alestinian Christian and co-founder of the Emmaus Group, Christy Anastas, has penned a message to her fellow Palestinians in defense of Israel.

In the opening of the letter, Anastas describes herself as someone who has lived and lost through war and relates directly with the loss and terror of other Palestinians and the people of Israel during this current crisis. She also calls to account the lack of recognition from the media, and others, of the suffering of millions of Israelis at the hands of Hamas, making the implication that Israelis "are not human beings."

"They have not considered how Israel cares for her citizens by building a network of bomb shelters, reinforcing buildings and public structures and providing early warning systems for her people," writes Anastas. She then points out, in contrast, that the leaders of Gaza have only prepared for war rather than protecting their people, using "so much aid by the West."

Anastas urges other Palestinians to recognize these rocket attacks as the Geneva Convention does, "a crime against humanity," regardless of the lower Israeli death tolls.

Anastas laments the cowardice of those militants who hide behind civilians and draw Israel's fire. "It breaks my heart to see the one called the enemy, work so hard to avoid collateral-civilian damage, whereas the other, my own people, think of them as a credible sacrifice for their cause," she writes.

In reference to a New Testament passage from Galatians, Anastas says Palestine is simply reaping what it has sown. She is careful to point out that violence breeds violence but "Israel’s military might…is a consequence, not a first strike reaction, to the provocation of those militants among us who for years have launched thousands of rockets onto Israel."

In another reference to Jesus's own words in Matthew, Anastas calls on her own people to "accept responsibility for their actions:"

Instead of constantly looking at the speck in Israel’s eye, we must remove the plank from our own. If we truly want change, and care for our children who are dying as innocent victims in this conflict, we must be the change we want to see.

Read the entire message here.

According to the Emmaus Group website, they were founded to bring together Christians, Jews, and Moslems who are being targeted by Moslem extremists, some of whom are "funded and equipped, directly or indirectly, by the West (including the UK) using our taxpayer’s money."