A clear evidence is that Romans had the same culture, religion, cusine, architecture, valors, ethics, art, love for all the Greek heores and history, etc etc.
Also, as Alexander the Great did, Romans expanded the hellenic values and culture into the conquered barbarian lands.

But also, the most prestigious and erudite sources of all antiquity confirm that.

Strabo said:
"... we are told that Rome was an Arcadian (Peloponnesian Greek) colony and founded by Evander. ...
... Coelius himself, the Roman historian, puts this down as proof that Rome was founded nby Greeks. -
the fact that at Rome the hereditary sacrifice to Heracles is after the Greek ritual. And the Romans honour also dthe mother of Evander, regarding her as one of the nymphs, although her name has been changed to Carmentis.

Stabro, Geographica V111.3


Heraclides Ponticus stated in one of his documents that Rome was 'πόλις Ελληνίς', that is in english "A Hellenic City", in mid 4th century BC.

Nearly 200 years before of the Hellenic Kingdoms and City States of East came into geopolitical collision with the Roman Republic.


Plutarchus said:

'... the Pelasgians (Ancestors of the classical age Hellenes), after wandering over most of the habitable earth and subduing most of mankind, settled down on that site, and that from their strength in war they called their city Ρωμη (Rome).

Plutarchus, Romulus 1.

'My story next requires me to describe whatever is notable at Pallantium, and the reason why the emperor Antonius the first turnet it from a village to a city, giving its inhabitants liberty and freedom from taxation.

The story is that that the wisest man and the best soldier among the Arcadians was one Evander whose mother was a nymph, a daughter of the Ladon, while his father was Hermes. Sent out to establish a colony at the head of a company of Arcadians from Pallatium, he founded a city on the banks of the river Tiber.
That part of modern Rome, which once was the home of Evander and the Arcadians who accompanied him, got the name of Pallantium in memory of the city Arcadia. Afterwards the name was changed by omitting the letters L and N. These are the reasons why the emperor bestowed boons upon Pallantium.

Pausanias, Description of Greece Arcadia 43.


Livius Andronicus was a Hellene from the City State of Taranto.
When the city fell Livius was taken to Rome as a captive but soon he gained great renown for his academic knowledge, he was the first to alphabetized the Latin alphabet, that didn't exist in written form till then, he did so by using the Hellenic Eboean alphabet as the base of the Latin Alphabet.