You have included 47 images in your message. You are limited to using 15 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Since it is possible to post only 15 images, I left only ones that need some comment/translation. For the rest check the source.

Organisation of radio.

Organisation of scouting.

Civilians are being gathered and forced to cross partisan minefields. :\

The work of the headquarters.

Partisans are having a rest. Partisan squad "Hurricane".

The workshop of mashineguns.

"Hurricane" receives the temporary right to keep the red banner.

Propaganda work among people.

Forest barbershop.

Crazy train. xD

Partisans and the Red Army fight together.

With joy partisans met the first Soviet tanks.

The expedition of German "punishers" was trooped round and destroyed.

Big planes delivered ammunition and weapon.

The first plane landed on the partisan airfield.