>>>Part of the Music Box post I had to cut short because I was prematurely derailing my own thread lul.

The REAL World War (or any war) was that Nazis (and Soviets) (and the Japanese) (and everyone who ever war'd before) raped, killed, maimed, experimented on people, then they had a hearty healthy breakfast, took a shit, kissed spouses on the lips, smelled flowers while contemplating how beautiful the world is like business as usual because they were human like everyone else and dehumanizing them only makes philistine masses feel good inside but, nigga, I see yo tricks. Nazis as uberevil villains that be ebil at all times is a sick Hollywood fantasy that needs to be retired ASAP.

All tragedies that ever happened in human history are made of the really really ordinary and the really really horrific. There ain't no violin players standing at a massacre ready to provide the "appropriate" backdrop music. Events just happen, always. Nazi Germany citizens were regular people with dumb vacant stares watching an entire population of people just vanish, thinking "well it ain't me, so" or "I am just a good citizen following because that's what I do best." This is the REAL war, dawg.

But the real war IS boring so why not have, say, a boring independent agency do a boring NGO-subsidized film production to inform the curious public about past war crimes and tragedies in a boring but factual way instead of the Big Gulp corporations who sell a shining well-put together product? H*llywood producing their exploitative clown-ass shit with wimpy violin soundtracks, chiseled Anglo-Saxon dudes cosplaying as Nazis as they read over-ridiculous lines while 10 iPhones get every angle of them and then it's a cashout time, biach. Smh. The same money that the film producer put in to build a little Nazi Germany filming set where Nazis stomp on Jewish babies ultimately goes into buying their new Wraith (goddamn), leather Balmains (ooh!), and a private jet to Dubai (esskeeeee-

But I digress.
(Fuck me in the ass with a fake Nazi Germany soldier's Hugo Boss leather shoes' heel for writing all of this. Nobody gives a shit and worst of all I can't even talk to "normies" about "Hollywood Holocaust movies = bad" without coming off as a self-hating weirdo;
  • to indifferent Buzzfeed quiz-obsessed leftist niggas as a "bizarre revisionist" for not fitting their preconceived notions of how I, as a [identity politics and one-drop rule creepy fetish intensify] should "properly" see Nazis as;
  • to right-wing niggas even more of a "subhuman" than how Nazis saw us.
  • and moms, likewise, be like "Omg you so cold-hearted" which is her all-time favorite catchphrase)
