In this extract we see how the Jewish spirit has triumphed. This spirit, which others, like Sombart impugned, may be the real problem with Jewry, more than the Jews themselves:

Then Ezekiel said. 'The philosophy of the east taught the first principles of human perception: some nations held one principle for the origin & some another; we of Israel taught that the Poetic Genius (as you now call it) was the first principle and all the others merely derivative, which was the cause of our despising the Priests & Philosophers of other countries, and prophecying that all Gods would at last be proved to originate in ours & to be the tributaries of the Poetic Genius; it was this that our great poet King David desired so fervently & invokes so pathetic'ly, saying by this he conquers enemies & governs kingdoms; and we so loved our God that we cursed in his name all the deities of surrounding nations, and asserted that they had rebelled; from these opinions the vulgar came to think that all nations would at last be subject to the Jews. 'This' said he, 'like all firm perswasions, is come to pass; for all nations believe the Jews' code and worship the Jews' god, and what greater subjection can be?