Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
Other than military there is nothing I brought up that would be 'subcontracting' to the US. I specifically pointed that you already have everything you need for a nation at the state level that isn't currently being funded by the Federal government.
It's not because you didn't point them they don't exist. Another relevant one is energy for example, California has only one viable nuclear power plant, it imports plenty of energy from other states, some have none and basically every states are interdependant from each others. Of course now they try to be more autonomous with renewable energies that will cost less but they have benefited of the US as whole for decades. Even if there wasn't economic advantages, each Europe's sovereignty is based on the fear of wars, or the absence of trust, everybody had to build their own infrastructures like no one could exchange or even sell you anything.

We could go on and on, you just don't seem to realize how costs would pile up if California or any other state for that matter was running on its own like in Europe. Any decent European country with the running costs of California would see its economy skyrocket because of everything a country has to run on his own weighs on the economical environement for businesses. Corporate taxes are higher than in most of the US but it would be ridiculously low in Europe, which are 2 to 3 times higher in the big three.

Overall it's the same thing with companies that get partionned and rebranded in subgroups so they spread plenty of costs even if they are presented as independant companies.
There s that part, and also again, it's the state with the most active economy in the US, this is like saying we are picking apart the most productive area/population of Europe and lets compare it with a complete country while running empty on taxes, it's not serious other than for the thrill of the anecdote like in the article.

Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
The EU doesn't have a common culture but it does have a common language. English is the language of business in Europe. When my cousin goes to Germany to do business it's all in English. When he is hosting it's all in English. So this point of yours is irrelevant.
It's not, you just have to go to Bruxelles, to see the bunch of cotoreps running the UE with headphones and the translators in cabines behind. The language is probably the toughest barrier, not to do businesses per say but to unify effectively the EU.

Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
Does not France have the whole of the EU behind it? There are more productive US states who like some EU nations give far more than they receive.
You must really be kidding. The UE costs us more than we get back of it, i mean factually it has been proven, but even in theory and in any economical model, this is why the majority of the countries would leave it if they were given the choice like UK, i guess even most eastern countries, but probably for other reasons than economy. Let's not even talk about the currency, however since the introduction of the Euro, at least now we can monopoly print a money almost as fake as the dollar is.