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Thread: Over 16,000 forced sterilizations (~70% on women) and about 59,000 forced abortions

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    Default Over 16,000 forced sterilizations (~70% on women) and about 59,000 forced abortions

    審査経緯明らかに 検診録など発見

    旧優生保護法の下で実施された障害者の強制不妊手術について、手術を申請した理由や経緯を記録した資料が神 奈川県立公文書館で見つかった。10代女性が「月経の始末もできない」として対象になるなど、優生手術の具 体的状況が公文書で初めて明らかになった。
    <旧優生保護法>知的障害者に不妊手術 開示記録で裏付け
    <兵庫県立こども病院>障害者への不妊手術称賛? 移転記念誌「掲載しただけ」
     発見されたのは1962年度と63年度、70年度の公文書で、強制不妊手術の適否を決める優生保護審査会 に提出された申請書や検診録など。対象者の生活史や家系図、申請理由が書かれていた。利光恵子・立命館大研 究員が資料を分析して存在を確認した。
     63年度の手術費明細書からは、優生保護法で認められていない卵巣摘出をした例や、手術で合併症を起こし た例があったことも分かった。62年度の資料によると、「仕事熱心で成績も優秀」とされた男性が統合失調症 を発症後、半年後には症状が好転していたにもかかわらず断種手術の対象になった。
     優生保護法による強制不妊手術は48~96年に全国で計1万6475件、うち神奈川県で403件実施され た。審査には障害者本人の成育歴や生活状況のほか、家族の疾患や職業が書き込まれた家系図も提出されていた 。利光研究員は「当時は適法でも、このような理由で手術が強制されていたことは驚きだ。入院が1カ月に及ん だ人もおり手術が心身に大きな影響を与えていたことが分かる」と指摘する。
     松原洋子・立命館大教授(生命倫理学)は「強制不妊手術がどのように申請され審議されたかが分かる貴重な 資料。全国の実態解明への足がかりとなることが期待される」と話す。
     これらの強制不妊手術について、国連女性差別撤廃委員会は2016年3月、日本政府に被害の実態調査と補 償を勧告したが、政府は「適法に実施されたものであり、補償は困難」との見解で実態解明は進んでいない。【 上東麻子】
     「優生上の見地から不良な子孫の出生を防止する」ことを目的に1948年制定。遺伝性疾患や精神障害、知 的障害、ハンセン病の人に対する不妊手術や人工妊娠中絶を認め、本人の同意を必要としない強制手術もあった 。障害者らの尊厳を踏みにじると批判され、96年に約6割の規定を削除して「母体保護法」に改定された。日 弁連によると、中絶手術は約5万9000件、不妊手術は本人の同意を得たものも含めると約2万5000件が 実施された。
    解説 実態解明に一歩
     今年7月、知的障害を持つ60代女性が強制不妊手術を受けたことを示す記録が宮城県で見つかり、障害者へ の不妊手術の証言が初めて公文書で裏付けられた。しかし、審査の具体的な中身は分からず、他の証言も裏付け る公的資料が不十分で強制手術の実態はほとんど明らかになっていなかった。行政機関は最低保存期間が経過し た公文書を機械的に廃棄する傾向が強いためだ。今回の資料で審査過程の一端が明らかになる意義 は大きい。
     旧優生保護法の前身の「国民優生法」(1940年制定)は、多くの精神障害者らが殺されたナチス・ドイツ の「断種法」をモデルとしていた。ドイツは戦後、被害者に補償金と年金を支給。同様に障害者への不妊手術を 合法化していたスウェーデンも90年代に実態調査し、補償を始めた。一方、日本では過去の強制不妊手術に対 する謝罪や補償は全くなされていない。
     強制不妊手術の対象は7割が女性だった。国は「当時は適法だった」と繰り返すのではなく、体を傷つけられ た被害者の声を真摯(しんし)に受け止めるべきだろう。優生思想に基づく施策の過ちを検証することなしに、 真の「共生社会」は訪れない。【上東麻子】

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    In the Kanagawa prefectural Archives, documents documenting the reasons and circumstances of the application for surgery were found on the forced sterilization of persons with disabilities under the former Eugenic Protection Act.

    It was the first time in an official document that a teenage woman was subject to "not being able to do the menstruation," and the concrete situation of eugenic surgery was revealed. I had a dream I wanted to do. Returning life > The former Eugenic Protection Act of Miyagi Women, eugenic surgery to disclose the records of infertility surgery > The Hyogo Children's Hospital > The sterilization of infertility for people with disabilities? The transfer Commemorative magazine "just published" inappropriate remark > "The attachment of natural childbirth" elementary school teacher in the classroom genetics > prejudice and misleading expression "dominant inferiority" ceased to be discovered in 1962 and 63 years, in the archives of the 70 years, The application form and the examination book submitted to the Eugenic Protection Examination Committee which determines the suitability of the compulsory sterilization The life history of the subject, family tree, and the reason for application were written.

     Toshimitsu Keiko, Ritsumeikan University researcher analyzed the material to confirm existence. From the operation cost statement for the fiscal year 63, it was found that there were cases of ovarian resection not recognized by the Eugenic Protection Act, and complications caused by surgery.

     According to an article in the 62nd fiscal year, a man who was "enthusiastic and good at work" after the onset of schizophrenia, became the subject of sterilization surgery even though the symptoms had improved after six months. Compulsory sterilization by the Eugenic Protection Act was conducted in Japan from 48 to 96, 16475 in total, and 403 in Kanagawa Prefecture. In addition to the history of the handicapped person's growth and living conditions, the family tree with the illness and the occupation of the families was written in the examination. It is surprising that the operation was forced for this reason even if it was lawful at that time Toshimitsu researcher.

     It is understood that the person in the hospitalization has had a big influence on the mind and body, too, and the surgical procedure has reached a month. " Prof. Yoko Matsubara (bioethics) is a valuable resource that tells you how the compulsory infertility surgery was applied and deliberated.

     It is expected to be a stepping stone to the elucidation of the country's realities. " About these compulsory infertility surgeries, in March 2016, the UN Women's Discrimination Committee advised the Japan government to investigate and compensate for the damage, but the government was "legally enforced and difficult to compensate."

     [Asako East] The Eugenic Protection Act was established in 1948 for the purpose of preventing the birth of a defective descendant from the viewpoint on eugenic. There was also a compulsory operation which admitted the infertility operation and the artificial abortion to the person of the hereditary disease, the mental disorder, the intellectual disorder, and leprosy, and did not need the person's consent. It was criticized for trampling the dignity of the people with disabilities, and was revised to "Maternal Protection Act" by removing about 60% of the provisions in 1996.

    According to Nichibenren, about 59000 of the abortion operation, the infertility operation was carried out about 25000 including the one which obtained the person's consent. One step further in clarifying the actual commentary in July this year, a record indicating that a woman with an intellectual disability underwent a forced sterilization was found in Miyagi prefecture, and the testimony of infertility surgery to the handicapped person was corroborated for the first time in an official document. However, the concrete contents of the examination did not understand, and the realities of the compulsion operation were hardly clarified because the public material which supports other testimonies was insufficient. Administrative agencies tend to dispose of documents that have expired for a minimum period of time.

     The purpose of this article is to clarify one part of the examination process. The "National Eugenic Act" (enacted in 1940) of the predecessor of the former Eugenic Protection Act was modeled after the "sterilization law" of Nazi Germany, where many mentally handicapped people were killed. After the war, Germany paid compensation and pensions to the victims. Likewise, the Sweden, which had legalized sterilization to the disabled, was investigated in the 1990s and began to compensate.

     On the other hand, there has been no apology or compensation for past forced sterilization in Japan. The target of the compulsory sterilization was 70% of women. The country should not repeat, "it was lawful at that time", and to take the voice of the victim who was damaged the body seriously (orientate). A true "symbiotic society" is not visited without verifying the mistakes of measures based on eugenic thought. [Asako East]

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    In the Kanagawa prefectural Archives, documents documenting the reasons and circumstances of the application for surgery were found on the forced sterilization of persons with disabilities under the former Eugenic Protection Act.

    It was the first time in an official document that a teenage woman was subject to "not being able to do the menstruation," and the concrete situation of eugenic surgery was revealed. I had a dream I wanted to do. Returning life > The former Eugenic Protection Act of Miyagi Women, eugenic surgery to disclose the records of infertility surgery > The Hyogo Children's Hospital > The sterilization of infertility for people with disabilities? The transfer Commemorative magazine "just published" inappropriate remark > "The attachment of natural childbirth" elementary school teacher in the classroom genetics > prejudice and misleading expression "dominant inferiority" ceased to be discovered in 1962 and 63 years, in the archives of the 70 years, The application form and the examination book submitted to the Eugenic Protection Examination Committee which determines the suitability of the compulsory sterilization The life history of the subject, family tree, and the reason for application were written.

     Toshimitsu Keiko, Ritsumeikan University researcher analyzed the material to confirm existence. From the operation cost statement for the fiscal year 63, it was found that there were cases of ovarian resection not recognized by the Eugenic Protection Act, and complications caused by surgery.

     According to an article in the 62nd fiscal year, a man who was "enthusiastic and good at work" after the onset of schizophrenia, became the subject of sterilization surgery even though the symptoms had improved after six months. Compulsory sterilization by the Eugenic Protection Act was conducted in Japan from 48 to 96, 16475 in total, and 403 in Kanagawa Prefecture. In addition to the history of the handicapped person's growth and living conditions, the family tree with the illness and the occupation of the families was written in the examination. It is surprising that the operation was forced for this reason even if it was lawful at that time Toshimitsu researcher.

     It is understood that the person in the hospitalization has had a big influence on the mind and body, too, and the surgical procedure has reached a month. " Prof. Yoko Matsubara (bioethics) is a valuable resource that tells you how the compulsory infertility surgery was applied and deliberated.

     It is expected to be a stepping stone to the elucidation of the country's realities. " About these compulsory infertility surgeries, in March 2016, the UN Women's Discrimination Committee advised the Japan government to investigate and compensate for the damage, but the government was "legally enforced and difficult to compensate."

     [Asako East] The Eugenic Protection Act was established in 1948 for the purpose of preventing the birth of a defective descendant from the viewpoint on eugenic. There was also a compulsory operation which admitted the infertility operation and the artificial abortion to the person of the hereditary disease, the mental disorder, the intellectual disorder, and leprosy, and did not need the person's consent. It was criticized for trampling the dignity of the people with disabilities, and was revised to "Maternal Protection Act" by removing about 60% of the provisions in 1996.

    According to Nichibenren, about 59000 of the abortion operation, the infertility operation was carried out about 25000 including the one which obtained the person's consent. One step further in clarifying the actual commentary in July this year, a record indicating that a woman with an intellectual disability underwent a forced sterilization was found in Miyagi prefecture, and the testimony of infertility surgery to the handicapped person was corroborated for the first time in an official document. However, the concrete contents of the examination did not understand, and the realities of the compulsion operation were hardly clarified because the public material which supports other testimonies was insufficient. Administrative agencies tend to dispose of documents that have expired for a minimum period of time.

     The purpose of this article is to clarify one part of the examination process. The "National Eugenic Act" (enacted in 1940) of the predecessor of the former Eugenic Protection Act was modeled after the "sterilization law" of Nazi Germany, where many mentally handicapped people were killed. After the war, Germany paid compensation and pensions to the victims. Likewise, the Sweden, which had legalized sterilization to the disabled, was investigated in the 1990s and began to compensate.

     On the other hand, there has been no apology or compensation for past forced sterilization in Japan. The target of the compulsory sterilization was 70% of women. The country should not repeat, "it was lawful at that time", and to take the voice of the victim who was damaged the body seriously (orientate). A true "symbiotic society" is not visited without verifying the mistakes of measures based on eugenic thought. [Asako East]

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    in short: it's Forced Sterilization of the Handicapped

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    Overpopulation is a serious problem, especially in China and India. I was talking with a Mexican friend today, and a good guy. He's painting my house. He told me that he was raised with 18 siblings; another words, his parents raised 19 children. That kind of thing isn't going to help us keep the world population below 10,000,000,000. Where are we now? 7,000,000,000 people?

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