Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Rudolf Steiner - Genie oder Scharlatan

    Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (* 27. Februar 1861; † 30. März 1925), war Begründer der Anthroposophie, einer spirituellen Weltanschauung, deren wesentliche Inhalte nach seiner Darstellung auf hellseherischen Einblicken in eine geistige Welt („die höheren Welten“) beruhen sollen.
    Sie verarbeitete in der Anfangszeit die Ideen der allgemeinen Theosophie und setzte sich mit dem Okkultismus der Theosophie anglo-indischer Prägung Helena Petrovna Blavatskys auseinander. Von großem Einfluss sind ...
  2. Top 5 Atypical Tips on How to Overcome Rudeness and Avoid Conflicts

    Conflict situations happen to all. Bypassing them is not possible, but to overcome rudeness and avoid serious conflict is always possible. To do this you need to follow some simple tips.

    Don't Repeat the Words of the Interlocutor

    If the one with whom there is a conflict, asks you for something or asks why things are not the way they should be, never answer him with his own words. For example: "You owe me money back for the broken product." Don't answer, "We don't owe
  3. 3 Ukraines - Novorossiya


    Nicholas Nicholaides; 18.10.2017.


    The future of Russia as an independent state and world leader in a multipolar world will be determined in Novorossiya.
    The battle for Novorossiya (and eastern Malorossiya) will be determined in the Kreml. As soon as the russian leaders decide to liberate Novorossiya

    Updated 03-09-2022 at 09:29 PM by Tannhauser
