Utterly Jaded

I can't say that I believe in the supernatural any more. Sure, I'll still go to church, partake in the sacraments and try to grow as a person in the community that I've chosen, but I don't believe in any kind of personal God as I did before. I believe that all life is sacred and that matter deserves respect. I believe in evolution as a valid explanation for human existence.
I think that death is the dissolution of our physical form into the elements that have composed it. I don't think that knowledge is to be feared. Quantum physics and the Theory of General Relativity do not rely on faith to work. They are postulated after several experiments have been performed.
Death is not humanity's fault. To blame death and extinction on the thoughtless actions of a single human couple is the height of hubris. People age, their bodies run down and if God is merciful, they lose their lives before they lose their minds. They lose consciousness and they never wake up. Do I believe in the life and example of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible? I think that he and his disciples had a lot of good points to make. In a sense, you could say that Jesus is " bodily resurrected" in the Church that His disciples founded. Maybe a random burst of radiation transformed Jesus' body so he could rise and appear to his disciples, then He would somehow ascend to some entrance into another dimension. I can't explain the volcano at Mt. Sinai, either. Maybe we're just talking about faith- building stories that were told to prove a point, such as a particular teacher showed Providence's authority over nature, or a religious person's status could cost a king his kingdom if that person were crossed ( I always pitied poor King Saul. He didn't murder somebody, so he has a kingdom taken away from him and the Being he worshipped never talked to him again? Really?), or things like that.

  1. My Occitan Heritage

    http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-...expecot&id=I45 My French ancestry goes back to my great-grandmother, Marie Elodie Pecot ( 1887-1967). Her parents both had ancestry that hailed from Occitania. Elodie's parents were Alexandre Pecot (1851-1942) and Amelie Armelin (1853-1942). Amelie's grandfather, Jean Armelin(?-1834) was born in Puimoisson, Alpes de Haute Provence, France.He married Marie Rose Angelique Desiree Pecot in 1799 and their son, Charles Armelin( 1813-1889), ...
  2. My Journey from Catholicism and Back to It Again

    It wasn't easy. I experimented with all kinds of religions to try to find something that uniquely fit me. It all started with the pedophilia scandal of 2002. I wanted to distance myself from association with a Church that was being made famous for its corruption on the part of the clergy, yet! These were innocent children who were being preyed upon! With self-righteous indignation and my desire to impress a girl who later became the mother of my daughter, I left the Church for the Lutherans. Then, ...
  3. Beautiful Week!

    What a wonderful week!
  4. European Preservationism and What It Means to Me

    European Preservation..ah, two words that seem specifically designed to put a big old smile on my face. I look at it from a somewhat folkish point of view, in that my people define themselves and their folkways without wanting or needing any input from outsiders.Who are my people?Largely Colonial Stock Americans of British descent, with German and Swiss additions and the French Creole element being the most recent, via my great-grandmother.My wife is largely the same, without Swiss blood and with ...
  5. Pituitary Tumor

    I have a sinus infection right now, which is why I took today off of work.While I was at the doctor's office, she let me know that she received the results of the MRI yesterday. I have a 9.5 centimeter growth on half of my pituitary gland.That qualifies as a benign tumor.I'm going to see a neurosurgeon next week.Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck...that's what's going through my head right now.Well, I was hoping for a negative, got a big, fat positive.Meh, c'est temp manger,s'il j'ai une appetite..
  6. First Asatru Sacrifice

    I've never attended an animal sacrifice before and while I'm excited, I'm a little nervous, too.I'm going down to Lynchburg next weekend for a Midsommar Celebration with an Asatruar kindred down there.My meeting yesterday with the folkbuilder and a couple of the Folk went well yesterday and I did have a couple of questions answered:about Loki and about Ragnarok. I was also introduced to Rune lore yesterday.24 runes there are, with a mundane,phoenetic and spiritual meaning. I got a bit of an overload, ...
  7. Calculations of German and German Swiss blood

    On the Maggert/Maggard side, 1/64 Bernese Swiss and German through Samuel, the son of John Maggard and Elizabeth Eppert.
    The German Coasters are more complicated than the Pennsylvanian folks.1/256 Pomeranian and Wuerttemberger through Jean Baptiste Darensbourg plus the cousins marrying cousins through Marie Rome, daughter of Johann Rommel and Marguerite Steiger, both with parents born in Baden and the Rommel grandfather born in Baden and the other grandparents born in the Zurich canton of ...
  8. I don't know for sure

    There are things that I believe are psychologically very useful, but empirically not so.I blot to the Aesir and Vanir and I make ritual gestures that psychologically boost me and let's face it..my rituals are more for my own benefit and a reminder of my position as part of Nature than anything else.Do I imagine the names I invoke with anthropomorphic features?Of course I do. They're visions I create that benefit me and help me to keep my focus on the ancestors and the land and also my people.Heathen ...
  9. No Longer Smoking

    It's been nearly a week since I quit.Certain changes, welcome to some and unwelcome to others, have been made as a result. There are certain spiritual matters I need to straighten out that involve my family and my own peace of mind.I find I remember things more easily and my studying's much easier to do.I might take a quick break from the site but return just as quickly.Funny how when the fog lifts, not only is the landscape beautiful, but it's also perfectly clear.
  10. LOL!

    Ah, my obsession with ancestral research has now passed like an incurable virus into my wife! Now she insists that I help her on her family tree and I've dived into this project headfirst.Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly have the leeway I did with relatives who could afford to go in depth in our genealogy, so I've got less material.The important thing is, I've got some material to work with and that should lead to a little more.
    I've been able to confirm her Scottish, Southwestern ...
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