The Reykjavik Penis Museum displays the penises of all mammal species occurring in Iceland -- with one exception. Now however, the collection has been completed:

The life of the famous man Pall Arason was important to several people, now after his death he is still making name as his preserved penis shall be present at a museum. His penis shall be the biggest attraction at the specific museum for organs.

Pall Arason, Iceland, was 95 years of age when he passed away. Sigurdur, the operator of the Phallological Museum located in the small sized fishing town of Iceland stated that the organ of Pall helped him out in completing the wide range of whale, bears, seals as well as some other mammalian members. This museum has been in function since around fourteen years, but this is for the very first time that a human specimen shall be present on the display.

Sigurdur is really happy due to the addition of a human organ; he was really worried about getting some human organ as he was not able to get any in the past fourteen years. Pall was one of his friends and he agreed to donate his penis after his death. After Pall’s death the organ was donated to the museum as per the directions of the donor.

The M.D of the Akureyi Hospital stated that the operation for the removal of Pall’s penis was conducted in the month of January under the expertise of a physician at a local morgue. The penis was then preserved and finally when it was ready for the display, it was sent to the museum where the world shall come to see it.

Images from the museum:

Article about the museum's founder, Sigurdur Hjartarson. Although I'm baffled as to why it's posted in Slate's "sex" section.