View Full Version : Classify Old Mafiosi

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 04:38 PM
I have always found OC (Organized Crime) to be an interesting topic. I also think it would be interesting to have these classic old mobsters classified. Here are some of the most famous ones from the old days. They all lived in the USA but were of pure Italian ancestry. Many of them were actually born in Italy.

Carlo Gambino: Sicilian


Frank Costello (Francesco Castiglia): Calabrian


Lucky Luciano (Salvatore Lucania): Sicilian


Vito Genovese: Neopolitan


Albert Anastasia (Umberto Anastasio): Calabrian


Joseph Bonnano: Sicilian


Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 04:40 PM
Typical East Med/Armenoid hybrids, except Salvatore Lucania who looks like a Mexican mestizo.

10-26-2013, 04:43 PM
Typical East Med/Armenoid hybrids, except Salvatore Lucania who looks like a Mexican mestizo.

I agree except to me, Lucania looks more North African Cromagnid.

The rest are all either East Med or Armenoid though.

10-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Gambino and Luciano were Palermitan, Bonanno was Northern Trapanese. More-or-less the same people, N.W. Sicilians like myself.

10-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Carlo Gambino looks Armenoid.

10-26-2013, 04:48 PM
Gambino -- Assyrid/Armenoid/Nordid. Looks like Mark Zuckerberg.
Costello -- CM/Armenoid (why does he have an Irish/Norman last name?!)
Luciano -- Berid/Berberid
Genovese -- East Med/Cromagnid
Anastasia -- East Med
Bonanno -- CM/Armenoid

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 04:48 PM
Carlo Gambino: Armenoid ?
Frank Costello: Dinaro Med.
Lucky Luciano: South Med.
Vito Genovese: Atlanto Med.
Albert Anastasia: Dinaro Med.
Joseph Bonnano: Dinarid.

10-26-2013, 04:50 PM
Typical East Med/Armenoid hybrids, except Salvatore Lucania who looks like a Mexican mestizo

Carlo Gambino: Alpine+Dinarid
Frank Costello (Francesco Castiglia): Alpine+Med
Lucky Luciano (Salvatore Lucania): Med/Med+Berid
Vito Genovese: AlpineMed+CM
Albert Anastasia (Umberto Anastasio): Med+Armenoid(perhaps)
Joseph Bonnano: Dinarid/Dianromed

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 04:51 PM
La vita is your typical latino who hates Italians because they are whiter than him. LOL.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 04:51 PM
Gambino -- Assyrid/Armenoid/Nordid. Looks like Mark Zuckerberg.
Costello -- CM/Armenoid (why does he have an Irish/Norman last name?!)
Luciano -- Berid/Berberid
Genovese -- East Med/Cromagnid
Anastasia -- East Med
Bonanno -- CM/Armenoid

Frank Costello's real name was Francesco Castiglia. He changed it to make it sounds more Anglo at some point.

10-26-2013, 04:51 PM
Carlo Gambino: Alpine+Dinarid

You go out of your way to deny any Armenoid influences in Italians wherever possible. Gambino has no Dinarid. His nose is the typical hooked nose found in Mizrahi Jews, Assyrians, and Samaritans.

Frank Costello's real name was Francesco Castiglia. He changed it to make it sounds more Anglo at some point.

Ok that makes sense. Costello is an Irish/Norman name. In Gaelic it is "Mac Oisdealbhaigh".

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 04:54 PM
You go out of your way to deny any Armenoid influences in Italians wherever possible. Gambino has no Dinarid. His nose is the typical hooked nose found in Mizrahi Jews, Assyrians, and Samaritans.

Ok that makes sense. Costello is an Irish/Norman name. In Gaelic it is "Mac Oisdealbhaigh".

Gambino and Anastasia can pass for Jews or Greeks. Mizrahi Jews, Assyrians, and Samaritans have an Arabid/Iranid strain and are way darker than them on average.

Lucky Luciano looks half North African (he is Sicilian)

10-26-2013, 04:55 PM
You go out of your way to deny any Armenoid influences in Italians wherever possible. Gambino has no Dinarid. His nose is the typical hooked nose found in Mizrahi Jews, Assyrians, and Samaritans.

I don't deny anything, because i classified Armenoid one of mafiosi.

10-26-2013, 04:56 PM
Gambino and Anastasia can pass for Jews or Greeks.

Gambino can't pass as Greek.
But no surprise Anastasia can.. his own surname is short for "Anastassiou", "Anastassakis", and a million other Greek surnames.

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 04:58 PM
Gambino can't pass as Greek.

He can. I've been in Greece many times. Not the most typical but he can pass.

10-26-2013, 04:58 PM
meyer lansky blended in very well

10-26-2013, 04:58 PM
He can. I've been in Greece many times. Not the most typical but he can pass.

He looks like Mark Zuckerberg to me. Not Greek at all.

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 05:00 PM
He looks like Mark Zuckerberg to me. Not Greek at all.

Whatever. I've met Greeks who looked like him indeed.

10-26-2013, 05:00 PM
Whatever. I've met Greeks who looked like him indeed.

Cypriots or Rhodians, probably. There is no Armenoid nor Levantine influence in mainland Greeks.

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 05:01 PM
Cypriots or Rhodians, probably. There is no Armenoid nor Levantine influence in mainland Greeks.

LOL? Think what you want. You won't change my idea.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 05:03 PM
Cypriots or Rhodians, probably. There is no Armenoid nor Levantine influence in mainland Greeks.

Stop being facetious. Giorgios Karagounis is from Peloponnese, and looks quite Armenian.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:03 PM
Cypriots or Rhodians, probably. There is no Armenoid nor Levantine influence in mainland Greeks.

I don't believe that at all...I can almost guarantee there are some Armenoid types among mainland Greeks.

10-26-2013, 05:06 PM
I don't believe that at all...I can almost guarantee there are some Armenoid types among mainland Greeks.

Armenoid as in Caucasus type look.. not Semitic. Gambino, on the other hand doesn't look Armenian nor Turkish. He looks Semitic, i.e. if you didn't know who he was anyone in the US would guess him as Jewish.

10-26-2013, 05:07 PM
Stop being facetious. Giorgios Karagounis is from Peloponnese, and looks quite Armenian.

And does he look Semitic or anything like Carlo Gambino? No. He looks more Turkish anyhow than Armenian due to his smaller eyes.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:07 PM
Albert Anastasia first murdered a man when he was 18...He stabbed a guy repeatedly to death when he was working on the docks as a longshoreman because they both wanted to steal the same goods lol!...What a nice guy haha.

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 05:08 PM
Albert Anastasia first murdered a man when he was 18...He stabbed a guy repeatedly to death when he was working on the docks as a longshoreman because they both wanted to steal the same goods lol!...What a nice guy haha.

I can already imagine Jews writing books and making films about him.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:09 PM
Armenoid as in Caucasus type look.. not Semitic. Gambino, on the other hand doesn't look Armenian nor Turkish. He looks Semitic, i.e. if you didn't know who he was anyone in the US would guess him as Jewish.

How can an Aremnoid look between people from the Caucasus and Jews be any different? It is still Armenoid. What you say does not make much sense.

10-26-2013, 05:11 PM
How can an Aremnoid look between people from the Caucasus and Jews be any different? It is still Armenoid. What you say does not make much sense.

Because there is something else to Jewish looks besides Armenoid that makes them look "Jewish", and some Sicilians have it too. Does Bette Midler look Armenian? No, she looks Jewish. There is a reason why.

The Greek soccer player above cannot pass as Jewish, even if he is "Armenoid" (which to me he doesn't even look, he looks Turanid influenced though).

10-26-2013, 05:12 PM
Stop being facetious.

Not sure what that means, but it sounds like an insult. Was that necessary? You didn't even post a counterexample, the guy you posted doesn't look Armenoid.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:12 PM
Because there is something else to Jewish looks besides Armenoid that makes them look "Jewish", and some Sicilians have it too. Does Bette Midler look Armenian? No, she looks Jewish. There is a reason why.

The Greek soccer player above cannot pass as Jewish, even if he is "Armenoid" (which to me he doesn't even look, he looks Turanid influenced though).

lol okay whatever...I do agree though that Carlo Gambino could easily pass as a Jew.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 05:13 PM
Not sure what that means, but it sounds like an insult. Was that necessary? You didn't even post a counterexample, the guy you posted doesn't look Armenoid.

It means not to be so awkward.

10-26-2013, 05:14 PM
It means not to be so awkward.

I'm not. The guy you posted neither looked Jewish, Semitic, nor like Carlo Gambino. You're the one comparing South Asians to Southern Europeans and you have the nerve to call me awkward?

10-26-2013, 05:15 PM
lol okay whatever...I do agree though than Carlo Gambino could easily pass as a Jew.

He can, and he cannot pass as Greek.

He's probably, along with the North African looking one, the least Greek looking one posted in the first post.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:17 PM
He can, and he cannot pass as Greek.

He's probably, along with the North African looking one, the least Greek looking one posted in the first post.

Luciano is probably the most North African looking.

10-26-2013, 05:18 PM
Luciano is probably the most North African looking.

Yes. I was saying that he and Gambino are the two who I don't think pass at all in Greece. Anastassia obviously fits the best.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-26-2013, 05:22 PM
Frank Costello's real name was Francesco Castiglia. He changed it to make it sounds more Anglo at some point.

Except that it's not an Anglo surname. It's distinctly Irish. Maybe he worked with Irish gangsters and so he tried to pass himself as Irish. I know of one Italian gangster who changed his surname to an Irish one so he could work with them back in the 1910s or perhaps he was a boxer earlier in his life. I know many Jewish boxers changed their surnames to Irish ones because the sport was dominated by the Irish for much of the early 20th century.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 05:27 PM
Except that it's not an Anglo surname. It's distinctly Irish. Maybe he worked with Irish gangsters and so he tried to pass himself as Irish. I know of one Italian gangster who changed his surname to an Irish one so he could work with them back in the 1910s or perhaps he was a boxer earlier in his life. I know many Jewish boxers changed their surnames to Irish ones because the sport was dominated by the Irish for much of the early 20th century.

Yes it is Irish that is true and Costello did work with Irish gangsters. He was a close associate with Irish bosses Dwyer and Madden and worked with them in their rum running operations. The Irish dominated both organized crime and boxing in the US until the Italians started arriving and dominated them in both lol.

Pjeter Pan
10-26-2013, 05:37 PM
Not sure what that means, but it sounds like an insult. Was that necessary? You didn't even post a counterexample, the guy you posted doesn't look Armenoid.
Facetious means treating serious issues with inappropriate humour.

10-26-2013, 05:38 PM
Facetious means treating serious issues with inappropriate humour.

Then he didn't use it correctly.

10-26-2013, 05:52 PM
Carlo Gambino: Armeno-Med
Frank Costello: Dinaro? Med (I don't even see anything particularly Dinaric about him, his nose looks straight to me.)
Lucky Luciano: Not even sure. Reminds me of a European George Lopez.
Vito Genovese: Atlanto Med / Atlantid + CM
Albert Anastasia: Dinaro Med? Somehow looks more Armenoid to me than Bonnano does, quite frankly.
Joseph Bonnano: Dinaro-Med, maybe even just a Med type. I really don't buy Armenoid. His nose is on the convex side, but not hooked, looks rather straight to me. And these dudes are all old as shit looking anyway.

10-26-2013, 06:56 PM
Yes. I was saying that he and Gambino are the two who I don't think pass at all in Greece. Anastassia obviously fits the best.

Bonanno and Gambino looked Jewish, Luciano looked Middle Eastern, why? They're Western Sicilians. It's not rocket science.

10-26-2013, 06:58 PM
Bonanno and Gambino looked Jewish, Luciano looked Middle Eastern, why? They're Western Sicilians. It's not rocket science.

Bonanno has the same nose and central area of the face as Danny Thomas (who, IMO would fit just fine in Trapani or Palermo).


10-26-2013, 07:01 PM

The nose, yes, but overall Thomas looks Levantine "Arab". Bonanno looks Ashkenazi.

10-26-2013, 07:04 PM
Borreby + Med, looks a bit like alfieb.

10-26-2013, 07:05 PM
Borreby + Med, looks a bit like alfieb.


10-26-2013, 07:09 PM

The nose, yes, but overall Thomas looks Levantine "Arab". Bonanno looks Ashkenazi.

Their noses are exactly alike though.

I still, as I explained, am puzzled as to where the Sicani went, assuming they were Iberian. They also lived in Agrigento but you see what it is like genetically there..

10-26-2013, 07:35 PM
La vita is your typical latino who hates Italians because they are whiter than him. LOL.

Why would any ''latino'' be jealous at Italians for being whiter? Never heard of such absurd thing till now.

These Mexican Mestizos have nothing to envy from you. :noidea:

http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3668/ovmg.jpg (http://img43.imageshack.us/i/ovmg.jpg/)
http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/499/rdl3.jpg (http://img39.imageshack.us/i/rdl3.jpg/)
http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2511/d5bc.jpg (http://img23.imageshack.us/i/d5bc.jpg/)
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/7318/52l1.jpg (http://img443.imageshack.us/i/52l1.jpg/)
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/8127/de9s.jpg (http://img809.imageshack.us/i/de9s.jpg/)
http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3268/1sp5.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/1sp5.jpg/)
http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2683/47ex.jpg (http://img201.imageshack.us/i/47ex.jpg/)
http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7405/x8p2.jpg (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/x8p2.jpg/)
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2784/quaw.jpg (http://img689.imageshack.us/i/quaw.jpg/)
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/5376/pkb2.jpg (http://img837.imageshack.us/i/pkb2.jpg/)
http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1899/qtc7.jpg (http://img17.imageshack.us/i/qtc7.jpg/)
http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/8468/7lk6.jpg (http://img713.imageshack.us/i/7lk6.jpg/)
http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2638/u5rt.jpg (http://img191.imageshack.us/i/u5rt.jpg/)
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http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/3599/whac.jpg (http://img33.imageshack.us/i/whac.jpg/)
http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/1688/ve6m.jpg (http://img35.imageshack.us/i/ve6m.jpg/)
http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/4204/kv11.jpg (http://img18.imageshack.us/i/kv11.jpg/)
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/658/6jv9.jpg (http://img443.imageshack.us/i/6jv9.jpg/)
http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/5556/0ohf.jpg (http://img841.imageshack.us/i/0ohf.jpg/)

10-26-2013, 07:38 PM
If those are the best you can find, I feel bad for light-skinned Mexicans.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 07:40 PM
La vita is your typical latino who hates Italians because they are whiter than him. LOL.

Sorry, but I'm not sad or bigoted enough to have such complexes. Btw, here's my classification thread. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?98882-Classify-me-and-my-parents

10-26-2013, 07:56 PM
If those are the best you can find, I feel bad for light-skinned Mexicans.

Just putting things in perspective. Most Mestizos regardless of their levels of admixture don't envy Italians or other people for looking white.

Now, if you think you look whiter than some of these Mexicans.... then I will rather reserve my opinion.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 08:00 PM
Carlo Gambino: Armeno-Med
Frank Costello: Dinaro? Med (I don't even see anything particularly Dinaric about him, his nose looks straight to me.)
Lucky Luciano: Not even sure. Reminds me of a European George Lopez.
Vito Genovese: Atlanto Med / Atlantid + CM
Albert Anastasia: Dinaro Med? Somehow looks more Armenoid to me than Bonnano does, quite frankly.
Joseph Bonnano: Dinaro-Med, maybe even just a Med type. I really don't buy Armenoid. His nose is on the convex side, but not hooked, looks rather straight to me. And these dudes are all old as shit looking anyway.

I don't think any of them are incredibly old on any of their pictures I posted. A life of crime may make you age pretty quick though lol.

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 08:04 PM
Just putting things in perspective. Most Mestizos regardless of their levels of admixture don't envy Italians or other people for looking white.

Now, if you think you look whiter than some of these Mexicans.... then I will rather reserve my opinion.

Nah they just envy us for being much cooler! :P

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 08:24 PM
Some more.

Joseph Colombo: Italian-American (not sure where in Italy his ancestors hailed from)


Thomas Lucchese: Sicilian


Vincent Mangano: Sicilian


Joe ''The Boss'' Masseria: Sicilian


10-26-2013, 08:24 PM
The men in these photos can actually pass quite well in Sicily.


10-26-2013, 08:27 PM
Some more.

Joseph Colombo: Italian-American (not sure where in Italy his ancestors hailed from)

Italian-language Wiki says his family were from Sicily, but not where.

Prince Carlo
10-26-2013, 08:31 PM
Some more.

They look like a blend of Alpinid, Med and maybe Berid (third one).

Italian-language Wiki says his family were from Sicily, but not where.

The Colombo family is from Palermo.


10-26-2013, 08:38 PM
Some more.

Joseph Colombo: Italian-American (not sure where in Italy his ancestors hailed from)


Thomas Lucchese: Sicilian


Vincent Mangano: Sicilian


Joe ''The Boss'' Masseria: Sicilian



10-26-2013, 08:47 PM
I don't think any of them are incredibly old on any of their pictures I posted. A life of crime may make you age pretty quick though lol.

Well, that's sort of what I meant, in a way. Prematurely aged skin/features..

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 10:02 PM
And some more.

Frankie Yale (Francesco Ioele): Calabrian


James ''Big Jim'' Colosimo: Calabrian


Al Capone: Neopolitan


Johnny Torrio: Somewhere in Southern Italy. No one knows for sure where exactly.


Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 10:03 PM

I second that.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 10:04 PM
And some more.

Frankie Yale (Francesco Ioele): Calabrian


James ''Big Jim'' Colosimo: Calabrian


Al Capone: Neopolitan


Johnny Torrio: Somewhere in Southern Italy. No one knows for sure where exactly.


Johnny Torrio is probably Alpine. The others look like a Berid-East Med hybrid.

10-26-2013, 10:04 PM
This one looks almost Iraqi.


10-26-2013, 10:06 PM
Carlo Gambino - Armenoid + Alpinoid
Frank Costello - AlpineMed SLIIIIIGHT CM
Lucky Luciano - Berberid + Berid
Vito Genovese - AlpineMed + CM
Albert Anastasia - Armenoid + Berberid + AlpineMed
Joseph Bonnano - Dinaricized Med?

Black Wolf
10-26-2013, 10:41 PM
Many of them look Jewish and certainly Southern Italians and Jews are very similar genetically but they certainly never really felt that close to each other lol. Some certainly did work together though such as Luciano and Lansky but obviously culturally they were quite different. I know this is a fictional show but it is not really far from the truth of those days I don't think.



10-27-2013, 12:56 AM

10-27-2013, 11:03 AM
The actor who plays Rosetti is part Hispanic.

10-27-2013, 11:22 AM
Carlo Gambino: Armenoid/East med
Frank Costello:CM+ Dinaro-Med
Lucky Luciano: Med +Alpine
Vito Genovese: Atlanto-CM
Albert Anastasia: Dinaro/East Med.
Joseph Bonnano: Dinaro-Med

Black Wolf
11-03-2013, 01:10 AM
Okay I am going to post some more pics of some more recent Mafiosi as well now.

John Gotti: Neopolitan (Campania)


Paul Castellano: Sicilian


Sammy Gravano: Sicilian



Vincest Gigante: Neopolitan (Campania)


11-03-2013, 01:15 AM
Gotti: Berid-Med
Castellano: Med-Armenoid
Gravano: Alpine-Nordid
Gigante: Berid

Black Wolf
11-03-2013, 03:01 AM
Anyone else?

11-03-2013, 03:10 AM
Carlo Gambino: Armenid.
Frank Costello: Dinaricized East Mediterranid + Alpinid.
Lucky Luciano: Berid.
Vito Genovese: Atlanto-Mediterranid with Alpinid/Cromagnid influences.
Albert Anastasia: Dinaricized East Mediterranid.
Joseph Bonnano: Dinarid with Borreby influence.

Black Wolf
12-04-2013, 01:32 AM
Roy DeMeo.


12-04-2013, 02:16 AM
Roy DeMeo.


Dinaro-East Med. Some Alpine too.