In his book "Paneuropa", which was published seven years ago, Coudenhove Kalergi gave the following characteristics about bolshevism:
"The state of today's Soviet Union, historically was oriented towards Europe and at the same time, towards Asia. During the times of mongol rule, it was oriented towards Asia, only during Peter the Great did it become an European state (1700's).
With the revolution of Lenin it cut off from Europe.
In the first years of it's life, the Soviet union shows off like a great asian power. It called the asian peoples to rise against the rulling european states. This pan-asian policy culminated in the congress of the asian peoples in Baku (1920) in which Enver Paşa participated.
Since the beggining of that pan-asian policy there was success in Turkey, Persiq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, China. The triumph of the south-chinese revolutionary government (1927) is alao a triumph of Moscow. China almost became a part of the Soviet union. The plan for a wrold revolution looked like it was gonna happen in Asia, rather than in Europe. But these victories in Asia didn't last long.
This made the USSR to turn again towards the west. It thinks about also becoming an european state. It searches a way to make an agreement with it's european neighbors in order to have a positive look from the western great powers. It wants to move it's borders west in order to defend it's borders from the east. This comes to the agreement between USSR and France, between USSR and Europe.
But all these negotiations show just how short of a memory and lack of peace, Europe has.
Europe forgot that the way the soviet governing are completely different from any other current and previous states.
The governing of the USSR now is provided by the communist party, shich in reality isn't a party, but a society of it's own image and faith, rightfully a church. The Bible of this church is "The Capital" of Marx; Lenin is the prophet and founder; Stalin is their pope, and the materialism - their peacekeeper. The basic laws of this bolshevik religion doesn't know any greater command, except that - to prepare and succeed the world revolution.

In this fanatic spirit is taught the younger generation in the Soviet union. Millions of girls and boys grow up with knowing that their greatest mission is for example, propaganda and violence to turn the world into bolshevism.
The ministry of propaganda of the USSR is the Third international, which send in all large cities of the world bolshevist missionaries with the goal to increase the world revolution.
And if the USSR in fact does ally with the borjois states, that would be done without any feel for any tasks, due to the situation where nothing can change their decision, the first case, which is shown to them, to destroy the state system of so-called "friendly" state, and to establish a communist state.
These facts must be well known and remembered when negotiating with the soviets. Then not a single european stateman won't even think about dragging the soviets as a part of an european union, because they won't leave any mercy, in order to bolshevise the european states.