There comes the time to unclose the truth, to nake a spiritual essence of what boots-licking average people define as "political extremism". We have confused them, changing the registers of our political sympathies, the colouring of our heroes, passing from fire to cold, from "rightness" to "leftism" and back again. All this was only intellectual artillery preparation, some kind of an ideological warm-up.

We have frightened and tempted both extremely right and extremely left, and now both have lost their guiding lines, both have been got off the beaten tracks. This is wonderful. As great Evgeniy Golovin loved to reiterate: "The one who goes against the day, should not be afraid of the night". There is nothing more pleasant than a feeling of the ground slipping away under your feet. This is the first flight experience. It will kill the vermin. It will steel the angels.

Who we are, actually? Whose threatening face is appearing clearer day by day behind the paradoxical radical political current with the frightening name "national-bolshevism"?

Today it is possible to answer this question without equivocacies and evasive definitions. Though with that end in view it is necessary to make a brief digression into the history of spirit.

The mankind has always had two types of spirituality, two paths — "Right Hand Path" and "Left Hand Path". The first one is characterized by the positive attitude to the surrounding world; the world is seen as harmony, equilibrium, good, peace. All the evil is viewed as a particular case, a deviation from the norm, something inessential, transient, without deep transcendental reasons. Right Hand Path is also called "The Way of Milk". It doesn’t hurt a person, it preserves him from radical experience, withdraws from immersion into suffering, from the nightmare of life. This is a false path. It leads into a dream. The one going by it will reach nowhere...

The second path, the "Left Hand Path", sees all in an inverted perspective. Not dairy tranquility, but black suffering; not silent calm, but torturous, fiery drama of splitted life. This is "A Path of Wine". It is destructive, terrible, anger and violence reigns there. For the one who is going by this path all reality is perceived as hell, as the ontological exile, as torture, as immersion into the heart of some inconceivable catastrophe originating from the heights of space. If in the first path everything seems as good, in the second — as evil. This path is monstrously difficult, but only this path is true. It is easy to stumble on it, and it is even easier to parish. It guarantees nothing. It tempts nobody. But only this path is the true one. Who follows it — will find glory and immortality. Who will withstand — will conquer, will receive the award, which is higher than life.

The one going by the "Left Hand Path" knows, that one day the imprisonment will be over. The prison of substance will collapse, having transformed into a celestial city. The chain of the initiated passionately prepares a desired moment, the moment of the End, triumph of total liberation.

These two paths are not two different religious traditions. Both are possible in all religions, in all confessions, in all churches. There are no external discrepancies between them. They appeal to the most intimate features of a person, his secret essence. Those paths cannot be chosen. It is they that choose a person as a victim, as a servant, as a tool, as an instrument.