Scotland seems to owe much of its culture to two primary entities, namely the Scotti/Gaels of Dal Riata who were seen as the origin of the nation and later the Anglo-Norman lowlanders who would transform the nation over the course of the Middle Ages and early modern period. In the Hebrides the Norse culture, or at least the hybridized Norse-Gaelic culture, also plays a role.

My question is what aspects or elements of Scotland's culture, history, society, law, military, music, art, etc. can we say likely stem from the ancient Brittonic and Pictish influence? I've heard some people speculate perhaps the clan system, which is different in character to that of Gaelic Ireland in many regards, may have originated with the Picts? Anything else?

Can it be said that the assimilated Cumbric/Pictish element of Scotland is what gives it its uniqueness vis a vis the Irish Gaels on the one hand and the English on the other?