Movies now are so bad. Sometimes so bad that is even disrespectful to the audience. I just watched The last jedi, and I can't believe how bad that movie was. It has plot holes, incoherences here and there, a boring narrative, bad acting, useless and unlikeable new characters, deus ex machina solutions, continuity problems to the old movies, wasted and bad portrayed characters, excessive childish jokes (that most of them weren't even funny), the most uninteresting main character, that is also a mary sue, a filler plot line that only aported animalist, feminazi and LGBT propaganda to the movie, nothing interesting in it to feel excited about (not even a light saber duel), a final that got the plot to the same point it was at the beginning... What the hell is disney doing? This movie seemed to have only marxist propaganda instead of a script...

And it's not the only movie like this, these days. Maybe is the worst, but certainly not the onlyone. It is so hard to find good movies with good stories and out of nocive propaganda today, that this is why I made this thread. For recommendations:

The last good one I saw, is called: Eddy the eagle. It has a plot, a hero, some really likeable characters, it's inspirational, has a good message, and you won't repent from seeing it. Tell me yours.