The US is in the throes of election season with the Midterm Election this Tuesday (Nov. 6th)! While I was unable to vote in Germany, I was fortunate enough to be there during their 2017 Bundestagswahl and I immediately noticed and learned some huge differences between US and German elections/campaigns/voting. I thought this would be the perfect time to make a video to discuss it with you guys!

Hi! I'm Kelly and I am an American who lived in Germany for 18 wonderful months. While I lived abroad before in Turkey and had done quite a bit of traveling beforehand, those 18 months in Germany definitely broadened my perspective of Germany, Europe, and even the US in so many different ways! I wanted to share my perceptions with you guys through YouTube so that maybe you can gain context to things you've heard about, or learn new information or a different perspective, or maybe this is everything you've heard before and further confirms your world view. No matter what the reason, I hope that you enjoy my videos! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications so that you always know when I'm posting new content