Basically, the interbreeding of homo sapiens and homo neanderthalensis caused homo sapiens to get even more sapiens, and homo sapiens fossilis turned out to be a race of homo sapiens sapiens

For me, all of that makes no sense. I believe that it was the Neanderthals that gave modern humans the right to be called "sapiens". Before that, African humans were basically primate mammals, or simply hominidae. They just left some (well, most) of their DNA in modern humans... or wait?

They say about 4% of our DNA came from Neanderthals. But, most of their DNA was shared with Homo sapiens, which means that only 0.something% of our DNA was neanderthal-specific. For me, it's all bullshit. We don't have anough samples and are just guessing. The "homo neanderthalensis" prototype could even have been just homo sapiens idaltu mixed with something we haven't discovered yet.

Well, they found some modern human samples in Greece, dated before the appearence of modern humans... everything in that areas of science is inconsistent... one day, it might even turn out that the carbon method is not reliable at all..........

But, I would bet that human intelligence definitely came from Eurasia, not Africa. Well, could also be true that average black are less intelligent, because an average black person lives in Africa, where it's hot, and long-term exposure to temperatures above 34 C causes permanent brain damage... but that's not genetic, and black living in America are averagely less intelligent than the whites.