View Full Version : Square Foot Gardening

10-27-2013, 02:22 AM
Square Foot Gardening


Square foot gardening is a special method of growing plants in a limited space. The name comes from the fact that you use raised beds divided into sections that measure 1 foot by 1 foot (or a bit larger if you so desire).

Ideally, you need to be able to stand on the side of the beds and easily reach the center of it without any problems. Since they are raised beds, you will not need to bend down as far as if you planted in the traditional manner.

The joy of this type of gardening in part is the fact that you control what type of soil is placed in the beds. If you typically have clay soil at your location that is difficult to work with, the beds completely do away with this issue. You add the exact type of soil that you need into your beds. Garden soil whether mixed by you are a premixed variety is a fine texture that is easy for the seeds to sprout in or for young roots to spread out as they need for optimum growth.

Also, each time a plant is ready to harvest or finished blooming, you just plant another type of plant and start the process all over again. You place plants with similar needs in the same area too, which minimize the confusion of providing water and nutrients in the appropriate amounts.

You can use these beds to grow flowers, vegetables, herbs and more. These are ideal for even balconies, tabletops, patios or backyards. If one bed is not enough to can add as many beds as your space allows.

You can use pressure-treated lumber, cedar or some other wood that weathers well outdoors to build your own beds. Today, there are many plans available to show you how to do it. You can also buy premade raised beds that are ready to use or take very little assembly.

Once you add the soil to these beds and add some compost to enrich it the beds are ready to use. Just measure off your squares using string and decide which plants or seeds will be placed in the soil. Once they are planted, you will need to water them in thoroughly to give them an ideal start.

It will be easier to tend you square food gardening bed for weeding, feeding and harvesting. You will be amazed at the quantity of blooms or food you get from one small area. The beds can be used for both warm-weather and cool-weather plants. If you never have tried this method of gardening, try it out today to see what results it can provide you.

Source: http://thrivingveggies.com/





10-27-2013, 02:23 AM
is it healthy for the plants?

10-27-2013, 02:27 AM
is it healthy for the plants?

Yes. Because you are only growing a certain amount of plants in a particular area. You won't plant 80 carrots in a square foot where they need to compete with each other.

This picture shows how many plants you should plant in each square foot.


Phantom of Justice
11-01-2013, 04:22 PM
Try growing Cannabis sativa sativa it will overgrow your garlic.