"Ali Meqsoud" military expert and the dean in the Republic Castle said that after Syria army controlled over complete neighborhoods in Aleppo we ask People Protection Units to leave its positions in the Neighborhood of "Sheikh Meqsoud".

"Meqsoud" point out after Syrian army won in Aleppo, it would control over whole neighborhoods in Aleppo, so it would ask YPG to evacuate its positions in "Sheikh Meqsoud".

"Meqsoud" added that we would implement the decision of United Nations, which stat in unity and safety of Syrian land.

Meanwhile, a source closed to People's Protection Units said that in the meeting that happened between Syrian regime and YPG, Syrian regime gave YPG as appointed time until the end of current month, to leave their positions.

It mentioned that YPG and Rebels Army whom fight under the banner of Syrian Democratic Forces controlled over "Sheikh Meqsoud" besides other /6/ neighborhoods in the eastern of Aleppo.