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View Full Version : Clan Montgomery

Black Wolf
10-28-2013, 09:00 PM
I have always been quite interested in this clan/family as this is the family that my mother comes from. My maternal grandfather was a Montgomery and I was very close to him when I was young growing up. To be honest he was the best and kindest man I ever knew in my life. The history of this family is a very interesting and colourful one in that they produced so many famous and renowned individuals. Truly a strong and proud lineage to come from! :)...I am also lucky that I managed to have my maternal grandfather do a Y-DNA test at FTDNA before he died as that proved he was certainly a true Montgomery in that he has tonnes of matches at the 67 marker level with other Montgomeries. Here is some information below about the family and some history if anyone is interested. Also I will post a few links about some famous members of the clan/family.




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Montgomery,_1st_Viscount_Montgomery_of_Ala mein

