It all started with Media in 678 B.C.
And Medians started as vassals of Semitic Assyrians.

*Video includes Turkic states with Persianate culture as Persian but that's questionable since the founders weren't ethnically Persian and the state were led by non-Persian military-bureaucratic elites.

The Indo-European chauvinism has hard problem here as the Persian culture seems to have been built on the Semitic legacy.

The other I-E group which are pointed as founding father are old Greeks. But again their old roots are in Mycenaean Crete which itself had Semitic origins. It's worth noting that the word Europe was a Greek borrowing from Semitic Akkadian word Erebu which meant sunset.

I think we can conclude that the first civilized Indo-Europeans were Hellenes and Persians of old because they were simply living in the periphery of Semitics.

There are current states, nations and cultures which have non-Semito-IE roots such as China, Turkic people, Mongolic people, Uralic nations etc