, shume jevgjit kane marr folkun ne dore, ne jug sidomos ke krejt jevgjitet qe i bien instumenteve, dhe ne Shqipni te mesme ke edha ma shume.... edhe valltar plot... Cka kam van une re:

Sidomos te 0:31





10-23-2013, 02:50 PM
Repi eshte muzike e Niggerave.

10-23-2013, 02:54 PM
100% Turkish-Arab, no doubt about him:


10-23-2013, 02:56 PM
100% Turkish-Arab, no doubt about him:


Hysenin e dine te tan qe asht Gypsy e bir magjypi, po problemi asht se ka edhe plot te tjer si ai. kanceri i fundit qe na la Turqia ishin kta robqirat.

Herr Abubu
10-23-2013, 02:57 PM
Not every Albanian with brunette pigmentation is a Gypsy, you know - most aren't, in fact. All this talk about Gypsies makes me think you have never seen Gypsies in real life or you are pathological liars.

10-23-2013, 02:58 PM
A ngon ti rep a :icon_lol:

10-23-2013, 02:59 PM
Not every Albanian with brunette pigmentation is a Gypsy, you know - most aren't, in fact.

Ceshtja esht te tiparet, jo te pigmentimi. Nuk asht ceshtje per diksutim kjo ketu nese jane apo jo magjyp kta se asht turp me e diksutue.

Herr Abubu
10-23-2013, 03:03 PM
Ceshtja esht te tiparet, jo te pigmentimi. Nuk asht ceshtje per diksutim kjo ketu nese jane apo jo magjyp kta se asht turp me e diksutue.

I didn't see anyone who could possibly look like a Gypsy in the first video, the two others are just dark and not so pretty. The only possible Gypsy is Prince Double H. But you're right, it is disgraceful to discuss this - for you.

10-23-2013, 03:06 PM
100% Turkish-Arab, no doubt about him:


Arabs? When has there ever been an Arab invasion in the Balkans?


But that guy is definitely gypsy or Ashkali mix or just something exotic. Though in some pics he gives off dinarid influences so he might be a mix.


The rest of the guys Kastrioti posted aren't so obvious as prince.

10-23-2013, 03:07 PM
I didn't see anyone who could possibly look like a Gypsy in the first video, the two others are just dark and not so pretty. The only possible Gypsy is Prince Double H. But you're right, it is disgraceful to discuss this - for you.

Look poet, either speak albanian here, because we are all speaking albanian or you do not speak at all. The people at 0:31 with their arabic features and brown skin can pass only as gypsies in albanian highlands. If they are albanian to you than I see no reason why me and Velecik have a connection with you, rather than language, but evan language is different. We can not be both albanians.

Herr Abubu
10-23-2013, 03:16 PM
Look poet, either speak albanian here, because we are all speaking albanian or you do not speak at all. The people at 0:31 with their arabic features and brown skin can pass only as gypsies in albanian highlands. If they are albanian to you than I see no reason why me and Velecik have a connection with you, rather than language, but evan language is different. We can not be both albanians.

I talk in English so you can make a fool of yourself in front of everyone who reads this thread; I am entitled to do so. And I agree, there is no way we're related to your la-la-la fantasy action men highlanders. That's how I want it to be.

10-23-2013, 03:18 PM
I talk in English so you can make a fool of yourself in front of everyone who reads this thread - I am entitled to do so. And I agree, there is no way we're related to your la-la-la fantasies. That's how I want it to be.

Lol what a subhuman... Do you really think that I give a fuck what people think on internet about me???? What an idiot.

Herr Abubu
10-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Lol what a subhuman... Do you really think that I give a fuck what people think on internet about me???? What an idiot.

Obviously you don't since the only thing you expose on the Internet is your personality and intellect, which seem to be of little value to you. And I'm a subhuman? By your own standards I'm superior to you. Doesn't that make you a subprimate?

10-23-2013, 03:21 PM
Obviously you don't, the only thing you expose on the Internet is your personality and intellect, which seem to be of little value to you. And I'm a subhuman? By your own standards I'm superior to you. Doesn't that make you a subprimate?


10-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Look poet, either speak albanian here, because we are all speaking albanian or you do not speak at all. The people at 0:31 with their arabic features and brown skin can pass only as gypsies in albanian highlands. If they are albanian to you than I see no reason why me and Velecik have a connection with you, rather than language, but evan language is different. We can not be both albanians.


10-23-2013, 03:34 PM
Take it easy people, there is no 'invasion' from romas-ashkalis/egyptians.

I just pointed out Hysen because he's very radical when it comes to islamic ideology, he's been putting on bad propoganda by associating himself with islamic radicals in Germany and all over Europe, plus his texts are somehow offensive for christians.

10-23-2013, 03:38 PM
Take it easy people, there is no 'invasion' from romas-ashkalis/egyptians.

I just pointed out Hysen because he's very radical when it comes to islamic ideology, he's been putting on bad propoganda by associating himself with islamic radicals in Germany and all over Europe, plus his texts are somehow offensive for christians.

That guy is not even relevant. You're christian rap warrior from Dralos home city destroyed his career.


10-24-2013, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=Kastrioti1443;2020828]Te ne ne Shqipni, shume jevgjit kane marr folkun ne dore, ne jug sidomos ke krejt jevgjitet qe i bien instumenteve, dhe ne Shqipni te mesme ke edha ma shume.... edhe valltar plot... Cka kam van une re:

Sidomos te 0:31


Ta tham te drejten qita ne video te pare nuk pom me doken shum maxhup, po koxha Dinarik, e do Dinaro-Meds.
Video e dyt duket si maxhup, dhe kangatari te treshi usht taman tipik South Euro dhe ka kogja ni vibe Shqipe.


10-24-2013, 04:42 AM
Kastriot kofshin maxhup qato 3 video qe i postove, atehere edhe mbi 90% shqiptareve jemi te tille . Krejt qata jane dinarik te paster ose pakten 80% dinarik. Ti mos e kshyr qe jane vesh si nigga por shif tiparet. Biles tiparet jane me te rafitinuara se bjondet shqiptar qe i ke qef ti, tiparet e rafitinuara nuk gjendet tek jevget ose pergjithesi lindjen e mesme.

10-24-2013, 02:50 PM
[QUOTE=Kastrioti1443;2020828]Te ne ne Shqipni, shume jevgjit kane marr folkun ne dore, ne jug sidomos ke krejt jevgjitet qe i bien instumenteve, dhe ne Shqipni te mesme ke edha ma shume.... edhe valltar plot... Cka kam van une re:

Sidomos te 0:31


Ta tham te drejten qita ne video te pare nuk pom me doken shum maxhup, po koxha Dinarik, e do Dinaro-Meds.
Video e dyt duket si maxhup, dhe kangatari te treshi usht taman tipik South Euro dhe ka kogja ni vibe Shqipe.


Nuk asht magjyp ai i pari nga e djathta te fotoja e dyte apo i pari nga e majta qe duket si turk??? Cka je tu than mer burr, a bahen kto diskutime? Nuk ke di cka quni ju dinarik ne kosov, po kta duken si turq. Kengetari i tret duket prap shume ekzotik... tash ajo cka un po them asht qe kta nuk duken tipik rom si gigolo, por duken ekoztik, pra magjyp me perzierje gjaku europian.

10-24-2013, 02:51 PM
Kastriot kofshin maxhup qato 3 video qe i postove, atehere edhe mbi 90% shqiptareve jemi te tille . Krejt qata jane dinarik te paster ose pakten 80% dinarik. Ti mos e kshyr qe jane vesh si nigga por shif tiparet. Biles tiparet jane me te rafitinuara se bjondet shqiptar qe i ke qef ti, tiparet e rafitinuara nuk gjendet tek jevget ose pergjithesi lindjen e mesme.

Jo mor lal, mos noshta ne Kosovo jane mbi 90% magjyp robt nese kta ne kto 3 vidiot jane magjyp se te na malsort nuk bahet fjale. Une ta kam than qe per mu nuk ka rendesi pigmentimi, por tiparet.... tash une ty kam me tregue malsor politikane qe jane sy kaf e flok kaf, por kane tipare ndryshe nga kta, e qe perfaqsojne 40% te malsorve ne tipare dhe pigmetim ( 2 te paret qe do postoj kane sy jeshil por nuk ka gja)

1. http://www.kryeministria.al/files/ministers/13-09-13-07-40-42medium_shkelqim-cani.jpg

2. http://www.abcnews.al/uploads/Paulin_Sterkaj.JPG

3. http://www.gazetametropol.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/mark-marku1.jpg

4. http://www.top-channel.tv/foto/lajme/LESI-08_8.jpg

5. http://bulevardionline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Sali-Berisha-duke-folur.jpg

6. http://www.gazetatema.net/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/dollapi.jpg

7. http://mapo.al/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Prec-Zogaj.jpg

8. http://www.gazeta55.al/fotolajm/25212rroki.jpg

9. http://gazetadita.al/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Gjovalini.jpg

10. http://famulliashenshtjefnitshkoder.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Dom-Gjergji.jpg

11. http://www.rilindjademokratike.com/web/images/08/politike/gerti_bogdani.jpg

E pra kta jane te tan sy kaf a flok kaf, po nuk ka pidh nane ne ket toke, qofte edhe n suedi e finland me u than ktyre se nuk jeni te bardh....ceshtja e gjitha te tiparet.

10-24-2013, 02:54 PM
as ni magjup se pash nvideo mos ja fut kot

10-24-2013, 02:57 PM
as ni magjup se pash nvideo mos ja fut kot

A po varet se ka qun ti magjyp, mu me duken magjyp. Ej po as ai te vidioja e dyt nuk asht magjyp? a mos kujton se shqiptaret jane turq????

10-24-2013, 02:59 PM
A po varet se ka qun ti magjyp, mu me duken magjyp. Ej po as ai te vidioja e dyt nuk asht magjyp? a mos kujton se shqiptaret jane turq????
paren edhe treten i pash.

10-24-2013, 05:08 PM
Nuk jan magjup.

10-24-2013, 05:10 PM
Mire e ki nuke jon Magjup po Majmuna.

10-25-2013, 12:26 AM

Nuk asht magjyp ai i pari nga e djathta te fotoja e dyte apo i pari nga e majta qe duket si turk??? Cka je tu than mer burr, a bahen kto diskutime? Nuk ke di cka quni ju dinarik ne kosov, po kta duken si turq. Kengetari i tret duket prap shume ekzotik... tash ajo cka un po them asht qe kta nuk duken tipik rom si gigolo, por duken ekoztik, pra magjyp me perzierje gjaku europian.

Kta po doken taman zeshkana prej Evrope te jugut, dhe kogja si Italian po doken e jo Turko-Magjup. Ka Shqiptar kogja si ta qe duken, dhe nuk jan Magjup, Magjupet kan tjera tipare dhe they would stick out like a soar thumb.

10-25-2013, 12:30 AM
:lol: silly wiggers

10-26-2013, 11:25 AM

Kta po doken taman zeshkana prej Evrope te jugut, dhe kogja si Italian po doken e jo Turko-Magjup. Ka Shqiptar kogja si ta qe duken, dhe nuk jan Magjup, Magjupet kan tjera tipare dhe they would stick out like a soar thumb.

Magjyp te perzier pra dhe jo tipik, mbetje magjypesh ne tokrn arjane te Dardaneve.... mos harro se shyme italiane jane pasardhes te koloneve levantine te sjell prej romakeve kshtu qe mos i merr per krahasim... krahasoji ti kta magjyp me kta dardane tipik te fshatrave te kosoves ( perjashto 2-3 magjyp qe mund te gjenden neper foto):












The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 08:49 PM



Uff kjo bukuroshja pejane bre ja hanksha loqken, gjynah me qu jeten me kete kaqurrel te rakit qe s'din me ja ba punen :bored:

10-27-2013, 08:50 PM
Uff kjo bukuroshja pejane bre ja hanksha loqken, gjynah me qu jeten me kete kaqurrel te rakit qe s'din me ja ba punen :bored:

Ku pe din ti qe sdin me ja ba punen?

The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:06 PM
Ku pe din ti qe sdin me ja ba punen?

O veq kqyrja ftyren edhe e din qe ska sen prej tina :bored:, o se ka provu bacin se kurre prej shtrati s'kishe dit mu qu. :cool:

10-27-2013, 09:08 PM
O veq kqyrja ftyren edhe e din qe ska sen prej tina :bored:, o se ka provu bacin se kurre prej shtrati s'kishe dit mu qu. :cool:

Nejse, une per veti nuk di mi dallu mashkujt ashtu ne fytyre si ti:rolleyes:


The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:15 PM
Nejse, une per veti nuk di mi dallu mashkujt ashtu ne fytyre si ti:rolleyes:


Ani qysh paraqitet ky kishe une nuk jam si ti qe mi dallu njerzet. :laugh:

Nejse krejt cka po du me thane eshte pse gjithe ajo cope me shku me ni bulash si ai, kur qika ka mujt me gjete shume ma te mire edhe qe ja rreh zogun mire....Like Me for example. :naughty:

10-27-2013, 09:22 PM
Ani qysh paraqitet ky kishe une nuk jam si ti qe mi dallu njerzet. :laugh:

Nejse krejt cka po du me thane eshte pse gjithe ajo cope me shku me ni bulash si ai, kur qika ka mujt me gjete shume ma te mire edhe qe ja rreh zogun mire....Like Me for example. :naughty:

Illyrian lema mu se e di qka I kisha kovat ksaj , boll e ki ti Mazen :laugh:

The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:26 PM
Illyrian lema mu se e di qka I kisha kovat ksaj , boll e ki ti Mazen :laugh:

Jo mazen po ta la ty se t'ka begenis, se baci ja ka vnu synin kesaj. :love:

10-27-2013, 09:31 PM
Jo mazen po ta la ty se t'ka begenis, se baci ja ka vnu synin kesaj. :love:

Haha Ani bre msyja veq ta dish qe kjo ni hyps e paska .

The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:36 PM
Haha Ani bre msyja veq ta dish qe kjo ni hyps e paska .

Zhdrypc eshte ai, se Hypsin e vertet hala se ka kerku :naughty:

10-27-2013, 09:40 PM
Haha Ani bre msyja veq ta dish qe kjo ni hyps e paska .

Mos e nguc Ilirin, se ky ta sheh karin ne sy;)

The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:43 PM
Mos e nguc Ilirin, se ky ta sheh karin ne sy;)

Kush foli per kar o qorr, pe shoh qe dhipi tu paska ba kar koheve te fundit...mos t'ka dal far Shemale e tash krejt kara po tu doken :laugh:

10-27-2013, 09:45 PM
Kush foli per kar o qorr, pe shoh qe dhipi tu paska ba kar koheve te fundit...mos t'ka dal far Shemale e tash krejt kara po tu doken :laugh:

PO ti a nuk ja pe ati tipit aty, dhe erdhe deri ne konkluzion qe ai eshte i dobet?:D

The Illyrian Warrior
10-27-2013, 09:53 PM
PO ti a nuk ja pe ati tipit aty, dhe erdhe deri ne konkluzion qe ai eshte i bobet?:D

O per ate tipin as qe po du me fol ma, e dhashe konkluzionin tem edhe s'kem cka folum ma vetem nese ty tu ka ba marak e po don me zgat muhabetin per ta :D Nejse mu qajo loqka pom intereson e ti fol per kara. :biggrin: