Fat acceptance is a growing cancer,among many cancers that the millenial generation brings,this is probably the most dangerous one on a personal level,because it attacks the person's natural congitive ability of self-preservation and self-caring.

The concept of physical fitness is a concept that has existed in human kind since our dawn.Our ancestral apes(as modern apes too) swung from branch to branch just to improve their fitness,to be more able to act when real danger came.

Our ice age hunter ancestors trained in various ways and many hours a day so they can take down the mammoth or the sabertooth most effectively.

Later when civilizations arose and armies were formed,physical fitness became law,examples from ancient Greek societies,where even the thinkers and philosophers were no strangers to it and emphasized on it in their writings.

Later in our development physical improvement built armies,won battles and formed empires.

Its no argue that this thousand year old tool paves success in many different fields,but in recent times some groups of semi-people are emerging,that are going head first against it,Im talking about the fat acceptance and tolerance types,which you will observe in the videos below.

These creatures need to be combated without mercy and never given the light of day.They are usually very good at discrediting themselves at most times but their ideologies and the ideas they forward must never be allowed any platform in any society.