Convincing Stories Of People Who Saw The Mothman In Real Life


Often described as a humanoid figure, around seven feet tall with a massive wingspan and hypnotic glowing red eyes, the creature of legend known as the Mothman seems to be connected to tragic events. Across the world, witnesses claim to have seen a creature of this description, with sightings becoming more frequent in the days leading up to horrific events. Two bridge collapses, the Chernobyl Disaster, and even the 911 terrorist attacks were all allegedly preceded by Mothman sightings.

What is the Mothman? Could it be a cryptid like Bigfoot or something otherworldly, perhaps extraterrestrial in origin? Reports of strange lights in the sky, an unnerving humming sound, and electrical interference have all been tied to Mothman sightings. Many have asked about this creature’s possible motives. Could it been causing these disasters or should its presence be considered a warning of what’s to come? Like any good harbinger of doom, the Mothman possesses a bloodcurdling shriek that’s been known to make those who hear it experience nausea and vertigo.

The following are stories of real people who claim to have seen Mothman and what disasters they experienced - or narrowly averted.

Two Young Couples Were Chased Down Route 62 By The Mothman

On November 15, 1966, two couples (Roger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallette) were driving past a TNT plant when they saw a humanoid figure with glowing red eyes. Linda described what they saw on the side of the road as a bird-like humanoid creature with a large wingspan and fiery red eyes. She said it was about 7 feet tall, its wings folded against its back. "You could see muscles in its legs" she recalled.

The creature followed them as they drove back towards Point Pleasant on Route 62, then it veered off into the fields and disappeared. The group went straight to the Mason County Police Department to share the terrifying account, which soon made its way into local papers.

"I wish we had never seen it, I wish someone else had seen it," Linda Scarberry said later.

The Mothman Haunted Point Pleasant Prior To The Silver Bridge Collapse

The first of a series of strange sightings actually took place about 85 miles away from Point Pleasant in Clendenin,West Virginia. Five grave diggers heard a rustling in the trees overhead and looked up to find what they claimed was a flying man directly above them.

Over the next few days, more reports started trickling in. Two volunteer firemen described a "large bird with red eyes." At least a hundred reports from people of all ages circulated throughout Point Pleasant between November of 1966 and December of 1967, describing a monster that was able to ascend straight up into the air “like a helicopter.” All of the witnesses described the same bird-man with glowing, hypnotic red eyes and the wings of a bat.

Mary Hyre, a reporter at the time of the Mothman sightings, received over 500 phone calls, not only about this mysterious creature, but also strange lights in the sky, electrical interference, mysterious humming sounds, and UFO sightings. Then, on December 15, 1967, a year after the Mothman sightings began, tragedy struck. During rush hour traffic, the Silver Bridge collapsed, 46 people died, and the Mothman disappeared.

The Mothman Saved The Lives Of Miners In Freiburg, Germany

On September 10, 1978, a group of miners in Freiburg, Germany came face to face with a seemingly headless creature with glowing red eyes on its chest blocking the mine’s entrance. At first they thought it was a man in a trench coat, but they quickly realized it was not coat, but unfurled large black wings. The men remained in the mine entrance, stunned and staring at the creature, until it let out a bloodcurdling screech that sent the miners scrambling out. About an hour later, the men felt a seismic rumble and witnessed a plume of dust shoot from the mine as it collapsed. If the men had gone to their stations in the mine as usual, the majority of them would have died. It appeared as though what they dubbed the "Freiburg Shrieker" saved their lives.

The Mothman Tried To Warn People Of The Fukushima Disaster

Marcus Pules, an American visiting Japan, was out with a friend near the Fukushima plant when suddenly they heard a loud whooshing sound and a terrible screeching. As they looked back towards the plant they saw a figure Pules described as

large and black, from the distance I was at it looked to be sitting on top of one of the squared shape buildings. It sat there for about 5 seconds then it unfurled a large set of what I could only describe as large, black wings.

The creature took flight, circling the plant a few times before coming closer to them:

That’s when I noticed the two large red eyes. They seemed to glow from within and with a blood red hue. They were unblinking in the 3-4 seconds we saw them, we knew they were looking straight at us, we knew this creature knew we could see it and it made no attempt to disguise itself.

Pules describes an immense feeling of dread that washed over him, and the creature vanished as quickly as it had appeared. It wasn’t until Pules was back home in America, hearing the news on CNN about the devastation of the Japanese earthquake and the explosions at the very same nuclear power plant where he had witnessed the creature, that he realized he may have seen the infamous harbinger of disaster known as the Mothman.

The Mothman Was Hanging Around The Twin Towers The Week Of The 9/11 Attacks

During the days leading up to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, several people reported sightings of a black winged creature flying near the Twin Towers. During the attack, as the second plane hit, eyewitnesses reported a creature flying parallel to the plane, and in the days that followed, those reporting the creature were allegedly approached by “men in black” and warned to stop talking about what they saw.

The Mothman Is Connected To The Chernobyl Disaster

The Mothman is believed to have been around for the worst nuclear accident in history. Throughout 1985, many scientists and other workers at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, claimed to see a huge, black, bird-like creature with the body of a man flying around the plant. Those who saw the red-eyed beast also reported a series of strange, harassing phone calls and a string of nightmares leading up to the disastrous explosion in April 1986.

On April 26, 1986, the day of the accident, several people saw the "huge black bird" actually flying around the smoke after the explosion. Even those in the nearby town of Pripyat claimed to have seen the strange creature that became known as the “Blackbird of Chernobyl” in the days leading up to the disaster. Pripyat was also affected and later evacuated because of the harmful radiation.

Mothman Appeared At The Site Of The I-35W Bridge Collapse

The Mothman was spotted at yet another bridge collapse in 2007. Eerily enough, the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was opened for traffic in 1967, the same year the Silver Bridge collapsed. Then on August 1, 2007, after a month of Mothman sightings, the I-35W Bridge collapsed during rush hour, taking the lives of 13 people with it and injuring 145 more.

Reports of the Mothman began trickling in on June 27, 2007, preceding the collapse by a mere month. Many claimed to see the humanoid creature flapping its massive wings in the surrounding area and at the bridge itself. An Illinois woman witnessed the creepy cryptid while driving just outside of Stewartville, MN on June 27, 2007, called paranormal radio show host George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, and described the creature as having “ a huge wing about the width of a Ford.”

A West Virginia Man Claims His Dog Was Taken By The Mothman

On November 13, 1966, in Salem West, Virginia, Merle Partridge heared a loud noise outside of his home (90 miles from Point Pleasant). During an interview in Eyes of the Mothman, he recalled his television making a high pitched whining sound and his dog barking wildly.

After going outside to investigate, Partridge was startled by two glowing red eyes that belonged to no animal he’d ever seen before. He also described eerie flashing red lights that seemed to be dancing around. His hunting dog took off after the creature and that was the last he ever saw of either. He went out to search for his dog with friends the next day, but the dog was never seen again.

The combination of hundreds of Mothman sightings in the area that year, claims of red lights dancing over the TNT plant, and electrical interference during these sightings, has led to speculation that the Mothman might have extraterrestrial origins.

An Eyewitness In Wisconsin Says The Mothman Attacked His Car

On September of 2006, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Awohali, a Cherokee man, and his son were driving down an isolated stretch of road at night when the Mothman attacked them. In an interview on Monsterquest, he shared his encounter.

Awohali told how the creature flew alongside and then directly in front of their windshield, close enough to touch. They got a really good look at it, describing it as bat-like and fleshy, with sparse hair and red eyes the size of road reflectors.

He described the monster’s high-pitched screech that gave them vertigo and made them sick to their stomachs. The man’s son pulled over and threw up on the side of the road. After returning to the location a few days later (in the daytime) all they found left behind was a deer carcass they later blamed on a poacher.

Mothman Sightings Are Correlated With The Swine Flu Outbreak In Mexico

Some believe the large, hairy, red-eyed creature the people of La Junta, Mexico, began to see stalking the area in 2009 was the legendary Mothman. The sightings occurred around the time leading up to the 2009 swine flu outbreak in Mexico.

Two witnesses, Angela Mendez and Viviana Ledezma, experienced pure terror as they heard the creature’s screeches emanating out from an apple orchard near Mińaca Cemetery. A student who requested to remain anonymous reported the Mothman chasing him for 15 minutes on the night of March 6, 2009. Despite the best efforts of local authorities to hunt down the entity, no traces of it were found.

The Mothman May Have Signaled The Deadly Xiaon Te Dam Disaster

A region in Southeastern China was plagued with sightings of a figure that resembled the Mothman in early January 1926. Dubbed by locals as the “man dragon,” the shadowy, ominous figure was seen hovering above the Xiaon Te Dam. Then disaster hit the surrounding farming villages in the form of 40 billion gallons of water. The dam collapsed, resulting in the deaths of 15,000 people.