View Full Version : Classify these councillors from Tunja, Boyaca Department, Colombia

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 05:43 PM
I have many relatives in this town. http://www.tunja-boyaca.gov.co/quienes_somos.shtml#personal

10-26-2013, 06:48 PM
A few look blatantly Amerindian in large part (the last one) but most of them look "off" Iberian, or castizo/harnizo at most. They definitely lean toward European, above all else, some of them would pass almost fully if not for something distinct in the eye area or a slight brownish tint to the skin. Many look fully Spanish.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 07:18 PM
A few look blatantly Amerindian in large part (the last one) but most of them look "off" Iberian, or castizo/harnizo at most. They definitely lean toward European, above all else, some of them would pass almost fully if not for something distinct in the eye area or a slight brownish tint to the skin. Many look fully Spanish.

Which ones look fully Spanish?

10-26-2013, 07:20 PM
Which ones look fully Spanish?

All the ones who don't have Amerindian influence. At least half of them.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 07:24 PM
All the ones who don't have Amerindian influence. At least half of them.

Which is interesting, because in my other thread about the councillors from Boyacá Department, they look much more noticeably Amerindian-influenced. It seems that Whites (or lighter Mestizos) in Colombia tend to be mainly concentrated in the bigger towns and cities, while the countryside is much more balanced Mestizo or Indo-Mestizo.

Tooting Carmen
10-26-2013, 10:20 PM

Tooting Carmen
10-27-2013, 02:36 PM
2nd bump

10-27-2013, 02:52 PM
Most of them look amerind influenced, ok here I go.

Nancy Andrea Ramirez, looks strongly alpinid influenced, I think she can go as southern european, maybe she is a castiza that is when someone is slightly amerind influenced but mostly european.

Fernando Florez looks more amerind and maybe i see some SSA strain that only gives him a strange vibe, not white nor amerind as whole.

John Alexander can go as a full euro based in that picture, albeit he might be a castizo, cant determine too well with a single picture.

Same John Henry, he looks castizo.

Pedro Adolfo leans a bit more to the amerind side so he may fall in the harnizo range, harnizo is a person who looks basically caucasic but his extent of amerind admixture makes him stick out from any european group, unlike a castizo, a castizo could pass.

Yamit Noe and Amande Villamil Harnizos IMO.

Aura Nelly, looks fully european, I see some faelid strain in her.

I' ll be back with the rest of them.


10-27-2013, 03:09 PM
Aura Stella looks also fully caucasic, she gives me some italian vibe.

Elina Ulloa could cheat on us because of the lightness of her skin, if she were dark and merely based in her traits and type of skull i can say she is just a balanced mestiza.

Lina Cecilia Harniza.

Lucero Garcia looks balanced mestiza, Maria Fernanda Harniza.

John Ernesto could go almost as a castizo, almost.

Luis Gerardo Arias, Castizo.

Nelson Fabian, triracial.

Victir Manuel Leguzamo, also a triracial IMHO.


Tooting Carmen
10-27-2013, 03:12 PM
Out of curiosity, could they pass easily in Mexico, or are the features too different?

10-27-2013, 03:16 PM
Out of curiosity, could they pass easily in Mexico, or are the features too different?

On average they could pass our peoples are very similar we are brother countries youre only more SSA influenced than us.

Tooting Carmen
10-27-2013, 03:18 PM
On average they could pass our peoples are very similar we are brother countries youre only more SSA influenced than us.

True, but on the other hand isn't there more Amerindian influence in Mexico (especially the South) than in Colombia? I believe there are even notable Black communities in Oaxaca and Guerrero, but admittedly nothing like the scale found in Colombia.

10-27-2013, 03:25 PM
True, but on the other hand isn't there more Amerindian influence in Mexico (especially the South) than in Colombia? I believe there are even notable Black communities in Oaxaca and Guerrero, but admittedly nothing like the scale found in Colombia.

Indeed, but I say on average, those colombian politicians could walk on Mexico City streets and they wouldnt be seen as foreigners at all.

Regarding the other thread, the one with the black colombians, those ones would stick out as a sore thumb in Mexico, we dont have that kind of people our few blacks are mostly zambos with strong amerind influence, I have come across a couple of times to that kind of blacks and they were haitian refugees or african students.

Tooting Carmen
10-30-2013, 07:42 PM
Any more suggestions?

Tooting Carmen
11-14-2013, 09:30 PM
I thought I would revive this thread by actually posting the photos of the councillors:

http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/ap-arq-andrea-ramirez.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/sct-dr-john-perez.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/da-dr-fernando-florez.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/acig-fernanda-sandoval.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/ing-luis-arias.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/ac-dr-john-barrera.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/sps-dr-yamit-hurtado_2.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/as-dr-pedro-barreto.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/se-victor-leguizamo.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/scid-dra-lucero-garcia.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/si-john-carrero.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/sa-dra-lina-chiquillo_1.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/gs-dra-aura-amaya.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/stt-nelson-rangel.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/sh-dra-stella-guerra.jpg http://tunja-boyaca.gov.co/apc-aa-files/30303864386437396461616264386437/sg-dra-elina-ulloa.jpg

02-10-2019, 10:35 AM
Mainly Castizos/Criollos, and few Harnizos.