Top 5 Atypical Tips on How to Overcome Rudeness and Avoid Conflicts
, 03-18-2022 at 06:52 PM (10161 Views)
Conflict situations happen to all. Bypassing them is not possible, but to overcome rudeness and avoid serious conflict is always possible. To do this you need to follow some simple tips.
Don't Repeat the Words of the Interlocutor
If the one with whom there is a conflict, asks you for something or asks why things are not the way they should be, never answer him with his own words. For example: "You owe me money back for the broken product." Don't answer, "We don't owe you anything." Answer, for example: "Legally, I can't do that."
Just Ignore
This method works perfectly in situations where the aggressor or boor doesn't know you and you will never see him or her again. For example, someone called you names while you were betting at 22bet.com on the bus. You won't see this person in the future anyway, so let him feed his ego by the fact that he didn't get anything back. Such a technique does not work in a team or in the family. If you communicate with the person all the time, it can provoke even more aggression.
Politeness in Response to Rudeness
If you are frankly and brazenly boorish, try not to respond with negativity and aggression. According to observations, an effective way to extinguish the conflict and aggression immediately and at the root is an unexpected politeness. For example, you got in line, but someone standing to the side said: "Where are you going without a line? I was standing here." Say, "Excuse me, please go through." There won't be a conflict, and the rudeness will go away.
Don't Deal With Someone Who Has a Boss
If you, for example, in the store ran into some negativity, don't make a scene and do not spew aggression on the employee who snapped at you. Just ask them to give you a book of complaints. Save yourself some time. If the fight and conflict go nowhere, it's a waste of energy and time.
The Method of Abrupt Rapprochement
It's simple. If someone begins to criticize you or speak to you in a high-pitched tone, move closer to that person. This will immediately reduce the degree of aggression. When we are away from each other, we raise our voices and wave our hands. When someone comes and sits down next to you or just stands very close, but without aggression, it discourages the person you're talking to.
Sometimes it happens that anger arises within ourselves. This leads us to the dilemma of whether to start an argument or leave it at that. Of course, it is better to control anger so that we can use it to resolve conflicts in our favor.