I thought that people might be interested in a recipe that I just made for soup, that is a full meal soup containing meat veg and home-made pasta, so certainly not something you want as a snack! You could make it easier by using pre prepared pasta, but it wouldn't be the same

This cost Ł4.00 today all measurements are approximate and all vegetables are changeable!

Serves 6

For the soup
1 smoked Hough (1-2 lb) (or any other preserved meats)
4 onions
3 carrots
2 parsnips
4 medium baking potatoes or new potatoes if liked
Stem of a broccoli
3 handfuls of green lentils
4 cloves garlic
1 pint Stock
3 pints water

For the pasta
2 eggs
1/2lb strong white flour
2tbs oil
1tsp salt

Peel and dice all vegetables (leave the skin on new potatoes)
Fry the onions until soft
add the Hough, stock and water and simmer for 30 minutes
Take out the Hough remove the skin and bone and dice the meat
Return the meat to the stock pot and add the lentils and vegetables
Simmer for a further 20-30 minutes until everything is soft
While it's cooking mix all the pasta ingredients together with enough water to make into a dough that just resists pouring, but certainly couldn't be rolled. put this onto a wooden board and slice/drag of thin sections straight into the boiling soup
Season with pepper and serve.