Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Ancestry/Heritage Tests (AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, 23andMe, etc Diss)

    It's funny how people still fall for the "ancestry" meme.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand the curiosity here. The ancestry tests are a tool to
    1. discover a plethora of people all carrying snippets of the same DNA as you then pestering them over social media with "Haaii! we're soooo related cuz we share 3.5% of our DNA. Isn't it great? We're practically sisters :)"
    2. or sometimes find
  2. You Ain't a Cherokee Princess/Genghis Khan/King of the Celts/Cleopatra, Dawg

    Genealogy is an elaborate fiction.

    Statistically, you and some random nigga on the street are more related than any of them historic niggas from the 2nd BCE, 9th CE, 12th, 15th, 16th century y'all think are related to.

    You, me, your pet, everyone is a jumble of DNA; autistic gene LEGO blocks randomly smashed together as if by a neurotypical baby in a fit then thrown in a jambalaya pot and overcooked by burned-out ...