View Full Version : Noise Threshold On Autosomal DNA IBD Segment Matches

Black Wolf
10-25-2013, 01:08 PM
This is quite an interesting explanation/take in the noise threshold for autosomal IBD segment matches. What do others here think about this guy's interpretation?


10-25-2013, 04:38 PM
I read it earlier and I agree with him, don't believe in noise.. If it is there, it is there..
It's just the algorithm that GEDmatch, 23andMe FTDNA use is different.. FTDNA matches are known to be stickiest whereas GEDmatch is the loosiest and 23andMe is somewhere in between.. Latest Eurogenes IBD data is also very solid.. Better than 23andMe I'd say, especially when you compare same matches with 23andMe(while 23andMe says my matches with X person is a single 16cM, according to Eurogenes IBD it is actually 2 pieces of 5 and 9 cM)..
I guess the transition from build 36 to 37 happened in late June makes 23andMe closer to FTDNA..

Black Wolf
10-25-2013, 04:50 PM
I read it earlier and I agree with him, don't believe in noise.. If it is there, it is there..
It's just the algorithm that GEDmatch, 23andMe FTDNA use is different.. FTDNA matches are known to be stickiest whereas GEDmatch is the loosiest and 23andMe is somewhere in between.. Latest Eurogenes IBD data is also very solid.. Better than 23andMe I'd say, especially when you compare same matches with 23andMe(while 23andMe says my matches with X person is a single 16cM, according to Eurogenes IBD it is actually 2 pieces of 5 and 9 cM)..
I guess the transition from build 36 to 37 happened in late June makes 23andMe closer to FTDNA..

Cool thanks for your thoughts on this. Do you think the latest Eurogenes fastIBD analysis then that Polako did for us earlier this Fall is the most accurate and best so far then?

10-25-2013, 05:03 PM
Cool thanks for your thoughts on this. Do you think the latest Eurogenes fastIBD analysis then that Polako did for us earlier this Fall is the most accurate and best so far then?

For us 23andme folks, It is better me thinks..

Black Wolf
10-25-2013, 05:14 PM
For us 23andme folks, It is better me thinks..

How does it compare to FTDNA Family Finder do you think?

10-25-2013, 05:49 PM
How does it compare to FTDNA Family Finder do you think?

Can't say anything about FTDNA..