A female (Naomi) from London befriended a girl (Mary) at school (both black females) after she was bullied and felt insecure. She looked after her and protected her from bullies.

Naomi got a job working at Victoria's Secret store when she was age 20 and was followed her from her work on the train one evening.

As she walked home, her friend Mary (who disguised herself by wearing a head and face covering) followed her, and then threw acid into her friend's face in a dark and quiet street.

Naomi screamed in pain and ran home where her anxious mother doused her with water to dilute the acid.

She was rushed to hospital and suffered from severe burns that required skin grafts and surgery after she was left disfigured.

Naomi and her friends couldn't understand why anyone would want to attack her. The police questioned her intensely to try to find a suspect.


She said that Mary had threatened to throw acid on her once many years ago after a fallout, but nobody thought she meant it at the time - and they'd since made-up again.

Mary was taken into police custody for questioning and an interview, and was released. Her handbag and distinct gait and pattern of walking was caught on the CCTV cameras in the police station. Her handbag was ceased from her home and analysed by experts at the police station who found evidence that some damage was present inside the bag as a result of a corrosive substance.

It was later found that Mary was the culprit from the distinct handbag she owned that was seen carrying and her distinct walking pattern that was shown on the CCTV cameras inside the train stations following Naomi all the way home.

She'd also uploaded a picture of a disfigured man onto WhatsApp only days after Naomi's attack with the message 'Who looks like Freddy now?' But removed it a few days later - although people had noticed her sick comment.

Naomi's mother was an albino and Mary's siblings had lighter skin than she had, so Naomi said this is the reason why Mary felt insecure.

Naomi said at 38:47 onwards that Mary was envious and insecure as Naomi had a lighter skin tone than Mary;- and this was the motive for the attack.

Mary callously visited Naomi and her friends and relatives after the attack and feigned concern. She even tried to put the blame of the acid attack onto Naomi during the court trial hearing by claiming that Naomi did the horrific attack to herself.

Mary was sentenced to 12 years in jail, but could be released early on parole.