Welcome to The Apricity!
The Apricity Forum is a European cultural community. We allow free registration of anyone who has an interest in our topics and aim to provide a relaxed atmosphere for discussion on a wide variety of subjects. In addition, we have a policy of freedom of speech and allow all political, religious and ideological viewpoints to be expressed here. We aim to provide you with a platform from which you can freely voice your opinion and exchange ideas with others, as long as it is done in a civil manner.
Please have a look at our rules, so that you know what is expected from you as a member of The Apricity Forum. By signing up, you explicitly accept these rules, as well as the right of The Apricity Staff to enforce them at its sole discretion.
1. No multiple accounts.
2. No advertising or spam.
3. No personal attacks, threats or harassment.
4. No posting of other members' real names, pictures, or any other form of personal information.
In addition, signatures should be small and unobstructive.