I'd like to spend some time in Hokkaido and maybe Tokyo.
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I'd like to spend some time in Hokkaido and maybe Tokyo.
East Asians compared to Europeans as a whole by far, but eastern Europeans probably are more racist than east Asians.
Japan has almost no immigration and gets shit from the UN for not accepting barely any refugee claims. Attacks against Korean schools, the few that are there, are common. Racial science and biology is just a normal subject/field of study and not taboo in China/Japan, while it is here.
Of course, this is using the definition of racism used by liberals, not the actual definition.
its just interesting how racists say that others are racist, most racists here are europeans though zhaoyun and the other asians are cosmpolitans, maybe because its a european forum, i never met a racist east asian, i always was friends with them
I would say that on the whole East Asians are not sensitive about expressing racialist or racist opinions. I think both Europeans and East Asians probably rank as the most race conscious people in the world. But Western Europeans have become very PC in recent decades, East Asians generally do not have that propensity. You are probably right that Eastern Europeans may be more openly racist, though perhaps it's about equal maybe.
USA! USA! No chink land for me.